use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin in project cdap by cdapio.
the class TableTest method testEmptyValuePut.
// TODO figure out what to do with this. As long as ObjectMappedTable writes empty values, we cannot
// throw exceptions, and this test is pointless.
public void testEmptyValuePut() throws Exception {
DatasetAdmin admin = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE);
Transaction tx = txClient.startShort();
try (Table myTable = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE)) {
try {
myTable.put(R1, C1, MT);"Put with empty value should fail.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
myTable.put(R1, a(C1, C2), a(V1, MT));"Put with empty value should fail.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
myTable.put(new Put(R1).add(C1, V1).add(C2, MT));"Put with empty value should fail.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
myTable.compareAndSwap(R1, C1, V1, MT);"CompareAndSwap with empty value should fail.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
} finally {
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin in project cdap by cdapio.
the class TableTest method testBasicIncrementWithTx.
private void testBasicIncrementWithTx(boolean doIncrAndGet, boolean readless) throws Exception {
DatasetProperties props = TableProperties.builder().setReadlessIncrementSupport(readless).build();
DatasetAdmin admin = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE, props);
try (Table myTable1 = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE, props);
Table myTable2 = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE, props);
Table myTable3 = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE, props);
Table myTable4 = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE, props)) {
Transaction tx1 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) myTable1).startTx(tx1);
myTable1.put(R1, a(C1), a(L4));
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable1, R1, a(C1), la(-3L), lb(1L));
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable1, R1, a(C2), la(2L), lb(2L));
// TableAssert.verify increment result visible inside tx before commit
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1, C2, L2), myTable1.get(R1, a(C1, C2)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L1, myTable1.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L2, myTable1.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable1.get(R1, C3));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1), myTable1.get(R1, a(C1)));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1, C2, L2), myTable1.get(R1));
// incrementing non-long value should fail
myTable1.put(R1, a(C5), a(V5));
try {
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable1, R1, a(C5), la(5L), lb(-1L));"increment should have failed with NumberFormatException");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Expected
// previous increment should not do any change
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C5, V5), myTable1.get(R1, a(C5)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(V5, myTable1.get(R1, C5));
// start new tx (doesn't see changes of the tx1)
Transaction tx2 = txClient.startShort();
// committing tx1 in stages to check races are handled well
// * first, flush operations of table
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx1, ((TransactionAware) myTable1).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) myTable1).commitTx());
// check that tx2 doesn't see changes (even though they were flushed) of tx1
// assuming current value is null
((TransactionAware) myTable2).startTx(tx2);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), myTable2.get(R1, a(C1, C2, C5)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable2.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable2.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable2.get(R1, C5));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), myTable2.get(R1));
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable2, R1, a(C1), la(55L), lb(55L));
// start tx3 and TableAssert.verify same thing again
Transaction tx3 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) myTable3).startTx(tx3);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), myTable3.get(R1, a(C1, C2, C5)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable3.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable3.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable3.get(R1, C5));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), myTable3.get(R1));
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable3, R1, a(C1), la(4L), lb(4L));
// * second, make tx visible
// TableAssert.verify that tx2 cannot commit because of the conflicts...
try {
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx2, ((TransactionAware) myTable2).getTxChanges());"Conflict not detected!");
} catch (TransactionConflictException e) {
// expected
((TransactionAware) myTable2).rollbackTx();
// start tx4 and TableAssert.verify that changes of tx1 are now visible
Transaction tx4 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) myTable4).startTx(tx4);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1, C2, L2, C5, V5), myTable4.get(R1, a(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C2, L2), myTable4.get(R1, a(C2)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L1, myTable4.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L2, myTable4.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable4.get(R1, C3));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(V5, myTable4.get(R1, C5));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1, C5, V5), myTable4.get(R1, a(C1, C5)));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L1, C2, L2, C5, V5), myTable4.get(R1));
// tx3 still cannot see tx1 changes, only its own
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L4), myTable3.get(R1, a(C1, C2, C5)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L4, myTable3.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable3.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable3.get(R1, C5));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, L4), myTable3.get(R1));
// and it cannot commit because its changes cause conflicts
try {
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx3, ((TransactionAware) myTable3).getTxChanges());"Conflict not detected!");
} catch (TransactionConflictException e) {
// expected
((TransactionAware) myTable3).rollbackTx();
// TableAssert.verify we can do some ops with tx4 based on data written with tx1
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable4, R1, a(C1, C2, C3), la(2L, 1L, 5L), lb(3L, 3L, 5L));
myTable4.delete(R1, a(C2));
doIncrement(doIncrAndGet, myTable4, R1, a(C4), la(3L), lb(3L));
myTable4.delete(R1, a(C1));
// committing tx4
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx4, ((TransactionAware) myTable3).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) myTable4).commitTx());
// TableAssert.verifying the result contents in next transaction
Transaction tx5 = txClient.startShort();
// NOTE: table instance can be re-used in series of transactions
((TransactionAware) myTable4).startTx(tx5);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C3, L5, C4, L3, C5, V5), myTable4.get(R1, a(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5)));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable4.get(R1, C1));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(null, myTable4.get(R1, C2));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L5, myTable4.get(R1, C3));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(L3, myTable4.get(R1, C4));
Assert.assertArrayEquals(V5, myTable4.get(R1, C5));
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C3, L5, C4, L3, C5, V5), myTable4.get(R1));
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx5, ((TransactionAware) myTable3).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) myTable3).commitTx());
} finally {
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin in project cdap by cdapio.
