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Example 66 with PeerId

use of io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId in project dingo by dingodb.

the class Replicator method notifyReplicatorStatusListener.

 * Notify replicator event(such as created, error, destroyed) to replicatorStateListener which is implemented by users.
 * @param replicator replicator object
 * @param event      replicator's state listener event type
 * @param status     replicator's error detailed status
private static void notifyReplicatorStatusListener(final Replicator replicator, final ReplicatorEvent event, final Status status, final ReplicatorStateListener.ReplicatorState newState) {
    final ReplicatorOptions replicatorOpts = Requires.requireNonNull(replicator.getOpts(), "replicatorOptions");
    final Node node = Requires.requireNonNull(replicatorOpts.getNode(), "node");
    final PeerId peer = Requires.requireNonNull(replicatorOpts.getPeerId(), "peer");
    final List<ReplicatorStateListener> listenerList = node.getReplicatorStatueListeners();
    for (int i = 0; i < listenerList.size(); i++) {
        final ReplicatorStateListener listener = listenerList.get(i);
        if (listener != null) {
            try {
                switch(event) {
                    case CREATED:
                        RpcUtils.runInThread(() -> listener.onCreated(peer));
                    case ERROR:
                        RpcUtils.runInThread(() -> listener.onError(peer, status));
                    case DESTROYED:
                        RpcUtils.runInThread(() -> listener.onDestroyed(peer));
                    case STATE_CHANGED:
                        RpcUtils.runInThread(() -> listener.stateChanged(peer, newState));
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Fail to notify ReplicatorStatusListener, listener={}, event={}.", listener, event);
Also used : Node(io.dingodb.raft.Node) ReplicatorOptions(io.dingodb.raft.option.ReplicatorOptions) RaftException(io.dingodb.raft.error.RaftException) PeerId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)

Example 67 with PeerId

use of io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId in project dingo by dingodb.

the class ReplicatorGroupImpl method findTheNextCandidate.

public PeerId findTheNextCandidate(final ConfigurationEntry conf) {
    PeerId peerId = null;
    int priority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    long maxIndex = -1L;
    for (final Map.Entry<PeerId, ThreadId> entry : this.replicatorMap.entrySet()) {
        if (!conf.contains(entry.getKey())) {
        final int nextPriority = entry.getKey().getPriority();
        if (nextPriority == ElectionPriority.NotElected) {
        final long nextIndex = Replicator.getNextIndex(entry.getValue());
        if (nextIndex > maxIndex) {
            maxIndex = nextIndex;
            peerId = entry.getKey();
            priority = peerId.getPriority();
        } else if (nextIndex == maxIndex && nextPriority > priority) {
            peerId = entry.getKey();
            priority = peerId.getPriority();
    if (maxIndex == -1L) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return peerId;
Also used : ThreadId(io.dingodb.raft.util.ThreadId) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) ConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap) Map(java.util.Map) PeerId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)

Example 68 with PeerId

use of io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId in project dingo by dingodb.

the class V1Decoder method decode.

public void decode(final LogEntry log, final byte[] content) {
    // 1-5 type
    final int iType = Bits.getInt(content, 1);
    // 5-13 index
    // 13-21 term
    final long index = Bits.getLong(content, 5);
    final long term = Bits.getLong(content, 13);
    log.setId(new LogId(index, term));
    // 21-25 peer count
    int peerCount = Bits.getInt(content, 21);
    // peers
    int pos = 25;
    if (peerCount > 0) {
        List<PeerId> peers = new ArrayList<>(peerCount);
        while (peerCount-- > 0) {
            final short len = Bits.getShort(content, pos);
            final byte[] bs = new byte[len];
            System.arraycopy(content, pos + 2, bs, 0, len);
            // peer len (short in 2 bytes)
            // peer str
            pos += 2 + len;
            final PeerId peer = new PeerId();
    // old peers
    int oldPeerCount = Bits.getInt(content, pos);
    pos += 4;
    if (oldPeerCount > 0) {
        List<PeerId> oldPeers = new ArrayList<>(oldPeerCount);
        while (oldPeerCount-- > 0) {
            final short len = Bits.getShort(content, pos);
            final byte[] bs = new byte[len];
            System.arraycopy(content, pos + 2, bs, 0, len);
            // peer len (short in 2 bytes)
            // peer str
            pos += 2 + len;
            final PeerId peer = new PeerId();
    // data
    if (content.length > pos) {
        final int len = content.length - pos;
        ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);
        data.put(content, pos, len);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.LogId) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) PeerId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)

