use of games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class RevisedTest method testStratBombCasualties.
public void testStratBombCasualties() {
final Territory germany = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("Germany");
final Territory uk = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("United Kingdom");
final PlayerID germans = GameDataTestUtil.germans(gameData);
final PlayerID british = GameDataTestUtil.british(gameData);
final BattleTracker tracker = new BattleTracker();
final StrategicBombingRaidBattle battle = new StrategicBombingRaidBattle(germany, gameData, british, tracker);
final List<Unit> bombers = uk.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsStrategicBomber());
addTo(germany, bombers);
battle.addAttackChange(gameData.getMap().getRoute(uk, germany), bombers, null);
tracker.getBattleRecords().addBattle(british, battle.getBattleId(), germany, battle.getBattleType());
final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(british);
// aa guns rolls 0 and hits
bridge.setRandomSource(new ScriptedRandomSource(new int[] { 0, ScriptedRandomSource.ERROR }));
final int pusBeforeRaid = germans.getResources().getQuantity(gameData.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS));
final int pusAfterRaid = germans.getResources().getQuantity(gameData.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS));
assertEquals(pusBeforeRaid, pusAfterRaid);
assertEquals(0, germany.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(british)).size());
use of games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class RevisedTest method testAttackDestroyerAndSubsAgainstSubAndDestroyer.
public void testAttackDestroyerAndSubsAgainstSubAndDestroyer() {
final String defender = "Germans";
final String attacker = "British";
final Territory attacked = territory("31 Sea Zone", gameData);
final Territory from = territory("32 Sea Zone", gameData);
// 1 sub and 1 destroyer attack 1 sub and 1 destroyer
// defender sneak attacks, not attacker
addTo(from, submarine(gameData).create(1, british(gameData)));
addTo(from, destroyer(gameData).create(1, british(gameData)));
addTo(attacked, submarine(gameData).create(1, germans(gameData)));
addTo(attacked, destroyer(gameData).create(1, germans(gameData)));
final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(british(gameData));
move(from.getUnits().getUnits(), new Route(from, attacked));
final MustFightBattle battle = (MustFightBattle) AbstractMoveDelegate.getBattleTracker(gameData).getPendingBattle(attacked, false, null);
final List<String> steps = battle.determineStepStrings(true);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(attacker + SUBS_FIRE, defender + SELECT_SUB_CASUALTIES, defender + SUBS_FIRE, attacker + SELECT_SUB_CASUALTIES, attacker + FIRE, defender + SELECT_CASUALTIES, defender + FIRE, attacker + SELECT_CASUALTIES, REMOVE_CASUALTIES, attacker + SUBS_SUBMERGE, defender + SUBS_SUBMERGE, attacker + ATTACKER_WITHDRAW).toString(), steps.toString());
final List<IExecutable> execs = battle.getBattleExecutables(false);
final int attackSubs = getIndex(execs, MustFightBattle.AttackSubs.class);
final int defendSubs = getIndex(execs, MustFightBattle.DefendSubs.class);
assertTrue(attackSubs < defendSubs);
when(dummyPlayer.selectCasualties(any(), any(), anyInt(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), any(), any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean())).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
final Collection<Unit> selectFrom = invocation.getArgument(0);
return new CasualtyDetails(Collections.singletonList(selectFrom.iterator().next()), new ArrayList<>(), false);
final ScriptedRandomSource randomSource = new ScriptedRandomSource(0, 0, 0, 0, ScriptedRandomSource.ERROR);
assertEquals(4, randomSource.getTotalRolled());
assertEquals(0, attacked.getUnits().size());
use of games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class RevisedTest method testStratBombCasualtiesLowLuck.
public void testStratBombCasualtiesLowLuck() {
final Territory germany = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("Germany");
final Territory uk = gameData.getMap().getTerritory("United Kingdom");
final PlayerID germans = GameDataTestUtil.germans(gameData);
final PlayerID british = GameDataTestUtil.british(gameData);
final BattleTracker tracker = new BattleTracker();
final StrategicBombingRaidBattle battle = new StrategicBombingRaidBattle(germany, gameData, british, tracker);
final List<Unit> bombers = bomber(gameData).create(2, british);
addTo(germany, bombers);
battle.addAttackChange(gameData.getMap().getRoute(uk, germany), bombers, null);
tracker.getBattleRecords().addBattle(british, battle.getBattleId(), germany, battle.getBattleType());
final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(british);
// should be exactly 3 rolls total. would be exactly 2 rolls if the number of units being shot at = max dice side of
// the AA gun, because
// the casualty selection roll would not happen in LL
// first 0 is the AA gun rolling 1@2 and getting a 1, which is a hit
// second 0 is the LL AA casualty selection randomly picking the first unit to die
// third 0 is the single remaining bomber dealing 1 damage to the enemy's PUs
bridge.setRandomSource(new ScriptedRandomSource(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, ScriptedRandomSource.ERROR }));
final int pusBeforeRaid = germans.getResources().getQuantity(gameData.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS));
final int pusAfterRaid = germans.getResources().getQuantity(gameData.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS));
assertEquals(pusBeforeRaid - 1, pusAfterRaid);
assertEquals(1, germany.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(british)).size());
use of games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class RevisedTest method testAttackSubsOnDestroyer.
