use of io.crate.common.unit.TimeValue in project crate by crate.
the class ActiveShardsObserver method waitForActiveShards.
* Waits on the specified number of active shards to be started before executing the
* @param indexNames the indices to wait for active shards on
* @param activeShardCount the number of active shards to wait on before returning
* @param timeout the timeout value
* @param onResult a function that is executed in response to the requisite shards becoming active or a timeout (whichever comes first)
* @param onFailure a function that is executed in response to an error occurring during waiting for the active shards
public void waitForActiveShards(final String[] indexNames, final ActiveShardCount activeShardCount, final TimeValue timeout, final Consumer<Boolean> onResult, final Consumer<Exception> onFailure) {
// wait for the configured number of active shards to be allocated before executing the result consumer
if (activeShardCount == ActiveShardCount.NONE) {
// not waiting, so just run whatever we were to run when the waiting is
final ClusterState state = clusterService.state();
final ClusterStateObserver observer = new ClusterStateObserver(state, clusterService, null, LOGGER);
if (activeShardCount.enoughShardsActive(state, indexNames)) {
} else {
final Predicate<ClusterState> shardsAllocatedPredicate = newState -> activeShardCount.enoughShardsActive(newState, indexNames);
final ClusterStateObserver.Listener observerListener = new ClusterStateObserver.Listener() {
public void onNewClusterState(ClusterState state) {
public void onClusterServiceClose() {
LOGGER.debug("[{}] cluster service closed while waiting for enough shards to be started.", Arrays.toString(indexNames));
onFailure.accept(new NodeClosedException(clusterService.localNode()));
public void onTimeout(TimeValue timeout) {
observer.waitForNextChange(observerListener, shardsAllocatedPredicate, timeout);
use of io.crate.common.unit.TimeValue in project crate by crate.
the class ClusterStateObserver method waitForNextChange.
* Wait for the next cluster state which satisfies statePredicate
* @param listener callback listener
* @param statePredicate predicate to check whether cluster state changes are relevant and the callback should be called
* @param timeOutValue a timeout for waiting. If null the global observer timeout will be used.
public void waitForNextChange(Listener listener, Predicate<ClusterState> statePredicate, @Nullable TimeValue timeOutValue) {
if (observingContext.get() != null) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("already waiting for a cluster state change");
Long timeoutTimeLeftMS;
if (timeOutValue == null) {
timeOutValue = this.timeOutValue;
if (timeOutValue != null) {
long timeSinceStartMS = TimeValue.nsecToMSec(System.nanoTime() - startTimeNS);
timeoutTimeLeftMS = timeOutValue.millis() - timeSinceStartMS;
if (timeoutTimeLeftMS <= 0L) {
// things have timeout while we were busy -> notify
logger.trace("observer timed out. notifying listener. timeout setting [{}], time since start [{}]", timeOutValue, new TimeValue(timeSinceStartMS));
// update to latest, in case people want to retry
timedOut = true;
lastObservedState.set(new StoredState(clusterApplierService.state()));
} else {
timeoutTimeLeftMS = null;
} else {
this.startTimeNS = System.nanoTime();
this.timeOutValue = timeOutValue;
timeoutTimeLeftMS = timeOutValue.millis();
timedOut = false;
// sample a new state. This state maybe *older* than the supplied state if we are called from an applier,
// which wants to wait for something else to happen
ClusterState newState = clusterApplierService.state();
if (lastObservedState.get().isOlderOrDifferentMaster(newState) && statePredicate.test(newState)) {
// good enough, let's go.
logger.trace("observer: sampled state accepted by predicate ({})", newState);
lastObservedState.set(new StoredState(newState));
} else {
logger.trace("observer: sampled state rejected by predicate ({}). adding listener to ClusterService", newState);
final ObservingContext context = new ObservingContext(listener, statePredicate);
if (!observingContext.compareAndSet(null, context)) {
throw new ElasticsearchException("already waiting for a cluster state change");
clusterApplierService.addTimeoutListener(timeoutTimeLeftMS == null ? null : new TimeValue(timeoutTimeLeftMS), clusterStateListener);
use of io.crate.common.unit.TimeValue in project crate by crate.
the class IncrementalClusterStateWriter method updateClusterState.
* Updates manifest and meta data on disk.
* @param newState new {@link ClusterState}
* @throws WriteStateException if exception occurs. See also {@link WriteStateException#isDirty()}.
void updateClusterState(ClusterState newState) throws WriteStateException {
Metadata newMetadata = newState.metadata();
final long startTimeMillis = relativeTimeMillisSupplier.getAsLong();
final AtomicClusterStateWriter writer = new AtomicClusterStateWriter(metaStateService, previousManifest);
long globalStateGeneration = writeGlobalState(writer, newMetadata);
Map<Index, Long> indexGenerations = writeIndicesMetadata(writer, newState);
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(previousManifest.getCurrentTerm(), newState.version(), globalStateGeneration, indexGenerations);
writeManifest(writer, manifest);
previousManifest = manifest;
previousClusterState = newState;
final long durationMillis = relativeTimeMillisSupplier.getAsLong() - startTimeMillis;
final TimeValue finalSlowWriteLoggingThreshold = this.slowWriteLoggingThreshold;
if (durationMillis >= finalSlowWriteLoggingThreshold.getMillis()) {
LOGGER.warn("writing cluster state took [{}ms] which is above the warn threshold of [{}]; " + "wrote metadata for [{}] indices and skipped [{}] unchanged indices", durationMillis, finalSlowWriteLoggingThreshold, writer.getIndicesWritten(), writer.getIndicesSkipped());
} else {
LOGGER.debug("writing cluster state took [{}ms]; wrote metadata for [{}] indices and skipped [{}] unchanged indices", durationMillis, writer.getIndicesWritten(), writer.getIndicesSkipped());
use of io.crate.common.unit.TimeValue in project crate by crate.
