use of gov.cms.ab2d.common.dto.ContractDTO in project ab2d by CMSgov.
the class CoverageDriverImpl method isCoverageAvailable.
* Determine whether database contains all necessary enrollment for a contract and that no updates to that
* enrollment are currently occurring.
* Steps
* - Lock coverage so no other workers can modify coverage while this check is occurring
* - Create any {@link CoveragePeriod}s that are currently missing
* - Check the following to determine whether a job can run (return false if any are not met)
* - Look for whether months have failed to update during earlier attempts
* - Look for coverage periods that have never been successfully searched and queue them
* - Look for coverage periods currently being updated
* @param job job to check for coverage
* @throws CoverageDriverException if enrollment state violates assumed preconditions or database lock cannot be retrieved
* @throws InterruptedException if trying to lock the table is interrupted
@Trace(metricName = "EnrollmentIsAvailable", dispatcher = true)
public boolean isCoverageAvailable(Job job, ContractDTO contract) throws InterruptedException {
String contractNumber = job.getContractNumber();
assert contractNumber.equals(contract.getContractNumber());
Lock coverageLock = coverageLockWrapper.getCoverageLock();
// Track whether locked or not to prevent an illegal monitor exception
boolean locked = false;
try {
locked = coverageLock.tryLock(MINUTE, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
if (!locked) {
log.warn("Could not retrieve lock after timeout of {} minute(s)." + " Cannot confirm coverage metadata is available", MINUTE);
return false;
// Check whether a coverage period is missing for this contract.
// If so then create those coverage periods.
discoverCoveragePeriods(;"queueing never searched coverage metadata periods for {}", contractNumber);
* If any relevant coverage period has never been pulled from BFD successfully then automatically fail the
* search
List<CoveragePeriod> neverSearched = coverageService.coveragePeriodNeverSearchedSuccessfully().stream().filter(period -> Objects.equals(contract.getContractNumber(), period.getContractNumber())).toList();
if (!neverSearched.isEmpty()) {
// Check that we've not submitted and failed these jobs
neverSearched.forEach(period -> checkCoveragePeriodValidity(job, period));
// Add all never searched coverage periods to the queue for processing
neverSearched.forEach(period -> coverageProcessor.queueCoveragePeriod(period, false));
return false;
}"checking whether any coverage metadata is currently being updated for {}", contractNumber);
* If coverage periods are submitted, in progress or null then ignore for the moment.
* There will always be at least one coverage period returned.
List<CoveragePeriod> periods = coverageService.findAssociatedCoveragePeriods(contract.getContractNumber());
if (periods.isEmpty()) {
log.error("There are no existing coverage periods for this job so no metadata exists");
throw new CoverageDriverException("There are no existing coverage periods for this job so no ");
return -> status == null || status == CoverageJobStatus.IN_PROGRESS || status == CoverageJobStatus.SUBMITTED);
} catch (InterruptedException interruptedException) {
log.error("Interrupted attempting to retrieve lock. Cannot confirm coverage metadata is available");
throw interruptedException;
} finally {
if (locked) {
use of gov.cms.ab2d.common.dto.ContractDTO in project ab2d by CMSgov.
the class CoverageProcessorImpl method startJob.
* Attempt to start a coverage search of BFD
* @param mapping a mapping job
public boolean startJob(CoverageMapping mapping) {
synchronized (inProgressMappings) {
if (inShutdown.get()) {
log.warn("cannot start job because service has been shutdown");
return false;
ContractDTO contract = contractWorkerClient.getContractByContractNumber(mapping.getContractNumber());
if (contract == null) {
log.warn("cannot grab contract using contract number {}", mapping.getContractNumber());
return false;
}"starting search for {} during {}-{}", mapping.getContractNumber(), mapping.getPeriod().getMonth(), mapping.getPeriod().getYear());
// Currently, we are using the STU3 version to get patient mappings
CoverageMappingCallable callable = new CoverageMappingCallable(STU3, mapping, bfdClient,;
return true;
use of gov.cms.ab2d.common.dto.ContractDTO in project ab2d by CMSgov.
the class ContractProcessorImpl method process.
