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Example 36 with Format

use of io.atlasmap.v2.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class ChunkSampleStream method discardDownstreamMediaChunks.

private void discardDownstreamMediaChunks(int primaryStreamReadIndex) {
    while (mediaChunks.size() > 1 && mediaChunks.get(1).getFirstSampleIndex(0) <= primaryStreamReadIndex) {
    BaseMediaChunk currentChunk = mediaChunks.getFirst();
    Format trackFormat = currentChunk.trackFormat;
    if (!trackFormat.equals(primaryDownstreamTrackFormat)) {
        eventDispatcher.downstreamFormatChanged(primaryTrackType, trackFormat, currentChunk.trackSelectionReason, currentChunk.trackSelectionData, currentChunk.startTimeUs);
    primaryDownstreamTrackFormat = trackFormat;
Also used : Format(

Example 37 with Format

use of io.atlasmap.v2.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class AdtsReader method parseAdtsHeader.

   * Parses the sample header.
private void parseAdtsHeader() {
    if (!hasOutputFormat) {
        int audioObjectType = adtsScratch.readBits(2) + 1;
        if (audioObjectType != 2) {
            // The stream indicates AAC-Main (1), AAC-SSR (3) or AAC-LTP (4). When the stream indicates
            // AAC-Main it's more likely that the stream contains HE-AAC (5), which cannot be
            // represented correctly in the 2 bit audio_object_type field in the ADTS header. In
            // practice when the stream indicates AAC-SSR or AAC-LTP it more commonly contains AAC-LC or
            // HE-AAC. Since most Android devices don't support AAC-Main, AAC-SSR or AAC-LTP, and since
            // indicating AAC-LC works for HE-AAC streams, we pretend that we're dealing with AAC-LC and
            // hope for the best. In practice this often works.
            // See:
            // See:
            Log.w(TAG, "Detected audio object type: " + audioObjectType + ", but assuming AAC LC.");
            audioObjectType = 2;
        int sampleRateIndex = adtsScratch.readBits(4);
        int channelConfig = adtsScratch.readBits(3);
        byte[] audioSpecificConfig = CodecSpecificDataUtil.buildAacAudioSpecificConfig(audioObjectType, sampleRateIndex, channelConfig);
        Pair<Integer, Integer> audioParams = CodecSpecificDataUtil.parseAacAudioSpecificConfig(audioSpecificConfig);
        Format format = Format.createAudioSampleFormat(formatId, MimeTypes.AUDIO_AAC, null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, audioParams.second, audioParams.first, Collections.singletonList(audioSpecificConfig), null, 0, language);
        // In this class a sample is an access unit, but the MediaFormat sample rate specifies the
        // number of PCM audio samples per second.
        sampleDurationUs = (C.MICROS_PER_SECOND * 1024) / format.sampleRate;
        hasOutputFormat = true;
    } else {
    int sampleSize = adtsScratch.readBits(13) - 2 - /* the sync word */
    if (hasCrc) {
        sampleSize -= CRC_SIZE;
    setReadingSampleState(output, sampleDurationUs, 0, sampleSize);
Also used : Format(

Example 38 with Format

use of io.atlasmap.v2.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class H262Reader method parseCsdBuffer.

   * Parses the {@link Format} and frame duration from a csd buffer.
   * @param csdBuffer The csd buffer.
   * @param formatId The id for the generated format. May be null.
   * @return A pair consisting of the {@link Format} and the frame duration in microseconds, or
   *     0 if the duration could not be determined.
private static Pair<Format, Long> parseCsdBuffer(CsdBuffer csdBuffer, String formatId) {
    byte[] csdData = Arrays.copyOf(, csdBuffer.length);
    int firstByte = csdData[4] & 0xFF;
    int secondByte = csdData[5] & 0xFF;
    int thirdByte = csdData[6] & 0xFF;
    int width = (firstByte << 4) | (secondByte >> 4);
    int height = (secondByte & 0x0F) << 8 | thirdByte;
    float pixelWidthHeightRatio = 1f;
    int aspectRatioCode = (csdData[7] & 0xF0) >> 4;
    switch(aspectRatioCode) {
        case 2:
            pixelWidthHeightRatio = (4 * height) / (float) (3 * width);
        case 3:
            pixelWidthHeightRatio = (16 * height) / (float) (9 * width);
        case 4:
            pixelWidthHeightRatio = (121 * height) / (float) (100 * width);
            // Do nothing.
    Format format = Format.createVideoSampleFormat(formatId, MimeTypes.VIDEO_MPEG2, null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, width, height, Format.NO_VALUE, Collections.singletonList(csdData), Format.NO_VALUE, pixelWidthHeightRatio, null);
    long frameDurationUs = 0;
    int frameRateCodeMinusOne = (csdData[7] & 0x0F) - 1;
    if (0 <= frameRateCodeMinusOne && frameRateCodeMinusOne < FRAME_RATE_VALUES.length) {
        double frameRate = FRAME_RATE_VALUES[frameRateCodeMinusOne];
        int sequenceExtensionPosition = csdBuffer.sequenceExtensionPosition;
        int frameRateExtensionN = (csdData[sequenceExtensionPosition + 9] & 0x60) >> 5;
        int frameRateExtensionD = (csdData[sequenceExtensionPosition + 9] & 0x1F);
        if (frameRateExtensionN != frameRateExtensionD) {
            frameRate *= (frameRateExtensionN + 1d) / (frameRateExtensionD + 1);
        frameDurationUs = (long) (C.MICROS_PER_SECOND / frameRate);
    return Pair.create(format, frameDurationUs);
Also used : Format(

Example 39 with Format

use of io.atlasmap.v2.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class HlsMediaPeriod method buildAndPrepareSampleStreamWrappers.

