use of io.cdap.cdap.api.retry.RetryableException in project cdap by cdapio.
the class AbstractArtifactLocalizer method fetchArtifact.
* fetchArtifact attempts to connect to app fabric to download the given artifact. This method will throw
* {@link RetryableException} in certain circumstances.
* @param artifactId The ArtifactId of the artifact to fetch
* @param remoteClient The remote client used to connect to appfabric on the peer
* @param artifactDir The directory where the artifact will be stored
* @return The Local Location for this artifact
* @throws IOException If an unexpected error occurs while writing the artifact to the filesystem
* @throws ArtifactNotFoundException If the given artifact does not exist
protected File fetchArtifact(ArtifactId artifactId, RemoteClient remoteClient, File artifactDir) throws IOException, ArtifactNotFoundException {
Long lastModifiedTimestamp = getCurrentLastModifiedTimestamp(artifactDir);
HttpURLConnection urlConn = openConnection(artifactId, remoteClient);
try {
if (lastModifiedTimestamp != null) {
LOG.debug("Found existing local version for {} with timestamp {}", artifactId, lastModifiedTimestamp);
ZonedDateTime lastModifiedDate = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(lastModifiedTimestamp), ZoneId.of("GMT"));
urlConn.setRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, lastModifiedDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME));
// If we get this response that means we already have the most up to date artifact
if (lastModifiedTimestamp != null && urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) {
LOG.debug("Call to app fabric returned NOT_MODIFIED for {} with lastModifiedTimestamp of {}", artifactId, lastModifiedTimestamp);
File artifactJarLocation = getArtifactJarLocation(artifactDir, lastModifiedTimestamp);
if (!artifactJarLocation.exists()) {
throw new RetryableException(String.format("Locally cached artifact jar for %s is missing.", artifactId));
return artifactJarLocation;
throwIfError(urlConn, artifactId);
ZonedDateTime newModifiedDate = getLastModifiedHeader(urlConn);
long newTimestamp = newModifiedDate.toInstant().toEpochMilli();
File newLocation = getArtifactJarLocation(artifactDir, newTimestamp);
// Download the artifact to a temporary file then atomically rename it to the final name to
// avoid race conditions with multiple threads.
Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(newLocation.getParentFile().toPath(), String.valueOf(newTimestamp), ".jar");
return downloadArtifact(urlConn, newLocation.toPath(), tempFile);
} finally {
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.retry.RetryableException in project cdap by cdapio.
the class AbstractServiceRetryableMacroEvaluator method evaluateMap.
public Map<String, String> evaluateMap(String macroFunction, String... args) throws InvalidMacroException {
if (!functionName.equals(macroFunction)) {
// This shouldn't happen
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid function name " + macroFunction + ". Expecting " + functionName);
// Make call with exponential delay on failure retry.
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch().start();
try {
while (stopWatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) < TIMEOUT_MILLIS) {
try {
return evaluateMacroMap(macroFunction, args);
} catch (RetryableException e) {
delay = (long) (delay * (minMultiplier + Math.random() * (maxMultiplier - minMultiplier + 1)));
delay = Math.min(delay, RETRY_MAX_DELAY_MILLIS);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to evaluate the macro function '" + functionName + "' with args " + Arrays.asList(args), e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Thread interrupted while trying to evaluate the macro function '" + functionName + "' with args " + Arrays.asList(args), e);
throw new IllegalStateException("Timed out when trying to evaluate the macro function '" + functionName + "' with args " + Arrays.asList(args));
use of io.cdap.cdap.api.retry.RetryableException in project cdap by cdapio.
the class UpgradeJobMain method suspendSchedulesAndStopPipelines.
private static void suspendSchedulesAndStopPipelines(ClientConfig clientConfig) throws Exception {
ApplicationClient applicationClient = new ApplicationClient(clientConfig);
ScheduleClient scheduleClient = new ScheduleClient(clientConfig);
ProgramClient programClient = new ProgramClient(clientConfig);
NamespaceClient namespaceClient = new NamespaceClient(clientConfig);
boolean shouldRetry = false;
List<NamespaceId> namespaceIdList = namespaceClient.list().stream().map(NamespaceMeta::getNamespaceId).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (NamespaceId namespaceId : namespaceIdList) {
for (ApplicationRecord record : applicationClient.list(namespaceId)) {
ApplicationId applicationId = new ApplicationId(namespaceId.getNamespace(), record.getName(), record.getAppVersion());
LOG.debug("Trying to stop schedule and workflows for application " + applicationId);
List<WorkflowId> workflowIds = applicationClient.get(applicationId).getPrograms().stream().filter(programRecord -> programRecord.getType().equals(ProgramType.WORKFLOW)).map(programRecord -> new WorkflowId(applicationId, programRecord.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (WorkflowId workflowId : workflowIds) {
List<ScheduleId> scheduleIds = scheduleClient.listSchedules(workflowId).stream().map(scheduleDetail -> new ScheduleId(namespaceId.getNamespace(), record.getName(), record.getAppVersion(), scheduleDetail.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (ScheduleId scheduleId : scheduleIds) {
if (scheduleClient.getStatus(scheduleId).equals(SCHEDULED)) {
// Need to stop workflows first or else the program will fail to stop below
if (!programClient.getStatus(workflowId).equals(ProgramStatus.STOPPED.toString())) {
try {
} catch (BadRequestException e) {
// transitioned to stop state since it was checked earlier or not.
if (!programClient.getStatus(workflowId).equals(ProgramStatus.STOPPED.toString())) {
// Pipeline still in running state. Continue with stopping rest of the pipelines in this namespace and
// next retry should try to stop/verify status for this pipeline.
shouldRetry = true;
// At least one pipeline is still in running state so retry to verify pipeline status .
if (shouldRetry) {
throw new RetryableException("At least one pipeline in namespace " + namespaceId + " is still running.");
// All schedules are stopped, now stop all programs