use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeValue in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FactTableTest method testMaxResolution.
public void testMaxResolution() throws Exception {
// we use Integer.MAX_VALUE as resolution to compute all-time total values
int resolution = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// should not matter when resolution is max
int rollTimebaseInterval = 3600;
FactTable table = new FactTable(new InMemoryMetricsTable("TotalsDataTable"), new EntityTable(new InMemoryMetricsTable("TotalsEntityTable")), resolution, rollTimebaseInterval);
// ts is expected in seconds
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
// shift one day
writeInc(table, "metric" + k, ts + i * 60 * 60 * 24, i * k, "dim" + k, "value" + k);
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
// 0, 0 should match timestamp of all data points
FactScan scan = new FactScan(0, 0, "metric" + k, dimValues("dim" + k, "value" + k));
Table<String, List<DimensionValue>, List<TimeValue>> expected = HashBasedTable.create();
expected.put("metric" + k, dimValues("dim" + k, "value" + k), ImmutableList.of(new TimeValue(0, k * count * (count - 1) / 2)));
assertScan(table, expected, scan);
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeValue in project cdap by caskdata.
the class SupportBundleRuntimeInfoTask method queryMetrics.
public JsonObject queryMetrics(String runId, String configuration, long startTs, long stopTs) {
// startTs from run time but metrics already starts before that time
int startQueryTime = (int) (startTs - 5000);
JsonObject metrics = new JsonObject();
try {
// This program type tag can be null
String typeTag = getMetricsTag(programType);
Map<String, String> queryTags = new HashMap<>();
queryTags.put("namespace", namespaceId.getNamespace());
queryTags.put("app", appId.getApplication());
queryTags.put("run", runId);
if (typeTag != null) {
queryTags.put(typeTag, programName.getProgram());
Collection<String> metricsNameList =;
List<MetricTimeSeries> metricTimeSeriesList = new ArrayList<>(remoteMetricsSystemClient.query(startQueryTime, (int) (stopTs), queryTags, metricsNameList));
for (MetricTimeSeries timeSeries : metricTimeSeriesList) {
if (!metrics.has(timeSeries.getMetricName())) {
metrics.add(timeSeries.getMetricName(), new JsonArray());
for (TimeValue timeValue : timeSeries.getTimeValues()) {
JsonObject time = new JsonObject();
time.addProperty("time", timeValue.getTimestamp());
time.addProperty("value", timeValue.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to find metrics with run {} ", runId, e);
return null;
return metrics;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeValue in project cdap by caskdata.
the class RemoteMetricsSystemClient method query.
public Collection<MetricTimeSeries> query(int start, int end, int resolution, Map<String, String> tags, Collection<String> metrics, Collection<String> groupByTags) throws IOException {
String metricsParam = Joiner.on("&metric=").join(metrics);
if (!metricsParam.isEmpty()) {
metricsParam = "&metric=" + metricsParam;
String tagsParam = Joiner.on("&tag=").withKeyValueSeparator(":").join(tags);
if (!tagsParam.isEmpty()) {
tagsParam = "&tag=" + tagsParam;
String groupByParam = Joiner.on("&groupBy=").join(groupByTags);
if (!groupByParam.isEmpty()) {
groupByParam = "&groupBy=" + groupByParam;
// Only query for aggregate metrics. Currently that's the only use case.
String queryString = "aggregate=true&start=" + start + "&end=" + end + "&resolution=" + resolution + "s" + metricsParam + tagsParam + groupByParam;
URL url = getBaseURI().resolve("query?" + queryString).toURL();
HttpResponse response = HttpRequests.execute(, REQUEST_CONFIG);
if (response.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new IOException("Failed to query for metrics " + metrics + ", with tags " + tags + ". Error code " + response.getResponseCode() + ", message " + response.getResponseBodyAsString());
MetricQueryResult queryResult = GSON.fromJson(response.getResponseBodyAsString(), MetricQueryResult.class);
List<MetricTimeSeries> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (MetricQueryResult.TimeSeries timeSeries : queryResult.getSeries()) {
List<TimeValue> timeValues = -> new TimeValue(tv.getTime(), tv.getValue())).collect(Collectors.toList());
result.add(new MetricTimeSeries(timeSeries.getMetricName(), timeSeries.getGrouping(), timeValues));
return result;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeValue in project cdap by caskdata.
