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Example 16 with TemplateSequenceModel

use of freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel in project freemarker by apache.

the class Environment method invokeNodeHandlerFor.

 * Used for {@code #visit} and {@code #recurse}.
void invokeNodeHandlerFor(TemplateNodeModel node, TemplateSequenceModel namespaces) throws TemplateException, IOException {
    if (nodeNamespaces == null) {
        SimpleSequence ss = new SimpleSequence(1);
        nodeNamespaces = ss;
    int prevNodeNamespaceIndex = this.nodeNamespaceIndex;
    String prevNodeName = this.currentNodeName;
    String prevNodeNS = this.currentNodeNS;
    TemplateSequenceModel prevNodeNamespaces = nodeNamespaces;
    TemplateNodeModel prevVisitorNode = currentVisitorNode;
    currentVisitorNode = node;
    if (namespaces != null) {
        this.nodeNamespaces = namespaces;
    try {
        TemplateModel macroOrTransform = getNodeProcessor(node);
        if (macroOrTransform instanceof Macro) {
            invoke((Macro) macroOrTransform, null, null, null, null);
        } else if (macroOrTransform instanceof TemplateTransformModel) {
            visitAndTransform(null, (TemplateTransformModel) macroOrTransform, null);
        } else {
            String nodeType = node.getNodeType();
            if (nodeType != null) {
                // If the node's type is 'text', we just output it.
                if ((nodeType.equals("text") && node instanceof TemplateScalarModel)) {
                    out.write(((TemplateScalarModel) node).getAsString());
                } else if (nodeType.equals("document")) {
                    recurse(node, namespaces);
                } else // we just ignore it.
                if (!nodeType.equals("pi") && !nodeType.equals("comment") && !nodeType.equals("document_type")) {
                    throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, noNodeHandlerDefinedDescription(node, node.getNodeNamespace(), nodeType));
            } else {
                throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, noNodeHandlerDefinedDescription(node, node.getNodeNamespace(), "default"));
    } finally {
        this.currentVisitorNode = prevVisitorNode;
        this.nodeNamespaceIndex = prevNodeNamespaceIndex;
        this.currentNodeName = prevNodeName;
        this.currentNodeNS = prevNodeNS;
        this.nodeNamespaces = prevNodeNamespaces;
Also used : TemplateSequenceModel(freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel) TemplateNodeModel(freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel) TemplateTransformModel(freemarker.template.TemplateTransformModel) TemplateScalarModel(freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel) TemplateModel(freemarker.template.TemplateModel) SimpleSequence(freemarker.template.SimpleSequence)

Example 17 with TemplateSequenceModel

use of freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel in project freemarker by apache.

the class Interpret method calculateResult.

 * Constructs a template on-the-fly and returns it embedded in a
 * {@link TemplateTransformModel}.
 * <p>The built-in has two arguments:
 * the arguments passed to the method. It can receive at
 * least one and at most two arguments, both must evaluate to a scalar.
 * The first scalar is interpreted as a template source code and a template
 * is built from it. The second (optional) is used to give the generated
 * template a name.
 * @return a {@link TemplateTransformModel} that when executed inside
 * a <tt>&lt;transform></tt> block will process the generated template
 * just as if it had been <tt>&lt;transform></tt>-ed at that point.
protected TemplateModel calculateResult(Environment env) throws TemplateException {
    TemplateModel model = target.eval(env);
    Expression sourceExpr = null;
    String id = "anonymous_interpreted";
    if (model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
        sourceExpr = ((Expression) new DynamicKeyName(target, new NumberLiteral(Integer.valueOf(0))).copyLocationFrom(target));
        if (((TemplateSequenceModel) model).size() > 1) {
            id = ((Expression) new DynamicKeyName(target, new NumberLiteral(Integer.valueOf(1))).copyLocationFrom(target)).evalAndCoerceToPlainText(env);
    } else if (model instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
        sourceExpr = target;
    } else {
        throw new UnexpectedTypeException(target, model, "sequence or string", new Class[] { TemplateSequenceModel.class, TemplateScalarModel.class }, env);
    String templateSource = sourceExpr.evalAndCoerceToPlainText(env);
    Template parentTemplate = env.getConfiguration().getIncompatibleImprovements().intValue() >= _TemplateAPI.VERSION_INT_2_3_26 ? env.getCurrentTemplate() : env.getTemplate();
    final Template interpretedTemplate;
    try {
        ParserConfiguration pCfg = parentTemplate.getParserConfiguration();
        // pCfg.outputFormat is exceptional: it's inherited from the lexical context
        if (pCfg.getOutputFormat() != outputFormat) {
            pCfg = new _ParserConfigurationWithInheritedFormat(pCfg, outputFormat, Integer.valueOf(autoEscapingPolicy));
        interpretedTemplate = new Template((parentTemplate.getName() != null ? parentTemplate.getName() : "nameless_template") + "->" + id, null, new StringReader(templateSource), parentTemplate.getConfiguration(), pCfg, null);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, e, env, new Object[] { "Template parsing with \"?", key, "\" has failed with this error:\n\n", _MessageUtil.EMBEDDED_MESSAGE_BEGIN, new _DelayedGetMessage(e), _MessageUtil.EMBEDDED_MESSAGE_END, "\n\nThe failed expression:" });
    return new TemplateProcessorModel(interpretedTemplate);
Also used : TemplateSequenceModel(freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel) TemplateModel(freemarker.template.TemplateModel) IOException( Template(freemarker.template.Template) StringReader( TemplateScalarModel(freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel)

