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Example 41 with INode

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ModeratorController method boot.

public void boot(final INode node) {
    // You can't boot the server node
    if (serverMessenger.getServerNode().equals(node)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot boot server node");
    final INode modNode = MessageContext.getSender();
    final String mac = getNodeMacAddress(node);
    serverMessenger.removeConnection(node);"User was booted from the lobby. Username: %s IP: %s Mac: %s Mod Username: %s Mod IP: %s Mod Mac: %s", node.getName(), node.getAddress().getHostAddress(), mac, modNode.getName(), modNode.getAddress().getHostAddress(), getNodeMacAddress(modNode)));
Also used : INode(

Example 42 with INode

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class RemoteHostUtils method getConnections.

public String getConnections() {
    if (!MessageContext.getSender().equals(serverNode)) {
        return "Not accepted!";
    if (serverMessenger != null) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Connected: " + serverMessenger.isConnected() + "\n" + "Nodes: \n");
        final Set<INode> nodes = serverMessenger.getNodes();
        if (nodes == null) {
            sb.append("  null\n");
        } else {
            for (final INode node : nodes) {
                sb.append("  ").append(node).append("\n");
        return sb.toString();
    return "Not a server.";
Also used : INode(

Example 43 with INode

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnifiedMessengerHub method sendResultsToCaller.

private void sendResultsToCaller(final GUID methodId, final InvocationInProgress invocationInProgress) {
    final RemoteMethodCallResults result = invocationInProgress.getResults();
    final INode caller = invocationInProgress.getCaller();
    final SpokeInvocationResults spokeResults = new SpokeInvocationResults(result, methodId);
    send(spokeResults, caller);
Also used : INode(

Example 44 with INode

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnifiedMessengerHub method messageReceived.

public void messageReceived(final Serializable msg, final INode from) {
    if (msg instanceof HasEndPointImplementor) {
        synchronized (endPointMutex) {
            final HasEndPointImplementor hasEndPoint = (HasEndPointImplementor) msg;
            final Collection<INode> nodes = endPoints.computeIfAbsent(hasEndPoint.endPointName, k -> new ArrayList<>());
            if (nodes.contains(from)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already contained, new" + from + " existing, " + nodes + " name " + hasEndPoint.endPointName);
    } else if (msg instanceof NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) {
        synchronized (endPointMutex) {
            final NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor hasEndPoint = (NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) msg;
            final Collection<INode> nodes = endPoints.get(hasEndPoint.endPointName);
            if (nodes != null) {
                if (!nodes.remove(from)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Not removed!");
                if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
    } else if (msg instanceof HubInvoke) {
        final HubInvoke invoke = (HubInvoke) msg;
        final Collection<INode> endPointCols = new ArrayList<>();
        synchronized (endPointMutex) {
            if (endPoints.containsKey( {
        // the node will already have routed messages to local invokers
        if (endPointCols.isEmpty()) {
            if (invoke.needReturnValues) {
                final RemoteMethodCallResults results = new RemoteMethodCallResults(new RemoteNotFoundException("Not found:" +;
                send(new SpokeInvocationResults(results, invoke.methodCallId), from);
        // no end points, this is ok, we
        // we are a channel with no implementors
        } else {
            invoke(invoke, endPointCols, from);
    } else if (msg instanceof HubInvocationResults) {
        final HubInvocationResults results = (HubInvocationResults) msg;
        results(results, from);
Also used : INode( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HasEndPointImplementor(games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.HasEndPointImplementor) NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor(games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor(games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) Collection(java.util.Collection)

Example 45 with INode

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class UnifiedMessengerHub method invoke.

private void invoke(final HubInvoke hubInvoke, final Collection<INode> remote, final INode from) {
    if (hubInvoke.needReturnValues) {
        if (remote.size() != 1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Too many nodes:" + remote + " for remote name " +;
        final InvocationInProgress invocationInProgress = new InvocationInProgress(remote.iterator().next(), hubInvoke, from);
        invocations.put(hubInvoke.methodCallId, invocationInProgress);
    // invoke remotely
    final SpokeInvoke invoke = new SpokeInvoke(hubInvoke.methodCallId, hubInvoke.needReturnValues,, from);
    for (final INode node : remote) {
        send(invoke, node);
Also used : INode(


INode ( IModeratorController (games.strategy.engine.lobby.server.IModeratorController)10 RemoteName (games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteName)8 BorderLayout (java.awt.BorderLayout)8 JLabel (javax.swing.JLabel)7 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)7 JPasswordField (javax.swing.JPasswordField)5 IServerMessenger ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 Node ( Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 DefaultComboBoxModel (javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel)3 JComboBox (javax.swing.JComboBox)3 Chat ( GameRunner (games.strategy.engine.framework.GameRunner)2 IGamePlayer (games.strategy.engine.gamePlayer.IGamePlayer)2