the class MetricsQueryHelper method decorate.
private MetricQueryResult.TimeValue[] decorate(List<TimeValue> points) {
MetricQueryResult.TimeValue[] timeValues = new MetricQueryResult.TimeValue[points.size()];
int k = 0;
for (TimeValue timeValue : points) {
timeValues[k++] = new MetricQueryResult.TimeValue(timeValue.getTimestamp(), timeValue.getValue());
return timeValues;
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib.cube.TimeValue in project cdap by caskdata.
the class TestAppWithCube method testApp.
public void testApp() throws Exception {
// Deploy the application
ApplicationManager appManager = deployApplication(AppWithCube.class);
ServiceManager serviceManager = appManager.getServiceManager(AppWithCube.SERVICE_NAME).start();
try {
serviceManager.waitForRun(ProgramRunStatus.RUNNING, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
URL url = serviceManager.getServiceURL();
long tsInSec = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
// round to a minute for testing minute resolution
tsInSec = (tsInSec / 60) * 60;
// add couple facts
add(url, ImmutableList.of(new CubeFact(tsInSec).addDimensionValue("user", "alex").addDimensionValue("action", "click").addMeasurement("count", MeasureType.COUNTER, 1)));
add(url, ImmutableList.of(new CubeFact(tsInSec).addDimensionValue("user", "alex").addDimensionValue("action", "click").addMeasurement("count", MeasureType.COUNTER, 1), new CubeFact(tsInSec + 1).addDimensionValue("user", "alex").addDimensionValue("action", "back").addMeasurement("count", MeasureType.COUNTER, 1), new CubeFact(tsInSec + 2).addDimensionValue("user", "alex").addDimensionValue("action", "click").addMeasurement("count", MeasureType.COUNTER, 1)));
// search for tags
Collection<DimensionValue> tags = searchDimensionValue(url, new CubeExploreQuery(tsInSec - 60, tsInSec + 60, 1, 100, new ArrayList<DimensionValue>()));
Assert.assertEquals(1, tags.size());
DimensionValue tv = tags.iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("user", tv.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("alex", tv.getValue());
tags = searchDimensionValue(url, CubeExploreQuery.builder().from().resolution(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).where().dimension("user", "alex").timeRange(tsInSec - 60, tsInSec + 60).limit(100).build());
Assert.assertEquals(2, tags.size());
Iterator<DimensionValue> iterator = tags.iterator();
tv =;
Assert.assertEquals("action", tv.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("back", tv.getValue());
tv =;
Assert.assertEquals("action", tv.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("click", tv.getValue());
// search for measures
Collection<String> measures = searchMeasure(url, new CubeExploreQuery(tsInSec - 60, tsInSec + 60, 1, 100, ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("user", "alex"))));
Assert.assertEquals(1, measures.size());
String measure = measures.iterator().next();
Assert.assertEquals("count", measure);
// query for data
// 1-sec resolution
Collection<TimeSeries> data = query(url, CubeQuery.builder().select().measurement("count", AggregationFunction.SUM).from(null).resolution(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).where().dimension("action", "click").timeRange(tsInSec - 60, tsInSec + 60).limit(100).build());
Assert.assertEquals(1, data.size());
TimeSeries series = data.iterator().next();
List<TimeValue> timeValues = series.getTimeValues();
Assert.assertEquals(2, timeValues.size());
TimeValue timeValue = timeValues.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(tsInSec, timeValue.getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(2, timeValue.getValue());
timeValue = timeValues.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals(tsInSec + 2, timeValue.getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(1, timeValue.getValue());
// 60-sec resolution
data = query(url, new CubeQuery(null, tsInSec - 60, tsInSec + 60, 60, 100, ImmutableMap.of("count", AggregationFunction.SUM), ImmutableMap.of("action", "click"), new ArrayList<String>(), null, null));
Assert.assertEquals(1, data.size());
series = data.iterator().next();
timeValues = series.getTimeValues();
Assert.assertEquals(1, timeValues.size());
timeValue = timeValues.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(tsInSec, timeValue.getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(3, timeValue.getValue());
} finally {
serviceManager.waitForStopped(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);