use of io.cdap.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.inmemory.InMemoryMetricsTable in project cdap by caskdata.
the class EntityTableTest method testRecycleAfterMaxId.
public void testRecycleAfterMaxId() throws Exception {
MetricsTable table = new InMemoryMetricsTable("testRecycleId");
EntityTable entityTable = new EntityTable(table, 101);
// only have 100 entries as maxId.
for (long i = 1; i <= 500; i++) {
entityTable.getId("app", "app" + i);
// we call getName for the 100 entries, it will be the latest entries 401-500
for (long i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("app" + String.valueOf(400 + i), entityTable.getName(i, "app"));
use of io.cdap.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.inmemory.InMemoryMetricsTable in project cdap by caskdata.
the class EntityTableTest method testGetName.
public void testGetName() throws Exception {
MetricsTable table = new InMemoryMetricsTable("testGetName");
EntityTable entityTable = new EntityTable(table);
// Create some entities.
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals((long) i, entityTable.getId("app", "app" + i));
// Reverse lookup
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("app" + i, entityTable.getName(i, "app"));
use of io.cdap.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.inmemory.InMemoryMetricsTable in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FactTableTest method testMaxResolution.
public void testMaxResolution() throws Exception {
// we use Integer.MAX_VALUE as resolution to compute all-time total values
int resolution = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// should not matter when resolution is max
int rollTimebaseInterval = 3600;
FactTable table = new FactTable(new InMemoryMetricsTable("TotalsDataTable"), new EntityTable(new InMemoryMetricsTable("TotalsEntityTable")), resolution, rollTimebaseInterval);
// ts is expected in seconds
long ts = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
// shift one day
writeInc(table, "metric" + k, ts + i * 60 * 60 * 24, i * k, "dim" + k, "value" + k);
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
// 0, 0 should match timestamp of all data points
FactScan scan = new FactScan(0, 0, "metric" + k, dimValues("dim" + k, "value" + k));
Table<String, List<DimensionValue>, List<TimeValue>> expected = HashBasedTable.create();
expected.put("metric" + k, dimValues("dim" + k, "value" + k), ImmutableList.of(new TimeValue(0, k * count * (count - 1) / 2)));
assertScan(table, expected, scan);
use of io.cdap.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.inmemory.InMemoryMetricsTable in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FactTableTest method testCache.
public void testCache() throws Exception {
String tableName = "testCacheTable";
String entityTableName = "testCacheEntityTable";
int resolution = 5;
InMemoryMetricsTable metricsTable = new InMemoryMetricsTable(tableName);
FactTable table = new FactTable(metricsTable, new EntityTable(new InMemoryMetricsTable(entityTableName)), resolution, 2);
// set the metrics collector for the table
FactTableMetricsCollector metricsCollector = new FactTableMetricsCollector(resolution);
// Initially the cache should be empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, table.getFactCounterCache().size());
// add some value with current ts
long timestampNow = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis()) / resolution * resolution;
List<DimensionValue> dims = dimValues("dim1", "dim2");
List<Fact> metrics = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
metrics.add(new Fact(timestampNow, dims, new Measurement("metric" + i, MeasureType.COUNTER, 1)));
// Since no previous add to the metric store, these increment should still be considered as COUNTER, and the
// cache should be updated.
Assert.assertEquals(10, metricsCollector.getLastIncrementSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, metricsCollector.getLastGaugeSize());
Assert.assertEquals(10, table.getFactCounterCache().size());
for (long value : table.getFactCounterCache().asMap().values()) {
Assert.assertEquals(timestampNow, value);
// Add metrics older than the current timestamp, these increment should still be considered as COUNTER, and the
// cache should NOT be updated.
metrics = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
metrics.add(new Fact(timestampNow - 5, dims, new Measurement("metric" + i, MeasureType.COUNTER, 1)));
Assert.assertEquals(10, metricsCollector.getLastIncrementSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, metricsCollector.getLastGaugeSize());
Assert.assertEquals(10, table.getFactCounterCache().size());
for (long value : table.getFactCounterCache().asMap().values()) {
Assert.assertEquals(timestampNow, value);
// Now insert metrics newer than the current timestamp, the increment should be considered as GAUGE, and the cache
// should be updated
metrics = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
metrics.add(new Fact(timestampNow + 5, dims, new Measurement("metric" + i, MeasureType.COUNTER, 1)));
Assert.assertEquals(0, metricsCollector.getLastIncrementSize());
Assert.assertEquals(10, metricsCollector.getLastGaugeSize());
Assert.assertEquals(10, table.getFactCounterCache().size());
for (long value : table.getFactCounterCache().asMap().values()) {
Assert.assertEquals(timestampNow + 5, value);
use of io.cdap.cdap.data2.dataset2.lib.table.inmemory.InMemoryMetricsTable in project cdap by caskdata.
