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Example 21 with SQLExecutor

use of io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor in project crate by crate.

the class CreateViewAnalyzerTest method testCreateViewCreatesViewInDefaultSchema.

public void testCreateViewCreatesViewInDefaultSchema() {
    SQLExecutor sqlExecutor = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).setSearchPath("firstSchema", "secondSchema").build();
    CreateViewStmt createView = sqlExecutor.analyze("create view v1 as select * from sys.nodes");
    assertThat(, is(new RelationName(sqlExecutor.getSessionContext().searchPath().currentSchema(), "v1")));
Also used : SQLExecutor(io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor) RelationName(io.crate.metadata.RelationName) InvalidRelationName(io.crate.exceptions.InvalidRelationName) Test(org.junit.Test) CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest(io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)

Example 22 with SQLExecutor

use of io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor in project crate by crate.

the class CreateTableAsAnalyzerTest method testSimpleCompareaAgainstAnalyzedCreateTable.

public void testSimpleCompareaAgainstAnalyzedCreateTable() throws IOException {
    SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addTable("create table tbl (" + "   col_default_object object as (" + "       col_nested_integer integer," + "       col_nested_object object as (" + "           col_nested_timestamp_with_time_zone timestamp with time zone" + "       )" + "   )" + ")").build();
    var expected = (AnalyzedCreateTable) e.analyze("create table cpy (" + "   col_default_object object as (" + "       col_nested_integer integer," + "       col_nested_object object as (" + "           col_nested_timestamp_with_time_zone timestamp with time zone" + "       )" + "   )" + ")");
    AnalyzedCreateTableAs analyzedCreateTableAs = e.analyze("create table cpy as select * from  tbl");
    var actual = analyzedCreateTableAs.analyzedCreateTable();
    assertEquals(expected.relationName(), actual.relationName());
    // used toString() to avoid testing nested elements. handled by SymbolToColumnDefinitionConverterTest
    assertEquals(expected.createTable().toString(), actual.createTable().toString());
Also used : SQLExecutor(io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor) Test(org.junit.Test) CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest(io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)

Example 23 with SQLExecutor

use of io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor in project crate by crate.

the class MetadataToASTNodeResolverTest method test_bit_string_length_is_shown_in_show_create_table_output.

public void test_bit_string_length_is_shown_in_show_create_table_output() throws Exception {
    SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addTable("create table tbl (xs bit(8))").build();
    DocTableInfo table = e.resolveTableInfo("tbl");
    CreateTable<?> node = MetadataToASTNodeResolver.resolveCreateTable(table);
    assertThat(SqlFormatter.formatSql(node), Matchers.containsString("\"xs\" BIT(8)"));
Also used : DocTableInfo(io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo) SQLExecutor(io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor) Test(org.junit.Test) CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest(io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)

Example 24 with SQLExecutor

use of io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor in project crate by crate.

the class MetadataToASTNodeResolverTest method testBuildCreateTableColumns.

public void testBuildCreateTableColumns() throws Exception {
    SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addTable("create table doc.test (" + " bools boolean," + " bytes byte," + " strings string," + " shorts short," + " floats float," + " doubles double," + " ints integer," + " longs long," + " timestamp timestamp with time zone," + " ip_addr ip," + " arr_simple array(string)," + " arr_geo_point array(geo_point)," + " arr_obj array(object(strict) as (" + "  col_1 long," + "  col_2 string" + " ))," + " obj object as (" + "  col_1 long," + "  col_2 string" + " )" + ") " + "clustered into 5 shards " + "with (" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all'," + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1" + ")").build();
    DocTableInfo tableInfo = e.resolveTableInfo("doc.test");
    CreateTable node = MetadataToASTNodeResolver.resolveCreateTable(tableInfo);
    assertEquals("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"doc\".\"test\" (\n" + "   \"bools\" BOOLEAN,\n" + "   \"bytes\" CHAR,\n" + "   \"strings\" TEXT,\n" + "   \"shorts\" SMALLINT,\n" + "   \"floats\" REAL,\n" + "   \"doubles\" DOUBLE PRECISION,\n" + "   \"ints\" INTEGER,\n" + "   \"longs\" BIGINT,\n" + "   \"timestamp\" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,\n" + "   \"ip_addr\" IP,\n" + "   \"arr_simple\" ARRAY(TEXT),\n" + "   \"arr_geo_point\" ARRAY(GEO_POINT),\n" + "   \"arr_obj\" ARRAY(OBJECT(STRICT) AS (\n" + "      \"col_1\" BIGINT,\n" + "      \"col_2\" TEXT\n" + "   )),\n" + "   \"obj\" OBJECT(DYNAMIC) AS (\n" + "      \"col_1\" BIGINT,\n" + "      \"col_2\" TEXT\n" + "   )\n" + ")\n" + "CLUSTERED INTO 5 SHARDS\n" + "WITH (\n" + "   \"allocation.max_retries\" = 5,\n" + "   \"blocks.metadata\" = false,\n" + "   \"\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.read_only\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.read_only_allow_delete\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.write\" = false,\n" + "   codec = 'default',\n" + "   column_policy = 'strict',\n" + "   \"mapping.total_fields.limit\" = 1000,\n" + "   max_ngram_diff = 1,\n" + "   max_shingle_diff = 3,\n" + "   \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1,\n" + "   number_of_replicas = '0-all',\n" + "   \"routing.allocation.enable\" = 'all',\n" + "   \"routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node\" = -1,\n" + "   \"store.type\" = 'fs',\n" + "   \"translog.durability\" = 'REQUEST',\n" + "   \"translog.flush_threshold_size\" = 536870912,\n" + "   \"translog.sync_interval\" = 5000,\n" + "   \"unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout\" = 60000,\n" + "   \"write.wait_for_active_shards\" = '1'\n" + ")", SqlFormatter.formatSql(node));
Also used : DocTableInfo(io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo) SQLExecutor(io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor) CreateTable(io.crate.sql.tree.CreateTable) Test(org.junit.Test) CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest(io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)

