use of gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class TestDiscoveryIndex method doUpdateFromTestTrace.
private void doUpdateFromTestTrace(File file, final String testName, @Nullable final String moduleName) throws IOException {
myLocalTestRunDataController.withTestDataHolder(new ThrowableConvertor<TestInfoHolder, Void, IOException>() {
public Void convert(TestInfoHolder localHolder) throws IOException {
final int testNameId = localHolder.myTestNameEnumerator.enumerate(testName);
TIntObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> classData = loadClassAndMethodsMap(file, localHolder);
TIntObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> previousClassData = localHolder.myTestNameToUsedClassesAndMethodMap.get(testNameId);
if (previousClassData == null) {
previousClassData = myRemoteTestRunDataController.withTestDataHolder(remoteDataHolder -> {
TIntObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> remoteClassData = remoteDataHolder.myTestNameToUsedClassesAndMethodMap.get(testNameId);
if (remoteClassData == null)
return null;
TIntObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> result = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(remoteClassData.size());
Ref<IOException> exceptionRef = new Ref<>();
boolean processingResult = remoteClassData.forEachEntry((remoteClassKey, remoteClassMethodIds) -> {
try {
int localClassKey = localHolder.myClassEnumeratorCache.enumerate(remoteDataHolder.myClassEnumeratorCache.valueOf(remoteClassKey));
TIntArrayList localClassIds = new TIntArrayList(remoteClassMethodIds.size());
for (int methodId : remoteClassMethodIds.toNativeArray()) {
result.put(localClassKey, localClassIds);
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
return false;
if (!processingResult)
throw exceptionRef.get();
return result;
localHolder.doUpdateFromDiff(testNameId, classData, previousClassData, moduleName != null ? localHolder.myModuleNameEnumerator.enumerate(moduleName) : null);
return null;
use of gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class BuildResult method dumpSourceToOutputMappings.
private static void dumpSourceToOutputMappings(ProjectDescriptor pd, PrintStream stream) throws IOException {
List<BuildTarget<?>> targets = new ArrayList<>(pd.getBuildTargetIndex().getAllTargets());
targets.sort((o1, o2) -> StringUtil.comparePairs(o1.getTargetType().getTypeId(), o1.getId(), o2.getTargetType().getTypeId(), o2.getId(), false));
final TIntObjectHashMap<BuildTarget<?>> id2Target = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
for (BuildTarget<?> target : targets) {
id2Target.put(pd.dataManager.getTargetsState().getBuildTargetId(target), target);
TIntObjectHashMap<String> hashCodeToOutputPath = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
for (BuildTarget<?> target : targets) {
stream.println("Begin Of SourceToOutput (target " + getTargetIdWithTypeId(target) + ")");
SourceToOutputMapping map = pd.dataManager.getSourceToOutputMap(target);
List<String> sourcesList = new ArrayList<>(map.getSources());
for (String source : sourcesList) {
List<String> outputs = new ArrayList<>(ObjectUtils.notNull(map.getOutputs(source), Collections.<String>emptySet()));
for (String output : outputs) {
hashCodeToOutputPath.put(FileUtil.pathHashCode(output), output);
String sourceToCompare = SystemInfo.isFileSystemCaseSensitive ? source : source.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
stream.println(" " + sourceToCompare + " -> " + StringUtil.join(outputs, ","));
stream.println("End Of SourceToOutput (target " + getTargetIdWithTypeId(target) + ")");
OutputToTargetRegistry registry = pd.dataManager.getOutputToTargetRegistry();
List<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<>(registry.getKeys());
stream.println("Begin Of OutputToTarget");
for (Integer key : keys) {
TIntHashSet targetsIds = registry.getState(key);
if (targetsIds == null)
final List<String> targetsNames = new ArrayList<>();
targetsIds.forEach(value -> {
BuildTarget<?> target = id2Target.get(value);
targetsNames.add(target != null ? getTargetIdWithTypeId(target) : "<unknown " + value + ">");
return true;
stream.println(hashCodeToOutputPath.get(key) + " -> " + targetsNames);
stream.println("End Of OutputToTarget");
use of gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class DuplicatesMatchingVisitor method doMatchInAnyOrder.
protected boolean doMatchInAnyOrder(NodeIterator it1, NodeIterator it2) {
final List<PsiElement> elements1 = new ArrayList<>();
final List<PsiElement> elements2 = new ArrayList<>();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
final PsiElement element = it1.current();
if (element != null) {
while (it2.hasNext()) {
final PsiElement element = it2.current();
if (element != null) {
if (elements1.size() != elements2.size()) {
return false;
final TIntObjectHashMap<List<PsiElement>> hash2element = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(elements1.size());
for (PsiElement element : elements1) {
final TreeHashResult result = myTreeHasher.hash(element, null, myNodeSpecificHasher);
if (result != null) {
final int hash = result.getHash();
List<PsiElement> list = hash2element.get(hash);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
hash2element.put(hash, list);
for (PsiElement element : elements2) {
final TreeHashResult result = myTreeHasher.hash(element, null, myNodeSpecificHasher);
if (result != null) {
final int hash = result.getHash();
final List<PsiElement> list = hash2element.get(hash);
if (list == null) {
return false;
boolean found = false;
for (Iterator<PsiElement> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (match(element, {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
if (list.size() == 0) {
return hash2element.size() == 0;
use of gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class DuplocatorHashCallback method getInfo.
