use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeSeries in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractCubeTest method testMetricsAggregationOptionLatest.
public void testMetricsAggregationOptionLatest() throws Exception {
Aggregation agg = new DefaultAggregation(ImmutableList.of("dim1", "dim2", "dim3"), ImmutableList.of("dim1"));
int resolution = 1;
Cube cube = getCube("testAggOptionLatest", new int[] { resolution }, ImmutableMap.of("agg", agg));
Map<String, String> aggDims = new LinkedHashMap<>();
aggDims.put("dim1", "tag1");
aggDims.put("dim2", "tag2");
aggDims.put("dim3", "tag3");
// write 100 data points to agg
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
writeGauge(cube, "metric1", i, i, aggDims);
// query for latest, should have the latest value for each interval, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100
CubeQuery query = new CubeQuery(null, 0, 200, 1, 5, ImmutableMap.of("metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM), aggDims, Collections.emptyList(), AggregationOption.LATEST, null);
List<TimeSeries> result = new ArrayList<>(cube.query(query));
Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size());
List<TimeValue> timeValues = result.get(0).getTimeValues();
for (int i = 0; i < timeValues.size(); i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(20 * (i + 1), timeValues.get(i).getValue());
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeSeries in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractCubeTest method verifyCountQuery.
private void verifyCountQuery(Cube cube, String aggregation, long startTs, long endTs, int resolution, String measureName, AggregationFunction aggFunction, Map<String, String> dimValues, List<String> groupByDims, Collection<TimeSeries> expected, Interpolator interpolator) throws Exception {
CubeQuery query = CubeQuery.builder().select().measurement(measureName, aggFunction).from(aggregation).resolution(resolution, TimeUnit.SECONDS).where().dimensions(dimValues).timeRange(startTs, endTs).groupBy().dimensions(groupByDims).limit(Integer.MAX_VALUE).interpolator(interpolator).build();
Collection<TimeSeries> result = cube.query(query);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("expected: %s, found: %s", expected, result), expected.size(), result.size());
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("expected: %s, found: %s", expected, result), expected.containsAll(result));
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeSeries in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractCubeTest method testMetricDeletion.
public void testMetricDeletion() throws Exception {
// two aggregation groups with different orders
Aggregation agg1 = new DefaultAggregation(ImmutableList.of("dim1", "dim2", "dim3"), ImmutableList.of("dim1"));
Aggregation agg2 = new DefaultAggregation(ImmutableList.of("dim1", "dim3"), ImmutableList.of("dim3"));
int resolution = 1;
Cube cube = getCube("testDeletion", new int[] { resolution }, ImmutableMap.of("agg1", agg1, "agg2", agg2));
Map<String, String> agg1Dims = new LinkedHashMap<>();
agg1Dims.put("dim1", "1");
agg1Dims.put("dim2", "1");
agg1Dims.put("dim3", "1");
Map<String, String> agg2Dims = new LinkedHashMap<>();
agg2Dims.put("dim1", "1");
agg2Dims.put("dim3", "1");
// write some data
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 1, 1, agg1Dims);
writeInc(cube, "metric2", 3, 3, agg2Dims);
// verify data is there
verifyCountQuery(cube, 0, 15, resolution, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, agg1Dims, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<>(), timeValues(1, 1))));
verifyCountQuery(cube, 0, 15, resolution, "metric2", AggregationFunction.SUM, agg2Dims, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric2", new HashMap<>(), timeValues(3, 3))));
// delete metrics from agg2
Predicate<List<String>> predicate = aggregates -> Collections.indexOfSubList(aggregates, new ArrayList<>(agg2Dims.keySet())) == 0;
CubeDeleteQuery query = new CubeDeleteQuery(0, 15, resolution, agg2Dims, Collections.emptySet(), predicate);
// agg1 data should still be there
verifyCountQuery(cube, 0, 15, resolution, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, agg1Dims, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<>(), timeValues(1, 1))));
// agg2 data should get deleted
verifyCountQuery(cube, 0, 15, resolution, "metric2", AggregationFunction.SUM, agg2Dims, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of());
// delete metrics remain for agg1
predicate = aggregates -> Collections.indexOfSubList(aggregates, new ArrayList<>(agg1Dims.keySet())) == 0;
query = new CubeDeleteQuery(0, 15, resolution, agg1Dims, Collections.emptySet(), predicate);
verifyCountQuery(cube, 0, 15, resolution, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, agg1Dims, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of());
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeSeries in project cdap by caskdata.
the class AbstractCubeTest method testIncrements.
public void testIncrements() throws Exception {
Aggregation agg1 = new DefaultAggregation(ImmutableList.of("dim1"));
Aggregation agg2 = new DefaultAggregation(ImmutableList.of("dim1", "dim2"));
int res1 = 1;
int res100 = 100;
Cube cube = getCube("myIncCube", new int[] { res1, res100 }, ImmutableMap.of("agg1", agg1, "agg2", agg2));
// write some data
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 1, 1, "1", "1");
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 1, 2, "2", "1");
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 1, 3, "1", "2");
writeInc(cube, "metric2", 1, 4, "1", "1");
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 1, 5, "1", "2");
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 10, 6, "1", "1");
writeInc(cube, "metric1", 101, 7, "1", "1");
// now let's query!
verifyCountQuery(cube, "agg1", 0, 150, res1, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, ImmutableMap.of("dim1", "1"), new ArrayList<String>(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<String, String>(), timeValues(1, 9, 10, 6, 101, 7))));
verifyCountQuery(cube, "agg1", 0, 150, res100, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, ImmutableMap.of("dim1", "1"), new ArrayList<String>(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<String, String>(), timeValues(0, 15, 100, 7))));
verifyCountQuery(cube, "agg2", 0, 150, res1, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, ImmutableMap.of("dim1", "1", "dim2", "1"), new ArrayList<String>(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<String, String>(), timeValues(1, 1, 10, 6, 101, 7))));
verifyCountQuery(cube, "agg2", 0, 150, res100, "metric1", AggregationFunction.SUM, ImmutableMap.of("dim1", "1", "dim2", "1"), new ArrayList<String>(), ImmutableList.of(new TimeSeries("metric1", new HashMap<String, String>(), timeValues(0, 7, 100, 7))));