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Example 21 with ProBattleResult

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProPurchaseAi method purchaseFactory.

private void purchaseFactory(final Map<Territory, ProPurchaseTerritory> factoryPurchaseTerritories, final Map<Territory, ProPurchaseTerritory> purchaseTerritories, final List<ProPlaceTerritory> prioritizedLandTerritories, final ProPurchaseOptionMap purchaseOptions, final boolean hasExtraPUs) {
    if (resourceTracker.isEmpty()) {
    }"Purchase factory with resources: " + resourceTracker + ", hasExtraPUs=" + hasExtraPUs);
    final ProOtherMoveOptions enemyAttackOptions = territoryManager.getEnemyAttackOptions();
    // Only try to purchase a factory if all production was used in prioritized land territories
    for (final ProPlaceTerritory placeTerritory : prioritizedLandTerritories) {
        for (final Territory t : purchaseTerritories.keySet()) {
            if (placeTerritory.getTerritory().equals(t) && purchaseTerritories.get(t).getRemainingUnitProduction() > 0) {
                ProLogger.debug("Not purchasing a factory since remaining land production in " + t);
    // Find all owned land territories that weren't conquered and don't already have a factory
    final List<Territory> possibleFactoryTerritories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getMap().getTerritories(), ProMatches.territoryHasNoInfraFactoryAndIsNotConqueredOwnedLand(player, data));
    final Set<Territory> purchaseFactoryTerritories = new HashSet<>();
    final List<Territory> territoriesThatCantBeHeld = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Territory t : possibleFactoryTerritories) {
        // Only consider territories with production of at least 3 unless there are still remaining PUs
        final int production = TerritoryAttachment.get(t).getProduction();
        if ((production < 3 && !hasExtraPUs) || production < 2) {
        // Check if no enemy attackers and that it wasn't conquered this turn
        if (enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t) == null) {
            ProLogger.trace("Possible factory since no enemy attackers: " + t.getName());
        } else {
            // Find current battle result
            final List<Unit> defenders = t.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.isUnitAllied(player, data));
            final Set<Unit> enemyAttackingUnits = new HashSet<>(enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxUnits());
            final ProBattleResult result = calc.estimateDefendBattleResults(t, new ArrayList<>(enemyAttackingUnits), defenders, enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxBombardUnits());
            // Check if it can't be held or if it can then that it wasn't conquered this turn
            if (result.isHasLandUnitRemaining() || result.getTuvSwing() > 0) {
                ProLogger.trace("Can't hold territory: " + t.getName() + ", hasLandUnitRemaining=" + result.isHasLandUnitRemaining() + ", TUVSwing=" + result.getTuvSwing() + ", enemyAttackers=" + enemyAttackingUnits.size() + ", myDefenders=" + defenders.size());
            } else {
                ProLogger.trace("Possible factory: " + t.getName() + ", hasLandUnitRemaining=" + result.isHasLandUnitRemaining() + ", TUVSwing=" + result.getTuvSwing() + ", enemyAttackers=" + enemyAttackingUnits.size() + ", myDefenders=" + defenders.size());
    ProLogger.debug("Possible factory territories: " + purchaseFactoryTerritories);
    // Remove any territories that don't have local land superiority
    if (!hasExtraPUs) {
        purchaseFactoryTerritories.removeIf(t -> !ProBattleUtils.territoryHasLocalLandSuperiority(t, ProBattleUtils.MEDIUM_RANGE, player, purchaseTerritories));
        ProLogger.debug("Possible factory territories that have land superiority: " + purchaseFactoryTerritories);
    // Find strategic value for each territory
    final Map<Territory, Double> territoryValueMap = ProTerritoryValueUtils.findTerritoryValues(player, territoriesThatCantBeHeld, new ArrayList<>());
    double maxValue = 0.0;
    Territory maxTerritory = null;