Example 69 with PeerId

use of io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId in project dingo by dingodb.

the class V1Encoder method encode.

public byte[] encode(final LogEntry log) {
    if (log.hasLearners()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("V1 log entry encoder doesn't support learners");
    EntryType type = log.getType();
    LogId id = log.getId();
    List<PeerId> peers = log.getPeers();
    List<PeerId> oldPeers = log.getOldPeers();
    ByteBuffer data = log.getData();
    // magic number 1 byte
    int totalLen = 1;
    final int iType = type.getNumber();
    final long index = id.getIndex();
    final long term = id.getTerm();
    // type(4) + index(8) + term(8)
    totalLen += 4 + 8 + 8;
    int peerCount = 0;
    // peer count
    totalLen += 4;
    final List<String> peerStrs = new ArrayList<>(peerCount);
    if (peers != null) {
        peerCount = peers.size();
        for (final PeerId peer : peers) {
            final String peerStr = peer.toString();
            // peer len (short in 2 bytes)
            // peer str
            totalLen += 2 + peerStr.length();
    int oldPeerCount = 0;
    // old peer count
    totalLen += 4;
    final List<String> oldPeerStrs = new ArrayList<>(oldPeerCount);
    if (oldPeers != null) {
        oldPeerCount = oldPeers.size();
        for (final PeerId peer : oldPeers) {
            final String peerStr = peer.toString();
            // peer len (short in 2 bytes)
            // peer str
            totalLen += 2 + peerStr.length();
    final int bodyLen = data != null ? data.remaining() : 0;
    totalLen += bodyLen;
    final byte[] content = new byte[totalLen];
    // {0} magic
    content[0] = LogEntryV1CodecFactory.MAGIC;
    // 1-5 type
    Bits.putInt(content, 1, iType);
    // 5-13 index
    Bits.putLong(content, 5, index);
    // 13-21 term
    Bits.putLong(content, 13, term);
    // peers
    // 21-25 peer count
    Bits.putInt(content, 21, peerCount);
    int pos = 25;
    for (final String peerStr : peerStrs) {
        final byte[] ps = AsciiStringUtil.unsafeEncode(peerStr);
        Bits.putShort(content, pos, (short) peerStr.length());
        System.arraycopy(ps, 0, content, pos + 2, ps.length);
        pos += 2 + ps.length;
    // old peers
    // old peers count
    Bits.putInt(content, pos, oldPeerCount);
    pos += 4;
    for (final String peerStr : oldPeerStrs) {
        final byte[] ps = AsciiStringUtil.unsafeEncode(peerStr);
        Bits.putShort(content, pos, (short) peerStr.length());
        System.arraycopy(ps, 0, content, pos + 2, ps.length);
        pos += 2 + ps.length;
    // data
    if (data != null) {
        System.arraycopy(data.array(), data.position(), content, pos, data.remaining());
    return content;
Also used : EntryType(io.dingodb.raft.entity.EnumOutter.EntryType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.LogId) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) PeerId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)

Example 70 with PeerId

use of io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId in project dingo by dingodb.

the class StoreEngine method inConfiguration.

private boolean inConfiguration(final String curr, final String all) {
    final PeerId currPeer = new PeerId();
    if (!currPeer.parse(curr)) {
        return false;
    final Configuration allConf = new Configuration();
    if (!allConf.parse(all)) {
        return false;
    return allConf.contains(currPeer) || allConf.getLearners().contains(currPeer);
Also used : Configuration(io.dingodb.raft.conf.Configuration) PeerId(io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)


PeerId (io.dingodb.raft.entity.PeerId)72 Status (io.dingodb.raft.Status)27 Configuration (io.dingodb.raft.conf.Configuration)15 Message ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)12 JRaftException (io.dingodb.raft.error.JRaftException)10 LogId (io.dingodb.raft.entity.LogId)9 CliRequests (io.dingodb.raft.rpc.CliRequests)8 Node (io.dingodb.raft.Node)6 RpcRequests (io.dingodb.raft.rpc.RpcRequests)4 Endpoint (io.dingodb.raft.util.Endpoint)4 CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)4 LogEntry (io.dingodb.raft.entity.LogEntry)3 NodeOptions (io.dingodb.raft.option.NodeOptions)3 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)3 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)3 RaftOutter (io.dingodb.raft.entity.RaftOutter)2 RaftException (io.dingodb.raft.error.RaftException)2 ThreadId (io.dingodb.raft.util.ThreadId)2 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)2