use of groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class ScriptSupport method evaluate.
public String evaluate(MatchResult result, PsiElement context) {
try {
final HashMap<String, Object> variableMap = new HashMap<>();
variableMap.put(ScriptLog.SCRIPT_LOG_VAR_NAME, myScriptLog);
if (result != null) {
buildVariableMap(result, variableMap);
if (context == null) {
context = result.getMatch();
context = StructuralSearchUtil.getPresentableElement(context);
variableMap.put(myName, context);
variableMap.put(Configuration.CONTEXT_VAR_NAME, context);
script.setBinding(new Binding(variableMap));
final Object o =;
return String.valueOf(o);
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException ex) {
throw new StructuralSearchException(SSRBundle.message("groovy.script.error", ex.getMessage()));
} finally {
use of groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException in project groovy by apache.
the class AsmClassGenerator method visitClass.
// GroovyClassVisitor interface
public void visitClass(ClassNode classNode) {
WriterControllerFactory factory = (WriterControllerFactory) classNode.getNodeMetaData(WriterControllerFactory.class);
WriterController normalController = new WriterController();
if (factory != null) {
this.controller = factory.makeController(normalController);
} else {
this.controller = normalController;
this.controller.init(this, context, cv, classNode);
if (controller.shouldOptimizeForInt() || factory != null) {
OptimizingStatementWriter.setNodeMeta(controller.getTypeChooser(), classNode);
try {
cv.visit(controller.getBytecodeVersion(), adjustedClassModifiersForClassWriting(classNode), controller.getInternalClassName(), BytecodeHelper.getGenericsSignature(classNode), controller.getInternalBaseClassName(), BytecodeHelper.getClassInternalNames(classNode.getInterfaces()));
cv.visitSource(sourceFile, null);
if (classNode instanceof InnerClassNode) {
InnerClassNode innerClass = (InnerClassNode) classNode;
MethodNode enclosingMethod = innerClass.getEnclosingMethod();
if (enclosingMethod != null) {
String outerClassName = BytecodeHelper.getClassInternalName(innerClass.getOuterClass().getName());
cv.visitOuterClass(outerClassName, enclosingMethod.getName(), BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(enclosingMethod));
if (classNode.getName().endsWith("package-info")) {
PackageNode packageNode = classNode.getPackage();
if (packageNode != null) {
// pull them out of package node but treat them like they were on class node
for (AnnotationNode an : packageNode.getAnnotations()) {
// skip built-in properties
if (an.isBuiltIn())
if (an.hasSourceRetention())
AnnotationVisitor av = getAnnotationVisitor(classNode, an, cv);
visitAnnotationAttributes(an, av);
} else {
visitAnnotations(classNode, cv);
if (classNode.isInterface()) {
ClassNode owner = classNode;
if (owner instanceof InnerClassNode) {
owner = owner.getOuterClass();
String outerClassName = classNode.getName();
String name = outerClassName + "$" + context.getNextInnerClassIdx();
controller.setInterfaceClassLoadingClass(new InterfaceHelperClassNode(owner, name, ACC_SUPER | ACC_SYNTHETIC | ACC_STATIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, controller.getCallSiteWriter().getCallSites()));
} else {
MopWriter.Factory mopWriterFactory = classNode.getNodeMetaData(MopWriter.Factory.class);
if (mopWriterFactory == null) {
mopWriterFactory = MopWriter.FACTORY;
MopWriter mopWriter = mopWriterFactory.create(controller);
// GROOVY-6750 and GROOVY-6808
for (Iterator<InnerClassNode> iter = classNode.getInnerClasses(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
InnerClassNode innerClass =;
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("NegativeArraySizeException while processing " + sourceFile, nase);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("NPE while processing " + sourceFile, npe);
use of groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException in project groovy by apache.
the class InvokerHelper method createScript.
public static Script createScript(Class scriptClass, Binding context) {
Script script;
if (scriptClass == null) {
script = new NullScript(context);
} else {
try {
if (Script.class.isAssignableFrom(scriptClass)) {
try {
Constructor constructor = scriptClass.getConstructor(Binding.class);
script = (Script) constructor.newInstance(context);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Fallback for non-standard "Script" classes.