    for (final Territory t : purchaseFactoryTerritories) {
        final int production = TerritoryAttachment.get(t).getProduction();
        final double value = territoryValueMap.get(t) * production + 0.1 * production;
        final boolean isAdjacentToSea = Matches.territoryHasNeighborMatching(data, Matches.territoryIsWater()).test(t);
        final Set<Territory> nearbyLandTerritories = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, 9, ProMatches.territoryCanMoveLandUnits(player, data, false));
        final int numNearbyEnemyTerritories = CollectionUtils.countMatches(nearbyLandTerritories, Matches.isTerritoryEnemy(player, data));
        ProLogger.trace(t + ", strategic value=" + territoryValueMap.get(t) + ", value=" + value + ", numNearbyEnemyTerritories=" + numNearbyEnemyTerritories);
        if (value > maxValue && ((numNearbyEnemyTerritories >= 4 && territoryValueMap.get(t) >= 1) || (isAdjacentToSea && hasExtraPUs))) {
            maxValue = value;
            maxTerritory = t;
    ProLogger.debug("Try to purchase factory for territory: " + maxTerritory);
    // Determine whether to purchase factory
    if (maxTerritory != null) {
        // Find most expensive placed land unit to consider removing for a factory
        ProPurchaseOption maxPlacedOption = null;
        ProPlaceTerritory maxPlacedTerritory = null;
        Unit maxPlacedUnit = null;
        for (final ProPlaceTerritory placeTerritory : prioritizedLandTerritories) {
            for (final Unit u : placeTerritory.getPlaceUnits()) {
                for (final ProPurchaseOption ppo : purchaseOptions.getLandOptions()) {
                    if (u.getType().equals(ppo.getUnitType()) && ppo.getQuantity() == 1 && (maxPlacedOption == null || ppo.getCost() >= maxPlacedOption.getCost())) {
                        maxPlacedOption = ppo;
                        maxPlacedTerritory = placeTerritory;
                        maxPlacedUnit = u;
        // Determine units that can be produced in this territory
        final List<ProPurchaseOption> purchaseOptionsForTerritory = ProPurchaseUtils.findPurchaseOptionsForTerritory(player, purchaseOptions.getFactoryOptions(), maxTerritory, isBid);
        ProPurchaseUtils.removeInvalidPurchaseOptions(player, startOfTurnData, purchaseOptionsForTerritory, resourceTracker, 1, new ArrayList<>(), purchaseTerritories);
        // Determine most expensive factory option (currently doesn't buy mobile factories)
        ProPurchaseOption bestFactoryOption = null;
        double maxFactoryEfficiency = 0;
        for (final ProPurchaseOption ppo : purchaseOptionsForTerritory) {
            if (ppo.getMovement() == 0 && ppo.getCost() > maxFactoryEfficiency) {
                bestFactoryOption = ppo;
                maxFactoryEfficiency = ppo.getCost();
        // Check if there are enough PUs to buy a factory
        if (bestFactoryOption != null) {
            ProLogger.debug("Best factory unit: " + bestFactoryOption.getUnitType().getName());
            final ProPurchaseTerritory factoryPurchaseTerritory = new ProPurchaseTerritory(maxTerritory, data, player, 0);
            factoryPurchaseTerritories.put(maxTerritory, factoryPurchaseTerritory);
            for (final ProPlaceTerritory ppt : factoryPurchaseTerritory.getCanPlaceTerritories()) {
                if (ppt.getTerritory().equals(maxTerritory)) {
                    final List<Unit> factory = bestFactoryOption.getUnitType().create(bestFactoryOption.getQuantity(), player, true);
                    if (resourceTracker.hasEnough(bestFactoryOption)) {
                        ProLogger.debug(maxTerritory + ", placedFactory=" + factory);
                    } else {
                        ProLogger.debug(maxTerritory + ", placedFactory=" + factory + ", removedUnit=" + maxPlacedUnit);
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( Territory( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProPurchaseTerritory( ProBattleResult( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseOption( ProOtherMoveOptions( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 22 with ProBattleResult

