use of io.druid.query.metadata.metadata.SegmentAnalysis in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidSchema method computeTable.
private DruidTable computeTable(final String dataSource) {
final SegmentMetadataQuery segmentMetadataQuery = new SegmentMetadataQuery(new TableDataSource(dataSource), null, null, false, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("useCache", false, "populateCache", false), EnumSet.of(SegmentMetadataQuery.AnalysisType.INTERVAL), null, true);
final Sequence<SegmentAnalysis> sequence =, Maps.<String, Object>newHashMap());
final List<SegmentAnalysis> results = Sequences.toList(sequence, Lists.<SegmentAnalysis>newArrayList());
if (results.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final Map<String, ValueType> columnTypes = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
// Resolve conflicts by taking the latest metadata. This aids in gradual schema evolution.
long maxTimestamp = JodaUtils.MIN_INSTANT;
for (SegmentAnalysis analysis : results) {
final long timestamp;
if (analysis.getIntervals() != null && analysis.getIntervals().size() > 0) {
timestamp = analysis.getIntervals().get(analysis.getIntervals().size() - 1).getEndMillis();
} else {
timestamp = JodaUtils.MIN_INSTANT;
for (Map.Entry<String, ColumnAnalysis> entry : analysis.getColumns().entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().isError()) {
// Skip columns with analysis errors.
if (!columnTypes.containsKey(entry.getKey()) || timestamp >= maxTimestamp) {
ValueType valueType;
try {
valueType = ValueType.valueOf(entry.getValue().getType().toUpperCase());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Assume unrecognized types are some flavor of COMPLEX. This throws away information about exactly
// what kind of complex column it is, which we may want to preserve some day.
valueType = ValueType.COMPLEX;
columnTypes.put(entry.getKey(), valueType);
maxTimestamp = timestamp;
final RowSignature.Builder rowSignature = RowSignature.builder();
for (Map.Entry<String, ValueType> entry : columnTypes.entrySet()) {
rowSignature.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return new DruidTable(new TableDataSource(dataSource),;
use of io.druid.query.metadata.metadata.SegmentAnalysis in project hive by apache.
the class DruidQueryBasedInputFormat method splitSelectQuery.
/* Method that splits Select query depending on the threshold so read can be
* parallelized. We will only contact the Druid broker to obtain all results. */
private static HiveDruidSplit[] splitSelectQuery(Configuration conf, String address, SelectQuery query, Path dummyPath) throws IOException {
final int selectThreshold = (int) HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRUID_SELECT_THRESHOLD);
final int numConnection = HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRUID_NUM_HTTP_CONNECTION);
final Period readTimeout = new Period(HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRUID_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT));
final boolean isFetch = query.getContextBoolean(Constants.DRUID_QUERY_FETCH, false);
if (isFetch) {
// If it has a limit, we use it and we do not split the query
return new HiveDruidSplit[] { new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(query), dummyPath, new String[] { address }) };
// We do not have the number of rows, thus we need to execute a
// Segment Metadata query to obtain number of rows
SegmentMetadataQueryBuilder metadataBuilder = new Druids.SegmentMetadataQueryBuilder();
SegmentMetadataQuery metadataQuery =;
Lifecycle lifecycle = new Lifecycle();
HttpClient client = HttpClientInit.createClient(HttpClientConfig.builder().withNumConnections(numConnection).withReadTimeout(readTimeout.toStandardDuration()).build(), lifecycle);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Lifecycle start issue");
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
InputStream response;
try {
response = DruidStorageHandlerUtils.submitRequest(client, DruidStorageHandlerUtils.createRequest(address, metadataQuery));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
// Retrieve results
List<SegmentAnalysis> metadataList;
try {
metadataList = DruidStorageHandlerUtils.SMILE_MAPPER.readValue(response, new TypeReference<List<SegmentAnalysis>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
} finally {
if (metadataList == null) {
throw new IOException("Connected to Druid but could not retrieve datasource information");
if (metadataList.isEmpty()) {
// There are no rows for that time range, we can submit query as it is
return new HiveDruidSplit[] { new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(query), dummyPath, new String[] { address }) };
if (metadataList.size() != 1) {
throw new IOException("Information about segments should have been merged");
final long numRows = metadataList.get(0).getNumRows();