the class FactCodecTest method test.
public void test() {
MetricsTable table = new InMemoryMetricsTable("FactCodecTest");
int resolution = 10;
int rollTimebaseInterval = 2;
FactCodec codec = new FactCodec(new EntityTable(table), resolution, rollTimebaseInterval);
// testing encoding with multiple dimensions
List<DimensionValue> dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", "value2"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
// note: we use seconds everywhere and rely on this
long ts = 1422312915;
byte[] rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
byte[] column = codec.createColumn(ts);
Assert.assertEquals((ts / resolution) * resolution, codec.getTimestamp(rowKey, column));
Assert.assertEquals(dimensionValues, codec.getDimensionValues(rowKey));
Assert.assertEquals("myMetric", codec.getMeasureName(rowKey));
// testing encoding without one dimension
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("myTag", "myValue"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "mySingleTagMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals((ts / resolution) * resolution, codec.getTimestamp(rowKey, column));
Assert.assertEquals(dimensionValues, codec.getDimensionValues(rowKey));
Assert.assertEquals("mySingleTagMetric", codec.getMeasureName(rowKey));
// testing encoding without empty dimensions
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(new ArrayList<DimensionValue>(), "myNoTagsMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals((ts / resolution) * resolution, codec.getTimestamp(rowKey, column));
Assert.assertEquals(new ArrayList<DimensionValue>(), codec.getDimensionValues(rowKey));
Assert.assertEquals("myNoTagsMetric", codec.getMeasureName(rowKey));
// testing null metric
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("myTag", "myValue"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "mySingleTagMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals((ts / resolution) * resolution, codec.getTimestamp(rowKey, column));
Assert.assertEquals(dimensionValues, codec.getDimensionValues(rowKey));
Assert.assertEquals("mySingleTagMetric", codec.getMeasureName(rowKey));
// testing null value
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", null), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myNullTagMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals((ts / resolution) * resolution, codec.getTimestamp(rowKey, column));
Assert.assertEquals(dimensionValues, codec.getDimensionValues(rowKey));
Assert.assertEquals("myNullTagMetric", codec.getMeasureName(rowKey));
// testing fuzzy mask for fuzzy stuff in row key
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), // any value is accepted
new DimensionValue("dimension2", null), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
byte[] mask = codec.createFuzzyRowMask(dimensionValues, "myMetric");
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
FuzzyRowFilter filter = new FuzzyRowFilter(ImmutableList.of(new ImmutablePair<>(rowKey, mask)));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", "annnnnnnnnny"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE, filter.filterRow(rowKey));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value12"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", "value2"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", "value2"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value13"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
// fuzzy in value should match the "null" value
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", null), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertEquals(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE, filter.filterRow(rowKey));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("dimension1", "value1"), new DimensionValue("dimension2", "value2"), new DimensionValue("dimension3", "value3"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "myMetric2", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, null, ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(new ArrayList<DimensionValue>(), "myMetric", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
// testing fuzzy mask for fuzzy metric
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("myTag", "myValue"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, null, ts);
mask = codec.createFuzzyRowMask(dimensionValues, null);
filter = new FuzzyRowFilter(ImmutableList.of(new ImmutablePair<>(rowKey, mask)));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "annyyy", ts);
Assert.assertEquals(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE, filter.filterRow(rowKey));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "zzzzzzzzzzzz", ts);
Assert.assertEquals(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE, filter.filterRow(rowKey));
dimensionValues = ImmutableList.of(new DimensionValue("myTag", "myValue2"));
rowKey = codec.createRowKey(dimensionValues, "metric", ts);
Assert.assertTrue(FuzzyRowFilter.ReturnCode.INCLUDE != filter.filterRow(rowKey));
// todo: test prefix of multi dimension valued row key is not same one dimension valued row key
// todo: test that rollTimebaseInterval applies well