use of hex.ModelMetricsBinomialGLM in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class GLMBasicTestBinomial method testWeights.
public void testWeights() {
System.out.println("got " + _prostateTrain.anyVec().nChunks() + " chunks");
GLMModel model = null, modelUpsampled = null;
// random observation weights, integers in 0 - 9 range
double[] weights = new double[] { 0, 6, 5, 4, 4, 8, 2, 4, 9, 5, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 6, 3, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 0, 9, 9, 8, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1, 0, 6, 8, 6, 9, 2, 8, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 5, 0, 0, 3, 7, 4, 8, 4, 1, 9, 3, 7, 1, 3, 8, 6, 9, 5, 5, 1, 9, 5, 2, 1, 0, 6, 4, 0, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 0, 7, 9, 6, 8, 0, 2, 3, 7, 5, 8, 3, 4, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 7, 3, 7, 1, 1, 5, 7, 4, 9, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 9, 8, 1, 8, 5, 3, 0, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4, 9, 0, 1, 3, 9, 8, 7, 0, 8, 2, 7, 1, 9, 0, 7, 7, 5, 2, 9, 7, 6, 4, 3, 4, 6, 9, 1, 5, 0, 7, 9, 4, 1, 6, 8, 8, 5, 4, 2, 5, 9, 8, 1, 9, 2, 9, 2, 3, 0, 6, 7, 3, 2, 3, 0, 9, 5, 1, 8, 0, 2, 8, 6, 9, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 5, 0, 7, 4, 0, 5, 5, 7, 9, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 3, 2, 8, 9, 9, 1, 6, 2, 2, 0, 5, 5, 6, 2, 8, 8, 9, 8, 5, 0, 1, 5, 3, 0, 2, 5, 4, 0, 6, 5, 4, 5, 9, 7, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, 5, 1, 5, 9, 0, 3, 0, 2, 7, 0, 4, 7, 7, 9, 3, 7, 9, 7, 9, 6, 2, 6, 2, 2, 9, 0, 9, 8, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };
//double [] weights = new double[290];
//Arrays.fill(weights, 1);
Vec offsetVecTrain = _prostateTrain.anyVec().makeZero();
try (Vec.Writer vw = {
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; ++i) vw.set(i, weights[i]);
// Vec offsetVecTest = _prostateTest.anyVec().makeZero();
// vw =;
// for(int i = 0; i < weights.length; ++i)
// vw.set(i,weights[i]);
// vw.close();
Key fKeyTrain = Key.make("prostate_with_weights_train");
// Key fKeyTest = Key.make("prostate_with_offset_test");
Frame fTrain = new Frame(fKeyTrain, new String[] { "weights" }, new Vec[] { offsetVecTrain });
fTrain.add(_prostateTrain.names(), _prostateTrain.vecs());
DKV.put(fKeyTrain, fTrain);
// Frame fTest = new Frame(fKeyTest, new String[]{"offset"}, new Vec[]{offsetVecTest});
// fTest.add(_prostateTest.names(),_prostateTest.vecs());
// DKV.put(fKeyTest,fTest);
// Call: glm(formula = CAPSULE ~ . - ID, family = binomial, data = train,
// weights = w)
// Coefficients:
// -6.019527 -0.027350 -0.424333 -0.869188 1.359856 1.745655
// 1.517155 0.664479 0.034541 -0.005819 0.947644
// Degrees of Freedom: 251 Total (i.e. Null); 241 Residual
// Null Deviance: 1673
// Residual Deviance: 1195 AIC: 1217
String[] cfs1 = new String[] { "Intercept", "AGE", "RACE.R2", "RACE.R3", "DPROS.b", "DPROS.c", "DPROS.d", "DCAPS.b", "PSA", "VOL", "GLEASON" };
double[] vals = new double[] { -6.019527, -0.027350, -0.424333, -0.869188, 1.359856, 1.745655, 1.517155, 0.664479, 0.034541, -0.005819, 0.947644 };
GLMParameters params = new GLMParameters(Family.binomial);
params._response_column = "CAPSULE";
params._ignored_columns = new String[] { "ID" };
params._train = fKeyTrain;
// params._valid = fKeyTest;
params._weights_column = "weights";
params._lambda = new double[] { 0 };
params._alpha = new double[] { 0 };
//params._standardize = false;
params._objective_epsilon = 0;
params._gradient_epsilon = 1e-6;
params._beta_epsilon = 1e-6;
// not expected to reach max iterations here
params._max_iterations = 1000;
params._missing_values_handling = MissingValuesHandling.Skip;
try {
for (Solver s : new Solver[] { Solver.AUTO, Solver.IRLSM, Solver.L_BFGS, Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT }) {
Frame scoreTrain = null, scoreTest = null;
try {
params._solver = s;
params._train = fKeyTrain;
params._weights_column = "weights";
params._gradient_epsilon = 1e-8;
params._objective_epsilon = 0;
