use of io.cdap.cdap.etl.proto.Connection in project cdap by cdapio.
the class LineageOperationProcessorTest method testMergeOperationsNonRepeat.
public void testMergeOperationsNonRepeat() {
// n1 -> n3 ----
// |---- n5
// n2 -> n4 ----
// operations (n1) -> (id, name)
// (n3) -> (body, offset)
// ( -> id
// ( -> name
// (n4.body) -> (id, name)
// (n5) -> (id, name)
Set<Connection> connections = new HashSet<>();
connections.add(new Connection("n1", "n3"));
connections.add(new Connection("n3", "n5"));
connections.add(new Connection("n2", "n4"));
connections.add(new Connection("n4", "n5"));
EndPoint src1 = EndPoint.of("default", "n1");
EndPoint src2 = EndPoint.of("default", "n2");
EndPoint dest = EndPoint.of("default", "n5");
Map<String, List<FieldOperation>> stageOperations = new HashMap<>();
stageOperations.put("n1", Collections.singletonList(new FieldReadOperation("read1", "read description", src1, "id", "name")));
stageOperations.put("n2", Collections.singletonList(new FieldReadOperation("read2", "read description", src2, "body", "offset")));
List<FieldOperation> n3Operations = stageOperations.computeIfAbsent("n3", k -> new ArrayList<>());
n3Operations.add(new FieldTransformOperation("identity1", "identity", Collections.singletonList("id"), "id"));
n3Operations.add(new FieldTransformOperation("identity2", "identity", Collections.singletonList("name"), "name"));
stageOperations.put("n4", Collections.singletonList(new FieldTransformOperation("generate", "generate", Collections.singletonList("body"), "id", "name")));
stageOperations.put("n5", Collections.singletonList(new FieldWriteOperation("write", "write", dest, "id", "name")));
LineageOperationsProcessor processor = new LineageOperationsProcessor(connections, stageOperations, Collections.emptySet());
Set<Operation> expectedOperations = new HashSet<>();
expectedOperations.add(new ReadOperation("n1.read1", "read description", src1, "id", "name"));
expectedOperations.add(new ReadOperation("n2.read2", "read description", src2, "body", "offset"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3.identity1", "identity", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("n1.read1", "id")), "id"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3.identity2", "identity", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("n1.read1", "name")), "name"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n4.generate", "generate", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("n2.read2", "body")), "id", "name"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3,", "Merged stages: n3,n4", Arrays.asList(InputField.of("n3.identity1", "id"), InputField.of("n4.generate", "id")), "id"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3,", "Merged stages: n3,n4", Arrays.asList(InputField.of("n3.identity2", "name"), InputField.of("n4.generate", "name")), "name"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3,n4.merge.body", "Merged stages: n3,n4", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("n2.read2", "body")), "body"));
expectedOperations.add(new TransformOperation("n3,n4.merge.offset", "Merged stages: n3,n4", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("n2.read2", "offset")), "offset"));
expectedOperations.add(new WriteOperation("n5.write", "write", dest, Arrays.asList(InputField.of("n3,", "id"), InputField.of("n3,", "name"))));
Set<Operation> process = processor.process();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedOperations, process);
use of io.cdap.cdap.etl.proto.Connection in project cdap by cdapio.
the class DagTest method testTopologicalOrder.
