use of io.cdap.cdap.api.NamespaceSummary in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DraftServiceTest method testDraftAuthorization.
public void testDraftAuthorization() throws Exception {
user = ALICE_NAME;
HttpResponse response;
// Check Alice can't list requests
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
listDrafts(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), false, "", "", "");
// Grant her nesessary privilidges
Authorizable namespaceAuthorizable = Authorizable.fromEntityId(NamespaceId.DEFAULT);
getAccessController().grant(namespaceAuthorizable, ALICE_PRINCIPAL, EnumSet.of(StandardPermission.GET));
// Check Alice can list requests now
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
listDrafts(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), false, "", "", "");
// Check Bob still can't do it
user = "bob";
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
listDrafts(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), false, "", "", "");
// Check Alice can't do it for other namespace
user = ALICE_NAME;
listDrafts(TEST_NAMESPACE, false, "", "", "");
// Check Alice can't create drafts
NamespaceSummary namespace = new NamespaceSummary(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "", 0);
DraftId draftId = new DraftId(namespace, "draft1", ALICE_NAME);
// She can't delete it as well
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
createBatchPipelineDraft(draftId, "TestPipeline1", "This is a test pipeline.");
// Grant Alice create priviledge. Note that we don't differenciate create and update,
// so update is used in both cases
getAccessController().grant(namespaceAuthorizable, ALICE_PRINCIPAL, EnumSet.of(StandardPermission.UPDATE));
// Now Alice should be able to create draft
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
createBatchPipelineDraft(draftId, "TestPipeline1", "This is a test pipeline.");
// Bob still can't get the draft
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
user = "bob";
// Alice should be able to delete draft
expectedCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
user = ALICE_NAME;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.NamespaceSummary in project cdap by caskdata.
the class DraftServiceTest method testCreateAndDeleteDraft.
private void testCreateAndDeleteDraft(DraftType draftType) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
NamespaceSummary namespace = new NamespaceSummary(NamespaceId.DEFAULT.getNamespace(), "", 0);
DraftId draftId = new DraftId(namespace, "test-1", "admin");
Draft expectedDraft;
if (draftType == DraftType.Batch) {
expectedDraft = createBatchPipelineDraft(draftId, "TestPipeline1", "This is a test pipeline.");
} else {
expectedDraft = createStreamingPipelineDraft(draftId, "TestPipeline1", "This is a test pipeline.");
Draft fetchedDraft = getDraft(draftId);
Assert.assertTrue(sameDraft(fetchedDraft, expectedDraft));
validateMetric(1, Constants.Metrics.DRAFT_COUNT);
validateMetric(0, Constants.Metrics.DRAFT_COUNT);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.NamespaceSummary in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ConnectionStoreTest method testBasicOperations.
public void testBasicOperations() throws Exception {
// put a connection in the store
NamespaceSummary namespace = new NamespaceSummary("default", "", 0L);
ConnectionId connectionId = new ConnectionId(namespace, "my_conn");
Connection expected = new Connection("my_conn", "GCS", "GCS connection", false, false, 0L, 0L, new PluginInfo("GCS", "connector", "Google Cloud Platform", ImmutableMap.of("project", "abc"), new ArtifactSelectorConfig("SYSTEM", "google-cloud", "1.0.0")));
connectionStore.saveConnection(connectionId, expected, false);
// assert the connections
Assert.assertEquals(expected, connectionStore.getConnection(connectionId));
// update the connection, the connection should be updated
Connection updated = new Connection("my_conn", "GCS", "GCS connection updated", false, false, 1000L, 2000L, new PluginInfo("GCS", "connector", "Google Cloud Platform", ImmutableMap.of("project", "abc", "serviceAccount", "secrect.json"), new ArtifactSelectorConfig("SYSTEM", "google-cloud", "1.0.0")));
connectionStore.saveConnection(connectionId, updated, true);
Connection actual = connectionStore.getConnection(connectionId);
Assert.assertEquals(updated, actual);
// the creation time should remain the same
Assert.assertEquals(0L, actual.getCreatedTimeMillis());
// update time should get updated