params._missing_values_handling = MissingValuesHandling.Skip;
System.out.println("SOLVER = " + s);
model = new GLM(params).trainModel().get();
params = (GLMParameters) params.clone();
params._train = _prostateTrainUpsampled._key;
params._weights_column = null;
modelUpsampled = new GLM(params).trainModel().get();
HashMap<String, Double> coefs = model.coefficients();
HashMap<String, Double> coefsUpsampled = modelUpsampled.coefficients();
System.out.println("coefs = " + coefs);
System.out.println("coefs upsampled = " + coefsUpsampled);
boolean CD = (s == Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT || s == Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT_NAIVE);
for (int i = 0; i < cfs1.length; ++i) {
System.out.println("cfs = " + cfs1[i] + ": " + coefsUpsampled.get(cfs1[i]) + " =?= " + coefs.get(cfs1[i]));
assertEquals(coefsUpsampled.get(cfs1[i]), coefs.get(cfs1[i]), s == Solver.IRLSM ? 1e-5 : 1e-4);
assertEquals(vals[i], coefs.get(cfs1[i]), CD ? 1e-2 : 1e-4);
assertEquals(GLMTest.auc(modelUpsampled), GLMTest.auc(model), 1e-4);
assertEquals(GLMTest.logloss(modelUpsampled), GLMTest.logloss(model), 1e-4);
assertEquals(GLMTest.mse(modelUpsampled), GLMTest.mse(model), 1e-4);
assertEquals(1673, GLMTest.nullDeviance(model), 1);
assertEquals(1195, GLMTest.residualDeviance(model), 1);
assertEquals(251, GLMTest.nullDOF(model), 0);
assertEquals(241, GLMTest.resDOF(model), 0);
assertEquals(1217, GLMTest.aic(model), 1);
// mse computed in R on upsampled data
assertEquals(0.1604573, model._output._training_metrics._MSE, 1e-5);
// auc computed in R on explicitly upsampled data
assertEquals(0.8348088, GLMTest.auc(model), 1e-4);
// assertEquals(76.8525, GLMTest.residualDevianceTest(model),1e-4);
// test scoring
// try { // NO LONGER check that we get IAE if computing metrics on data with no weights (but trained with weights)
scoreTrain = model.score(_prostateTrain);
// assertTrue("shoul've thrown IAE", false); //TN-1 now autofills with weights 1
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// assertTrue(iae.getMessage().contains("Test/Validation dataset is missing weights column"));
// }
Frame f = new Frame(_prostateTrain);
// test we can generate predictions with no weights (no metrics)
scoreTrain = model.score(f);
hex.ModelMetricsBinomialGLM mmTrain = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTrain);
hex.AUC2 adata = mmTrain._auc;
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics.auc_obj()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics._MSE, mmTrain._MSE, 1e-8);
assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._training_metrics)._resDev, mmTrain._resDev, 1e-8);
scoreTrain = model.score(fTrain);
mmTrain = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTrain);
adata = mmTrain._auc;
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics.auc_obj()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics._MSE, mmTrain._MSE, 1e-8);
assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._training_metrics)._resDev, mmTrain._resDev, 1e-8);
// test we got auc
// scoreTest = model.score(fTest);
// ModelMetricsBinomialGLM mmTest = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM)hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTest);
// adata = mmTest._auc;
// assertEquals(model._output._validation_metrics.auc()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
// assertEquals(model._output._validation_metrics._MSE, mmTest._MSE, 1e-8);
// assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._validation_metrics)._resDev, mmTest._resDev, 1e-8);
// // test the actual predictions
// Vec preds = scoreTest.vec("p1");
// for(int i = 0; i < pred_test.length; ++i)
// assertEquals(pred_test[i],,1e-6);
} finally {
if (model != null)
if (modelUpsampled != null)
if (scoreTrain != null)
if (scoreTest != null)
} finally {
if (fTrain != null) {
// if(fTest != null)fTest.delete();
use of hex.ModelMetricsBinomialGLM in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class GLMBasicTestBinomial method testOffset.