public void testAttackSubsOnDestroyer() {
final String defender = "Germans";
final String attacker = "British";
final Territory attacked = territory("31 Sea Zone", gameData);
final Territory from = territory("32 Sea Zone", gameData);
// 2 sub attacks 1 sub and 1 destroyer
addTo(from, submarine(gameData).create(2, british(gameData)));
addTo(attacked, submarine(gameData).create(1, germans(gameData)));
addTo(attacked, destroyer(gameData).create(1, germans(gameData)));
final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(british(gameData));
move(from.getUnits().getUnits(), new Route(from, attacked));
final MustFightBattle battle = (MustFightBattle) AbstractMoveDelegate.getBattleTracker(gameData).getPendingBattle(attacked, false, null);
final List<String> steps = battle.determineStepStrings(true);
* Here are the exact errata clarifications on how REVISED rules subs work:
* Every sub, regardless of whether it is on the attacking or defending side, fires in the Opening Fire step of
* combat. That is the only
* time a sub ever fires.
* Losses caused by attacking or defending subs are removed at the end of the Opening Fire step, before normal
* attack and defense rolls,
* unless the enemy has a destroyer present.
* If the enemy (attacker or defender) has a destroyer, then hits caused by your subs are not removed until the
* Remove Casualties step
* (step 6) of combat.
* In other words, subs work exactly the same for the attacker and the defender. Nothing, not even a destroyer, ever
* stops a sub from
* rolling its die (attack or defense) in the Opening Fire step.
* What a destroyer does do is let you keep your units that were sunk by enemy subs on the battle board until step
* 6, allowing them to
* fire back before going to the scrap heap.
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(attacker + SUBS_FIRE, defender + SELECT_SUB_CASUALTIES, defender + SUBS_FIRE, attacker + SELECT_SUB_CASUALTIES, REMOVE_SNEAK_ATTACK_CASUALTIES, defender + FIRE, attacker + SELECT_CASUALTIES, REMOVE_CASUALTIES, attacker + SUBS_SUBMERGE, defender + SUBS_SUBMERGE, attacker + ATTACKER_WITHDRAW).toString(), steps.toString());
final List<IExecutable> execs = battle.getBattleExecutables(false);
final int attackSubs = getIndex(execs, MustFightBattle.AttackSubs.class);
final int defendSubs = getIndex(execs, MustFightBattle.DefendSubs.class);
assertTrue(attackSubs < defendSubs);
// attacking subs fires, defending destroyer and sub still gets to fire
// attacking subs still gets to fire even if defending sub hits
final ScriptedRandomSource randomSource = new ScriptedRandomSource(0, 2, 0, 0, ScriptedRandomSource.ERROR);
assertEquals(4, randomSource.getTotalRolled());
assertEquals(1, attacked.getUnits().size());
use of games.strategy.engine.random.ScriptedRandomSource in project triplea by triplea-game.
the class RevisedTest method testMultipleOverFlyBombersDies.
public void testMultipleOverFlyBombersDies() {
final PlayerID british = british(gameData);
final MoveDelegate moveDelegate = (MoveDelegate) gameData.getDelegateList().getDelegate("move");
final ITestDelegateBridge bridge = getDelegateBridge(british);
bridge.setRandomSource(new ScriptedRandomSource(0, 4));
final Territory uk = territory("United Kingdom", gameData);
final Territory sz7 = territory("7 Sea Zone", gameData);
final Territory we = territory("Western Europe", gameData);
final Territory se = territory("Southern Europe", gameData);
final Territory balk = territory("Balkans", gameData);
addTo(uk, bomber(gameData).create(1, british));
final Route route = new Route(uk, sz7, we, se, balk);
move(uk.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsStrategicBomber()), route);
// the aa gun should have fired (one hit, one miss in each territory overflown). the bombers no longer exists