script = (Script) scriptClass.newInstance();
} else {
final GroovyObject object = (GroovyObject) scriptClass.newInstance();
// it could just be a class, so let's wrap it in a Script
// wrapper; though the bindings will be ignored
script = new Script(context) {
public Object run() {
Object argsToPass = EMPTY_MAIN_ARGS;
try {
Object args = getProperty("args");
if (args instanceof String[]) {
argsToPass = args;
} catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
// They'll get empty args since none exist in the context.
object.invokeMethod("main", argsToPass);
return null;
Map variables = context.getVariables();
MetaClass mc = getMetaClass(object);
for (Object o : variables.entrySet()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
// assume underscore variables are for the wrapper script
setPropertySafe(key.startsWith("_") ? script : object, mc, key, entry.getValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Failed to create Script instance for class: " + scriptClass + ". Reason: " + e, e);
return script;
use of groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException in project groovy by apache.
the class ProxyGeneratorAdapter method proxy.
public GroovyObject proxy(Map<Object, Object> map, Object... constructorArgs) {
if (constructorArgs == null && cachedNoArgConstructor != null) {
// if there isn't any argument, we can make invocation faster using the cached constructor
try {
return (GroovyObject) cachedNoArgConstructor.newInstance(map);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException(e);
if (constructorArgs == null)
constructorArgs = EMPTY_ARGS;
Object[] values = new Object[constructorArgs.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(constructorArgs, 0, values, 0, constructorArgs.length);
values[values.length - 1] = map;
return DefaultGroovyMethods.<GroovyObject>newInstance(cachedClass, values);
use of groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException in project groovy by apache.
the class MixinInMetaClass method mixinClassesToMetaClass.
public static void mixinClassesToMetaClass(MetaClass self, List<Class> categoryClasses) {
final Class selfClass = self.getTheClass();
if (self instanceof HandleMetaClass) {
self = (MetaClass) ((HandleMetaClass) self).replaceDelegate();
if (!(self instanceof ExpandoMetaClass)) {
if (self instanceof DelegatingMetaClass && ((DelegatingMetaClass) self).getAdaptee() instanceof ExpandoMetaClass) {
self = ((DelegatingMetaClass) self).getAdaptee();
} else {
throw new GroovyRuntimeException("Can't mixin methods to meta class: " + self);
ExpandoMetaClass mc = (ExpandoMetaClass) self;
List<MetaMethod> arr = new ArrayList<MetaMethod>();
for (Class categoryClass : categoryClasses) {
final CachedClass cachedCategoryClass = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(categoryClass);
final MixinInMetaClass mixin = new MixinInMetaClass(mc, cachedCategoryClass);
final MetaClass metaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(categoryClass);
final List<MetaProperty> propList = metaClass.getProperties();
for (MetaProperty prop : propList) if (self.getMetaProperty(prop.getName()) == null) {
mc.registerBeanProperty(prop.getName(), new MixinInstanceMetaProperty(prop, mixin));
for (MetaProperty prop : cachedCategoryClass.getFields()) if (self.getMetaProperty(prop.getName()) == null) {
mc.registerBeanProperty(prop.getName(), new MixinInstanceMetaProperty(prop, mixin));
for (MetaMethod method : metaClass.getMethods()) {
final int mod = method.getModifiers();
if (!Modifier.isPublic(mod))
if (method instanceof CachedMethod && ((CachedMethod) method).getCachedMethod().isSynthetic())
if (Modifier.isStatic(mod)) {
if (method instanceof CachedMethod)
staticMethod(self, arr, (CachedMethod) method);
} else if (method.getDeclaringClass().getTheClass() != Object.class || method.getName().equals("toString")) {
// if (self.pickMethod(method.getName(), method.getNativeParameterTypes()) == null) {
final MixinInstanceMetaMethod metaMethod = new MixinInstanceMetaMethod(method, mixin);
// }
for (Object res : arr) {
final MetaMethod metaMethod = (MetaMethod) res;
if (metaMethod.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(selfClass))
else {