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Example 11 with Record

use of herddb.model.Record in project herddb by diennea.

the class TableManager method flushNewPage.

 * Remove the page from {@link #newPages}, set it as "unloaded" and write it to disk
 * <p>
 * Add as much spare data as possible to fillup the page. If added must change key to page pointers too for spare
 * data
 * </p>
 * @param page new page to flush
 * @param spareData old spare data to fit in the new page if possible
 * @return spare memory size used (and removed), {@code 0} if no spare used,
 *         {@code -1L} if no flush has been done because the page isn't writable anymore
private long flushNewPage(DataPage page, Map<Bytes, Record> spareData) {
    if (page.immutable) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Attempt to flush an immutable page " + page.pageId + " as it was mutable");
        throw new IllegalStateException("page " + page.pageId + " is not a new page!");
    try {
        if (!page.writable) {
            return -1L;
    } finally {
         * We need to keep the page lock just to write the unloaded flag... after that write any other
         * thread that check the page will avoid writes (thus using page data is safe).
    final Lock lock = page.pageLock.writeLock();
    try {
        if (!page.writable) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mutable page " + page.pageId + " already flushed in a concurrent thread");
            return -1L;
             * NewPages removal technically could be done before current write lock but
             * doing it in lock permit to check safely if a page has been removed. Without
             * lock we can't known if no page has been removed because already removed by a
             * concurrent thread or because it wasn't present in the first place.
        /* Remove it from "new" pages */
        DataPage remove = newPages.remove(page.pageId);
        if (remove == null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Detected concurrent flush of page " + page.pageId + ", writable: " + page.writable);
            throw new IllegalStateException("page " + page.pageId + " is not a new page!");
        /* Set the new page as a fully active page */
        pageSet.pageCreated(page.pageId, page);
        page.writable = false;
    } finally {
    long usedMemory = page.getUsedMemory();
    /* Flag to enable spare data addition to currently flushed page */
    boolean add = true;
    final Iterator<Record> records = spareData.values().iterator();
    while (add && records.hasNext()) {
        Record record =;
        add = page.put(record);
        if (add) {
            keyToPage.put(record.key, page.pageId);
    long spareUsedMemory = page.getUsedMemory() - usedMemory;
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "flushNewPage table {0}, pageId={1} with {2} records, {3} logical page size", new Object[] {, page.pageId, page.size(), page.getUsedMemory() });
    dataStorageManager.writePage(tableSpaceUUID, table.uuid, page.pageId,;
    return spareUsedMemory;
Also used : Record(herddb.model.Record) ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) Lock(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock) StampedLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock)

Example 12 with Record

use of herddb.model.Record in project herddb by diennea.

the class TableManager method executeGet.

private StatementExecutionResult executeGet(GetStatement get, Transaction transaction, StatementEvaluationContext context) throws StatementExecutionException, DataStorageManagerException {
    Bytes key = new Bytes(get.getKey().computeNewValue(null, context, tableContext));
    Predicate predicate = get.getPredicate();
    boolean requireLock = get.isRequireLock();
    long transactionId = transaction != null ? transaction.transactionId : 0;
    LockHandle lock = (transaction != null || requireLock) ? lockForRead(key, transaction) : null;
    try {
        if (transaction != null) {
            if (transaction.recordDeleted(, key)) {
                return GetResult.NOT_FOUND(transactionId);
            Record loadedInTransaction = transaction.recordUpdated(, key);
            if (loadedInTransaction != null) {
                if (predicate != null && !predicate.evaluate(loadedInTransaction, context)) {
                    return GetResult.NOT_FOUND(transactionId);
                return new GetResult(transactionId, loadedInTransaction, table);
            loadedInTransaction = transaction.recordInserted(, key);
            if (loadedInTransaction != null) {
                if (predicate != null && !predicate.evaluate(loadedInTransaction, context)) {
                    return GetResult.NOT_FOUND(transactionId);
                return new GetResult(transactionId, loadedInTransaction, table);
        Long pageId = keyToPage.get(key);
        if (pageId == null) {
            return GetResult.NOT_FOUND(transactionId);
        Record loaded = fetchRecord(key, pageId, null);
        if (loaded == null || (predicate != null && !predicate.evaluate(loaded, context))) {
            return GetResult.NOT_FOUND(transactionId);
        return new GetResult(transactionId, loaded, table);
    } finally {
        if (transaction == null && lock != null) {
            locksManager.releaseReadLockForKey(key, lock);
Also used : Bytes(herddb.utils.Bytes) LockHandle(herddb.utils.LockHandle) GetResult(herddb.model.GetResult) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) Record(herddb.model.Record) Predicate(herddb.model.Predicate)

