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the class TestTMSLogging method testTmsLogAppender.
public void testTmsLogAppender() throws Exception {
// setup TMSLogAppender and log messages to it
LogAppenderInitializer logAppenderInitializer = new LogAppenderInitializer(tmsLogAppender);
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("TestTMSLogging");
LoggingTester loggingTester = new LoggingTester();
LoggingContext loggingContext = new MapReduceLoggingContext("TKL_NS_1", "APP_1", "MR_1", "RUN1");
loggingTester.generateLogs(logger, loggingContext);
// fetch and deserialize all the logs from TMS
LoggingEventSerializer loggingEventSerializer = new LoggingEventSerializer();
Map<Integer, List<ILoggingEvent>> partitionedFetchedLogs = new HashMap<>();
int totalFetchedLogs = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, TopicId> topicId : topicIds.entrySet()) {
List<ILoggingEvent> fetchedLogs = new ArrayList<>();
MessageFetcher messageFetcher = client.prepareFetch(topicId.getValue());
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> messages = messageFetcher.fetch()) {
while (messages.hasNext()) {
RawMessage message =;
ILoggingEvent iLoggingEvent = loggingEventSerializer.fromBytes(ByteBuffer.wrap(message.getPayload()));
totalFetchedLogs += fetchedLogs.size();
partitionedFetchedLogs.put(topicId.getKey(), fetchedLogs);
// LoggingTester emits 240 logs in total
Assert.assertEquals(240, totalFetchedLogs);
// Read the partition that our LoggingContext maps to and filter the logs in there to the logs that correspond
// to our LoggingContext.
LogPartitionType logPartitionType = LogPartitionType.valueOf(cConf.get(Constants.Logging.LOG_PUBLISH_PARTITION_KEY).toUpperCase());
String partitionKey = logPartitionType.getPartitionKey(loggingContext);
int partition = TMSLogAppender.partition(partitionKey, cConf.getInt(Constants.Logging.NUM_PARTITIONS));
Filter logFilter = LoggingContextHelper.createFilter(loggingContext);
List<ILoggingEvent> filteredLogs = partitionedFetchedLogs.get(partition).stream().filter(logFilter::match).collect(Collectors.toList());
// LoggingTester emits 60 logs with the given LoggingContext
Assert.assertEquals(60, filteredLogs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < filteredLogs.size(); i++) {
ILoggingEvent loggingEvent = filteredLogs.get(i);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Test log message %s arg1 arg2", i), loggingEvent.getFormattedMessage());
use of in project cdap by cdapio.
the class MessagingServiceMainTest method testMessagingService.
public void testMessagingService() throws Exception {
// Discover the TMS endpoint
Injector injector = getServiceMainInstance(MessagingServiceMain.class).getInjector();
RemoteClientFactory remoteClientFactory = injector.getInstance(RemoteClientFactory.class);
// Use a separate TMS client to create topic, then publish and then poll some messages
TopicId topicId = NamespaceId.SYSTEM.topic("test");
MessagingService messagingService = new ClientMessagingService(remoteClientFactory, true);
messagingService.createTopic(new TopicMetadata(topicId));
// Publish 10 messages
List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
String msg = "Testing Message " + i;
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = messagingService.prepareFetch(topicId).setLimit(10).fetch()) {
List<String> received =, 0), false).map(RawMessage::getPayload).map(ByteBuffer::wrap).map(StandardCharsets.UTF_8::decode).map(CharSequence::toString).collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.assertEquals(messages, received);
use of in project cdap by cdapio.
the class MessagingHttpServiceTest method testPayloadTable.
public void testPayloadTable() throws Exception {
// This test is to verify storing transaction messages to the payload table
TopicId topicId = new NamespaceId("ns1").topic("testPayloadTable");
client.createTopic(new TopicMetadata(topicId));
// Try to store to Payload table with empty iterator, expected failure
try {
client.storePayload(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).setTransaction(1L).build());"Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
// Store 20 payloads to the payload table, with 2 payloads per request
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
String payload = Integer.toString(i);
// Try to consume and there should be no messages
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch()) {
// Publish an empty payload message to the message table. This simulates a tx commit.
// Consume again and there should be 20 messages
List<RawMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(20, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2) {
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i + 1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(i / 2), payload1);
// Should get the last 10 messages
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(messages.get(10).getId(), true).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(10, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i + 1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString((i + 10) / 2), payload1);
// We start with the 12th message id as offset, hence should get 8 messages.