public DupInfo getInfo() {
final TObjectIntHashMap<PsiFragment[]> duplicateList = new TObjectIntHashMap<>();
myDuplicates.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<List<List<PsiFragment>>>() {
public boolean execute(final int hash, final List<List<PsiFragment>> listList) {
for (List<PsiFragment> list : listList) {
final int len = list.size();
if (len > 1) {
PsiFragment[] filtered = new PsiFragment[len];
int idx = 0;
for (final PsiFragment fragment : list) {
filtered[idx++] = fragment;
duplicateList.put(filtered, hash);
return true;
myDuplicates = null;
for (TObjectIntIterator<PsiFragment[]> dups = duplicateList.iterator(); dups.hasNext(); ) {
PsiFragment[] fragments = dups.key();
LOG.assertTrue(fragments.length > 1);
boolean nested = false;
for (PsiFragment fragment : fragments) {
if (fragment.isNested()) {
nested = true;
if (nested) {
final Object[] duplicates = duplicateList.keys();
Arrays.sort(duplicates, (x, y) -> ((PsiFragment[]) y)[0].getCost() - ((PsiFragment[]) x)[0].getCost());
return new DupInfo() {
private final TIntObjectHashMap<GroupNodeDescription> myPattern2Description = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
public int getPatterns() {
return duplicates.length;
public int getPatternCost(int number) {
return ((PsiFragment[]) duplicates[number])[0].getCost();
public int getPatternDensity(int number) {
return ((PsiFragment[]) duplicates[number]).length;
public PsiFragment[] getFragmentOccurences(int pattern) {
return (PsiFragment[]) duplicates[pattern];
public UsageInfo[] getUsageOccurences(int pattern) {
PsiFragment[] occs = getFragmentOccurences(pattern);
UsageInfo[] infos = new UsageInfo[occs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
infos[i] = occs[i].getUsageInfo();
return infos;
public int getFileCount(final int pattern) {
if (myPattern2Description.containsKey(pattern)) {
return myPattern2Description.get(pattern).getFilesCount();
return cacheGroupNodeDescription(pattern).getFilesCount();
private GroupNodeDescription cacheGroupNodeDescription(final int pattern) {
final Set<PsiFile> files = new HashSet<>();
final PsiFragment[] occurencies = getFragmentOccurences(pattern);
for (PsiFragment occurency : occurencies) {
final PsiFile file = occurency.getFile();
if (file != null) {
final int fileCount = files.size();
final PsiFile psiFile = occurencies[0].getFile();
DuplicatesProfile profile = DuplicatesProfileCache.getProfile(this, pattern);
String comment = profile != null ? profile.getComment(this, pattern) : "";
final GroupNodeDescription description = new GroupNodeDescription(fileCount, psiFile != null ? psiFile.getName() : "unknown", comment);
myPattern2Description.put(pattern, description);
return description;
public String getTitle(int pattern) {
if (getFileCount(pattern) == 1) {
if (myPattern2Description.containsKey(pattern)) {
return myPattern2Description.get(pattern).getTitle();
return cacheGroupNodeDescription(pattern).getTitle();
return null;
public String getComment(int pattern) {
if (getFileCount(pattern) == 1) {
if (myPattern2Description.containsKey(pattern)) {
return myPattern2Description.get(pattern).getComment();
return cacheGroupNodeDescription(pattern).getComment();
return null;
public int getHash(final int i) {
return duplicateList.get((PsiFragment[]) duplicates[i]);
use of gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class ProcessListUtil method parseMacOutput.
static List<ProcessInfo> parseMacOutput(String commandOnly, String full) {
List<MacProcessInfo> commands = doParseMacOutput(commandOnly);
List<MacProcessInfo> fulls = doParseMacOutput(full);
if (commands == null || fulls == null)
return null;
TIntObjectHashMap<String> idToCommand = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
for (MacProcessInfo each : commands) {
idToCommand.put(, each.commandLine);
List<ProcessInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (MacProcessInfo each : fulls) {
if (!idToCommand.containsKey(
String command = idToCommand.get(;
if (!(each.commandLine.equals(command) || each.commandLine.startsWith(command + " ")))
String name = PathUtil.getFileName(command);
String args = each.commandLine.substring(command.length()).trim();
result.add(new ProcessInfo(, each.commandLine, name, args, command));
return result;