Assert.assertEquals(2000L, actual.getUpdatedTimeMillis());
// add a new connection
ConnectionId newConnectioId = new ConnectionId(namespace, "mynewconn");
Connection newConnection = new Connection("mynewconn", "BigQuery", "BigQuery connection", false, false, 0L, 0L, new PluginInfo("BigQuery", "connector", "Google Cloud Platform", ImmutableMap.of("project", "myproject"), new ArtifactSelectorConfig("SYSTEM", "google-cloud", "1.0.0")));
connectionStore.saveConnection(newConnectioId, newConnection, false);
Assert.assertEquals(newConnection, connectionStore.getConnection(newConnectioId));
// list connections should have two connections
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(updated, newConnection), connectionStore.listConnections(namespace));
// update first connection to a different name "my conn" which translates to same id "my_conn", with overwrite
// set to true, it should overwrite the connection and listing should still show two connections
connectionId = new ConnectionId(namespace, "my conn");
updated = new Connection("my conn", "GCS", "GCS connection updated", false, false, 1000L, 2000L, new PluginInfo("GCS", "connector", "Google Cloud Platform", ImmutableMap.of("project", "abc", "serviceAccount", "secrect.json"), new ArtifactSelectorConfig("SYSTEM", "google-cloud", "1.0.0")));
connectionStore.saveConnection(connectionId, updated, true);
actual = connectionStore.getConnection(connectionId);
Assert.assertEquals(updated, actual);
// list should still get 2 connections
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(updated, newConnection), connectionStore.listConnections(namespace));
// delete the first one
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonList(newConnection), connectionStore.listConnections(namespace));
// delete the second one
Assert.assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), connectionStore.listConnections(namespace));
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.NamespaceSummary in project cdap by caskdata.
the class ConnectionStoreTest method testNotFound.
public void testNotFound() throws Exception {
ConnectionId connectionId = new ConnectionId(new NamespaceSummary("default", "", 0L), "nonexisting");
// get non-existing connection
try {
} catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e) {
// expected
try {
} catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e) {
// expected
// put a connection in the store
NamespaceSummary oldNamespace = new NamespaceSummary("default", "", 0L);
ConnectionId id = new ConnectionId(oldNamespace, "myconn");
Connection connection = new Connection("myconn", "GCS", "GCS connection", false, false, 0L, 0L, new PluginInfo("GCS", "connector", "Google Cloud Platform", ImmutableMap.of("project", "abc"), new ArtifactSelectorConfig("SYSTEM", "google-cloud", "1.0.0")));
connectionStore.saveConnection(id, connection, false);
// get the connection with a namespace with a higher generation id should fail
try {
connectionStore.getConnection(new ConnectionId(new NamespaceSummary("default", "", 1L), "myconn"));;
} catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e) {
// expected
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.NamespaceSummary in project cdap by caskdata.
the class StudioService method createPreconfiguredConnections.
private void createPreconfiguredConnections(SystemServiceContext context) throws IOException {
ConnectionStore connectionStore = new ConnectionStore(context);
for (PreconfiguredConnectionCreationRequest creationRequest : connectionConfig.getConnections()) {
if (creationRequest.getName() == null || creationRequest.getNamespace() == null) {
NamespaceSummary namespaceSummary = context.getAdmin().getNamespaceSummary(creationRequest.getNamespace());
if (namespaceSummary == null) {
LOG.warn("Namespace {} does not exist, skipping creating connection {}", creationRequest.getNamespace(), creationRequest.getName());
ConnectionId connectionId = new ConnectionId(namespaceSummary, creationRequest.getName());
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
Connection connectionInfo = new Connection(creationRequest.getName(), connectionId.getConnectionId(), creationRequest.getPlugin().getName(), creationRequest.getDescription(), true, creationRequest.getName().equals(connectionConfig.getDefaultConnection()) ? true : false, now, now, creationRequest.getPlugin());
try {
connectionStore.saveConnection(connectionId, connectionInfo, false);
} catch (ConnectionConflictException e) {
// expected if the connection is already created