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Example 26 with AnnotationSet

use of gate.AnnotationSet in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class AnnotationSetImpl method get.

// get(type)
 * Select annotations by a set of types. Expects a Set of String.
 * @return an ImmutableAnnotationSet
public AnnotationSet get(Set<String> types) throws ClassCastException {
    if (annotsByType == null)
    Iterator<String> iter = types.iterator();
    List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String type =;
        AnnotationSet as = annotsByType.get(type);
        if (as != null) {
            Iterator<Annotation> iterAnnot = as.iterator();
            while (iterAnnot.hasNext()) {
    // while
    if (annotations.isEmpty())
        return emptyAS();
    return new ImmutableAnnotationSetImpl(doc, annotations);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Annotation(gate.Annotation)

Example 27 with AnnotationSet

use of gate.AnnotationSet in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class CorpusAnnotationDiff method doDiff.

// printStructure
 * This method is the brain of the AnnotationSet diff and creates a set with
 * diffSetElement objects.
 * @param aKeyAnnotList a list containing the annotations from key. If this
 * param is <b>null</b> then the method will simply return and will not do a
 * thing.
 * @param aResponseAnnotList a list containing the annotation from response.
 * If this param is <b>null</b> the method will return.
protected void doDiff(List<Annotation> aKeyAnnotList, List<Annotation> aResponseAnnotList) {
    // If one of the annotation sets is null then is no point in doing the diff.
    if (aKeyAnnotList == null || aResponseAnnotList == null)
    // Iterate throught all elements from keyList and find those in the response
    // list which satisfies isCompatible() and isPartiallyCompatible() relations
    Iterator<Annotation> keyIterator = aKeyAnnotList.iterator();
    while (keyIterator.hasNext()) {
        Annotation keyAnnot =;
        Iterator<Annotation> responseIterator = aResponseAnnotList.iterator();
        DiffSetElement diffElement = null;
        while (responseIterator.hasNext()) {
            Annotation responseAnnot =;
            if (keyAnnot.isPartiallyCompatible(responseAnnot, keyFeatureNamesSet)) {
                if (keyAnnot.coextensive(responseAnnot)) {
                    // Found two compatible annotations
                    // Create a new DiffSetElement and add it to the diffSet
                    diffElement = new DiffSetElement(keyAnnot, responseAnnot, DEFAULT_TYPE, CORRECT_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
                    // Add this element to the DiffSet
            // End if (keyAnnot.coextensive(responseAnnot))
            } else if (keyAnnot.coextensive(responseAnnot)) {
                // Found two aligned annotations. We have to find out if the response
                // is partialy compatible with another key annotation.
                // Create a new DiffSetElement and add it to the diffSet
                diffElement = new DiffSetElement(keyAnnot, responseAnnot, detectKeyType(keyAnnot), detectResponseType(responseAnnot), keyDocument, responseDocument);
                // Add this element to the DiffSet
            if (diffElement != null) {
                // Eliminate the response annotation from the list.
        // End if
        // If diffElement != null it means that break was used
        if (diffElement == null) {
            if (keyPartiallySet.contains(keyAnnot))
                diffElement = new DiffSetElement(keyAnnot, null, DEFAULT_TYPE, NULL_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
            else {
                // If keyAnnot is not in keyPartiallySet then it has to be checked
                // agains all annotations in DiffSet to see if there is
                // a previous annotation from response set which is partially
                // compatible with the keyAnnot
                Iterator<DiffSetElement> respParIter = diffSet.iterator();
                while (respParIter.hasNext()) {
                    DiffSetElement diffElem =;
                    Annotation respAnnot = diffElem.getRightAnnotation();
                    if (respAnnot != null && keyAnnot.isPartiallyCompatible(respAnnot, keyFeatureNamesSet)) {