query = query.withPagingSpec(PagingSpec.newSpec(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (numRows <= selectThreshold) {
// We are not going to split it
return new HiveDruidSplit[] { new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(query), dummyPath, new String[] { address }) };
// If the query does not specify a timestamp, we obtain the total time using
// a Time Boundary query. Then, we use the information to split the query
// following the Select threshold configuration property
final List<Interval> intervals = new ArrayList<>();
if (query.getIntervals().size() == 1 && query.getIntervals().get(0).withChronology(ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC()).equals(DruidTable.DEFAULT_INTERVAL)) {
// Default max and min, we should execute a time boundary query to get a
// more precise range
TimeBoundaryQueryBuilder timeBuilder = new Druids.TimeBoundaryQueryBuilder();
TimeBoundaryQuery timeQuery =;
lifecycle = new Lifecycle();
client = HttpClientInit.createClient(HttpClientConfig.builder().withNumConnections(numConnection).withReadTimeout(readTimeout.toStandardDuration()).build(), lifecycle);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Lifecycle start issue");
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
try {
response = DruidStorageHandlerUtils.submitRequest(client, DruidStorageHandlerUtils.createRequest(address, timeQuery));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
// Retrieve results
List<Result<TimeBoundaryResultValue>> timeList;
try {
timeList = DruidStorageHandlerUtils.SMILE_MAPPER.readValue(response, new TypeReference<List<Result<TimeBoundaryResultValue>>>() {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
} finally {
if (timeList == null || timeList.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("Connected to Druid but could not retrieve time boundary information");
if (timeList.size() != 1) {
throw new IOException("We should obtain a single time boundary");
intervals.add(new Interval(timeList.get(0).getValue().getMinTime().getMillis(), timeList.get(0).getValue().getMaxTime().getMillis(), ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC()));
} else {
// Create (numRows/default threshold) input splits
int numSplits = (int) Math.ceil((double) numRows / selectThreshold);
List<List<Interval>> newIntervals = createSplitsIntervals(intervals, numSplits);
HiveDruidSplit[] splits = new HiveDruidSplit[numSplits];
for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) {
// Create partial Select query
final SelectQuery partialQuery = query.withQuerySegmentSpec(new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(newIntervals.get(i)));
splits[i] = new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(partialQuery), dummyPath, new String[] { address });
return splits;
use of io.druid.query.metadata.metadata.SegmentAnalysis in project hive by apache.
the class DruidSerDe method inferSchema.
/* Select query */
private void inferSchema(SelectQuery query, List<String> columnNames, List<PrimitiveTypeInfo> columnTypes, String address) throws SerDeException {
// Timestamp column
// Dimension columns
for (DimensionSpec ds : query.getDimensions()) {
// The type for metric columns is not explicit in the query, thus in this case
// we need to emit a metadata query to know their type
SegmentMetadataQueryBuilder builder = new Druids.SegmentMetadataQueryBuilder();
SegmentMetadataQuery metadataQuery =;
// Execute query in Druid
SegmentAnalysis schemaInfo;
try {
schemaInfo = submitMetadataRequest(address, metadataQuery);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerDeException(e);
if (schemaInfo == null) {
throw new SerDeException("Connected to Druid but could not retrieve datasource information");
for (String metric : query.getMetrics()) {
use of io.druid.query.metadata.metadata.SegmentAnalysis in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentMetadataQueryQueryToolChest method mergeAnalyses.
public static SegmentAnalysis mergeAnalyses(final SegmentAnalysis arg1, final SegmentAnalysis arg2, boolean lenientAggregatorMerge) {
if (arg1 == null) {
return arg2;
if (arg2 == null) {
return arg1;
List<Interval> newIntervals = null;
if (arg1.getIntervals() != null) {
newIntervals = Lists.newArrayList();
if (arg2.getIntervals() != null) {
if (newIntervals == null) {
newIntervals = Lists.newArrayList();
final Map<String, ColumnAnalysis> leftColumns = arg1.getColumns();
final Map<String, ColumnAnalysis> rightColumns = arg2.getColumns();
Map<String, ColumnAnalysis> columns = Maps.newTreeMap();
Set<String> rightColumnNames = Sets.newHashSet(rightColumns.keySet());
for (Map.Entry<String, ColumnAnalysis> entry : leftColumns.entrySet()) {
final String columnName = entry.getKey();
columns.put(columnName, entry.getValue().fold(rightColumns.get(columnName)));
for (String columnName : rightColumnNames) {
columns.put(columnName, rightColumns.get(columnName));
