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Example 6 with ProTerritory

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProNonCombatMoveAi method logAttackMoves.

private void logAttackMoves(final List<ProTerritory> prioritizedTerritories) {
    final Map<Territory, ProTerritory> moveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap();
    // Print prioritization
    ProLogger.debug("Prioritized territories:");
    for (final ProTerritory attackTerritoryData : prioritizedTerritories) {
        ProLogger.trace("  " + attackTerritoryData.getValue() + "  " + attackTerritoryData.getTerritory().getName());
    // Print enemy territories with enemy units vs my units
    ProLogger.debug("Territories that can be attacked:");
    int count = 0;
    for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
        ProLogger.trace(count + ". ---" + t.getName());
        final Set<Unit> combinedUnits = new HashSet<>(moveMap.get(t).getMaxUnits());
        ProLogger.trace("  --- My max units ---");
        final Map<String, Integer> printMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Unit unit : combinedUnits) {
            if (printMap.containsKey(unit.toStringNoOwner())) {
                printMap.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), printMap.get(unit.toStringNoOwner()) + 1);
            } else {
                printMap.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), 1);
        for (final String key : printMap.keySet()) {
            ProLogger.trace("    " + printMap.get(key) + " " + key);
        ProLogger.trace("  --- My max amphib units ---");
        final Map<String, Integer> printMap5 = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Unit unit : moveMap.get(t).getMaxAmphibUnits()) {
            if (printMap5.containsKey(unit.toStringNoOwner())) {
                printMap5.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), printMap5.get(unit.toStringNoOwner()) + 1);
            } else {
                printMap5.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), 1);
        for (final String key : printMap5.keySet()) {
            ProLogger.trace("    " + printMap5.get(key) + " " + key);
        final List<Unit> units3 = moveMap.get(t).getUnits();
        ProLogger.trace("  --- My actual units ---");
        final Map<String, Integer> printMap3 = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Unit unit : units3) {
            if (printMap3.containsKey(unit.toStringNoOwner())) {
                printMap3.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), printMap3.get(unit.toStringNoOwner()) + 1);
            } else {
                printMap3.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), 1);
        for (final String key : printMap3.keySet()) {
            ProLogger.trace("    " + printMap3.get(key) + " " + key);
        ProLogger.trace("  --- Enemy units ---");
        final Map<String, Integer> printMap2 = new HashMap<>();
        final List<Unit> units2 = moveMap.get(t).getMaxEnemyUnits();
        for (final Unit unit : units2) {
            if (printMap2.containsKey(unit.toStringNoOwner())) {
                printMap2.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), printMap2.get(unit.toStringNoOwner()) + 1);
            } else {
                printMap2.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), 1);
        for (final String key : printMap2.keySet()) {
            ProLogger.trace("    " + printMap2.get(key) + " " + key);
        ProLogger.trace("  --- Enemy bombard units ---");
        final Map<String, Integer> printMap4 = new HashMap<>();
        final Set<Unit> units4 = moveMap.get(t).getMaxEnemyBombardUnits();
        for (final Unit unit : units4) {
            if (printMap4.containsKey(unit.toStringNoOwner())) {
                printMap4.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), printMap4.get(unit.toStringNoOwner()) + 1);
            } else {
                printMap4.put(unit.toStringNoOwner(), 1);
        for (final String key : printMap4.keySet()) {
            ProLogger.trace("    " + printMap4.get(key) + " " + key);
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( ProTerritory( Territory( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ProTerritory( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 7 with ProTerritory

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProNonCombatMoveAi method findUnitsThatCantMove.