public void testOffset() {
GLMModel model = null;
double[] offset_train = new double[] { -0.39771185, +1.20479170, -0.16374109, -0.97885903, -1.42996530, +0.83474893, +0.83474893, -0.74488827, +0.83474893, +0.86851236, +1.41589611, +1.41589611, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -2.01111248, -0.39771185, -0.16374109, +0.62364452, -0.39771185, +0.60262749, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, +1.20479170, -0.39771185, -0.16374109, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.64257969, +1.65774729, -0.97885903, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, +1.41589611, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.64257969, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -2.01111248, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +1.41589611, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.43147527, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.43147527, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, +1.41589611, -1.42996530, +1.41589611, -1.42996530, +1.41589611, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -0.97885903, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.97885903, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, +0.86851236, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, +1.20479170, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.97885903, +0.14967191, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.43147527, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, +1.41589611, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.64257969, -0.06143251, +1.20479170, -0.43147527, -0.97885903, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, -2.01111248, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +0.83474893, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -2.01111248, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +0.86851236, +0.05524374, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +1.41589611, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.97885903, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, +0.14967191, +1.20479170, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +0.86851236, -0.06143251, -0.97885903, -0.06143251, -0.64257969, +0.14967191, +0.86851236, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.64257969, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, +0.86851236, -0.97885903, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, +0.86851236, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -0.97885903, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -0.64257969, -2.01111248, -0.97885903, -0.39771185 };
double[] offset_test = new double[] { +1.20479170, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, +0.86851236, -0.06143251, +1.20479170, -1.42996530, +1.20479170, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, +1.20479170, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -0.97885903, -0.39771185, -2.01111248, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, +1.20479170, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, +1.41589611, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, +0.14967191, -1.42996530, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.43147527, +0.86851236, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.06143251, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, +1.41589611, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +1.41589611, +0.14967191, -0.64257969, -1.42996530, +0.14967191, -0.06143251, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -1.42996530, -1.42996530, -0.39771185, -0.39771185, +0.14967191, -0.39771185, -0.39771185 };
double[] pred_test = new double[] { +0.904121393, +0.208967788, +0.430064980, +0.063563661, +0.420390154, +0.300577441, +0.295405224, +0.629308103, +0.324441281, +0.563699642, +0.639184514, +0.082179963, +0.462563464, +0.344521206, +0.351577428, +0.339043527, +0.435998848, +0.977492380, +0.581711493, +0.974570868, +0.143071580, +0.619404446, +0.362033860, +0.570068411, +0.978069860, +0.562268311, +0.158184617, +0.608996256, +0.162259728, +0.578987913, +0.289325534, +0.286251414, +0.749507189, +0.469565216, +0.069466938, +0.112383575, +0.481307819, +0.398935638, +0.589102941, +0.337382932, +0.409333118, +0.366674225, +0.640036454, +0.263683222, +0.779866040, +0.635071654, +0.377463657, +0.518320766, +0.322693268, +0.833778660, +0.459703088, +0.115189180, +0.694175044, +0.132131043, +0.402412653, +0.270949939, +0.353738040, +0.256239963, +0.467322078, +0.956569336, +0.172230761, +0.265478787, +0.559113124, +0.248798085, +0.140841191, +0.607922656, +0.113752627, +0.289291072, +0.241123681, +0.290387448, +0.782068785, +0.927494110, +0.176397617, +0.263745527, +0.992043885, +0.653252457, +0.385483627, +0.222333476, +0.537344319, +0.202589973, +0.334941144, +0.172066050, +0.292733797, +0.001169431, +0.114393635, +0.153848294, +0.632500120, +0.387718306, +0.269126887, +0.564594040 };