Example 18 with TemplateSequenceModel

use of freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel in project freemarker by apache.

the class VisitNode method accept.

TemplateElement[] accept(Environment env) throws IOException, TemplateException {
    TemplateModel node = targetNode.eval(env);
    if (!(node instanceof TemplateNodeModel)) {
        throw new NonNodeException(targetNode, node, env);
    TemplateModel nss = namespaces == null ? null : namespaces.eval(env);
    if (namespaces instanceof StringLiteral) {
        nss = env.importLib(((TemplateScalarModel) nss).getAsString(), null);
    } else if (namespaces instanceof ListLiteral) {
        nss = ((ListLiteral) namespaces).evaluateStringsToNamespaces(env);
    if (nss != null) {
        if (nss instanceof Environment.Namespace) {
            SimpleSequence ss = new SimpleSequence(1);
            nss = ss;
        } else if (!(nss instanceof TemplateSequenceModel)) {
            if (namespaces != null) {
                throw new NonSequenceException(namespaces, nss, env);
            } else {
                // Should not occur
                throw new _MiscTemplateException(env, "Expecting a sequence of namespaces after \"using\"");
    env.invokeNodeHandlerFor((TemplateNodeModel) node, (TemplateSequenceModel) nss);
    return null;
Also used : TemplateSequenceModel(freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel) TemplateNodeModel(freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel) TemplateScalarModel(freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel) TemplateModel(freemarker.template.TemplateModel) SimpleSequence(freemarker.template.SimpleSequence)

Example 19 with TemplateSequenceModel

use of freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel in project freemarker by apache.

the class RecurseNode method accept.

TemplateElement[] accept(Environment env) throws IOException, TemplateException {
    TemplateModel node = targetNode == null ? null : targetNode.eval(env);
    if (node != null && !(node instanceof TemplateNodeModel)) {
        throw new NonNodeException(targetNode, node, "node", env);
    TemplateModel nss = namespaces == null ? null : namespaces.eval(env);
    if (namespaces instanceof StringLiteral) {
        nss = env.importLib(((TemplateScalarModel) nss).getAsString(), null);
    } else if (namespaces instanceof ListLiteral) {
        nss = ((ListLiteral) namespaces).evaluateStringsToNamespaces(env);
    if (nss != null) {
        if (nss instanceof TemplateHashModel) {
            SimpleSequence ss = new SimpleSequence(1);
            nss = ss;
        } else if (!(nss instanceof TemplateSequenceModel)) {
            if (namespaces != null) {
                throw new NonSequenceException(namespaces, nss, env);
            } else {
                // Should not occur
                throw new _MiscTemplateException(env, "Expecting a sequence of namespaces after \"using\"");
    env.recurse((TemplateNodeModel) node, (TemplateSequenceModel) nss);
    return null;
Also used : TemplateSequenceModel(freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel) TemplateHashModel(freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel) TemplateNodeModel(freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel) TemplateScalarModel(freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel) TemplateModel(freemarker.template.TemplateModel) SimpleSequence(freemarker.template.SimpleSequence)

Example 20 with TemplateSequenceModel

use of freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel in project freemarker by apache.

the class BeansWrapper method tryUnwrapTo.