private void findUnitsThatCantMove(final Map<Territory, ProPurchaseTerritory> purchaseTerritories, final List<ProPurchaseOption> landPurchaseOptions) {"Find units that can't move");
    final Map<Territory, ProTerritory> moveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap();
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> unitMoveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getUnitMoveMap();
    final List<ProTransport> transportMapList = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTransportList();
    // Add all units that can't move (allied units, 0 move units, etc)
    for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
        moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().addAll(t.getUnits().getMatches(ProMatches.unitCantBeMovedAndIsAlliedDefender(player, data, t)));
    // Add all units that only have 1 move option and can't be transported
    for (final Iterator<Unit> it = unitMoveMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final Unit u =;
        if (unitMoveMap.get(u).size() == 1) {
            final Territory onlyTerritory = unitMoveMap.get(u).iterator().next();
            if (onlyTerritory.equals(unitTerritoryMap.get(u))) {
                boolean canBeTransported = false;
                for (final ProTransport pad : transportMapList) {
                    for (final Territory t : pad.getTransportMap().keySet()) {
                        if (pad.getTransportMap().get(t).contains(onlyTerritory)) {
                            canBeTransported = true;
                    for (final Territory t : pad.getSeaTransportMap().keySet()) {
                        if (pad.getSeaTransportMap().get(t).contains(onlyTerritory)) {
                            canBeTransported = true;
                if (!canBeTransported) {
    // Check if purchase units are known yet
    if (purchaseTerritories != null) {
        // Add all units that will be purchased
        for (final ProPurchaseTerritory ppt : purchaseTerritories.values()) {
            for (final ProPlaceTerritory placeTerritory : ppt.getCanPlaceTerritories()) {
                final Territory t = placeTerritory.getTerritory();
                if (moveMap.get(t) != null) {
    } else {
        // Add max defenders that can be purchased to each territory
        for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
            if (ProMatches.territoryHasNonMobileInfraFactoryAndIsNotConqueredOwnedLand(player, data).test(t)) {
                moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().addAll(ProPurchaseUtils.findMaxPurchaseDefenders(player, t, landPurchaseOptions));
    // Log can't move units per territory
    for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
        if (!moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().isEmpty()) {
            ProLogger.trace(t + " has units that can't move: " + moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits());
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( ProTerritory( Territory( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ProTransport( ProPlaceTerritory( ProTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(

Example 8 with ProTerritory

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProNonCombatMoveAi method moveOneDefenderToLandTerritoriesBorderingEnemy.

private List<Territory> moveOneDefenderToLandTerritoriesBorderingEnemy() {"Determine which territories to defend with one land unit");
    final Map<Territory, ProTerritory> moveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap();
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> unitMoveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getUnitMoveMap();
    // Find land territories with no can't move units and adjacent to enemy land units
    final List<Territory> territoriesToDefendWithOneUnit = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
        final boolean hasAlliedLandUnits = moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().stream().anyMatch(ProMatches.unitIsAlliedLandAndNotInfra(player, data));
        if (!t.isWater() && !hasAlliedLandUnits && ProMatches.territoryHasNeighborOwnedByAndHasLandUnit(data, ProUtils.getPotentialEnemyPlayers(player)).test(t)) {
    final List<Territory> result = new ArrayList<>(territoriesToDefendWithOneUnit);
    // Sort units by number of defend options and cost
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> sortedUnitMoveOptions = ProSortMoveOptionsUtils.sortUnitMoveOptions(unitMoveMap);
    // Set unit with the fewest move options in each territory
    for (final Unit unit : sortedUnitMoveOptions.keySet()) {
        if (Matches.unitIsLand().test(unit)) {
            for (final Territory t : sortedUnitMoveOptions.get(unit)) {
                final int unitValue = ProData.unitValueMap.getInt(unit.getType());
                int production = 0;
                final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(t);
                if (ta != null) {
                    production = ta.getProduction();
                // or where unit value is less than production + 3 (avoid sacrificing expensive units to block)
                if (territoriesToDefendWithOneUnit.contains(t) && (unitValue <= (production + 3) || Matches.territoryHasUnitsOwnedBy(player).test(t))) {
                    ProLogger.debug(t + ", added one land unit: " + unit);
            if (territoriesToDefendWithOneUnit.isEmpty()) {
    // Only return territories that received a defender
    return result;
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( ProTerritory( Territory( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ProTerritory( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(

Example 9 with ProTerritory

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProNonCombatMoveAi method prioritizeDefendOptions.

