use of htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class CigarConversionUtilsUnitTest method testHandleInvalidCigarUnit.
@Test(dataProvider = "InvalidCigarUnitData")
public void testHandleInvalidCigarUnit(final CigarUnit invalidCigarUnit, final Class<? extends Exception> exceptionClass) {
boolean sawException = false;
try {
final CigarElement convertedElement = CigarConversionUtils.convertCigarUnitToSAMCigarElement(invalidCigarUnit);
} catch (Exception e) {
sawException = true;
Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), exceptionClass, "Wrong class of exception thrown for invalid CigarUnit");
Assert.assertTrue(sawException, "Expected exception of class " + exceptionClass + ", but no exception was thrown");
use of htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class ReferenceConfidenceModel method createReferenceHaplotype.
* Create a reference haplotype for an active region
* @param activeRegion the active region
* @param refBases the ref bases
* @param paddedReferenceLoc the location spanning of the refBases -- can be longer than activeRegion.getLocation()
* @return a reference haplotype
public static Haplotype createReferenceHaplotype(final AssemblyRegion activeRegion, final byte[] refBases, final SimpleInterval paddedReferenceLoc) {
Utils.nonNull(activeRegion, "null region");
Utils.nonNull(refBases, "null refBases");
Utils.nonNull(paddedReferenceLoc, "null paddedReferenceLoc");
final int alignmentStart = activeRegion.getExtendedSpan().getStart() - paddedReferenceLoc.getStart();
if (alignmentStart < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad alignment start in createReferenceHaplotype " + alignmentStart);
final Haplotype refHaplotype = new Haplotype(refBases, true);
final Cigar c = new Cigar();
c.add(new CigarElement(refHaplotype.getBases().length, CigarOperator.M));
return refHaplotype;
use of htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class ReadThreadingGraph method mergeDanglingTail.
* Actually merge the dangling tail if possible
* @param danglingTailMergeResult the result from generating a Cigar for the dangling tail against the reference
* @return 1 if merge was successful, 0 otherwise
final int mergeDanglingTail(final DanglingChainMergeHelper danglingTailMergeResult) {
final List<CigarElement> elements = danglingTailMergeResult.cigar.getCigarElements();
final CigarElement lastElement = elements.get(elements.size() - 1);
Utils.validateArg(lastElement.getOperator() == CigarOperator.M, "The last Cigar element must be an M");
final int lastRefIndex = danglingTailMergeResult.cigar.getReferenceLength() - 1;
final int matchingSuffix = Math.min(longestSuffixMatch(danglingTailMergeResult.referencePathString, danglingTailMergeResult.danglingPathString, lastRefIndex), lastElement.getLength());
if (matchingSuffix == 0) {
return 0;
final int altIndexToMerge = Math.max(danglingTailMergeResult.cigar.getReadLength() - matchingSuffix - 1, 0);
// there is an important edge condition that we need to handle here: Smith-Waterman correctly calculates that there is a
// deletion, that deletion is left-aligned such that the LCA node is part of that deletion, and the rest of the dangling
// tail is a perfect match to the suffix of the reference path. In this case we need to push the reference index to merge
// down one position so that we don't incorrectly cut a base off of the deletion.
final boolean firstElementIsDeletion = elements.get(0).getOperator() == CigarOperator.D;
final boolean mustHandleLeadingDeletionCase = firstElementIsDeletion && (elements.get(0).getLength() + matchingSuffix == lastRefIndex + 1);
final int refIndexToMerge = lastRefIndex - matchingSuffix + 1 + (mustHandleLeadingDeletionCase ? 1 : 0);
// merge back to the LCA, which results in a cycle in the graph. So we do not want to merge in such a case.
if (refIndexToMerge == 0) {
return 0;
// it's safe to merge now
addEdge(danglingTailMergeResult.danglingPath.get(altIndexToMerge), danglingTailMergeResult.referencePath.get(refIndexToMerge), ((MyEdgeFactory) getEdgeFactory()).createEdge(false, 1));
return 1;
use of htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement in project polyGembler by c-zhou.
the class HetCorr method seqLength.
private static int seqLength(final SAMRecord record, final int[] ht_hc) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
CigarElement co;
Arrays.fill(ht_hc, 0);
co = record.getCigar().getFirstCigarElement();
if (co.getOperator() == CigarOperator.H)
ht_hc[0] = co.getLength();
co = record.getCigar().getLastCigarElement();
if (co.getOperator() == CigarOperator.H)
ht_hc[1] = co.getLength();
return record.getReadLength() + ht_hc[0] + ht_hc[1];
use of htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement in project polyGembler by c-zhou.
the class SAMSegment method samRecord.
public static SAMSegment samRecord(SAMRecord sam_rc, boolean rev, int qry_ln) {
if (sam_rc == null)
return null;
CigarElement c = sam_rc.getCigar().getFirstCigarElement();
int hc = c.getOperator() == CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP ? c.getLength() : 0;
String qseqid = sam_rc.getReadName();
int qstart = sam_rc.getReadPositionAtReferencePosition(sam_rc.getAlignmentStart()) + hc;
int qend = sam_rc.getReadPositionAtReferencePosition(sam_rc.getAlignmentEnd()) + hc;
int sstart = sam_rc.getAlignmentStart();
int send = sam_rc.getAlignmentEnd();
String cigar = sam_rc.getCigarString();
if (sam_rc.getReadNegativeStrandFlag()) {
qseqid = qseqid + "'";
int tmp = qstart;
qstart = qry_ln - qend + 1;
qend = qry_ln - tmp + 1;
cigar = Constants.cgRev(cigar);
return new SAMSegment(qseqid, sam_rc.getReferenceName(), qstart, qend, sstart, send, cigar, sam_rc.getMappingQuality(), sam_rc.getIntegerAttribute("NM"), sam_rc.getIntegerAttribute("AS"));