the class TableTest method testStringPutGet.
* Test that tables convert String to byte[] and back inversely. That is, get(put(s)) == s.
public void testStringPutGet() throws Exception {
DatasetAdmin admin = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE);
try (Table t = getTable(CONTEXT1, MY_TABLE)) {
// ascii
testStringPutGet(t, "a", "b", "c");
// row is latin
testStringPutGet(t, "ä", "b", "c");
// column is latin
testStringPutGet(t, "a", "ä", "c");
// value is latin
testStringPutGet(t, "a", "b", "ä");
// row is non-printable
testStringPutGet(t, "\u009F", "b", "c");
// column is non-printable
testStringPutGet(t, "a", "\u009F", "c");
// value is non-printable
testStringPutGet(t, "a", "b", "\u009F");
} finally {
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin in project cdap by cdapio.
the class TableTest method testClientSurvivesTableReset.
// this test ensures that an existing client survives the truncating or dropping and recreating of a table
public void testClientSurvivesTableReset() throws Exception {
final String tableName = "survive";
DatasetAdmin admin = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT1, tableName);
try (Table table = getTable(CONTEXT1, tableName);
Table table2 = getTable(CONTEXT1, tableName)) {
// write some values
Transaction tx0 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table).startTx(tx0);
table.put(R1, a(C1), a(V1));
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx0, ((TransactionAware) table).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) table).commitTx());
((TransactionAware) table).postTxCommit();
// TableAssert.verify
Transaction tx1 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table).startTx(tx1);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C1, V1), table.get(R1));
// drop table and recreate
// TableAssert.verify can read but nothing there
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), table.get(R1));
// only did read, safe to abort
// create a new client and write another value
Transaction tx2 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table2).startTx(tx2);
table2.put(R1, a(C2), a(V2));
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx2, ((TransactionAware) table2).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) table2).commitTx());
((TransactionAware) table2).postTxCommit();
// TableAssert.verify it is visible
Transaction tx3 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table).startTx(tx3);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C2, V2), table.get(R1));
// truncate table
// TableAssert.verify can read but nothing there
TableAssert.assertRow(a(), table.get(R1));
// only did read, safe to abort
// write again with other client
Transaction tx4 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table2).startTx(tx4);
table2.put(R1, a(C3), a(V3));
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx4, ((TransactionAware) table2).getTxChanges());
Assert.assertTrue(((TransactionAware) table2).commitTx());
((TransactionAware) table2).postTxCommit();
// TableAssert.verify it is visible
Transaction tx5 = txClient.startShort();
((TransactionAware) table).startTx(tx5);
TableAssert.assertRow(a(C3, V3), table.get(R1));
// only did read, safe to abort
} finally {
// drop table
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin in project cdap by cdapio.
the class BufferingTableTest method testTxChangePrefix.
// This test is in Buffering table because it needs to test the transaction change prefix
public void testTxChangePrefix() throws Exception {
String tableName = "same";
DatasetAdmin admin1 = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT1, tableName);
DatasetAdmin admin2 = getTableAdmin(CONTEXT2, tableName);
try (BufferingTable table1 = getTable(CONTEXT1, tableName);
BufferingTable table2 = getTable(CONTEXT2, tableName)) {
// write some values in table1
Transaction tx1 = txClient.startShort();
table1.put(R1, a(C1), a(V1));
Collection<byte[]> tx1Changes = table1.getTxChanges();
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx1, tx1Changes);
// write some values in table2
Transaction tx2 = txClient.startShort();
table2.put(R1, a(C1), a(V1));
Collection<byte[]> tx2Changes = table2.getTxChanges();
txClient.canCommitOrThrow(tx2, tx2Changes);
String tx1ChangePrefix = new String(table1.getNameAsTxChangePrefix());
String tx2ChangePrefix = new String(table2.getNameAsTxChangePrefix());
String tx1Change = new String(((ArrayList<byte[]>) tx1Changes).get(0));
String tx2Change = new String(((ArrayList<byte[]>) tx2Changes).get(0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(tx1ChangePrefix, tx2ChangePrefix);
} finally {