private List<ProTerritory> prioritizeDefendOptions(final Map<Territory, ProTerritory> factoryMoveMap, final Map<Territory, Double> territoryValueMap) {"Prioritizing territories to try to defend");
    final Map<Territory, ProTerritory> moveMap = territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap();
    final ProOtherMoveOptions enemyAttackOptions = territoryManager.getEnemyAttackOptions();
    // Calculate value of defending territory
    for (final Territory t : moveMap.keySet()) {
        // Determine if it is my capital or adjacent to my capital
        int isMyCapital = 0;
        if (t.equals(ProData.myCapital)) {
            isMyCapital = 1;
        // Determine if it has a factory
        int isFactory = 0;
        if (ProMatches.territoryHasInfraFactoryAndIsLand().test(t) || (factoryMoveMap != null && factoryMoveMap.containsKey(t))) {
            isFactory = 1;
        // Determine production value and if it is an enemy capital
        int production = 0;
        int isEnemyOrAlliedCapital = 0;
        final TerritoryAttachment ta = TerritoryAttachment.get(t);
        if (ta != null) {
            production = ta.getProduction();
            if (ta.isCapital() && !t.equals(ProData.myCapital)) {
                isEnemyOrAlliedCapital = 1;
        // Determine neighbor value
        double neighborValue = 0;
        if (!t.isWater()) {
            final Set<Territory> landNeighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, Matches.territoryIsLand());
            for (final Territory neighbor : landNeighbors) {
                double neighborProduction = TerritoryAttachment.getProduction(neighbor);
                if (Matches.isTerritoryAllied(player, data).test(neighbor)) {
                    neighborProduction = 0.1 * neighborProduction;
                neighborValue += neighborProduction;
        // Determine defending unit value
        final int cantMoveUnitValue = TuvUtils.getTuv(moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits(), ProData.unitValueMap);
        double unitOwnerMultiplier = 1;
        if (moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().stream().noneMatch(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) {
            if (t.isWater() && moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits().stream().noneMatch(Matches.unitIsTransportButNotCombatTransport())) {
                unitOwnerMultiplier = 0;
            } else {
                unitOwnerMultiplier = 0.5;
        // Calculate defense value for prioritization
        final double territoryValue = unitOwnerMultiplier * (2 * production + 10 * isFactory + 0.5 * cantMoveUnitValue + 0.5 * neighborValue) * (1 + 10 * isMyCapital) * (1 + 4 * isEnemyOrAlliedCapital);
    // Sort attack territories by value
    final List<ProTerritory> prioritizedTerritories = new ArrayList<>(moveMap.values());
    // Remove territories that I'm not going to try to defend
    for (final Iterator<ProTerritory> it = prioritizedTerritories.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final ProTerritory patd =;
        final Territory t = patd.getTerritory();
        final boolean hasFactory = ProMatches.territoryHasInfraFactoryAndIsLand().test(t);
        final ProBattleResult minResult = patd.getMinBattleResult();
        final int cantMoveUnitValue = TuvUtils.getTuv(moveMap.get(t).getCantMoveUnits(), ProData.unitValueMap);
        final List<Unit> maxEnemyUnits = patd.getMaxEnemyUnits();