public void testTopologicalOrder() {
// n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4
Dag dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "n3"), new Connection("n3", "n4")));
Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("n1", "n2", "n3", "n4"), dag.getTopologicalOrder());
|--- n2 ---|
n1 --| |-- n4
|--- n3 ---|
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n1", "n3"), new Connection("n2", "n4"), new Connection("n3", "n4")));
// could be n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4
// or it could be n1 -> n3 -> n2 -> n4
List<String> linearized = dag.getTopologicalOrder();
Assert.assertEquals("n1", linearized.get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("n4", linearized.get(3));
assertBefore(linearized, "n1", "n2");
assertBefore(linearized, "n1", "n3");
n1 --|
|--- n3
n2 --|
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n3"), new Connection("n2", "n3")));
// could be n1 -> n2 -> n3
// or it could be n2 -> n1 -> n3
linearized = dag.getTopologicalOrder();
Assert.assertEquals("n3", linearized.get(2));
assertBefore(linearized, "n1", "n3");
assertBefore(linearized, "n2", "n3");
|--- n3
|--- n2 ----------------|
n1 --| | |--- n5
|--------- n4 ----------|
| | |
|---------------- n6 ---|
vertical arrows are pointing down
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n1", "n4"), new Connection("n1", "n6"), new Connection("n2", "n3"), new Connection("n2", "n4"), new Connection("n2", "n5"), new Connection("n4", "n3"), new Connection("n4", "n5"), new Connection("n4", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n3"), new Connection("n6", "n5")));
linearized = dag.getTopologicalOrder();
Assert.assertEquals("n1", linearized.get(0));
Assert.assertEquals("n2", linearized.get(1));
Assert.assertEquals("n4", linearized.get(2));
Assert.assertEquals("n6", linearized.get(3));
assertBefore(linearized, "n6", "n3");
assertBefore(linearized, "n6", "n5");
use of io.cdap.cdap.etl.proto.Connection in project cdap by cdapio.
the class DagTest method testSplitByControlNodes.
public void testSplitByControlNodes() {
// In following test cases note that Action nodes are named as (a0, a1...) and condition nodes are named
// as (c0, c1, ..)
// Test condition in the beginning and one branch connects to the action.
// c1 --> a1 --> n1 --> n2
// |
// | --> n3 --> n4 --> a2
Dag dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "a1"), new Connection("a1", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("c1", "n3"), new Connection("n3", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "a2")));
Set<Dag> actual = dag.splitByControlNodes(ImmutableSet.of("c1"), ImmutableSet.of("a1", "a2"));
Set<Dag> expectedDags = new HashSet<>();
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "a1"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a1", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "n2"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "n3"), new Connection("n3", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "a2"))));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDags, actual);
// Test condition in the end and branches connects to the Action.
// n0-->n1--c0-->n2-->c1-->a1
// |
// |-->a2
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n0", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "c0"), new Connection("c0", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "c1"), new Connection("c1", "a1"), new Connection("c1", "a2")));
actual = dag.splitByControlNodes(ImmutableSet.of("c0", "c1"), ImmutableSet.of("a1", "a2"));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n0", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "c0"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c0", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "c1"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "a2"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "a1"))));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDags, actual);
// Test Actions in the beginning and connects to the Condition.
// a1 - a2 - c1 - n0 - n1
// |
// a0 --
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "a2"), new Connection("a1", "a2"), new Connection("a2", "c1"), new Connection("c1", "n0"), new Connection("n0", "n1")));
actual = dag.splitByControlNodes(ImmutableSet.of("c1"), ImmutableSet.of("a0", "a1", "a2"));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "a2"), new Connection("a1", "a2"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a2", "c1"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "n0"), new Connection("n0", "n1"))));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDags, actual);
// Tests Actions in the beginning and connect to the Condition through other plugin
// a1 - n0 - c1 - n1
// |
// a0 --
dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "n0"), new Connection("a1", "n0"), new Connection("n0", "c1"), new Connection("c1", "n1")));
actual = dag.splitByControlNodes(ImmutableSet.of("c1"), ImmutableSet.of("a0", "a1"));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "n0"), new Connection("a1", "n0"), new Connection("n0", "c1"))));
expectedDags.add(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "n1"))));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDags, actual);
use of io.cdap.cdap.etl.proto.Connection in project cdap by cdapio.
the class DagTest method testComplicatedSplitByControl.
