use of io.anserini.ltr.feature.FeatureExtractors in project Anserini by castorini.
the class FeatureExtractorChainFromJsonTest method testChainSingleExtractorNoParam.
public void testChainSingleExtractorNoParam() throws Exception {
String jsonString = "{extractors: [ {name: \"AvgSCQ\"} ]}";
JsonObject json = parser.parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
String testText = "test document";
String testQuery = "document";
//idf = 0.28768
//tf =1
float[] expected = { -0.24590f };
FeatureExtractors chain = FeatureExtractors.fromJson(json);
assertFeatureValues(expected, testQuery, testText, chain);
use of io.anserini.ltr.feature.FeatureExtractors in project Anserini by castorini.
the class FeatureExtractorChainFromJsonTest method testChainSingleExtractorParam.
public void testChainSingleExtractorParam() throws Exception {
String jsonString = "{extractors: [ {name: \"BM25Feature\", params: {k1:0.9, b:0.4}} ]}";
JsonObject json = parser.parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
String docText = "single document test case";
String queryText = "test";
//df, tf =1, avgFL = 4, numDocs = 1
//idf = log(1 + (0.5 / 1 + 0.5)) = 0.287682
// 0.287682* 1.9 / (1 + 0.9 * (0.6 + 0.4 * (4/4))) = 1 * 0.287682
// 0.287682 * 2.25 / (1 + 1.25 *(0.25 + 0.75)) = 0.287682
float[] expected = { 0.287682f };
FeatureExtractors chain = FeatureExtractors.fromJson(json);
assertFeatureValues(expected, queryText, docText, chain);
use of io.anserini.ltr.feature.FeatureExtractors in project Anserini by castorini.
the class FeatureExtractorChainFromJsonTest method testMultipleExtractorNoParam.
public void testMultipleExtractorNoParam() throws Exception {
String jsonString = "{extractors: [ {name: \"AvgIDF\"}, {name: \"SumTermFrequency\"} ]}";
JsonObject json = parser.parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
String docText = "document missing token";
String queryText = "document test";
float[] expected = { 0.836985f, 1f };
FeatureExtractors chain = FeatureExtractors.fromJson(json);
assertFeatureValues(expected, queryText, docText, chain);
use of io.anserini.ltr.feature.FeatureExtractors in project Anserini by castorini.
the class TermFrequencyFeatureExtractorTest method getChain.
private FeatureExtractors getChain() {
FeatureExtractors chain = new FeatureExtractors();
chain.add(new TermFrequencyFeatureExtractor());
return chain;
use of io.anserini.ltr.feature.FeatureExtractors in project Anserini by castorini.
the class BigramFeaturesTest method getAllPairsUnOrdered.
private FeatureExtractors getAllPairsUnOrdered() {
FeatureExtractors chain = new FeatureExtractors();
chain.add(new UnorderedQueryPairsFeatureExtractor(2));
chain.add(new UnorderedQueryPairsFeatureExtractor(4));
chain.add(new UnorderedQueryPairsFeatureExtractor(6));
return chain;