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Example 6 with GRBLinExpr

use of gurobi.GRBLinExpr in project chordatlas by twak.

the class GurobiSkelSolver method buildProfiles.

private void buildProfiles() throws GRBException {
    for (HalfEdge e : edges) {
        if (// when a profile ends, we assume it can't start again...
        ((SuperEdge) e).profLine == null)
        EdgeVars ev = edgeInfo.get(e);
        ev.profile = new GRBVar[globalProfs.size()];
        for (int p = 0; p < globalProfs.size(); p++) {
            ev.profile[p] = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0, GRB.BINARY, PROFILE_SELECT);
            set(ev.profile[p], p == 0 ? 1 : 0);
    Cache2<HalfEdge, HalfEdge, GRBVar> isProfileDifferent = new Cache2<HalfMesh2.HalfEdge, HalfMesh2.HalfEdge, GRBVar>() {

        public GRBVar create(HalfEdge e1, HalfEdge e2) {
            try {
                GRBVar s = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, PROFILE_DIFFERENT);
                buildIsDifferentColor(s, edgeInfo.get(e1).profile, edgeInfo.get(e2).profile, "profile");
                s.set(DoubleAttr.Start, 0);
                return s;
            } catch (GRBException e) {
            return null;
    for (HalfEdge e1 : edges) {
        // if (e1.over != null)
        // continue;
        EdgeVars ev = edgeInfo.get(e1);
        if (ev.profile == null)
        double[] fit = profFit.get(e1);
        GRBLinExpr pickOneProfile = new GRBLinExpr();
        for (int p = 0; p < globalProfs.size(); p++) {
            GRBVar a = ev.profile[p];
            pickOneProfile.addTerm(1, a);
            target.addTerm(.001 * fit[p] * e1.length(), a);
        model.addConstr(pickOneProfile, GRB.EQUAL, 1, /*ev.isEdge*/
        "pick only one profile for " + e1);
        List<HalfEdge> atEnd = e1.collectAroundEnd();
        for (HalfEdge e2 : atEnd) {
            if (e1 != e2 && edgeInfo.get(e2).profile != null && // only constrain if ~parallel
            e1.line().absAngle(e2.line()) < 0.1) {
                GRBVar s = isProfileDifferent.get(e1, e2);
                // ev.debug = s;
                // Point2d dbg = new Point2d(e1.end);
                // dbg.add(new Point2d(Math.random() * 0.1, Math.random() * 0.1));
                GRBLinExpr perpIsEdge = new GRBLinExpr();
                for (HalfEdge e3 : atEnd) {
                    if (e3 == e1 || e3 == e2 || e3 == e1.over || e3 == e2.over || (e3.over != null && (e3.over == e1.over || e3.over == e2.over)))
                    if (!e1.line().isOnLeft(e1.end.distanceSquared(e3.start) > e1.end.distanceSquared(e3.end) ? e3.start : e3.end))
                    perpIsEdge.addTerm(1, edgeInfo.get(e3).isEdge);
                // PaintThing.debug.put(e2, dbg);
                // Point2d d2 = new Point2d(e3.line().dir());
                // d2.scale (0.1/new Vector2d(d2).length());
                // d2.add(dbg);
                // PaintThing.debug.put(e2, new Line (dbg, d2));
                // model.addConstr( s, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, edgeInfo.get(e3).isEdge, "only change profile if no adjacent edge "+e1 );
                model.addConstr(s, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, perpIsEdge, "dont' change profile over " + e1);
            // PaintThing.debug.put(e2, dbg);
            // Point2d d2 = new Point2d(e2.line().dir());
            // d2.scale (0.2/new Vector2d(d2).length());
            // d2.add(dbg);
            // PaintThing.debug.put(e2, new Line (dbg, d2));
    countNearbyProfiles = 0;
    if (false)
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
            HalfEdge e1 = edges.get(i);
            if (edgeInfo.get(e1).profile == null)
            print("building edge locality term " + i + " / " + edges.size());
            for (HalfEdge e2 : edges) if (lt(e1, e2) && edgeInfo.get(e2).profile != null) {
                if (e1.line().distance(e2.line()) < 2) {
                    GRBVar s = isProfileDifferent.get(e1, e2);
                    target.addTerm(0.1 * (e1.length() + e2.length()), s);
Also used : GRBLinExpr(gurobi.GRBLinExpr) HalfEdge(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge) GRBVar(gurobi.GRBVar) Cache2(org.twak.utils.Cache2) MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint) HalfMesh2(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2) GRBException(gurobi.GRBException)