public void testComplicatedSplitByControl() {
|-- n2 -- a3
|-- a1 --| |-- n0 -- n1 -- c1 --| |-- a5 --|
a0--| |-- c0 --| |-- n3 -- c2 -- n8 -- a4 --| |-- a7
|-- a2 --| | |-- a6 --|
| |-- n4 -- n5 -- c4 -- c5 -- n9
|-- c3 --|
| |-- a8
|-- n6 -- n7 --|
|-- a9
Dag dag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "a1"), new Connection("a0", "a2"), new Connection("a1", "c0"), new Connection("a2", "c0"), new Connection("c0", "n0"), new Connection("c0", "c3"), new Connection("n0", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "c1"), new Connection("c1", "n2"), new Connection("c1", "n3"), new Connection("n2", "a3"), new Connection("n3", "c2"), new Connection("c2", "n8"), new Connection("n8", "a4"), new Connection("a4", "a5"), new Connection("a4", "a6"), new Connection("a5", "a7"), new Connection("a6", "a7"), new Connection("c3", "n4"), new Connection("c3", "n6"), new Connection("n4", "n5"), new Connection("n5", "c4"), new Connection("c4", "c5"), new Connection("c5", "n9"), new Connection("n6", "n7"), new Connection("n7", "a8"), new Connection("n7", "a9")));
Set<Dag> actual = dag.splitByControlNodes(ImmutableSet.of("c0", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5"), ImmutableSet.of("a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a6", "a7", "a8", "a9"));
Set<Dag> expected = ImmutableSet.of(new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a0", "a1"), new Connection("a0", "a2"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a1", "c0"), new Connection("a2", "c0"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c0", "n0"), new Connection("n0", "n1"), new Connection("n1", "c1"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c0", "c3"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "a3"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c1", "n3"), new Connection("n3", "c2"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c2", "n8"), new Connection("n8", "a4"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a4", "a5"), new Connection("a4", "a6"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("a5", "a7"), new Connection("a6", "a7"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c3", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "n5"), new Connection("n5", "c4"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c3", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7"), new Connection("n7", "a8"), new Connection("n7", "a9"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c4", "c5"))), new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("c5", "n9"))));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
use of io.cdap.cdap.etl.proto.Connection in project cdap by cdapio.
the class DagTest method testSubset.
public void testSubset() {
n1 -- n2
n3 -- n4 --- n8
n5-------- n6 -- n7
Dag fulldag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "n4"), new Connection("n3", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "n8"), new Connection("n5", "n4"), new Connection("n5", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7")));
Dag expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n2", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "n8")));
Dag actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n1");
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n2", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "n8")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n2");
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n3", "n4"), new Connection("n4", "n8")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n3");
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n4", "n8"), new Connection("n5", "n4"), new Connection("n5", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n5");
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n6", "n7")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n6");
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// test subsets with stop nodes
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n1", ImmutableSet.of("n2"));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n5", "n4"), new Connection("n5", "n6")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n5", ImmutableSet.of("n4", "n6"));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
|--- n2 ----------|
| | |-- n10
n1 --|--- n3 --- n5 ---|--- n6 --- n7 --- n8 --- n9 --|
| | |-- n11
|--- n4 ----------|
fulldag = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n1", "n2"), new Connection("n1", "n3"), new Connection("n1", "n4"), new Connection("n2", "n6"), new Connection("n3", "n5"), new Connection("n4", "n6"), new Connection("n5", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7"), new Connection("n7", "n8"), new Connection("n8", "n9"), new Connection("n9", "n10"), new Connection("n9", "n11")));
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n3", "n5"), new Connection("n5", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7"), new Connection("n7", "n8"), new Connection("n8", "n9")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n3", ImmutableSet.of("n4", "n9"));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
expected = new Dag(ImmutableSet.of(new Connection("n2", "n6"), new Connection("n6", "n7"), new Connection("n7", "n8")));
actual = fulldag.subsetFrom("n2", ImmutableSet.of("n4", "n8", "n1"));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);