use of georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class PoseFromPairLinear6 method massageResults.
* <p>
* Since the linear solution is probably not an exact rotation matrix, this code finds the best
* approximation.
* </p>
* See page 280 of [1]
private void massageResults() {
DMatrixRMaj R = motion.getR();
Vector3D_F64 T = motion.getT();
if (!svd.decompose(R))
throw new RuntimeException("SVD Failed");
CommonOps_DDRM.multTransB(svd.getU(null, false), svd.getV(null, false), R);
// determinant should be +1
double det = CommonOps_DDRM.det(R);
if (det < 0)
CommonOps_DDRM.scale(-1, R);
// compute the determinant of the singular matrix
double b = 1.0;
double[] s = svd.getSingularValues();
for (int i = 0; i < svd.numberOfSingularValues(); i++) {
b *= s[i];
b = Math.signum(det) / Math.pow(b, 1.0 / 3.0);
GeometryMath_F64.scale(T, b);
use of georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class RectifyCalibrated method selectAxises.
* Selects axises of new coordinate system
private void selectAxises(SimpleMatrix R, SimpleMatrix c1, SimpleMatrix c2) {
// --------- Compute the new x-axis
v1.set(c2.get(0) - c1.get(0), c2.get(1) - c1.get(1), c2.get(2) - c1.get(2));
// --------- Compute the new y-axis
// cross product of old z axis and new x axis
// According to the paper [1] this choice is arbitrary, however it is not. By selecting
// the original axis the similarity with the first view is maximized. The other extreme
// would be to make it perpendicular, resulting in an unusable rectification.
// extract old z-axis from rotation matrix
Vector3D_F64 oldZ = new Vector3D_F64(R.get(2, 0), R.get(2, 1), R.get(2, 2));
GeometryMath_F64.cross(oldZ, v1, v2);
// ---------- Compute the new z-axis
// simply the process product of the first two
GeometryMath_F64.cross(v1, v2, v3);
use of georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class RectifyFundamental method computeHZero.
* H0 = H*M
* P=[M|m] from canonical camera
private SimpleMatrix computeHZero(DMatrixRMaj F, Point3D_F64 e2, SimpleMatrix H) {
Vector3D_F64 v = new Vector3D_F64(.1, 0.5, .2);
// need to make sure M is not singular for this technique to work
SimpleMatrix P = SimpleMatrix.wrap(MultiViewOps.canonicalCamera(F, e2, v, 1));
SimpleMatrix M = P.extractMatrix(0, 3, 0, 3);
return H.mult(M);
use of georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class TriangulateGeometric method triangulate.
* <p>
* Given two observations of the same point from two views and a known motion between the
* two views, triangulate the point's 3D position in camera 'a' reference frame.
* </p>
* @param a Observation from camera view 'a' in normalized coordinates. Not modified.
* @param b Observation from camera view 'b' in normalized coordinates. Not modified.
* @param fromAtoB Transformation from camera view 'a' to 'b' Not modified.
* @param foundInA (Output) Found 3D position of the point in reference frame 'a'. Modified.
public void triangulate(Point2D_F64 a, Point2D_F64 b, Se3_F64 fromAtoB, Point3D_F64 foundInA) {
// set camera B's principle point
Vector3D_F64 t = fromAtoB.getT();
rayB.p.set(-t.x, -t.y, -t.z);
// rotate observation in B into camera A's view
GeometryMath_F64.multTran(fromAtoB.getR(), rayB.p, rayB.p);
GeometryMath_F64.multTran(fromAtoB.getR(), b, rayB.slope);
rayA.slope.set(a.x, a.y, 1);
ClosestPoint3D_F64.closestPoint(rayA, rayB, foundInA);
use of georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64 in project BoofCV by lessthanoptimal.
the class StereoParameters method print.
public void print() {
double[] euler = ConvertRotation3D_F64.matrixToEuler(rightToLeft.getR(), EulerType.XYZ, (double[]) null);
Vector3D_F64 t = rightToLeft.getT();
System.out.println("Left Camera");
System.out.println("Right Camera");
System.out.println("Right to Left");
System.out.printf(" Euler XYZ [ %8.3f , %8.3f , %8.3f ]\n", euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]);
System.out.printf(" Translation [ %8.3f , %8.3f , %8.3f ]\n", t.x, t.y, t.z);