use of io.confluent.ksql.serde.KeyFormat in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class SchemaKStream method selectKey.
* @param valueFormat value format used in constructing serdes. Unchanged by this step.
* @param keyExpression expression for the key being selected
* @param forceInternalKeyFormat new key format to be used, if present
* @param contextStacker context for this step
* @param forceRepartition if true, this step will repartition even if there is no change in
* either key format or value. Used to ensure co-partitioning for
* joins on Schema-Registry-enabled key formats
* @return result stream: repartitioned if needed or forced, else this stream unchanged
public SchemaKStream<K> selectKey(final FormatInfo valueFormat, final List<Expression> keyExpression, final Optional<KeyFormat> forceInternalKeyFormat, final Stacker contextStacker, final boolean forceRepartition) {
final boolean keyFormatChange = forceInternalKeyFormat.isPresent() && !forceInternalKeyFormat.get().equals(keyFormat);
final boolean repartitionNeeded = repartitionNeeded(keyExpression);
if (!keyFormatChange && !forceRepartition && !repartitionNeeded) {
return this;
if ((repartitionNeeded || !forceRepartition) && keyFormat.isWindowed()) {
throw new KsqlException("Implicit repartitioning of windowed sources is not supported. " + "See");
final ExecutionStep<KStreamHolder<K>> step = ExecutionStepFactory.streamSelectKey(contextStacker, sourceStep, keyExpression);
final KeyFormat newKeyFormat = forceInternalKeyFormat.orElse(keyFormat);
return new SchemaKStream<>(step, resolveSchema(step), SerdeFeaturesFactory.sanitizeKeyFormat(newKeyFormat, toSqlTypes(keyExpression), true), ksqlConfig, functionRegistry);
use of io.confluent.ksql.serde.KeyFormat in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class SchemaKSourceFactory method buildTable.
private static SchemaKTable<?> buildTable(final PlanBuildContext buildContext, final DataSource dataSource, final Stacker contextStacker) {
final KeyFormat keyFormat = dataSource.getKsqlTopic().getKeyFormat();
if (keyFormat.isWindowed()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("windowed");
final SourceStep<KTableHolder<GenericKey>> step;
final int pseudoColumnVersionToUse = determinePseudoColumnVersionToUse(buildContext);
// If the old query has a v1 table step, continue to use it.
// See
boolean useOldExecutionStepVersion = false;
if (buildContext.getPlanInfo().isPresent()) {
final Set<ExecutionStep<?>> sourceSteps = buildContext.getPlanInfo().get().getSources();
useOldExecutionStepVersion = -> executionStep instanceof TableSourceV1);
if (useOldExecutionStepVersion && pseudoColumnVersionToUse != SystemColumns.LEGACY_PSEUDOCOLUMN_VERSION_NUMBER) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TableSourceV2 was released in conjunction with pseudocolumn" + "version 1. Something has gone very wrong");
if (buildContext.getKsqlConfig().getBoolean(KsqlConfig.KSQL_ROWPARTITION_ROWOFFSET_ENABLED) && !useOldExecutionStepVersion) {
step = ExecutionStepFactory.tableSource(contextStacker, dataSource.getSchema(), dataSource.getKafkaTopicName(), Formats.from(dataSource.getKsqlTopic()), dataSource.getTimestampColumn(), InternalFormats.of(keyFormat, Formats.from(dataSource.getKsqlTopic()).getValueFormat()), pseudoColumnVersionToUse);
} else {
step = ExecutionStepFactory.tableSourceV1(contextStacker, dataSource.getSchema(), dataSource.getKafkaTopicName(), Formats.from(dataSource.getKsqlTopic()), dataSource.getTimestampColumn(), pseudoColumnVersionToUse);
return schemaKTable(buildContext, resolveSchema(buildContext, step, dataSource), dataSource.getKsqlTopic().getKeyFormat(), step);
use of io.confluent.ksql.serde.KeyFormat in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class SchemaKTable method groupBy.