Example 13 with Record

use of herddb.model.Record in project herddb by diennea.

the class SystablespacereplicastateTableManager method buildVirtualRecordList.

protected Iterable<Record> buildVirtualRecordList() throws StatementExecutionException {
    try {
        Collection<String> names = tableSpaceManager.getMetadataStorageManager().listTableSpaces();
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        List<Record> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String name : names) {
            TableSpace t = tableSpaceManager.getMetadataStorageManager().describeTableSpace(name);
            if (t != null) {
                List<TableSpaceReplicaState> tableSpaceReplicaStates = tableSpaceManager.getMetadataStorageManager().getTableSpaceReplicaState(t.uuid);
                for (TableSpaceReplicaState state : tableSpaceReplicaStates) {
                    result.add(RecordSerializer.makeRecord(table, "tablespace_name",, "uuid", t.uuid, "nodeid", state.nodeId, "timestamp", new java.sql.Timestamp(state.timestamp), "maxleaderinactivitytime", t.maxLeaderInactivityTime, "inactivitytime", now - state.timestamp, "mode", TableSpaceReplicaState.modeToSQLString(state.mode)));
        return result;
    } catch (MetadataStorageManagerException error) {
        throw new StatementExecutionException(error);
Also used : TableSpace(herddb.model.TableSpace) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException) MetadataStorageManagerException(herddb.metadata.MetadataStorageManagerException) Record(herddb.model.Record) TableSpaceReplicaState(herddb.model.TableSpaceReplicaState)

Example 14 with Record

use of herddb.model.Record in project herddb by diennea.

the class SystablespacesTableManager method buildVirtualRecordList.

protected Iterable<Record> buildVirtualRecordList() throws StatementExecutionException {
    try {
        Collection<String> names = tableSpaceManager.getMetadataStorageManager().listTableSpaces();
        List<Record> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String name : names) {
            TableSpace t = tableSpaceManager.getMetadataStorageManager().describeTableSpace(name);
            if (t != null) {
                result.add(RecordSerializer.makeRecord(table, "tablespace_name",, "uuid", t.uuid, "leader", t.leaderId, "expectedreplicacount", t.expectedReplicaCount, "maxleaderinactivitytime", t.maxLeaderInactivityTime, "replica",","))));
        return result;
    } catch (MetadataStorageManagerException error) {
        throw new StatementExecutionException(error);
Also used : MetadataStorageManagerException(herddb.metadata.MetadataStorageManagerException) TableSpace(herddb.model.TableSpace) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Record(herddb.model.Record) StatementExecutionException(herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)

Example 15 with Record

use of herddb.model.Record in project herddb by diennea.

the class SystransactionsTableManager method buildVirtualRecordList.

protected Iterable<Record> buildVirtualRecordList() {
    List<Transaction> transactions = tableSpaceManager.getTransactions();
    List<Record> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Transaction tx : transactions) {
        result.add(RecordSerializer.makeRecord(table, "tablespace", tableSpaceManager.getTableSpaceName(), "txid", tx.transactionId, "creationtimestamp", new java.sql.Timestamp(tx.localCreationTimestamp)));
    return result;
Also used : Transaction(herddb.model.Transaction) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Record(herddb.model.Record)


Record (herddb.model.Record)146 InsertStatement (herddb.model.commands.InsertStatement)82 Bytes (herddb.utils.Bytes)82 Test (org.junit.Test)75 Table (herddb.model.Table)72 GetResult (herddb.model.GetResult)67 GetStatement (herddb.model.commands.GetStatement)64 TransactionContext (herddb.model.TransactionContext)59 CreateTableStatement (herddb.model.commands.CreateTableStatement)44 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)42 CreateTableSpaceStatement (herddb.model.commands.CreateTableSpaceStatement)37 DeleteStatement (herddb.model.commands.DeleteStatement)36 UpdateStatement (herddb.model.commands.UpdateStatement)36 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)36 Path (java.nio.file.Path)34 BeginTransactionStatement (herddb.model.commands.BeginTransactionStatement)33 StatementExecutionException (herddb.model.StatementExecutionException)32 TransactionResult (herddb.model.TransactionResult)31 DMLStatementExecutionResult (herddb.model.DMLStatementExecutionResult)29 CommitTransactionStatement (herddb.model.commands.CommitTransactionStatement)28