use of io.deephaven.web.client.fu.LazyPromise in project deephaven-core by deephaven.
the class JsTable method fetchTotals.
private Promise<JsTotalsTable> fetchTotals(Object config, JsProvider<ClientTableState> state) {
JsTotalsTableConfig directive = getTotalsDirectiveFromOptionalConfig(config);
ClientTableState[] lastGood = { null };
final JsTableFetch totalsFactory = (callback, newState, metadata) -> {
final ClientTableState target;
// we know this will get called at least once, immediately, so lastGood will never be null
if (isClosed()) {
// source table was closed, we have to rely on lastGood...
target = lastGood[0];
} else {
target = state.valueOf();
// make sure we are only retained by one state at a time
// TODO: refactor subscription system to handle non-JsTable subscriptions w/ same one:one semantics,
if (lastGood[0] != null && lastGood[0] != target) {
lastGood[0] = target;
JsLog.debug("Sending totals table fetch ", directive, " for ", target, "(", LazyString.of(target::getHandle), "), into ", LazyString.of(newState::getHandle), "(", newState, ")");
// );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("totalsTables");
String summary = "totals table " + directive + ", " + directive.groupBy.join(",");
final ClientTableState totals = workerConnection.newState(totalsFactory, summary);
final LazyPromise<JsTotalsTable> result = new LazyPromise<>();
boolean[] downsample = { true };
return // lastGood will always be non-null after this
totals.refetch(this, workerConnection.metadata()).then(ready -> {
JsTable wrapped = new JsTable(workerConnection, ready);
// technically this is overkill, but it is more future-proofed than only listening for column
// changes
final RemoverFn remover = addEventListener(INTERNAL_EVENT_STATECHANGED, e -> {
// which simply accrues state until the user decides to commit the modification).
if (downsample[0]) {
downsample[0] = false;
LazyPromise.runLater(() -> {
if (wrapped.isClosed()) {
downsample[0] = true;
// IDS-2684 - comment out the four lines above to reproduce
// when ever the main table changes its state, reload the totals table from the
// new state
final ClientTableState existing = wrapped.state();
final ClientTableState nextState = workerConnection.newState(totalsFactory, summary);
JsLog.debug("Rebasing totals table", existing, " -> ", nextState, " for ", wrapped);
// If the wrapped table's state has changed (any filter / sort / columns
// applied),
// then we'll want to re-apply these conditions on top of the newly set state.
final boolean needsMutation = !existing.isEqual(ready);
final ThenOnFulfilledCallbackFn restoreVp = running -> {
// now that we've (possibly) updated selection conditions, put back in any
// viewport.
return null;
final Promise<ClientTableState> promise = nextState.refetch(this, workerConnection.metadata());
if (needsMutation) {
// nextState will be empty, so we might want to test for
// isEmpty() instead
wrapped.batch(b -> b.setConfig(existing)).then(restoreVp);
} else {
// IDS-2684 - Comment out the two lines below to reproduce
wrapped.onClosed.add(() -> lastGood[0].unretain(directive));
final JsTotalsTable totalsTable = new JsTotalsTable(wrapped, directive.serialize(), directive.groupBy);
return result.asPromise();