public SchemaKGroupedTable groupBy(final FormatInfo valueFormat, final List<Expression> groupByExpressions, final Stacker contextStacker) {
// Since tables must have a key, we know that the keyFormat is both
// not NONE and has at least one column; this allows us to inherit
// the key format directly (as opposed to the logic in SchemaKStream)
final KeyFormat groupedKeyFormat = SerdeFeaturesFactory.sanitizeKeyFormat(KeyFormat.nonWindowed(keyFormat.getFormatInfo(), keyFormat.getFeatures()), toSqlTypes(groupByExpressions), true);
final TableGroupBy<K> step = ExecutionStepFactory.tableGroupBy(contextStacker, sourceTableStep, InternalFormats.of(groupedKeyFormat, valueFormat), groupByExpressions);
return new SchemaKGroupedTable(step, resolveSchema(step), groupedKeyFormat, ksqlConfig, functionRegistry);
use of io.confluent.ksql.serde.KeyFormat in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class SchemaKTable method selectKey.
public SchemaKTable<K> selectKey(final FormatInfo valueFormat, final List<Expression> keyExpression, final Optional<KeyFormat> forceInternalKeyFormat, final Stacker contextStacker, final boolean forceRepartition) {
final boolean repartitionNeeded = repartitionNeeded(keyExpression);
final boolean keyFormatChange = forceInternalKeyFormat.isPresent() && !forceInternalKeyFormat.get().equals(keyFormat);
if (!forceRepartition && !keyFormatChange && !repartitionNeeded) {
return this;
if (schema.key().size() > 1) {
// let's throw a better error message in the case of multi-column tables
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot repartition a TABLE source. If this is " + "a join, joins on tables with multiple columns is not yet supported.");
// differently (thus ensuring all keys are routed to the same partitions)
if (repartitionNeeded) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot repartition a TABLE source. " + "If this is a join, make sure that the criteria uses the TABLE's key column " + Iterables.getOnlyElement(schema.key()).name().text() + " instead of " + keyExpression);
if (keyFormat.isWindowed()) {
final String errorMsg = "Implicit repartitioning of windowed sources is not supported. " + "See";
final String additionalMsg = forceRepartition ? " As a result, ksqlDB does not support joins on windowed sources with " + "Schema-Registry-enabled key formats (AVRO, JSON_SR, PROTOBUF) at this time. " + "Please repartition your sources to use a different key format before performing " + "the join." : "";
throw new KsqlException(errorMsg + additionalMsg);
final KeyFormat newKeyFormat = SerdeFeaturesFactory.sanitizeKeyFormat(forceInternalKeyFormat.orElse(keyFormat), toSqlTypes(keyExpression), // logical schema changes are not supported
final ExecutionStep<KTableHolder<K>> step = ExecutionStepFactory.tableSelectKey(contextStacker, sourceTableStep, InternalFormats.of(newKeyFormat, valueFormat), keyExpression);
return new SchemaKTable<>(step, resolveSchema(step), newKeyFormat, ksqlConfig, functionRegistry);
use of io.confluent.ksql.serde.KeyFormat in project ksql by confluentinc.
the class InsertValuesExecutor method ensureKeySchemasMatch.
* Ensures that the key schema that we generate will be identical
* to the schema that is registered in schema registry, if it exists.
* Otherwise, it is possible that we will publish messages with a new
* schemaID, meaning that logically identical keys might be routed to
* different partitions.
private static void ensureKeySchemasMatch(final PersistenceSchema keySchema, final DataSource dataSource, final ServiceContext serviceContext) {
final KeyFormat keyFormat = dataSource.getKsqlTopic().getKeyFormat();
final Format format = FormatFactory.fromName(keyFormat.getFormat());
if (!format.supportsFeature(SerdeFeature.SCHEMA_INFERENCE)) {
final ParsedSchema schema = format.getSchemaTranslator(keyFormat.getFormatInfo().getProperties()).toParsedSchema(keySchema);
final Optional<SchemaMetadata> latest;
try {
latest = SchemaRegistryUtil.getLatestSchema(serviceContext.getSchemaRegistryClient(), dataSource.getKafkaTopicName(), true);
} catch (final KsqlException e) {
maybeThrowSchemaRegistryAuthError(format, dataSource.getKafkaTopicName(), true, AclOperation.READ, e);
throw new KsqlException("Could not determine that insert values operations is safe; " + "operation potentially overrides existing key schema in schema registry.", e);
if (latest.isPresent() && !latest.get().getSchema().equals(schema.canonicalString())) {
throw new KsqlException("Cannot INSERT VALUES into data source " + dataSource.getName() + ". ksqlDB generated schema would overwrite existing key schema." + "\n\tExisting Schema: " + latest.get().getSchema() + "\n\tksqlDB Generated: " + schema.canonicalString());