use of io.confluent.ksql.GenericKey in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class PhysicalOperatorUtil method getIntermediateRow.
static GenericRow getIntermediateRow(final QueryRow row, final boolean additionalColumnsNeeded) {
if (!additionalColumnsNeeded) {
return row.value();
final GenericKey key = row.key();
final GenericRow value = row.value();
final List<?> keyFields = key.values();
value.ensureAdditionalCapacity(// ROWTIME
1 + keyFields.size() + row.window().map(w -> 2).orElse(0));
row.window().ifPresent(window -> {
return value;
use of io.confluent.ksql.GenericKey in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class KsMaterializationFunctionalTest method verifyRetainedWindows.
private static void verifyRetainedWindows(final List<ConsumerRecord<Windowed<String>, GenericRow>> rows, final MaterializedWindowedTable table, final Set<Optional<Window>> expectedWindows) {
rows.forEach(record -> {
final GenericKey key = genericKey(record.key().key());
final List<WindowedRow> resultAtWindowStart = withRetry(() -> Lists.newArrayList(table.get(key, PARTITION, Range.all(), Range.all())));
assertThat("Should have fewer windows retained", resultAtWindowStart, hasSize(expectedWindows.size()));
final Set<Optional<Window>> actualWindows =;
assertThat("Should retain the latest windows", actualWindows, equalTo(expectedWindows));
use of io.confluent.ksql.GenericKey in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class KsMaterializationFunctionalTest method shouldQueryMaterializedTableWithKeyFieldsInProjection.
public void shouldQueryMaterializedTableWithKeyFieldsInProjection() {
// Given:
final PersistentQueryMetadata query = executeQuery("CREATE TABLE " + output + " AS" + " SELECT USERID, COUNT(*), AS_VALUE(USERID) AS USERID_2 FROM " + USER_TABLE + " GROUP BY USERID;");
final LogicalSchema schema = schema("KSQL_COL_0", SqlTypes.BIGINT, "USERID_2", SqlTypes.STRING);
final Map<String, GenericRow> rows = waitForUniqueUserRows(STRING_DESERIALIZER, schema);
// When:
final Materialization materialization = query.getMaterialization(queryId, contextStacker).get();
// Then:
assertThat(materialization.windowType(), is(Optional.empty()));
final MaterializedTable table = materialization.nonWindowed();
rows.forEach((rowKey, value) -> {
final GenericKey key = genericKey(rowKey);
final List<Row> rowList = withRetry(() -> Lists.newArrayList(table.get(key, PARTITION)));
assertThat(rowList.size(), is(1));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).schema(), is(schema));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).key(), is(key));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).value(), is(value));
use of io.confluent.ksql.GenericKey in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class KsMaterializationFunctionalTest method shouldQueryMaterializedTableForAggregatedTable.
public void shouldQueryMaterializedTableForAggregatedTable() {
// Given:
final PersistentQueryMetadata query = executeQuery("CREATE TABLE " + output + " AS" + " SELECT USERID, COUNT(*) FROM " + USER_TABLE + " GROUP BY USERID;");
final LogicalSchema schema = schema("KSQL_COL_0", SqlTypes.BIGINT);
final Map<String, GenericRow> rows = waitForUniqueUserRows(STRING_DESERIALIZER, schema);
// When:
final Materialization materialization = query.getMaterialization(queryId, contextStacker).get();
// Then:
assertThat(materialization.windowType(), is(Optional.empty()));
final MaterializedTable table = materialization.nonWindowed();
rows.forEach((rowKey, value) -> {
final GenericKey key = genericKey(rowKey);
final Iterator<Row> rowIterator = withRetry(() -> table.get(key, PARTITION));
assertThat(rowIterator.hasNext(), is(true));
final Row row =;
assertThat(row.schema(), is(schema));
assertThat(row.key(), is(key));
assertThat(row.value(), is(value));
final GenericKey key = genericKey("Won't find me");
assertThat("unknown key", withRetry(() -> table.get(key, PARTITION).hasNext()), is(false));
use of io.confluent.ksql.GenericKey in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class KsMaterializationFunctionalTest method shouldHandleHavingClause.
public void shouldHandleHavingClause() {
// Note: HAVING clause are handled centrally by KsqlMaterialization. This logic will have been
// installed as part of building the below statement:
// Given:
final PersistentQueryMetadata query = executeQuery("CREATE TABLE " + output + " AS" + " SELECT USERID, COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM " + USER_TABLE + " GROUP BY USERID" + " HAVING SUM(REGISTERTIME) > 2;");
final LogicalSchema schema = schema("COUNT", SqlTypes.BIGINT);
final int matches = (int) -> ((Long) row.get(0)) > 2).count();
final Map<String, GenericRow> rows = waitForUniqueUserRows(matches, STRING_DESERIALIZER, schema);
// When:
final Materialization materialization = query.getMaterialization(queryId, contextStacker).get();
// Then:
final MaterializedTable table = materialization.nonWindowed();
rows.forEach((rowKey, value) -> {
// Rows passing the HAVING clause:
final GenericKey key = genericKey(rowKey);
final List<Row> rowList = withRetry(() -> Lists.newArrayList(table.get(key, PARTITION)));
assertThat(rowList.size(), is(1));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).schema(), is(schema));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).key(), is(key));
assertThat(rowList.get(0).value(), is(value));
}); -> !rows.containsKey(e.getKey().get(0))).forEach(e -> {
// Rows filtered by the HAVING clause:
final List<Row> rowList = withRetry(() -> Lists.newArrayList(table.get(e.getKey(), PARTITION)));
assertThat(rowList.isEmpty(), is(true));