        final boolean isLandAndCanOnlyBeAttackedByAir = !t.isWater() && !maxEnemyUnits.isEmpty() &&;
        final boolean isNotFactoryAndShouldHold = !hasFactory && (minResult.getTuvSwing() <= 0 || !minResult.isHasLandUnitRemaining());
        final boolean canAlreadyBeHeld = minResult.getTuvSwing() <= 0 && minResult.getWinPercentage() < (100 - ProData.winPercentage);
        final boolean isNotFactoryAndHasNoEnemyNeighbors = !t.isWater() && !hasFactory && !ProMatches.territoryHasNeighborOwnedByAndHasLandUnit(data, ProUtils.getPotentialEnemyPlayers(player)).test(t);
        final boolean isNotFactoryAndOnlyAmphib = !t.isWater() && !hasFactory && moveMap.get(t).getMaxUnits().stream().noneMatch(Matches.unitIsLand()) && cantMoveUnitValue < 5;
        if (!patd.isCanHold() || patd.getValue() <= 0 || isLandAndCanOnlyBeAttackedByAir || isNotFactoryAndShouldHold || canAlreadyBeHeld || isNotFactoryAndHasNoEnemyNeighbors || isNotFactoryAndOnlyAmphib) {
            final double tuvSwing = minResult.getTuvSwing();
            final boolean hasRemainingLandUnit = minResult.isHasLandUnitRemaining();
            ProLogger.debug("Removing territory=" + t.getName() + ", value=" + patd.getValue() + ", CanHold=" + patd.isCanHold() + ", isLandAndCanOnlyBeAttackedByAir=" + isLandAndCanOnlyBeAttackedByAir + ", isNotFactoryAndShouldHold=" + isNotFactoryAndShouldHold + ", canAlreadyBeHeld=" + canAlreadyBeHeld + ", isNotFactoryAndHasNoEnemyNeighbors=" + isNotFactoryAndHasNoEnemyNeighbors + ", isNotFactoryAndOnlyAmphib=" + isNotFactoryAndOnlyAmphib + ", tuvSwing=" + tuvSwing + ", hasRemainingLandUnit=" + hasRemainingLandUnit + ", maxEnemyUnits=" + patd.getMaxEnemyUnits().size());
    // Add best sea production territory for sea factories
    List<Territory> seaFactories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(data.getMap().getTerritories(), ProMatches.territoryHasInfraFactoryAndIsNotConqueredOwnedLand(player, data));
    seaFactories = CollectionUtils.getMatches(seaFactories, ProMatches.territoryHasInfraFactoryAndIsOwnedLandAdjacentToSea(player, data));
    for (final Territory t : seaFactories) {
        if (territoryValueMap.get(t) >= 1) {
        final Set<Territory> neighbors = data.getMap().getNeighbors(t, ProMatches.territoryCanMoveSeaUnits(player, data, true));
        double maxValue = 0;
        Territory maxTerritory = null;
        for (final Territory neighbor : neighbors) {
            if (moveMap.get(neighbor) != null && moveMap.get(neighbor).isCanHold() && territoryValueMap.get(neighbor) > maxValue) {
                maxTerritory = neighbor;
                maxValue = territoryValueMap.get(neighbor);
        if (maxTerritory != null && enemyAttackOptions.getMax(maxTerritory) != null) {
            boolean alreadyAdded = false;
            for (final ProTerritory patd : prioritizedTerritories) {
                if (patd.getTerritory().equals(maxTerritory)) {
                    alreadyAdded = true;
            if (!alreadyAdded) {
    // Log prioritized territories
    for (final ProTerritory attackTerritoryData : prioritizedTerritories) {
        ProLogger.debug("Value=" + attackTerritoryData.getValue() + ", " + attackTerritoryData.getTerritory().getName());
    return prioritizedTerritories;
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( ProTerritory( Territory( ProTerritory( TerritoryAttachment(games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProBattleResult( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit( ProOtherMoveOptions(