final Map<String, AggregatorFactory> aggregators = Maps.newHashMap();
if (lenientAggregatorMerge) {
// Merge each aggregator individually, ignoring nulls
for (SegmentAnalysis analysis : ImmutableList.of(arg1, arg2)) {
if (analysis.getAggregators() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, AggregatorFactory> entry : analysis.getAggregators().entrySet()) {
final String aggregatorName = entry.getKey();
final AggregatorFactory aggregator = entry.getValue();
AggregatorFactory merged = aggregators.get(aggregatorName);
if (merged != null) {
try {
merged = merged.getMergingFactory(aggregator);
} catch (AggregatorFactoryNotMergeableException e) {
merged = null;
} else {
merged = aggregator;
aggregators.put(aggregatorName, merged);
} else {
final AggregatorFactory[] aggs1 = arg1.getAggregators() != null ? arg1.getAggregators().values().toArray(new AggregatorFactory[arg1.getAggregators().size()]) : null;
final AggregatorFactory[] aggs2 = arg2.getAggregators() != null ? arg2.getAggregators().values().toArray(new AggregatorFactory[arg2.getAggregators().size()]) : null;
final AggregatorFactory[] merged = AggregatorFactory.mergeAggregators(Arrays.asList(aggs1, aggs2));
if (merged != null) {
for (AggregatorFactory aggregator : merged) {
aggregators.put(aggregator.getName(), aggregator);
final TimestampSpec timestampSpec = TimestampSpec.mergeTimestampSpec(Lists.newArrayList(arg1.getTimestampSpec(), arg2.getTimestampSpec()));
final Granularity queryGranularity = Granularity.mergeGranularities(Lists.newArrayList(arg1.getQueryGranularity(), arg2.getQueryGranularity()));
final String mergedId;
if (arg1.getId() != null && arg2.getId() != null && arg1.getId().equals(arg2.getId())) {
mergedId = arg1.getId();
} else {
mergedId = "merged";
final Boolean rollup;
if (arg1.isRollup() != null && arg2.isRollup() != null && arg1.isRollup().equals(arg2.isRollup())) {
rollup = arg1.isRollup();
} else {
rollup = null;
return new SegmentAnalysis(mergedId, newIntervals, columns, arg1.getSize() + arg2.getSize(), arg1.getNumRows() + arg2.getNumRows(), aggregators.isEmpty() ? null : aggregators, timestampSpec, queryGranularity, rollup);
use of io.druid.query.metadata.metadata.SegmentAnalysis in project druid by druid-io.
the class SegmentMetadataQueryRunnerFactory method createRunner.
public QueryRunner<SegmentAnalysis> createRunner(final Segment segment) {
return new QueryRunner<SegmentAnalysis>() {
public Sequence<SegmentAnalysis> run(Query<SegmentAnalysis> inQ, Map<String, Object> responseContext) {
SegmentMetadataQuery query = (SegmentMetadataQuery) inQ;
final SegmentAnalyzer analyzer = new SegmentAnalyzer(query.getAnalysisTypes());
final Map<String, ColumnAnalysis> analyzedColumns = analyzer.analyze(segment);
final long numRows = analyzer.numRows(segment);
long totalSize = 0;
if (analyzer.analyzingSize()) {
// Initialize with the size of the whitespace, 1 byte per
totalSize = analyzedColumns.size() * numRows;
Map<String, ColumnAnalysis> columns = Maps.newTreeMap();
ColumnIncluderator includerator = query.getToInclude();
for (Map.Entry<String, ColumnAnalysis> entry : analyzedColumns.entrySet()) {
final String columnName = entry.getKey();
final ColumnAnalysis column = entry.getValue();
if (!column.isError()) {
totalSize += column.getSize();
if (includerator.include(columnName)) {
columns.put(columnName, column);
List<Interval> retIntervals = query.analyzingInterval() ? Arrays.asList(segment.getDataInterval()) : null;
final Map<String, AggregatorFactory> aggregators;
Metadata metadata = null;
if (query.hasAggregators()) {
metadata = segment.asStorageAdapter().getMetadata();
if (metadata != null && metadata.getAggregators() != null) {
aggregators = Maps.newHashMap();
for (AggregatorFactory aggregator : metadata.getAggregators()) {
aggregators.put(aggregator.getName(), aggregator);
} else {
aggregators = null;
} else {
aggregators = null;
final TimestampSpec timestampSpec;
if (query.hasTimestampSpec()) {
if (metadata == null) {
metadata = segment.asStorageAdapter().getMetadata();
timestampSpec = metadata != null ? metadata.getTimestampSpec() : null;
} else {
timestampSpec = null;
final Granularity queryGranularity;
if (query.hasQueryGranularity()) {
if (metadata == null) {
metadata = segment.asStorageAdapter().getMetadata();
queryGranularity = metadata != null ? metadata.getQueryGranularity() : null;
} else {
queryGranularity = null;
Boolean rollup = null;
if (query.hasRollup()) {
if (metadata == null) {
metadata = segment.asStorageAdapter().getMetadata();
rollup = metadata != null ? metadata.isRollup() : null;
if (rollup == null) {
// in this case, this segment is built before no-rollup function is coded,
// thus it is built with rollup
rollup = Boolean.TRUE;
return Sequences.simple(Arrays.asList(new SegmentAnalysis(segment.getIdentifier(), retIntervals, columns, totalSize, numRows, aggregators, timestampSpec, queryGranularity, rollup)));