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProPurchaseAi method placeDefenders.

private void placeDefenders(final Map<Territory, ProPurchaseTerritory> placeNonConstructionTerritories, final List<ProPlaceTerritory> needToDefendTerritories, final IAbstractPlaceDelegate placeDelegate) {"Place defenders with units=" + player.getUnits().getUnits());
    final ProOtherMoveOptions enemyAttackOptions = territoryManager.getEnemyAttackOptions();
    // Loop through prioritized territories and purchase defenders
    for (final ProPlaceTerritory placeTerritory : needToDefendTerritories) {
        final Territory t = placeTerritory.getTerritory();
        ProLogger.debug("Placing defenders for " + t.getName() + ", enemyAttackers=" + enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxUnits() + ", amphibEnemyAttackers=" + enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxAmphibUnits() + ", defenders=" + placeTerritory.getDefendingUnits());
        // Check if any units can be placed
        final PlaceableUnits placeableUnits = placeDelegate.getPlaceableUnits(player.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.unitIsNotConstruction()), t);
        if (placeableUnits.isError()) {
            ProLogger.trace(t + " can't place units with error: " + placeableUnits.getErrorMessage());
        // Find remaining unit production
        int remainingUnitProduction = placeableUnits.getMaxUnits();
        if (remainingUnitProduction == -1) {
            remainingUnitProduction = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        ProLogger.trace(t + ", remainingUnitProduction=" + remainingUnitProduction);
        // Place defenders and check battle results
        final List<Unit> unitsThatCanBePlaced = new ArrayList<>(placeableUnits.getUnits());
        final int landPlaceCount = Math.min(remainingUnitProduction, unitsThatCanBePlaced.size());
        final List<Unit> unitsToPlace = new ArrayList<>();
        ProBattleResult finalResult = new ProBattleResult();
        for (int i = 0; i < landPlaceCount; i++) {
            // Add defender
            // Find current battle result
            final Set<Unit> enemyAttackingUnits = new HashSet<>(enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxUnits());
            final List<Unit> defenders = new ArrayList<>(placeTerritory.getDefendingUnits());
            finalResult = calc.calculateBattleResults(t, new ArrayList<>(enemyAttackingUnits), defenders, enemyAttackOptions.getMax(t).getMaxBombardUnits());
            // Break if it can be held
            if ((!t.equals(ProData.myCapital) && !finalResult.isHasLandUnitRemaining() && finalResult.getTuvSwing() <= 0) || (t.equals(ProData.myCapital) && finalResult.getWinPercentage() < (100 - ProData.winPercentage) && finalResult.getTuvSwing() <= 0)) {
        // Check to see if its worth trying to defend the territory
        if (!finalResult.isHasLandUnitRemaining() || finalResult.getTuvSwing() < placeTerritory.getMinBattleResult().getTuvSwing() || t.equals(ProData.myCapital)) {
            ProLogger.trace(t + ", placedUnits=" + unitsToPlace + ", TUVSwing=" + finalResult.getTuvSwing());
            doPlace(t, unitsToPlace, placeDelegate);
        } else {
            setCantHoldPlaceTerritory(placeTerritory, placeNonConstructionTerritories);
            ProLogger.trace(t + ", unable to defend with placedUnits=" + unitsToPlace + ", TUVSwing=" + finalResult.getTuvSwing() + ", minTUVSwing=" + placeTerritory.getMinBattleResult().getTuvSwing());
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( Territory( PlaceableUnits(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects.PlaceableUnits) ProPlaceTerritory( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProBattleResult( ProOtherMoveOptions( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 23 with ProBattleResult

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProRetreatAi method retreatQuery.

