use of in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class ProPoliticsAi method politicalActions.
List<PoliticalActionAttachment> politicalActions() {
final GameData data = ProData.getData();
final PlayerID player = ProData.getPlayer();
final float numPlayers = data.getPlayerList().getPlayers().size();
final double round = data.getSequence().getRound();
final ProTerritoryManager territoryManager = new ProTerritoryManager(calc);
final PoliticsDelegate politicsDelegate = DelegateFinder.politicsDelegate(data);"Politics for " + player.getName());
// Find valid war actions
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> actionChoicesTowardsWar = AiPoliticalUtils.getPoliticalActionsTowardsWar(player, politicsDelegate.getTestedConditions(), data);
ProLogger.trace("War options: " + actionChoicesTowardsWar);
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> validWarActions = CollectionUtils.getMatches(actionChoicesTowardsWar, Matches.abstractUserActionAttachmentCanBeAttempted(politicsDelegate.getTestedConditions()));
ProLogger.trace("Valid War options: " + validWarActions);
// Divide war actions into enemy and neutral
final Map<PoliticalActionAttachment, List<PlayerID>> enemyMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<PoliticalActionAttachment, List<PlayerID>> neutralMap = new HashMap<>();
for (final PoliticalActionAttachment action : validWarActions) {
final List<PlayerID> warPlayers = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String relationshipChange : action.getRelationshipChange()) {
final String[] s = relationshipChange.split(":");
final PlayerID player1 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[0]);
final PlayerID player2 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(s[1]);
final RelationshipType oldRelation = data.getRelationshipTracker().getRelationshipType(player1, player2);
final RelationshipType newRelation = data.getRelationshipTypeList().getRelationshipType(s[2]);
if (!oldRelation.equals(newRelation) && Matches.relationshipTypeIsAtWar().test(newRelation) && (player1.equals(player) || player2.equals(player))) {
PlayerID warPlayer = player2;
if (warPlayer.equals(player)) {
warPlayer = player1;
if (!warPlayers.isEmpty()) {
if (ProUtils.isNeutralPlayer(warPlayers.get(0))) {
neutralMap.put(action, warPlayers);
} else {
enemyMap.put(action, warPlayers);
ProLogger.debug("Neutral options: " + neutralMap);
ProLogger.debug("Enemy options: " + enemyMap);
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> results = new ArrayList<>();
if (!enemyMap.isEmpty()) {
// Find all attack options
final List<ProTerritory> attackOptions = territoryManager.removePotentialTerritoriesThatCantBeConquered();
ProLogger.trace(player.getName() + ", numAttackOptions=" + attackOptions.size() + ", options=" + attackOptions);
// Find attack options per war action
final Map<PoliticalActionAttachment, Double> attackPercentageMap = new HashMap<>();
for (final PoliticalActionAttachment action : enemyMap.keySet()) {
int count = 0;
final List<PlayerID> enemyPlayers = enemyMap.get(action);
for (final ProTerritory patd : attackOptions) {
if (Matches.isTerritoryOwnedBy(enemyPlayers).test(patd.getTerritory()) || Matches.territoryHasUnitsThatMatch(Matches.unitOwnedBy(enemyPlayers)).test(patd.getTerritory())) {
final double attackPercentage = count / (attackOptions.size() + 1.0);
attackPercentageMap.put(action, attackPercentage);
ProLogger.trace(enemyPlayers + ", count=" + count + ", attackPercentage=" + attackPercentage);
// Decide whether to declare war on an enemy
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> options = new ArrayList<>(attackPercentageMap.keySet());
for (final PoliticalActionAttachment action : options) {
// 0, .05, .1, .15, etc
final double roundFactor = (round - 1) * .05;
final double warChance = roundFactor + attackPercentageMap.get(action) * (1 + 10 * roundFactor);
final double random = Math.random();
ProLogger.trace(enemyMap.get(action) + ", warChance=" + warChance + ", random=" + random);
if (random <= warChance) {
ProLogger.debug("---Declared war on " + enemyMap.get(action));
} else if (!neutralMap.isEmpty()) {
// Decide whether to declare war on a neutral
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> options = new ArrayList<>(neutralMap.keySet());
final double random = Math.random();
final double warChance = .01;
ProLogger.debug("warChance=" + warChance + ", random=" + random);
if (random <= warChance) {
ProLogger.debug("Declared war on " + enemyMap.get(options.get(0)));
// Old code used for non-war actions
if (Math.random() < .5) {
final List<PoliticalActionAttachment> actionChoicesOther = AiPoliticalUtils.getPoliticalActionsOther(player, politicsDelegate.getTestedConditions(), data);
if (actionChoicesOther != null && !actionChoicesOther.isEmpty()) {
int i = 0;
final double random = Math.random();
final int maxOtherActionsPerTurn = (random < .3 ? 0 : (random < .6 ? 1 : (random < .9 ? 2 : (random < .99 ? 3 : (int) numPlayers))));
final Iterator<PoliticalActionAttachment> actionOtherIter = actionChoicesOther.iterator();
while (actionOtherIter.hasNext() && maxOtherActionsPerTurn > 0) {
final PoliticalActionAttachment action =;
if (!Matches.abstractUserActionAttachmentCanBeAttempted(politicsDelegate.getTestedConditions()).test(action)) {
if (action.getCostPu() > 0 && action.getCostPu() > player.getResources().getQuantity(Constants.PUS)) {
if (i > maxOtherActionsPerTurn) {
return results;
use of in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class AiPoliticalUtils method goesTowardsWar.
// this code has a rare risk of circular loop actions.. depending on the map
// designer
// only switches from a Neutral to an War state... won't go through
// in-between neutral states
// TODO have another look at this part.
private static boolean goesTowardsWar(final PoliticalActionAttachment nextAction, final PlayerID p0, final GameData data) {
for (final String relationshipChangeString : nextAction.getRelationshipChange()) {
final String[] relationshipChange = relationshipChangeString.split(":");
final PlayerID p1 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(relationshipChange[0]);
final PlayerID p2 = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerId(relationshipChange[1]);
// only continue if p1 or p2 is the AI
if (p0.equals(p1) || p0.equals(p2)) {
final RelationshipType currentType = data.getRelationshipTracker().getRelationshipType(p1, p2);
final RelationshipType newType = data.getRelationshipTypeList().getRelationshipType(relationshipChange[2]);
if (currentType.getRelationshipTypeAttachment().isNeutral() && newType.getRelationshipTypeAttachment().isWar()) {
return true;
return false;