 * See {@link #tryUnwrapTo(TemplateModel, Class, int)}.
private Object tryUnwrapTo(final TemplateModel model, Class<?> targetClass, final int typeFlags, final Map<Object, Object> recursionStops) throws TemplateModelException {
    if (model == null || model == nullModel) {
        return null;
    final boolean is2321Bugfixed = is2321Bugfixed();
    if (is2321Bugfixed && targetClass.isPrimitive()) {
        targetClass = ClassUtil.primitiveClassToBoxingClass(targetClass);
    // passed as an argument to TemplateMethodModelEx etc.
    if (model instanceof AdapterTemplateModel) {
        Object wrapped = ((AdapterTemplateModel) model).getAdaptedObject(targetClass);
        if (targetClass == Object.class || targetClass.isInstance(wrapped)) {
            return wrapped;
        // Attempt numeric conversion:
        if (targetClass != Object.class && (wrapped instanceof Number && ClassUtil.isNumerical(targetClass))) {
            Number number = forceUnwrappedNumberToType((Number) wrapped, targetClass, is2321Bugfixed);
            if (number != null)
                return number;
    if (model instanceof WrapperTemplateModel) {
        Object wrapped = ((WrapperTemplateModel) model).getWrappedObject();
        if (targetClass == Object.class || targetClass.isInstance(wrapped)) {
            return wrapped;
        // Attempt numeric conversion:
        if (targetClass != Object.class && (wrapped instanceof Number && ClassUtil.isNumerical(targetClass))) {
            Number number = forceUnwrappedNumberToType((Number) wrapped, targetClass, is2321Bugfixed);
            if (number != null) {
                return number;
    // know what is expected as the return type.
    if (targetClass != Object.class) {
        // [2.4][IcI]: Should also check for CharSequence at the end
        if (String.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
                return ((TemplateScalarModel) model).getAsString();
            // String is final, so no other conversion will work
            return ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper.CANT_UNWRAP_TO_TARGET_CLASS;
        // Primitive numeric types & Number.class and its subclasses
        if (ClassUtil.isNumerical(targetClass)) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateNumberModel) {
                Number number = forceUnwrappedNumberToType(((TemplateNumberModel) model).getAsNumber(), targetClass, is2321Bugfixed);
                if (number != null) {
                    return number;
        if (boolean.class == targetClass || Boolean.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateBooleanModel) {
                return Boolean.valueOf(((TemplateBooleanModel) model).getAsBoolean());
            // Boolean is final, no other conversion will work
            return ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper.CANT_UNWRAP_TO_TARGET_CLASS;
        if (Map.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateHashModel) {
                return new HashAdapter((TemplateHashModel) model, this);
        if (List.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
                return new SequenceAdapter((TemplateSequenceModel) model, this);
        if (Set.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateCollectionModel) {
                return new SetAdapter((TemplateCollectionModel) model, this);
        if (Collection.class == targetClass || Iterable.class == targetClass) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateCollectionModel) {
                return new CollectionAdapter((TemplateCollectionModel) model, this);
            if (model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
                return new SequenceAdapter((TemplateSequenceModel) model, this);
        // TemplateSequenceModels can be converted to arrays
        if (targetClass.isArray()) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
                return unwrapSequenceToArray((TemplateSequenceModel) model, targetClass, true, recursionStops);
            // array classes are final, no other conversion will work
            return ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper.CANT_UNWRAP_TO_TARGET_CLASS;
        // Allow one-char strings to be coerced to characters
        if (char.class == targetClass || targetClass == Character.class) {
            if (model instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
                String s = ((TemplateScalarModel) model).getAsString();
                if (s.length() == 1) {
                    return Character.valueOf(s.charAt(0));
            // Character is final, no other conversion will work
            return ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper.CANT_UNWRAP_TO_TARGET_CLASS;
        if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass) && model instanceof TemplateDateModel) {
            Date date = ((TemplateDateModel) model).getAsDate();
            if (targetClass.isInstance(date)) {
                return date;
    // End: if (targetClass != Object.class)
    // Since the targetClass was of no help initially, now we use
    // a quite arbitrary order in which we walk through the TemplateModel subinterfaces, and unwrapp them to
    // their "natural" Java correspondent. We still try exclude unwrappings that won't fit the target parameter
    // type(s). This is mostly important because of multi-typed FTL values that could be unwrapped on multiple ways.
    // Iteration's Type Flags. Should be always 0 for non-overloaded and when !is2321Bugfixed.
    int itf = typeFlags;