Territory retreatQuery(final GUID battleId, final Territory battleTerritory, final Collection<Territory> possibleTerritories) {
    // Get battle data
    final GameData data = ProData.getData();
    final PlayerID player = ProData.getPlayer();
    final BattleDelegate delegate = DelegateFinder.battleDelegate(data);
    final IBattle battle = delegate.getBattleTracker().getPendingBattle(battleId);
    // Get units and determine if attacker
    final boolean isAttacker = player.equals(battle.getAttacker());
    final List<Unit> attackers = (List<Unit>) battle.getAttackingUnits();
    final List<Unit> defenders = (List<Unit>) battle.getDefendingUnits();
    // Calculate battle results
    final ProBattleResult result = calc.calculateBattleResults(battleTerritory, attackers, defenders, new HashSet<>());
    // Determine if it has a factory
    int isFactory = 0;
    if (ProMatches.territoryHasInfraFactoryAndIsLand().test(battleTerritory)) {
        isFactory = 1;
    // Determine production value and if it is a capital
    int production = 0;
    int isCapital = 0;
    final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(battleTerritory);
    if (ta != null) {
        production = ta.getProduction();
        if (ta.isCapital()) {
            isCapital = 1;
    // Calculate current attack value
    double territoryValue = 0;
    if (result.isHasLandUnitRemaining() || {
        territoryValue = result.getWinPercentage() / 100 * (2 * production * (1 + isFactory) * (1 + isCapital));
    double battleValue = result.getTuvSwing() + territoryValue;
    if (!isAttacker) {
        battleValue = -battleValue;
    // Decide if we should retreat
    if (battleValue < 0) {
        // Retreat to capital if available otherwise the territory with highest defense strength
        Territory retreatTerritory = null;
        double maxStrength = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        final Territory myCapital = TerritoryAttachment.getFirstOwnedCapitalOrFirstUnownedCapital(player, data);
        for (final Territory t : possibleTerritories) {
            if (t.equals(myCapital)) {
                retreatTerritory = t;
            final double strength = ProBattleUtils.estimateStrength(t, t.getUnits().getMatches(Matches.isUnitAllied(player, data)), new ArrayList<>(), false);
            if (strength > maxStrength) {
                retreatTerritory = t;
                maxStrength = strength;
        ProLogger.debug(player.getName() + " retreating from territory " + battleTerritory + " to " + retreatTerritory + " because AttackValue=" + battleValue + ", TUVSwing=" + result.getTuvSwing() + ", possibleTerritories=" + possibleTerritories.size());
        return retreatTerritory;
    ProLogger.debug(player.getName() + " not retreating from territory " + battleTerritory + " with AttackValue=" + battleValue + ", TUVSwing=" + result.getTuvSwing());
    return null;
Also used : PlayerID( BattleDelegate(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleDelegate) Territory( GameData( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) ProBattleResult( Unit( IBattle(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 24 with ProBattleResult

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProScrambleAi method scrambleUnitsQuery.