Example 10 with ProTerritory

use of in project triplea by triplea-game.

the class ProNonCombatMoveAi method doNonCombatMove.

Map<Territory, ProTerritory> doNonCombatMove(Map<Territory, ProTerritory> factoryMoveMap, final Map<Territory, ProPurchaseTerritory> purchaseTerritories, final IMoveDelegate moveDel) {"Starting non-combat move phase");
    // Current data at the start of non-combat move
    data = ProData.getData();
    player = ProData.getPlayer();
    unitTerritoryMap = ProData.unitTerritoryMap;
    territoryManager = new ProTerritoryManager(calc);
    // Find the max number of units that can move to each allied territory
    territoryManager.populateDefenseOptions(new ArrayList<>());
    // Find number of units in each move territory that can't move and all infra units
    findUnitsThatCantMove(purchaseTerritories, ProData.purchaseOptions.getLandOptions());
    final Map<Unit, Set<Territory>> infraUnitMoveMap = findInfraUnitsThatCanMove();
    // Try to have one land unit in each territory that is bordering an enemy territory
    final List<Territory> movedOneDefenderToTerritories = moveOneDefenderToLandTerritoriesBorderingEnemy();
    // Determine max enemy attack units and if territories can be held
    territoryManager.populateEnemyAttackOptions(movedOneDefenderToTerritories, territoryManager.getDefendTerritories());
    // Get list of territories that can't be held and find move value for each territory
    final List<Territory> territoriesThatCantBeHeld = territoryManager.getCantHoldTerritories();
    final Map<Territory, Double> territoryValueMap = ProTerritoryValueUtils.findTerritoryValues(player, territoriesThatCantBeHeld, new ArrayList<>());
    final Map<Territory, Double> seaTerritoryValueMap = ProTerritoryValueUtils.findSeaTerritoryValues(player, territoriesThatCantBeHeld);
    // Prioritize territories to defend
    final List<ProTerritory> prioritizedTerritories = prioritizeDefendOptions(factoryMoveMap, territoryValueMap);
    // Determine which territories to defend and how many units each one needs
    final int enemyDistance = ProUtils.getClosestEnemyLandTerritoryDistance(data, player, ProData.myCapital);
    moveUnitsToDefendTerritories(prioritizedTerritories, enemyDistance, territoryValueMap);
    // Copy data in case capital defense needs increased
    final ProTerritoryManager territoryManagerCopy = new ProTerritoryManager(calc, territoryManager);
    // Use loop to ensure capital is protected after moves
    if (ProData.myCapital != null) {
        int defenseRange = -1;
        while (true) {
            // Add value to territories near capital if necessary
            for (final Territory t : territoryManager.getDefendTerritories()) {
                double value = territoryValueMap.get(t);
                final int distance = data.getMap().getDistance(ProData.myCapital, t, ProMatches.territoryCanMoveLandUnits(player, data, false));
                if (distance >= 0 && distance <= defenseRange) {
                    value *= 10;
                if (t.isWater()) {
            // Check if capital has local land superiority
  "Checking if capital has local land superiority with enemyDistance=" + enemyDistance);
            if (enemyDistance >= 2 && enemyDistance <= 3 && defenseRange == -1 && !ProBattleUtils.territoryHasLocalLandSuperiorityAfterMoves(ProData.myCapital, enemyDistance, player, territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap())) {
                defenseRange = enemyDistance - 1;
                territoryManager = territoryManagerCopy;
                ProLogger.debug("Capital doesn't have local land superiority so setting defensive stance");
            } else {
    } else {
    // Determine where to move infra units
    factoryMoveMap = moveInfraUnits(factoryMoveMap, infraUnitMoveMap);
    // Log a warning if any units not assigned to a territory (skip infrastructure for now)
    for (final Unit u : territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getUnitMoveMap().keySet()) {
        if (Matches.unitIsInfrastructure().negate().test(u)) {
            ProLogger.warn(player + ": " + unitTerritoryMap.get(u) + " has unmoved unit: " + u + " with options: " + territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getUnitMoveMap().get(u));
    // Calculate move routes and perform moves
    doMove(territoryManager.getDefendOptions().getTerritoryMap(), moveDel, data, player);
    // Log results"Logging results");
    return factoryMoveMap;
Also used : ProPlaceTerritory( ProPurchaseTerritory( ProTerritory( Territory( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ProTerritoryManager( ProTerritory( TripleAUnit(games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit) Unit(


ProTerritory ( Territory ( Unit ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 TripleAUnit (games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit)24 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)16 ProBattleResult ( ProPurchaseTerritory ( Set (java.util.Set)11 ProPlaceTerritory ( GameData ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)9 ProOtherMoveOptions ( LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)7 Route ( List (java.util.List)6 Map (java.util.Map)6 TerritoryAttachment (games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment)5 ProTransport ( Collection (java.util.Collection)4