the class AddVotingConfigExclusionsRequestTests method testSerialization.
public void testSerialization() throws IOException {
int descriptionCount = between(0, 5);
String[] descriptions = new String[descriptionCount];
for (int i = 0; i < descriptionCount; i++) {
descriptions[i] = randomAlphaOfLength(10);
TimeValue timeout = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(between(0, 30000));
final AddVotingConfigExclusionsRequest originalRequest = new AddVotingConfigExclusionsRequest(descriptions, timeout);
final AddVotingConfigExclusionsRequest deserialized = copyWriteable(originalRequest, writableRegistry(), AddVotingConfigExclusionsRequest::new);
assertThat(deserialized.getNodeDescriptions(), equalTo(originalRequest.getNodeDescriptions()));
assertThat(deserialized.getTimeout(), equalTo(originalRequest.getTimeout()));
use of io.crate.common.unit.TimeValue in project crate by crate.
the class RetentionLeaseIT method testRetentionLeasesSyncOnExpiration.
public void testRetentionLeasesSyncOnExpiration() throws Exception {
final int numberOfReplicas = 2 - scaledRandomIntBetween(0, 2);
internalCluster().ensureAtLeastNumDataNodes(1 + numberOfReplicas);
final long estimatedTimeIntervalMillis = ThreadPool.ESTIMATED_TIME_INTERVAL_SETTING.get(Settings.EMPTY).millis();
final TimeValue retentionLeaseTimeToLive = TimeValue.timeValueMillis(randomLongBetween(estimatedTimeIntervalMillis, 2 * estimatedTimeIntervalMillis));
execute("create table doc.tbl (x int) clustered into 1 shards " + "with (" + " number_of_replicas = ?, " + " \"soft_deletes.enabled\" = true, " + " \"soft_deletes.retention_lease.sync_interval\" = ?)", new Object[] { numberOfReplicas, retentionLeaseTimeToLive.getStringRep() });
final String primaryShardNodeId = clusterService().state().routingTable().index("tbl").shard(0).primaryShard().currentNodeId();
final String primaryShardNodeName = clusterService().state().nodes().get(primaryShardNodeId).getName();
final IndexShard primary = internalCluster().getInstance(IndicesService.class, primaryShardNodeName).getShardOrNull(new ShardId(resolveIndex("tbl"), 0));
// we will add multiple retention leases, wait for some to expire, and assert a consistent view between the primary and the replicas
final int length = randomIntBetween(1, 8);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// update the index for retention leases to live a long time
execute("alter table doc.tbl reset (\"soft_deletes.retention_lease.period\")");
final String id = randomAlphaOfLength(8);
final long retainingSequenceNumber = randomLongBetween(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final String source = randomAlphaOfLength(8);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final ActionListener<ReplicationResponse> listener = ActionListener.wrap(r -> latch.countDown(), e -> fail(e.toString()));
final RetentionLease currentRetentionLease = primary.addRetentionLease(id, retainingSequenceNumber, source, listener);
final long now = System.nanoTime();
// check current retention leases have been synced to all replicas
for (final ShardRouting replicaShard : clusterService().state().routingTable().index("tbl").shard(0).replicaShards()) {
final String replicaShardNodeId = replicaShard.currentNodeId();
final String replicaShardNodeName = clusterService().state().nodes().get(replicaShardNodeId).getName();
final IndexShard replica = internalCluster().getInstance(IndicesService.class, replicaShardNodeName).getShardOrNull(new ShardId(resolveIndex("tbl"), 0));
assertThat(RetentionLeaseUtils.toMapExcludingPeerRecoveryRetentionLeases(replica.getRetentionLeases()).values(), anyOf(empty(), contains(currentRetentionLease)));
// update the index for retention leases to short a long time, to force expiration
execute("alter table doc.tbl set (\"soft_deletes.retention_lease.period\" = ?)", new Object[] { retentionLeaseTimeToLive.getStringRep() });
// sleep long enough that the current retention lease has expired
final long later = System.nanoTime();
Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, retentionLeaseTimeToLive.millis() - TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(later - now)));
assertBusy(() -> assertThat(RetentionLeaseUtils.toMapExcludingPeerRecoveryRetentionLeases(primary.getRetentionLeases()).entrySet(), empty()));
// now that all retention leases are expired should have been synced to all replicas
assertBusy(() -> {
for (final ShardRouting replicaShard : clusterService().state().routingTable().index("tbl").shard(0).replicaShards()) {
final String replicaShardNodeId = replicaShard.currentNodeId();
final String replicaShardNodeName = clusterService().state().nodes().get(replicaShardNodeId).getName();
final IndexShard replica = internalCluster().getInstance(IndicesService.class, replicaShardNodeName).getShardOrNull(new ShardId(resolveIndex("tbl"), 0));
assertThat(RetentionLeaseUtils.toMapExcludingPeerRecoveryRetentionLeases(replica.getRetentionLeases()).entrySet(), empty());