Example 7 with GRBLinExpr

use of gurobi.GRBLinExpr in project chordatlas by twak.

the class GurobiSkelSolver method notBoth.

private void notBoth(HalfEdge e1, HalfEdge e2, boolean isContraint, double badThingsAreBad) throws GRBException {
    GRBLinExpr no = new GRBLinExpr();
    no.addTerm(1, edgeInfo.get(e1).isEdge);
    no.addTerm(1, edgeInfo.get(e2).isEdge);
    if (isContraint) {
        model.addConstr(no, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1, "bad geom < 1");
    } else {
        GRBVar bothSelected = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0, GRB.BINARY, BAD_GEOM);
        no.addTerm(-2, bothSelected);
        model.addConstr(no, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 1, "bad geom <");
        model.addConstr(no, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, -0.5, "bad geom >");
        target.addTerm(badThingsAreBad, bothSelected);
            Line l1 = e1.line(), l2 = e2.line();
            l1.start = new Point2d(l1.start);
            l1.end = new Point2d(l1.end);
            l2.start = new Point2d(l2.start);
            l2.end = new Point2d(l2.end);
            PaintThing.debug(new Color(255, 170, 0), 2, l1);
            PaintThing.debug(new Color(170, 0, 255), 2, l2);
            edgeInfo.get(e1).debug = bothSelected;
Also used : Line(org.twak.utils.Line) GRBLinExpr(gurobi.GRBLinExpr) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Color(java.awt.Color) GRBVar(gurobi.GRBVar)

Example 8 with GRBLinExpr

use of gurobi.GRBLinExpr in project chordatlas by twak.

the class GurobiSkelSolver method buildIsDifferentColor.

private void buildIsDifferentColor(GRBVar isDifferent, GRBVar[] ac, GRBVar[] bc, String desc) throws GRBException {
    GRBLinExpr isEdgeEx = new GRBLinExpr();
    GRBLinExpr expr;
    for (int c = 0; c < ac.length; c++) {
        GRBVar a = ac[c], b = bc[c], xor = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0, GRB.BINARY, XOR + " " + desc);
        // if (setVars.containsKey( a ) && setVars.containsKey( b ))
        // xor.set( DoubleAttr.Start,  (setVars.get(a) == 1) ^ ( setVars.get(b) == 1 ) ? 1 : 0 );
        expr = new GRBLinExpr();
        expr.addTerm(1, a);
        expr.addTerm(1, b);
        model.addConstr(xor, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, expr, "same color " + c);
        expr = new GRBLinExpr();
        expr.addTerm(1, a);
        expr.addTerm(-1, b);
        model.addConstr(xor, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, expr, "same color " + c);
        expr = new GRBLinExpr();
        expr.addTerm(-1, a);
        expr.addTerm(1, b);
        model.addConstr(xor, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, expr, "same color " + c);
        expr = new GRBLinExpr();
        expr.addTerm(1, a);
        expr.addTerm(1, b);
        expr.addTerm(1, xor);
        model.addConstr(expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 2, "same color " + c);
        isEdgeEx.addTerm(1, xor);
    isEdgeEx.addTerm(-2, isDifferent);
    model.addConstr(isEdgeEx, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 0.5, "is different " + desc);
    model.addConstr(isEdgeEx, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, -1.5, "is different " + desc);
Also used : GRBLinExpr(gurobi.GRBLinExpr) GRBVar(gurobi.GRBVar) MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint)


GRBLinExpr (gurobi.GRBLinExpr)8 MFPoint (org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint)6 GRBVar (gurobi.GRBVar)5 GRBException (gurobi.GRBException)3 GRBEnv (gurobi.GRBEnv)2 GRBModel (gurobi.GRBModel)2 GRBQuadExpr (gurobi.GRBQuadExpr)2 Color (java.awt.Color)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 Point2d (javax.vecmath.Point2d)2 Cache2 (org.twak.utils.Cache2)2 Line (org.twak.utils.Line)2 HalfMesh2 (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2)2 HalfEdge (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge)2 HalfFace (org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace)2 GRB (gurobi.GRB)1 DoubleAttr (gurobi.GRB.DoubleAttr)1 StringAttr (gurobi.GRB.StringAttr)1 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1