use of io.atlasmap.v2.ProcessMappingResponse in project atlasmap by atlasmap.
the class AtlasService method processMappingRequest.
* Processes mapping by feeding input data.
* @param request request
* @param uriInfo URI info
* @return {@link ProcessMappingResponse} which holds the result of the mappings
@Operation(summary = "Process Mapping", description = "Process Mapping by feeding input data")
@RequestBody(description = "Mapping file content", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = AtlasMapping.class)))
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = ProcessMappingResponse.class)), description = "Return a mapping result"), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "204", description = "Skipped empty mapping execution") })
public Response processMappingRequest(InputStream request, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
ProcessMappingRequest pmr = fromJson(request, ProcessMappingRequest.class);
if (pmr.getAtlasMapping() != null) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Whole mapping execution is not yet supported");
Mapping mapping = pmr.getMapping();
if (mapping == null) {
return Response.noContent().build();
Audits audits = null;
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Preview request: {}", new String(toJson(mapping)));
audits = previewContext.processPreview(mapping);
} catch (AtlasException e) {
throw new WebApplicationException("Unable to process mapping preview", e);
ProcessMappingResponse response = new ProcessMappingResponse();
if (audits != null) {
byte[] serialized = toJson(response);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Preview outcome: {}", new String(serialized));
return Response.ok().entity(serialized).build();