use of gartham.c10ver.economy.RewardsOperation in project c10ver by Gartham.
the class MonthlyCrate method open.
public RewardsOperation open() {
List<ItemBunch<?>> items = new ArrayList<>();
double rand = Math.random();
items.add(new ItemBunch<>(new Hamburger(), BigInteger.valueOf((long) (rand * 3 + 1))));
if (Math.random() < 0.2)
items.add(new ItemBunch<>(new Pizza()));
if (Math.random() < 0.15)
items.add(new ItemBunch<>(new DailyCrate(), BigInteger.valueOf((long) (Math.random() * 3 + 1))));
if (Math.random() < 0.1)
items.add(new ItemBunch<>(new MonthlyCrate()));
return new RewardsOperation().with(BigInteger.valueOf((long) (Math.random() * 800 + 450))).with(items);