                        diffElement = new DiffSetElement(keyAnnot, null, DEFAULT_TYPE, NULL_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
                // End if
                // If is still nul then it means that the key annotation is missing
                if (diffElement == null)
                    diffElement = new DiffSetElement(keyAnnot, null, MISSING_TYPE, NULL_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
            // End if
        // End if
    // end while keyIterator
    DiffSetElement diffElem = null;
    Iterator<Annotation> responseIter = aResponseAnnotList.iterator();
    while (responseIter.hasNext()) {
        Annotation respAnnot =;
        if (responsePartiallySet.contains(respAnnot))
            diffElem = new DiffSetElement(null, respAnnot, NULL_TYPE, PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
            diffElem = new DiffSetElement(null, respAnnot, NULL_TYPE, SPURIOUS_TYPE, keyDocument, responseDocument);
    // End while
    // Precistion, Recall, FalsePositive and F-Measure
    int possible = // this comes from Key or Resp
    typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE] + // this comes from Resp
    typeCounter[PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE] + // this comes from Key
    int actual = // this comes from Key or Resp
    typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE] + // this comes from Resp
    typeCounter[PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE] + // this comes from Resp
    if (actual != responseSize)
      Err.prln("AnnotDiff warning: The response size(" + responseSize +
      ") is not the same as the computed value of" +
    " actual(Correct[resp or key]+Partial[resp]+Spurious[resp]=" + actual +")");
    if (actual != 0) {
        precisionStrict = ((double) typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE]) / ((double) actual);
        precisionLenient = ((double) (typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE] + typeCounter[PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE])) / ((double) actual);
        precisionAverage = (precisionStrict + precisionLenient) / 2;
    // End if
    if (possible != 0) {
        recallStrict = ((double) typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE]) / ((double) possible);
        recallLenient = ((double) (typeCounter[CORRECT_TYPE] + typeCounter[PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE])) / ((double) possible);
        recallAverage = (recallStrict + recallLenient) / 2;
    // End if
    int no = 0;
    // Annotations
    if (annotationTypeForFalsePositive != null)
        // Was it the default set ?
        if (responseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz == null) {
            AnnotationSet aSet = responseDocument.getAnnotations().get(annotationTypeForFalsePositive);
            no = aSet == null ? 0 : aSet.size();
        } else {
            AnnotationSet aSet = responseDocument.getAnnotations(responseAnnotationSetNameFalsePoz).get(annotationTypeForFalsePositive);
            no = aSet == null ? 0 : aSet.size();
    if (no != 0) {
        // No error here: the formula is the opposite to recall or precission
        falsePositiveStrict = ((double) (typeCounter[SPURIOUS_TYPE] + typeCounter[PARTIALLY_CORRECT_TYPE])) / ((double) no);
        falsePositiveLenient = ((double) typeCounter[SPURIOUS_TYPE]) / ((double) no);
        falsePositiveAverage = (falsePositiveStrict + falsePositiveLenient) / 2;
    // End if
    // Calculate F-Measure Strict
    double denominator = weight * (precisionStrict + recallStrict);
    if (denominator != 0)
        fMeasureStrict = (precisionStrict * recallStrict) / denominator;
        fMeasureStrict = 0.0;
    // Calculate F-Measure Lenient
    denominator = weight * (precisionLenient + recallLenient);
    if (denominator != 0)
        fMeasureLenient = (precisionLenient * recallLenient) / denominator;
        fMeasureLenient = 0.0;
    // Calculate F-Measure Average
    fMeasureAverage = (fMeasureStrict + fMeasureLenient) / 2;
Also used : AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Annotation(gate.Annotation)

Example 28 with AnnotationSet

use of gate.AnnotationSet in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestXml method testUnpackMarkup.