* Process the contract - execute an entire {@link Job} from start to finish. Under the hood beneficiaries are
* loaded from our database, queued for a thread pool to process, and the results processed and written out.
* <p>
* Under the hood all of this is done by paging through beneficiaries. We queue {@link #eobJobPatientQueuePageSize}
* beneficiaries at a time and then check to see what requests have finished before attempting
* to queue more beneficiaries.
* <p>
* Steps
* - Calculate number of beneficiaries expected to process for the job
* - Open a stream to the file system to write out results
* - Page through enrollment queueing requests for each patient, and processing results
* - Handle remaining requests waiting to be finished
* - Report all files generated by running the job
* - Cleanup stream
* <p>
* Periodically run at various points in this method
* - Update the progress tracker with number of beneficiaries and eobs processed
* - Are too many failures occurring in requests and do we need to shut down?
* - Has the job been cancelled externally?
* - Are too many requests waiting to run and do we have to wait for some requests to be processed?
* - Log progress to database or console
* @return - the job output records containing the file information
public List<JobOutput> process(Job job) {
var contractNumber = job.getContractNumber();"Beginning to process contract {}", keyValue(CONTRACT_LOG, contractNumber));
// noinspection OptionalGetWithoutIsPresent
ContractDTO contract = contractWorkerClient.getContractByContractNumber(contractNumber);
int numBenes = coverageDriver.numberOfBeneficiariesToProcess(job, contract);
jobChannelService.sendUpdate(job.getJobUuid(), JobMeasure.PATIENTS_EXPECTED, numBenes);"Contract [{}] has [{}] Patients", contractNumber, numBenes);
// Create the aggregator
AggregatorCallable aggregator = new AggregatorCallable(searchConfig.getEfsMount(), job.getJobUuid(), contractNumber, ndjsonRollOver, searchConfig.getStreamingDir(), searchConfig.getFinishedDir(), searchConfig.getMultiplier());
List<JobOutput> jobOutputs = new ArrayList<>();
try {
// Let the aggregator create all the necessary directories
JobHelper.workerSetUpJobDirectories(job.getJobUuid(), searchConfig.getEfsMount(), searchConfig.getStreamingDir(), searchConfig.getFinishedDir());
// Create the aggregator thread
Future<Integer> aggregatorFuture = aggregatorThreadPool.submit(aggregator);
ContractData contractData = new ContractData(contract, job);
// Iterate through pages of beneficiary data
// Wait for remaining work to finish before cleaning up after the job
// This should be at most eobJobPatientQueueMaxSize requests
processRemainingRequests(contractData);"Finished writing {} EOBs for contract {}", jobProgressService.getStatus(job.getJobUuid()).getEobsProcessedCount(), contractNumber);
// Mark the job as finished for the aggregator (all file data has been written out)
JobHelper.workerFinishJob(searchConfig.getEfsMount() + "/" + job.getJobUuid() + "/" + searchConfig.getStreamingDir());
// Wait for the aggregator to finish
while (!isDone(aggregatorFuture, job.getJobUuid(), true)) {
// Retrieve all the job output info
jobOutputs.addAll(getOutputs(job.getJobUuid(), DATA));
jobOutputs.addAll(getOutputs(job.getJobUuid(), ERROR));"Number of outputs: " + jobOutputs.size());
} catch (InterruptedException | IOException ex) {
log.error("interrupted while processing job for contract");
return jobOutputs;
use of gov.cms.ab2d.common.dto.ContractDTO in project ab2d by CMSgov.
the class ContractProcessorImpl method loadEobRequests.
* Load beneficiaries and create an EOB request for each patient. Patients are loaded a page at a time. The page size is
* configurable. At the end of loading all requests, the number of requests loaded is compared to the expected
* number and the job immediately failed if not equal.