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(messages.get(1).getId(), false).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(8, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i + 1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString((i + 12) / 2), payload1);
// Fetch with the last message id in the payload table, exclusively. Should get an empty iterator
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(messages.get(messages.size() - 1).getId(), false).fetch()) {
// Consume with a limit
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setLimit(6).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(6, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2) {
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i + 1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(i / 2), payload1);
// Store and publish two more payloads
String payload = Integer.toString(10);
// Should get 22 messages
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(22, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 22; i += 2) {
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(i + 1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(i / 2), payload1);
// Should get 2 messages back
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(messages.get(19).getId(), false).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size());
String payload1 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(0).getPayload());
String payload2 = Bytes.toString(messages.get(1).getPayload());
Assert.assertEquals(payload1, payload2);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.toString(10), payload1);
use of in project cdap by cdapio.
the class MessagingHttpServiceTest method testTxMaxLifeTime.
public void testTxMaxLifeTime() throws Exception {
NamespaceId nsId = new NamespaceId("txCheck");
TopicId topic1 = nsId.topic("t1");
// Create a topic
client.createTopic(new TopicMetadata(topic1));
final RollbackDetail rollbackDetail = client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topic1).setTransaction(1L).addPayload("a").addPayload("b").build());
try {
client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topic1).setTransaction(-Long.MAX_VALUE).addPayload("c").addPayload("d").build());"Expected IOException");
} catch (IOException ex) {
// expected
Set<String> msgs = new HashSet<>();
CloseableIterator<RawMessage> messages = client.prepareFetch(topic1).fetch();
while (messages.hasNext()) {
RawMessage message =;
Assert.assertEquals(2, msgs.size());
client.rollback(topic1, rollbackDetail);
use of in project cdap by cdapio.
the class MessagingHttpServiceTest method testBasicPubSub.
public void testBasicPubSub() throws Exception {
TopicId topicId = new NamespaceId("ns1").topic("testBasicPubSub");
// Publish to a non-existing topic should get not found exception
try {
client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).addPayload("a").build());"Expected TopicNotFoundException");
} catch (TopicNotFoundException e) {
// Expected
// Consume from a non-existing topic should get not found exception
try {
client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch();"Expected TopicNotFoundException");
} catch (TopicNotFoundException e) {
// Expected
client.createTopic(new TopicMetadata(topicId));
// Publish a non-transactional message with empty payload should result in failure
try {
client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).build());"Expected IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
// Publish a non-tx message, no RollbackDetail is returned
// Publish a transactional message, a RollbackDetail should be returned
RollbackDetail rollbackDetail = client.publish(StoreRequestBuilder.of(topicId).addPayload("m2").setTransaction(1L).build());
// Rollback the published message
client.rollback(topicId, rollbackDetail);
// Fetch messages non-transactionally (should be able to read all the messages since rolled back messages
// are still visible until ttl kicks in)
List<RawMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
// Consume transactionally. It should get only m0 and m1 since m2 has been rolled back
List<RawMessage> txMessages = new ArrayList<>();
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[] { 2L }, 2L);
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartTime(0).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(txMessages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(2, txMessages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
// Fetch again from a given message offset exclusively.
// Expects one message to be fetched
byte[] startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
// It should have only one message (m2)
RawMessage msg =;
Assert.assertEquals("m2", Bytes.toString(msg.getPayload()));
// Fetch again from the last message offset exclusively
// Expects no message to be fetched
startMessageId = messages.get(2).getId();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
// Fetch with start time. It should get both m0 and m1 since they are published in the same request, hence
// having the same publish time
startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartTime(new MessageId(startMessageId).getPublishTimestamp()).setLimit(2).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("m" + i, Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
// Publish 2 messages, one transactionally, one without transaction
// Consume without transactional, it should see m2, m3 and m4
startMessageId = messages.get(1).getId();
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(3, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("m" + (i + 2), Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));
// Consume using a transaction that doesn't have tx = 2L visible. It should get no message as it should block on m3
transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[] { 2L }, 2L);
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
// Consume using a transaction that has tx = 2L in the invalid list. It should skip m3 and got m4
transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[] { 2L }, new long[0], 0L);
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(1, messages.size());
Assert.assertEquals("m4", Bytes.toString(messages.get(0).getPayload()));
// Consume using a transaction that has tx = 2L committed. It should get m3 and m4
transaction = new Transaction(3L, 3L, new long[0], new long[0], 0L);
try (CloseableIterator<RawMessage> iterator = client.prepareFetch(topicId).setStartMessage(startMessageId, false).setTransaction(transaction).fetch()) {
Iterators.addAll(messages, iterator);
Assert.assertEquals(2, messages.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("m" + (i + 3), Bytes.toString(messages.get(i).getPayload()));