    // returned, once more with itf == 0. Otherwise we execute this once with itf == 0.
    do {
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_NUMBER) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateNumberModel) {
            Number number = ((TemplateNumberModel) model).getAsNumber();
            if (itf != 0 || targetClass.isInstance(number)) {
                return number;
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_DATE) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateDateModel) {
            Date date = ((TemplateDateModel) model).getAsDate();
            if (itf != 0 || targetClass.isInstance(date)) {
                return date;
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & (TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_STRING | TypeFlags.CHARACTER)) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateScalarModel && (itf != 0 || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(String.class))) {
            String strVal = ((TemplateScalarModel) model).getAsString();
            if (itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.CHARACTER) == 0) {
                return strVal;
            } else {
                // TypeFlags.CHAR == 1
                if (strVal.length() == 1) {
                    if ((itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_STRING) != 0) {
                        return new CharacterOrString(strVal);
                    } else {
                        return Character.valueOf(strVal.charAt(0));
                } else if ((itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_STRING) != 0) {
                    return strVal;
            // It had to be unwrapped to Character, but the string length wasn't 1 => Fall through
        // Should be earlier than TemplateScalarModel, but we keep it here until FM 2.4 or such
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_BOOLEAN) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateBooleanModel && (itf != 0 || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(Boolean.class))) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(((TemplateBooleanModel) model).getAsBoolean());
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_MAP) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateHashModel && (itf != 0 || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(HashAdapter.class))) {
            return new HashAdapter((TemplateHashModel) model, this);
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_LIST) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel && (itf != 0 || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(SequenceAdapter.class))) {
            return new SequenceAdapter((TemplateSequenceModel) model, this);
        if ((itf == 0 || (itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_SET) != 0) && model instanceof TemplateCollectionModel && (itf != 0 || targetClass.isAssignableFrom(SetAdapter.class))) {
            return new SetAdapter((TemplateCollectionModel) model, this);
        // enough to check if the TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_ARRAY bit is 1:
        if ((itf & TypeFlags.ACCEPTS_ARRAY) != 0 && model instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
            return new SequenceAdapter((TemplateSequenceModel) model, this);
        if (itf == 0) {
        // start 2nd iteration
        itf = 0;
    } while (true);
    // Note that this will be always true for Object.class targetClass.
    if (targetClass.isInstance(model)) {
        return model;
    return ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper.CANT_UNWRAP_TO_TARGET_CLASS;
Also used : TemplateSequenceModel(freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel) TemplateNumberModel(freemarker.template.TemplateNumberModel) TemplateDateModel(freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel) AdapterTemplateModel(freemarker.template.AdapterTemplateModel) Date(java.util.Date) TemplateHashModel(freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel) Collection(java.util.Collection) AccessibleObject(java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject) TemplateScalarModel(freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel) WrapperTemplateModel(freemarker.ext.util.WrapperTemplateModel) TemplateCollectionModel(freemarker.template.TemplateCollectionModel) TemplateBooleanModel(freemarker.template.TemplateBooleanModel)


TemplateSequenceModel (freemarker.template.TemplateSequenceModel)21 TemplateScalarModel (freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel)9 TemplateModel (freemarker.template.TemplateModel)8 TemplateHashModel (freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel)7 SimpleSequence (freemarker.template.SimpleSequence)6 TemplateNodeModel (freemarker.template.TemplateNodeModel)6 SimpleScalar (freemarker.template.SimpleScalar)5 TemplateNumberModel (freemarker.template.TemplateNumberModel)4 TemplateModelException (freemarker.template.TemplateModelException)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 TemplateMethodModelEx (freemarker.template.TemplateMethodModelEx)2 TemplateTransformModel (freemarker.template.TemplateTransformModel)2 IOException ( AccessibleObject (java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject)2 ImmutableList ( ImmutableListMultimap ( freemarker.core._TemplateModelException (freemarker.core._TemplateModelException)1 DebugModel (freemarker.debug.DebugModel)1 WrapperTemplateModel (freemarker.ext.util.WrapperTemplateModel)1 AdapterTemplateModel (freemarker.template.AdapterTemplateModel)1