use of i5.las2peer.api.persistency.EnvelopeOperationFailedException in project Distributed-Noracle-Backend by Distributed-Noracle.
the class NoracleSpaceService method getSpace.
public Space getSpace(String spaceId) throws ServiceInvocationException {
if (spaceId == null || spaceId.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvocationBadArgumentException("No space id given");
Envelope env;
try {
env = Context.get().requestEnvelope(getSpaceEnvelopeIdentifier(spaceId));
} catch (EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new ServiceAccessDeniedException("Access Denied", e);
} catch (EnvelopeNotFoundException e) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Space Not Found", e);
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not deserialize space object", e);
Space space = (Space) env.getContent();
return space;
use of i5.las2peer.api.persistency.EnvelopeOperationFailedException in project Distributed-Noracle-Backend by Distributed-Noracle.
the class NoracleSpaceService method createSpace.
public Space createSpace(String name) throws ServiceInvocationException {
Agent mainAgent = Context.get().getMainAgent();
if (mainAgent instanceof AnonymousAgent) {
throw new ServiceNotAuthorizedException("You have to be logged in to create a space");
String spaceId = buildSpaceId();
String spaceSecret = generateSpaceSecret();
SpaceInviteAgent spaceInviteAgent;
try {
spaceInviteAgent = new SpaceInviteAgent(spaceSecret);
} catch (AgentOperationFailedException | CryptoException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not create space invite agent", e);
} catch (AgentAccessDeniedException | AgentAlreadyExistsException | AgentLockedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not store space invite agent", e);
try {
Envelope envInviteMapping = Context.get().createEnvelope(getInviteMappingIdentifier(spaceId));
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException | EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not store space invite mapping", e);
GroupAgentImpl spaceMemberGroupAgent;
try {
spaceMemberGroupAgent = GroupAgentImpl.createGroupAgent(new Agent[] { spaceInviteAgent, mainAgent });
} catch (AgentOperationFailedException | CryptoException | SerializationException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not create space member group agent", e);
} catch (AgentAccessDeniedException | AgentAlreadyExistsException | AgentLockedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not store space member group agent", e);
try {
Envelope envGroupMapping = Context.get().createEnvelope(getMemberMappingIdentifier(spaceId));
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException | EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not store space group member mapping", e);
Envelope env;
try {
env = Context.get().createEnvelope(getSpaceEnvelopeIdentifier(spaceId), mainAgent);
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException | EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not create envelope for space", e);
Space space = new Space(spaceId, spaceSecret, name, mainAgent.getIdentifier(), spaceMemberGroupAgent.getIdentifier());
try {
Context.get().storeEnvelope(env, mainAgent);
} catch (EnvelopeAccessDeniedException | EnvelopeOperationFailedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not store space envelope", e);
return space;
use of i5.las2peer.api.persistency.EnvelopeOperationFailedException in project Distributed-Noracle-Backend by Distributed-Noracle.
the class NoracleQuestionRelationService method getQuestionRelation.
public QuestionRelation getQuestionRelation(String relationId) throws ServiceInvocationException {
if (relationId == null || relationId.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvocationBadArgumentException("No relation id given");
Envelope env;
try {
env = Context.get().requestEnvelope(getQuestionRelationEnvelopeIdentifier(relationId));
} catch (EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new ServiceAccessDeniedException("Envelope Access Denied");
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Could not fetch relation envelope", e);
} catch (EnvelopeNotFoundException e) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Relation Not Found");
QuestionRelation relation = (QuestionRelation) env.getContent();
return relation;
use of i5.las2peer.api.persistency.EnvelopeOperationFailedException in project Distributed-Noracle-Backend by Distributed-Noracle.
the class NoracleQuestionRelationService method linkQuestionRelationToSpace.
public boolean linkQuestionRelationToSpace(String spaceId, String relationId) {
int relationNumber;
for (relationNumber = 1; relationNumber < MAX_RELATIONS_PER_SPACE; relationNumber++) {
try {
Context.get().requestEnvelope(buildSpaceQuestionRelationNumberId(spaceId, relationNumber));
} catch (EnvelopeNotFoundException e) {
// found free question number
} catch (Exception e) {
// XXX logging
try {
Envelope spaceQuestionRelationEnv = Context.get().createEnvelope(buildSpaceQuestionRelationNumberId(spaceId, relationNumber));
return true;
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException | EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
// TODO exception handling
return false;
use of i5.las2peer.api.persistency.EnvelopeOperationFailedException in project Distributed-Noracle-Backend by Distributed-Noracle.
the class NoracleVoteService method getAgentVote.
public Vote getAgentVote(String objectId, String agentId) throws ServiceInvocationException {
String persEnvId = getAgentVoteEnvelopeIdentifier(agentId, objectId);
try {
Envelope persEnv = Context.get().requestEnvelope(persEnvId);
VoteEntry voteEntry = (VoteEntry) persEnv.getContent();
return voteEntry.getVote();
} catch (EnvelopeAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Someone hijacked your vote envelope", e);
} catch (EnvelopeNotFoundException e) {
return new Vote(0, agentId);
} catch (EnvelopeOperationFailedException e) {
throw new InternalServiceException("Retrieving vote failed", e);