// Internal methods.
private void buildAndPrepareSampleStreamWrappers() {
    HlsMasterPlaylist masterPlaylist = playlistTracker.getMasterPlaylist();
    // Build the default stream wrapper.
    List<HlsUrl> selectedVariants = new ArrayList<>(masterPlaylist.variants);
    ArrayList<HlsUrl> definiteVideoVariants = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<HlsUrl> definiteAudioOnlyVariants = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < selectedVariants.size(); i++) {
        HlsUrl variant = selectedVariants.get(i);
        if (variant.format.height > 0 || variantHasExplicitCodecWithPrefix(variant, "avc")) {
        } else if (variantHasExplicitCodecWithPrefix(variant, "mp4a")) {
    if (!definiteVideoVariants.isEmpty()) {
        // We've identified some variants as definitely containing video. Assume variants within the
        // master playlist are marked consistently, and hence that we have the full set. Filter out
        // any other variants, which are likely to be audio only.
        selectedVariants = definiteVideoVariants;
    } else if (definiteAudioOnlyVariants.size() < selectedVariants.size()) {
        // We've identified some variants, but not all, as being audio only. Filter them out to leave
        // the remaining variants, which are likely to contain video.
    } else {
    // Leave the enabled variants unchanged. They're likely either all video or all audio.
    List<HlsUrl> audioRenditions = masterPlaylist.audios;
    List<HlsUrl> subtitleRenditions = masterPlaylist.subtitles;
    sampleStreamWrappers = new HlsSampleStreamWrapper[1 + /* variants */
    audioRenditions.size() + subtitleRenditions.size()];
    int currentWrapperIndex = 0;
    pendingPrepareCount = sampleStreamWrappers.length;
    HlsUrl[] variants = new HlsMasterPlaylist.HlsUrl[selectedVariants.size()];
    HlsSampleStreamWrapper sampleStreamWrapper = buildSampleStreamWrapper(C.TRACK_TYPE_DEFAULT, variants, masterPlaylist.muxedAudioFormat, masterPlaylist.muxedCaptionFormats);
    sampleStreamWrappers[currentWrapperIndex++] = sampleStreamWrapper;
    // Build audio stream wrappers.
    for (int i = 0; i < audioRenditions.size(); i++) {
        sampleStreamWrapper = buildSampleStreamWrapper(C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO, new HlsUrl[] { audioRenditions.get(i) }, null, Collections.<Format>emptyList());
        sampleStreamWrappers[currentWrapperIndex++] = sampleStreamWrapper;
    // Build subtitle stream wrappers.
    for (int i = 0; i < subtitleRenditions.size(); i++) {
        HlsUrl url = subtitleRenditions.get(i);
        sampleStreamWrapper = buildSampleStreamWrapper(C.TRACK_TYPE_TEXT, new HlsUrl[] { url }, null, Collections.<Format>emptyList());
        sampleStreamWrappers[currentWrapperIndex++] = sampleStreamWrapper;
Also used : Format( HlsUrl( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HlsMasterPlaylist(

Example 40 with Format

use of io.atlasmap.v2.Format in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class MediaCodecRenderer method onInputFormatChanged.

   * Called when a new format is read from the upstream {@link MediaPeriod}.
   * @param newFormat The new format.
   * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs reinitializing the {@link MediaCodec}.
protected void onInputFormatChanged(Format newFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException {
    Format oldFormat = format;
    format = newFormat;
    boolean drmInitDataChanged = !Util.areEqual(format.drmInitData, oldFormat == null ? null : oldFormat.drmInitData);
    if (drmInitDataChanged) {
        if (format.drmInitData != null) {
            if (drmSessionManager == null) {
                throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(new IllegalStateException("Media requires a DrmSessionManager"), getIndex());
            pendingDrmSession = drmSessionManager.acquireSession(Looper.myLooper(), format.drmInitData);
            if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession) {
        } else {
            pendingDrmSession = null;
    if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession && codec != null && canReconfigureCodec(codec, codecIsAdaptive, oldFormat, format)) {
        codecReconfigured = true;
        codecReconfigurationState = RECONFIGURATION_STATE_WRITE_PENDING;
        codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround && format.width == oldFormat.width && format.height == oldFormat.height;
    } else {
        if (codecReceivedBuffers) {
            // Signal end of stream and wait for any final output buffers before re-initialization.
            codecReinitializationState = REINITIALIZATION_STATE_SIGNAL_END_OF_STREAM;
        } else {
            // There aren't any final output buffers, so perform re-initialization immediately.
Also used : MediaFormat( Format(


Format ( AtlasMapping (io.atlasmap.v2.AtlasMapping)7 Point ( TrackGroup ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Validation (io.atlasmap.v2.Validation)4 AtlasMappingUtil (io.atlasmap.core.AtlasMappingUtil)3 DefaultAtlasConversionService (io.atlasmap.core.DefaultAtlasConversionService)3 AtlasModuleDetail (io.atlasmap.spi.AtlasModuleDetail)3 AtlasModuleMode (io.atlasmap.spi.AtlasModuleMode)3 AtlasModelFactory (io.atlasmap.v2.AtlasModelFactory)3 DataSource (io.atlasmap.v2.DataSource)3 DataSourceType (io.atlasmap.v2.DataSourceType)3 FieldType (io.atlasmap.v2.FieldType)3 Mapping (io.atlasmap.v2.Mapping)3 MappingType (io.atlasmap.v2.MappingType)3 MockField (io.atlasmap.v2.MockField)3 ValidationScope (io.atlasmap.v2.ValidationScope)3 ValidationStatus (io.atlasmap.v2.ValidationStatus)3