Example 25 with SQLExecutor

use of io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor in project crate by crate.

the class MetadataToASTNodeResolverTest method testBuildCreateTableClusteredByPartitionedBy.

public void testBuildCreateTableClusteredByPartitionedBy() throws Exception {
    SQLExecutor e = SQLExecutor.builder(clusterService).addPartitionedTable("create table myschema.test (" + " id long," + " partition_column string," + " cluster_column string" + ") " + "partitioned by (partition_column) " + "clustered by (cluster_column) into 5 shards " + "with (" + " number_of_replicas = '0-all'," + " \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1" + ")").build();
    DocTableInfo tableInfo = e.resolveTableInfo("myschema.test");
    CreateTable node = MetadataToASTNodeResolver.resolveCreateTable(tableInfo);
    assertEquals("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"myschema\".\"test\" (\n" + "   \"id\" BIGINT,\n" + "   \"partition_column\" TEXT,\n" + "   \"cluster_column\" TEXT\n" + ")\n" + "CLUSTERED BY (\"cluster_column\") INTO 5 SHARDS\n" + "PARTITIONED BY (\"partition_column\")\n" + "WITH (\n" + "   \"allocation.max_retries\" = 5,\n" + "   \"blocks.metadata\" = false,\n" + "   \"\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.read_only\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.read_only_allow_delete\" = false,\n" + "   \"blocks.write\" = false,\n" + "   codec = 'default',\n" + "   column_policy = 'strict',\n" + "   \"mapping.total_fields.limit\" = 1000,\n" + "   max_ngram_diff = 1,\n" + "   max_shingle_diff = 3,\n" + "   \"merge.scheduler.max_thread_count\" = 1,\n" + "   number_of_replicas = '0-all',\n" + "   \"routing.allocation.enable\" = 'all',\n" + "   \"routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node\" = -1,\n" + "   \"store.type\" = 'fs',\n" + "   \"translog.durability\" = 'REQUEST',\n" + "   \"translog.flush_threshold_size\" = 536870912,\n" + "   \"translog.sync_interval\" = 5000,\n" + "   \"unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout\" = 60000,\n" + "   \"write.wait_for_active_shards\" = '1'\n" + ")", SqlFormatter.formatSql(node));
Also used : DocTableInfo(io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo) SQLExecutor(io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor) CreateTable(io.crate.sql.tree.CreateTable) Test(org.junit.Test) CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest(io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)


SQLExecutor (io.crate.testing.SQLExecutor)64 Test (org.junit.Test)55 CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest (io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)54 DocTableInfo (io.crate.metadata.doc.DocTableInfo)24 RelationName (io.crate.metadata.RelationName)9 AnalyzedUpdateStatement (io.crate.analyze.AnalyzedUpdateStatement)8 Doc (io.crate.expression.reference.Doc)8 Assignments (io.crate.expression.symbol.Assignments)7 Symbols (io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbols)7 CreateTable (io.crate.sql.tree.CreateTable)7 TableStats (io.crate.statistics.TableStats)7 Before (org.junit.Before)7 Symbol (io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbol)6 ViewsMetadataTest (io.crate.metadata.view.ViewsMetadataTest)6 QualifiedName (io.crate.sql.tree.QualifiedName)6 DocTableRelation (io.crate.analyze.relations.DocTableRelation)5 SessionContext (io.crate.action.sql.SessionContext)4 AliasSymbol (io.crate.expression.symbol.AliasSymbol)4 AnalyzedRelation (io.crate.analyze.relations.AnalyzedRelation)3 PlannerContext (io.crate.planner.PlannerContext)3