Vec offsetVecTrain = _prostateTrain.anyVec().makeZero();
try (Vec.Writer vw = {
for (int i = 0; i < offset_train.length; ++i) vw.set(i, offset_train[i]);
Vec offsetVecTest = _prostateTest.anyVec().makeZero();
try (Vec.Writer vw = {
for (int i = 0; i < offset_test.length; ++i) vw.set(i, offset_test[i]);
Key fKeyTrain = Key.make("prostate_with_offset_train");
Key fKeyTest = Key.make("prostate_with_offset_test");
Frame fTrain = new Frame(fKeyTrain, new String[] { "offset" }, new Vec[] { offsetVecTrain });
fTrain.add(_prostateTrain.names(), _prostateTrain.vecs());
DKV.put(fKeyTrain, fTrain);
Frame fTest = new Frame(fKeyTest, new String[] { "offset" }, new Vec[] { offsetVecTest });
fTest.add(_prostateTest.names(), _prostateTest.vecs());
DKV.put(fKeyTest, fTest);
// Call: glm(formula = CAPSULE ~ . - RACE - DPROS - DCAPS, family = binomial,
// data = train, offset = offset_train)
// Coefficients:
// (Intercept) AGE PSA VOL GLEASON
// -4.839677 -0.007815 0.023796 -0.007325 0.794385
// Degrees of Freedom: 289 Total (i.e. Null); 285 Residual
// Null Deviance: 355.7
// Residual Deviance: 305.1 AIC: 315.1
String[] cfs1 = new String[] { "Intercept", "AGE", "PSA", "VOL", "GLEASON" };
double[] vals = new double[] { -4.839677, -0.007815, 0.023796, -0.007325, 0.794385 };
GLMParameters params = new GLMParameters(Family.binomial);
params._response_column = "CAPSULE";
params._ignored_columns = new String[] { "ID", "RACE", "DPROS", "DCAPS" };
params._train = fKeyTrain;
params._valid = fKeyTest;
params._offset_column = "offset";
params._lambda = new double[] { 0 };
params._alpha = new double[] { 0 };
params._standardize = false;
params._objective_epsilon = 0;
params._gradient_epsilon = 1e-6;
// not expected to reach max iterations here
params._max_iterations = 100;
try {
for (Solver s : new Solver[] { Solver.IRLSM }) {
Frame scoreTrain = null, scoreTest = null;
try {
params._solver = s;
System.out.println("SOLVER = " + s);
model = new GLM(params, Key.make("testOffset_" + s)).trainModel().get();
HashMap<String, Double> coefs = model.coefficients();
System.out.println("coefs = " + coefs);
boolean CD = (s == Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT || s == Solver.COORDINATE_DESCENT_NAIVE);
System.out.println(" solver " + s);
System.out.println("validation = " + model._output._training_metrics);
for (int i = 0; i < cfs1.length; ++i) assertEquals(vals[i], coefs.get(cfs1[i]), CD ? 5e-2 : 1e-4);
assertEquals(355.7, GLMTest.nullDeviance(model), 1e-1);
assertEquals(305.1, GLMTest.residualDeviance(model), 1e-1);
assertEquals(289, GLMTest.nullDOF(model), 0);
assertEquals(285, GLMTest.resDOF(model), 0);
assertEquals(315.1, GLMTest.aic(model), 1e-1);
assertEquals(76.8525, GLMTest.residualDevianceTest(model), CD ? 1e-3 : 1e-4);
// test scoring
try {
scoreTrain = model.score(_prostateTrain);
assertTrue("shoul've thrown IAE", false);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
assertTrue(iae.getMessage().contains("Test/Validation dataset is missing offset column"));
hex.ModelMetricsBinomialGLM mmTrain = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTrain);
hex.AUC2 adata = mmTrain._auc;
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics.auc_obj()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics._MSE, mmTrain._MSE, 1e-8);
assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._training_metrics)._resDev, mmTrain._resDev, 1e-8);
scoreTrain = model.score(fTrain);
mmTrain = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTrain);
adata = mmTrain._auc;
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics.auc_obj()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
assertEquals(model._output._training_metrics._MSE, mmTrain._MSE, 1e-8);
assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._training_metrics)._resDev, mmTrain._resDev, 1e-8);
scoreTest = model.score(fTest);
ModelMetricsBinomialGLM mmTest = (ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) hex.ModelMetricsBinomial.getFromDKV(model, fTest);
adata = mmTest._auc;
assertEquals(model._output._validation_metrics.auc_obj()._auc, adata._auc, 1e-8);
assertEquals(model._output._validation_metrics._MSE, mmTest._MSE, 1e-8);
assertEquals(((ModelMetricsBinomialGLM) model._output._validation_metrics)._resDev, mmTest._resDev, 1e-8);
// test the actual predictions
Vec.Reader preds = scoreTest.vec("p1").new Reader();
for (int i = 0; i < pred_test.length; ++i) assertEquals(pred_test[i],, CD ? 1e-3 : 1e-6);
GLMTest.testScoring(model, fTrain);
} finally {
if (model != null)
if (scoreTrain != null)
if (scoreTest != null)
} finally {
if (fTrain != null) {
if (fTest != null) {