HashMap<Territory, Collection<Unit>> scrambleUnitsQuery(final Territory scrambleTo, final Map<Territory, Tuple<Collection<Unit>, Collection<Unit>>> possibleScramblers) {
    // Get battle data
    final GameData data = ProData.getData();
    final PlayerID player = ProData.getPlayer();
    final BattleDelegate delegate = DelegateFinder.battleDelegate(data);
    final IBattle battle = delegate.getBattleTracker().getPendingBattle(scrambleTo, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
    // Check if defense already wins
    final List<Unit> attackers = (List<Unit>) battle.getAttackingUnits();
    final List<Unit> defenders = (List<Unit>) battle.getDefendingUnits();
    final Set<Unit> bombardingUnits = new HashSet<>(battle.getBombardingUnits());
    final ProBattleResult minResult = calc.calculateBattleResults(scrambleTo, attackers, defenders, bombardingUnits);
    ProLogger.debug(scrambleTo + ", minTUVSwing=" + minResult.getTuvSwing() + ", minWin%=" + minResult.getWinPercentage());
    if (minResult.getTuvSwing() <= 0 && minResult.getWinPercentage() < (100 - ProData.minWinPercentage)) {
        return null;
    // Check if max defense is worse
    final Set<Unit> allScramblers = new HashSet<>();
    final Map<Territory, List<Unit>> possibleMaxScramblerMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory t : possibleScramblers.keySet()) {
        final int maxCanScramble = BattleDelegate.getMaxScrambleCount(possibleScramblers.get(t).getFirst());
        List<Unit> canScrambleAir = new ArrayList<>(possibleScramblers.get(t).getSecond());
        if (maxCanScramble < canScrambleAir.size()) {
            canScrambleAir.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(o -> ProBattleUtils.estimateStrength(scrambleTo, Collections.singletonList(o), new ArrayList<>(), false)));
            canScrambleAir = canScrambleAir.subList(0, maxCanScramble);
        possibleMaxScramblerMap.put(t, canScrambleAir);
    final ProBattleResult maxResult = calc.calculateBattleResults(scrambleTo, attackers, defenders, bombardingUnits);
    ProLogger.debug(scrambleTo + ", maxTUVSwing=" + maxResult.getTuvSwing() + ", maxWin%=" + maxResult.getWinPercentage());
    if (maxResult.getTuvSwing() >= minResult.getTuvSwing()) {
        return null;
    // Loop through all units and determine attack options
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> unitDefendOptions = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory t : possibleMaxScramblerMap.keySet()) {
        final Set<Territory> possibleTerritories = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, ProMatches.territoryCanMoveSeaUnits(player, data, true));
        final Set<Territory> battleTerritories = new HashSet<>();
        for (final Territory possibleTerritory : possibleTerritories) {
            final IBattle possibleBattle = delegate.getBattleTracker().getPendingBattle(possibleTerritory, false, BattleType.NORMAL);
            if (possibleBattle != null) {
        for (final Unit u : possibleMaxScramblerMap.get(t)) {
            unitDefendOptions.put(u, battleTerritories);
    // Sort units by number of defend options and cost
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> sortedUnitDefendOptions = ProSortMoveOptionsUtils.sortUnitMoveOptions(unitDefendOptions);
    // Add one scramble unit at a time and check if final result is better than min result
    final List<Unit> unitsToScramble = new ArrayList<>();
    ProBattleResult result = minResult;
    for (final Unit u : sortedUnitDefendOptions.keySet()) {
        final List<Unit> currentDefenders = (List<Unit>) battle.getDefendingUnits();
        result = calc.calculateBattleResults(scrambleTo, attackers, currentDefenders, bombardingUnits);
        ProLogger.debug(scrambleTo + ", TUVSwing=" + result.getTuvSwing() + ", Win%=" + result.getWinPercentage() + ", addedUnit=" + u);
        if (result.getTuvSwing() <= 0 && result.getWinPercentage() < (100 - ProData.minWinPercentage)) {
    if (result.getTuvSwing() >= minResult.getTuvSwing()) {
        return null;
    // Return units to scramble
    final HashMap<Territory, Collection<Unit>> scrambleMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Territory t : possibleScramblers.keySet()) {
        for (final Unit u : possibleScramblers.get(t).getSecond()) {
            if (unitsToScramble.contains(u)) {
                if (scrambleMap.containsKey(t)) {
                } else {
                    final Collection<Unit> units = new ArrayList<>();
                    scrambleMap.put(t, units);
    return scrambleMap;
Also used : ProSortMoveOptionsUtils( Unit( ProBattleResult( IBattle(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle) Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) Territory( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ProBattleUtils( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProLogger( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GameData( BattleType(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle.BattleType) List(java.util.List) DelegateFinder(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.DelegateFinder) Tuple(games.strategy.util.Tuple) PlayerID( ProMatches( Map(java.util.Map) BattleDelegate(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleDelegate) ProOddsCalculator( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) Collections(java.util.Collections) PlayerID( BattleDelegate(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleDelegate) Territory( GameData( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProBattleResult( Unit( IBattle(games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle) Collection(java.util.Collection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


ProBattleResult ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 Territory ( Unit ( TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)15 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)15 ProOtherMoveOptions ( ProTerritory ( ProPlaceTerritory ( ProPurchaseTerritory ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 List (java.util.List)6 GameData ( TerritoryAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment)5 Collection (java.util.Collection)5 Set (java.util.Set)5 PlayerID ( BattleDelegate (games.strategy.triplea.delegate.BattleDelegate)4 IBattle (games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle)4 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)4