Search in sources :

Example 6 with Item

use of hudson.model.Item in project blueocean-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class BlueMessageEnricher method enrich.

public void enrich(@Nonnull Message message) {
    // TODO: Get organization name in generic way once multi-organization support is implemented in API
    message.set(EventProps.Jenkins.jenkins_org, OrganizationImpl.INSTANCE.getName());
    String channelName = message.getChannelName();
    if (channelName.equals(Events.JobChannel.NAME)) {
        JobChannelMessage jobChannelMessage = (JobChannelMessage) message;
        Item jobChannelItem = jobChannelMessage.getJobChannelItem();
        Link jobUrl = LinkResolver.resolveLink(jobChannelItem);
        jobChannelMessage.set(BlueEventProps.blueocean_job_rest_url, jobUrl.getHref());
        jobChannelMessage.set(BlueEventProps.blueocean_job_pipeline_name, jobChannelItem.getFullName());
        if (jobChannelItem instanceof WorkflowJob) {
            ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent = jobChannelItem.getParent();
            if (parent instanceof WorkflowMultiBranchProject) {
                String multiBranchProjectName = parent.getFullName();
                jobChannelMessage.set(BlueEventProps.blueocean_job_pipeline_name, multiBranchProjectName);
                jobChannelMessage.set(BlueEventProps.blueocean_job_branch_name, jobChannelItem.getName());
Also used : WorkflowMultiBranchProject(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject) Item(hudson.model.Item) JobChannelMessage(org.jenkinsci.plugins.pubsub.JobChannelMessage) WorkflowJob(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob) Link(

Example 7 with Item

use of hudson.model.Item in project blueocean-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class BlueOceanWebURLBuilder method getTryBlueOceanURLs.

     * Get the {@link TryBlueOceanURLs} instance for the {@link ModelObject}
     * associated with the current Stapler request.
     * @return The {@link TryBlueOceanURLs} instance for the current classic
     * Jenkins page. The URL to the Blue Ocean homepage is returned if a more
     * appropriate URL is not found.
public static TryBlueOceanURLs getTryBlueOceanURLs() {
    StaplerRequest staplerRequest = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
    List<Ancestor> list = staplerRequest.getAncestors();
    // Blue Ocean page we can link onto.
    for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Ancestor ancestor = list.get(i);
        Object object = ancestor.getObject();
        if (object instanceof ModelObject) {
            String blueUrl = toBlueOceanURL((ModelObject) object);
            if (blueUrl != null) {
                if (object instanceof Item) {
                    return new TryBlueOceanURLs(blueUrl, ((Item) object).getUrl());
                } else if (object instanceof Run) {
                    return new TryBlueOceanURLs(blueUrl, ((Run) object).getUrl());
                } else {
                    return new TryBlueOceanURLs(blueUrl);
            } else if (object instanceof Item) {
                return new TryBlueOceanURLs(getBlueHome(), ((Item) object).getUrl());
    // Otherwise just return Blue Ocean home.
    return new TryBlueOceanURLs(getBlueHome());
Also used : Item(hudson.model.Item) ModelObject(hudson.model.ModelObject) StaplerRequest(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest) ModelObject(hudson.model.ModelObject) Run(hudson.model.Run) Ancestor(org.kohsuke.stapler.Ancestor) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 8 with Item

use of hudson.model.Item in project blueocean-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class PipelineBranchRunStatePreloader method getFetchData.

