use of io.cloudslang.content.vmware.connection.ConnectionResources in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class VmService method powerOffVM.
* Method used to connect to specified data center and power-off virtual machine identified by the inputs provided.
* @param httpInputs Object that has all the inputs necessary to made a connection to data center
* @param vmInputs Object that has all the specific inputs necessary to identify the targeted virtual machine
* @return Map with String as key and value that contains returnCode of the operation, success message with task id
* of the execution or failure message and the exception if there is one
* @throws Exception
public Map<String, String> powerOffVM(HttpInputs httpInputs, VmInputs vmInputs) throws Exception {
ConnectionResources connectionResources = new ConnectionResources(httpInputs, vmInputs);
try {
ManagedObjectReference vmMor = new MorObjectHandler().getMor(connectionResources, ManagedObjectType.VIRTUAL_MACHINE.getValue(), vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName());
if (vmMor != null) {
ManagedObjectReference task = connectionResources.getVimPortType().powerOffVMTask(vmMor);
return new ResponseHelper(connectionResources, task).getResultsMap("Success: The [" + vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName() + "] VM was successfully powered off. The taskId is: " + task.getValue(), "Failure: The [" + vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName() + "] VM could not be powered off.");
} else {
return ResponseUtils.getVmNotFoundResultsMap(vmInputs);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(ex.toString(), Outputs.RETURN_CODE_FAILURE);
} finally {
if (httpInputs.isCloseSession()) {
use of io.cloudslang.content.vmware.connection.ConnectionResources in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class VmService method getOsDescriptors.
* Method used to connect to data center to retrieve a list with all the guest operating system descriptors
* supported by the host system.
* @param httpInputs Object that has all the inputs necessary to made a connection to data center
* @param vmInputs Object that has all the specific inputs necessary to identify the targeted host system
* @param delimiter String that represents the delimiter needed in the result list
* @return Map with String as key and value that contains returnCode of the operation, a list that contains all the
* guest operating system descriptors supported by the host system or failure message and the exception if there is one
* @throws Exception
public Map<String, String> getOsDescriptors(HttpInputs httpInputs, VmInputs vmInputs, String delimiter) throws Exception {
ConnectionResources connectionResources = new ConnectionResources(httpInputs, vmInputs);
try {
ManagedObjectReference environmentBrowserMor = new MorObjectHandler().getEnvironmentBrowser(connectionResources, ManagedObjectType.ENVIRONMENT_BROWSER.getValue());
VirtualMachineConfigOption configOptions = connectionResources.getVimPortType().queryConfigOption(environmentBrowserMor, null, connectionResources.getHostMor());
List<GuestOsDescriptor> guestOSDescriptors = configOptions.getGuestOSDescriptor();
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(ResponseUtils.getResponseStringFromCollection(guestOSDescriptors, delimiter), Outputs.RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(ex.toString(), Outputs.RETURN_CODE_FAILURE);
} finally {
if (httpInputs.isCloseSession()) {
use of io.cloudslang.content.vmware.connection.ConnectionResources in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class VmService method getVMDetails.
* Method used to connect to data center to retrieve details of a virtual machine identified by the inputs provided.
* @param httpInputs Object that has all the inputs necessary to made a connection to data center
* @param vmInputs Object that has all the specific inputs necessary to identify the targeted virtual machine
* @return Map with String as key and value that contains returnCode of the operation, a JSON formatted string that
* contains details of the virtual machine or failure message and the exception if there is one
* @throws Exception
public Map<String, String> getVMDetails(HttpInputs httpInputs, VmInputs vmInputs) throws Exception {
ConnectionResources connectionResources = new ConnectionResources(httpInputs, vmInputs);
try {
ManagedObjectReference vmMor = new MorObjectHandler().getMor(connectionResources, ManagedObjectType.VIRTUAL_MACHINE.getValue(), vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName());
ObjectContent[] objectContents = GetObjectProperties.getObjectProperties(connectionResources, vmMor, new String[] { ManagedObjectType.SUMMARY.getValue() });
if (objectContents != null) {
Map<String, String> vmDetails = new HashMap<>();
for (ObjectContent objectItem : objectContents) {
List<DynamicProperty> vmProperties = objectItem.getPropSet();
for (DynamicProperty propertyItem : vmProperties) {
VirtualMachineSummary virtualMachineSummary = (VirtualMachineSummary) propertyItem.getVal();
VirtualMachineConfigSummary virtualMachineConfigSummary = virtualMachineSummary.getConfig();
ResponseUtils.addDataToVmDetailsMap(vmDetails, virtualMachineSummary, virtualMachineConfigSummary);
String responseJson = ResponseUtils.getJsonString(vmDetails);
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(responseJson, Outputs.RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS);
} else {
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap("Could not retrieve the details for: [" + vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName() + "] VM.", Outputs.RETURN_CODE_FAILURE);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(ex.toString(), Outputs.RETURN_CODE_FAILURE);
} finally {
if (httpInputs.isCloseSession()) {
use of io.cloudslang.content.vmware.connection.ConnectionResources in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class VmService method updateVM.
* Method used to connect to data center to update existing devices of a virtual machine identified by the inputs
* provided.
* @param httpInputs Object that has all the inputs necessary to made a connection to data center
* @param vmInputs Object that has all the specific inputs necessary to identify the targeted device
* @return Map with String as key and value that contains returnCode of the operation, success message with task id
* of the execution or failure message and the exception if there is one
* @throws Exception
public Map<String, String> updateVM(HttpInputs httpInputs, VmInputs vmInputs) throws Exception {
ConnectionResources connectionResources = new ConnectionResources(httpInputs, vmInputs);
try {
ManagedObjectReference vmMor = new MorObjectHandler().getMor(connectionResources, ManagedObjectType.VIRTUAL_MACHINE.getValue(), vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName());
if (vmMor != null) {
VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfigSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec();
String device = Device.getValue(vmInputs.getDevice()).toLowerCase();
if (Constants.CPU.equalsIgnoreCase(device) || Constants.MEMORY.equalsIgnoreCase(device)) {
vmConfigSpec = new VmUtils().getUpdateConfigSpec(vmInputs, vmConfigSpec, device);
} else {
vmConfigSpec = new VmUtils().getAddOrRemoveSpecs(connectionResources, vmMor, vmInputs, vmConfigSpec, device);
ManagedObjectReference task = connectionResources.getVimPortType().reconfigVMTask(vmMor, vmConfigSpec);
return new ResponseHelper(connectionResources, task).getResultsMap("Success: The [" + vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName() + "] VM was successfully reconfigured. The taskId is: " + task.getValue(), "Failure: The [" + vmInputs.getVirtualMachineName() + "] VM could not be reconfigured.");
} else {
return ResponseUtils.getVmNotFoundResultsMap(vmInputs);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return ResponseUtils.getResultsMap(ex.toString(), Outputs.RETURN_CODE_FAILURE);
} finally {
if (httpInputs.isCloseSession()) {
use of io.cloudslang.content.vmware.connection.ConnectionResources in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class ClusterComputeResourceService method createHostGroup.
public Map<String, String> createHostGroup(HttpInputs httpInputs, VmInputs vmInputs, List<String> hostNameList) throws Exception {
ConnectionResources connectionResources = new ConnectionResources(httpInputs);
try {
ClusterHostGroup clusterHostGroup = new ClusterHostGroup();
clusterHostGroup.getHost().addAll(getHostManagedObjectReferences(hostNameList, connectionResources));
return createGroup(vmInputs, connectionResources, clusterHostGroup);
} finally {
if (httpInputs.isCloseSession()) {