* <p>
* Steps:
* - load a page of beneficiaries from the database
* - create a request per patient and queue each request
* - update the progress tracker with the number of patients added
* - check if the job has been cancelled
* - process any requests to BFD that are complete
* @param contractData job requests record and object for storing in motion requests
* @throws InterruptedException if job is shut down during a busy wait for space in the queue
private void loadEobRequests(ContractData contractData) throws InterruptedException {
String jobUuid = contractData.getJob().getJobUuid();
ContractDTO contract = contractData.getContract();
// Handle first page of beneficiaries and then enter loop
CoveragePagingResult current = coverageDriver.pageCoverage(new CoveragePagingRequest(eobJobPatientQueuePageSize, null,, contractData.getJob().getCreatedAt()));
loadRequestBatch(contractData, current, searchConfig.getNumberBenesPerBatch());
jobChannelService.sendUpdate(jobUuid, JobMeasure.PATIENT_REQUEST_QUEUED, current.size());
// noinspection WhileLoopReplaceableByForEach
while (current.getNextRequest().isPresent()) {
if (eobClaimRequestsQueue.size(jobUuid) > eobJobPatientQueueMaxSize) {
// Wait for queue to empty out some before adding more
// noinspection BusyWait
// Queue a batch of patients
current = coverageDriver.pageCoverage(current.getNextRequest().get());
loadRequestBatch(contractData, current, searchConfig.getNumberBenesPerBatch());
jobChannelService.sendUpdate(jobUuid, JobMeasure.PATIENT_REQUEST_QUEUED, current.size());
// Verify that the number of benes requested matches the number expected from the database and fail
// immediately if the two do not match
ProgressTracker progressTracker = jobProgressService.getStatus(jobUuid);
int totalQueued = progressTracker.getPatientRequestQueuedCount();
int totalExpected = progressTracker.getPatientsExpected();
if (totalQueued != totalExpected) {
throw new ContractProcessingException("expected " + totalExpected + " patients from database but retrieved " + totalQueued);
use of gov.cms.ab2d.common.dto.ContractDTO in project ab2d by CMSgov.
the class JobPreProcessorImpl method preprocess.
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public Job preprocess(String jobUuid) {
Job job = jobRepository.findByJobUuid(jobUuid);
if (job == null) {
log.error("Job was not found");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Job " + jobUuid + " was not found");
// validate status is SUBMITTED
if (!SUBMITTED.equals(job.getStatus())) {
final String errMsg = String.format("Job %s is not in %s status", jobUuid, SUBMITTED);
log.error("Job is not in submitted status");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
ContractDTO contract = contractWorkerClient.getContractByContractNumber(job.getContractNumber());
if (contract == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A job must always have a contract.");
Optional<OffsetDateTime> sinceValue = Optional.ofNullable(job.getSince());
if (sinceValue.isPresent()) {
// If the user provided a 'since' value
} else if (job.getFhirVersion().supportDefaultSince() && !contract.hasDateIssue()) {
// If the user did not, but this version supports a default 'since', populate it
job = updateSinceTime(job, contract);;
try {
if (!coverageDriver.isCoverageAvailable(job, contract)) {"coverage metadata is not up to date so job will not be started");
return job;
eventLogger.logAndAlert(EventUtils.getJobChangeEvent(job, IN_PROGRESS, EOB_JOB_STARTED + " for " + contract.getContractNumber() + " in progress"), PUBLIC_LIST);
job =;
} catch (CoverageDriverException coverageDriverException) {
eventLogger.logAndAlert(EventUtils.getJobChangeEvent(job, FAILED, EOB_JOB_COVERAGE_ISSUE + " Job for " + contract.getContractNumber() + " in progress"), PUBLIC_LIST);
job.setStatusMessage("could not pull coverage information for contract");
job =;
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new RuntimeException("could not determine whether coverage metadata was up to date", ie);
return job;