protected FetchData getFetchData(@Nonnull BlueUrlTokenizer blueUrl) {
    if (!blueUrl.hasPart(BlueUrlTokenizer.UrlPart.BRANCH) || !blueUrl.hasPart(BlueUrlTokenizer.UrlPart.PIPELINE_RUN_DETAIL_ID)) {
        // Not interested in it
        return null;
    Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance();
    String pipelineFullName = blueUrl.getPart(BlueUrlTokenizer.UrlPart.PIPELINE);
    String branchName = blueUrl.getPart(BlueUrlTokenizer.UrlPart.BRANCH);
    String runId = blueUrl.getPart(BlueUrlTokenizer.UrlPart.PIPELINE_RUN_DETAIL_ID);
    Item pipelineJobItem = jenkins.getItemByFullName(pipelineFullName);
    if (pipelineJobItem instanceof MultiBranchProject) {
        try {
            MultiBranchProject pipelineMBP = (MultiBranchProject) pipelineJobItem;
            Job pipelineBranchJob = pipelineMBP.getItem(branchName);
            if (pipelineBranchJob != null) {
                Run run = pipelineBranchJob.getBuild(runId);
                if (run != null) {
                    BlueRun blueRun = AbstractRunImpl.getBlueRun(run, BluePipelineFactory.resolve(pipelineBranchJob));
                    if (blueRun != null) {
                        try {
                            return new FetchData(blueRun.getLink().getHref(), ModelObjectSerializer.toJson(blueRun));
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Unable to preload run for pipeline '%s'. Run serialization error.", run.getUrl()), e);
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Unable to find run %s on branch named %s on pipeline named '%s'.", runId, branchName, pipelineFullName));
                        return null;
            } else {
                LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Unable to find branch named %s on pipeline named '%s'.", branchName, pipelineFullName));
                return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Unable to find run from pipeline named '%s'.", pipelineFullName), e);
            return null;
    } else {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("Unable to find pipeline named '%s'.", pipelineFullName));
        return null;
    // Don't preload any data on the page.
    return null;
Also used : Jenkins(jenkins.model.Jenkins) Item(hudson.model.Item) BlueRun( MultiBranchProject(jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject) BlueRun( Run(hudson.model.Run) IOException( Job(hudson.model.Job) IOException(

Example 9 with Item

use of hudson.model.Item in project promoted-builds-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class PromotedBuildParameterDefinition method getBuilds.

     * Gets a list of promoted builds for the project.
     * @return List of {@link AbstractBuild}s, which have been promoted
     * @deprecated This method retrieves the base item for relative addressing from 
     * the {@link StaplerRequest}. The relative addressing may be malfunctional if
     * you use this method outside {@link StaplerRequest}s. 
     * Use {@link #getRuns(hudson.model.Item)} instead
public List getBuilds() {
    // Try to get ancestor from the object, otherwise pass null and disable the relative addressing
    final StaplerRequest currentRequest = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
    final Item item = currentRequest != null ? currentRequest.findAncestorObject(Item.class) : null;
    return getRuns(item);
Also used : Item(hudson.model.Item) StaplerRequest(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 10 with Item

use of hudson.model.Item in project promoted-builds-plugin by jenkinsci.

the class ItemPathResolver method findPath.

private static Item findPath(@CheckForNull ItemGroup base, @Nonnull String path) {
    @CheckForNull ItemGroup<?> pointer = base;
    final StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(path, "/");
    while (pointer != null && t.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String current = t.nextToken();
        if (current.equals("..")) {
            if (pointer instanceof Item) {
                Item currentItem = (Item) pointer;
                pointer = currentItem.getParent();
            } else {
                // Cannot go upstairs
                pointer = null;
        } else if (current.equals(".")) {
        // Do nothing, we stay on the same level
        } else {
            // Resolve the level beneath
            final Item item = pointer.getItem(current);
            if (!t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                // Last token => we consider it as a required item
                return item;
            if (item instanceof ItemGroup<?>) {
                pointer = (ItemGroup<?>) item;
            } else {
                // Wrong path, we got to item before finishing the requested path
                pointer = null;
    // Cannot retrieve the path => exit with null
    if (pointer instanceof Item) {
        return (Item) pointer;
    return null;
Also used : TopLevelItem(hudson.model.TopLevelItem) Item(hudson.model.Item) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) ItemGroup(hudson.model.ItemGroup) CheckForNull(javax.annotation.CheckForNull) CheckForNull(javax.annotation.CheckForNull)


Item (hudson.model.Item)22 BluePipeline ( ItemGroup (hudson.model.ItemGroup)4 Run (hudson.model.Run)4 TopLevelItem (hudson.model.TopLevelItem)4 MultiBranchProject (jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject)4 Jenkins (jenkins.model.Jenkins)4 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)3 StaplerRequest (org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest)3 Job (hudson.model.Job)2 ModelObject (hudson.model.ModelObject)2 ACL ( CheckForNull (javax.annotation.CheckForNull)2 OrganizationFolder (jenkins.branch.OrganizationFolder)2 Authentication (org.acegisecurity.Authentication)2 JobChannelMessage (org.jenkinsci.plugins.pubsub.JobChannelMessage)2 Ancestor (org.kohsuke.stapler.Ancestor)2 AbstractFolder (com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.AbstractFolder)1