// runCompleteTestWithAFormat
 * A test
public void testUnpackMarkup() throws Exception {
    // create the markupElementsMap map
    // Map markupElementsMap = null;
    gate.Document doc = null;
    markupElementsMap = new HashMap();
    // populate it
    markupElementsMap.put ("S","Sentence");
    markupElementsMap.put ("s","Sentence");
    // Create the element2String map
    Map<String, String> anElement2StringMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // Populate it
    anElement2StringMap.put("S", "\n");
    anElement2StringMap.put("s", "\n");
    doc = gate.Factory.newDocument(new URL(TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/xml/xces.xml"), workingEncoding);
    AnnotationSet annotSet = doc.getAnnotations(GateConstants.ORIGINAL_MARKUPS_ANNOT_SET_NAME);
    assertEquals("For " + doc.getSourceUrl() + " the number of annotations" + " should be:758", 758, annotSet.size());
    // Verifies if the maximum annotation ID on the GATE doc is less than the
    // Annotation ID generator of the document.
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Document(gate.Document) URL(

Example 29 with AnnotationSet

use of gate.AnnotationSet in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestXml method buildID2AnnotMap.

 * Scans a target Doc for all Annotations and builds a map (from anot ID to annot) in the process
 * I also checks to see if there are two annotations with the same ID.
 * @param aDoc The GATE doc to be scaned
 * @return a Map ID2Annot
private Map<Integer, Annotation> buildID2AnnotMap(Document aDoc) {
    Map<Integer, Annotation> id2AnnMap = new HashMap<Integer, Annotation>();
    // Scan the default annotation set
    AnnotationSet annotSet = aDoc.getAnnotations();
    addAnnotSet2Map(annotSet, id2AnnMap);
    // Scan all named annotation sets
    if (aDoc.getNamedAnnotationSets() != null) {
        for (Iterator<AnnotationSet> namedAnnotSetsIter = aDoc.getNamedAnnotationSets().values().iterator(); namedAnnotSetsIter.hasNext(); ) {
            addAnnotSet2Map(, id2AnnMap);
    // End while
    // End if
    return id2AnnMap;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Annotation(gate.Annotation)

Example 30 with AnnotationSet

use of gate.AnnotationSet in project gate-core by GateNLP.

the class TestSgml method testSgmlLoading.

// setUp
public void testSgmlLoading() throws Exception {
    // create the markupElementsMap map
    Map<String, String> markupElementsMap = null;
    gate.Document doc = null;
    markupElementsMap = new HashMap();
    // populate it
    markupElementsMap.put ("S","Sentence");
    markupElementsMap.put ("s","Sentence");
    markupElementsMap.put ("W","Word");
    markupElementsMap.put ("w","Word");
    FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap();
    params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_URL_PARAMETER_NAME, new URL(TestDocument.getTestServerName() + "tests/sgml/Hds.sgm"));
    params.put(Document.DOCUMENT_MARKUP_AWARE_PARAMETER_NAME, "false");
    doc = (Document) Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", params);
    // get the docFormat that deals with it.
    // the parameter MimeType doesn't affect right now the behaviour
    // *
    gate.DocumentFormat docFormat = gate.DocumentFormat.getDocumentFormat(doc, doc.getSourceUrl());
    assertTrue("Bad document Format was produced. SgmlDocumentFormat was expected", docFormat instanceof gate.corpora.SgmlDocumentFormat);
    // set's the map
    docFormat.unpackMarkup(doc, "DocumentContent");
    AnnotationSet annotSet = doc.getAnnotations(GateConstants.ORIGINAL_MARKUPS_ANNOT_SET_NAME);
    assertEquals("For " + doc.getSourceUrl() + " the number of annotations" + " should be:1022", 1022, annotSet.size());
    // Verfy if all annotations from the default annotation set are consistent
Also used : FeatureMap(gate.FeatureMap) AnnotationSet(gate.AnnotationSet) Document(gate.Document) URL(


AnnotationSet (gate.AnnotationSet)43 Annotation (gate.Annotation)27 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 Document (gate.Document)9 List (java.util.List)8 FeatureMap (gate.FeatureMap)7 InvalidOffsetException (gate.util.InvalidOffsetException)6 AnnotationSetImpl (gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl)5 Set (java.util.Set)5 StatusListener (gate.event.StatusListener)4 GateRuntimeException (gate.util.GateRuntimeException)4 Point (java.awt.Point)4 IOException ( URL ( Map (java.util.Map)4 Color (java.awt.Color)3 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)3 TestDocument (gate.corpora.TestDocument)2