use of io.fabric8.annotations.ServiceName in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class ServicesAssert method service.
* Asserts that the given service name exist
* @return the assertion object on the given service
public ServicePodsAssert service(String serviceName) {
Service service = null;
for (Service aService : actual) {
String name = getName(aService);
if (Objects.equals(name, serviceName)) {
service = aService;
assertThat(service).describedAs("No service could be found for name: " + serviceName).isNotNull();
return new ServicePodsAssert(client, service);
use of io.fabric8.annotations.ServiceName in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Fabric8Extension method onInjectionPoint.
public <T, X> void onInjectionPoint(@Observes ProcessInjectionPoint<T, X> event, BeanManager beanManager) {
final InjectionPoint injectionPoint = event.getInjectionPoint();
if (isServiceInjectionPoint(injectionPoint)) {
Annotated annotated = injectionPoint.getAnnotated();
ServiceName name = annotated.getAnnotation(ServiceName.class);
Protocol protocol = annotated.getAnnotation(Protocol.class);
PortName port = annotated.getAnnotation(PortName.class);
Path path = annotated.getAnnotation(Path.class);
Alias alias = annotated.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
Endpoint endpoint = annotated.getAnnotation(Endpoint.class);
External external = annotated.getAnnotation(External.class);
String serviceName = name.value();
String serviceProtocol = protocol != null ? protocol.value() : null;
String servicePort = port != null ? port.value() : null;
String servicePath = path != null ? path.value() : null;
String serviceAlias = alias != null ? alias.value() : null;
Boolean serviceExternal = external != null ? external.value() : false;
Boolean serviceEndpoint = endpoint != null ? endpoint.value() : false;
Type type = annotated.getBaseType();
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType && Instance.class.equals(((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType())) {
type = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (type.equals(String.class)) {
ServiceUrlBean.getBean(serviceName, serviceProtocol, servicePort, servicePath, serviceAlias, serviceEndpoint, serviceExternal);
} else if (isGenericOf(type, List.class, String.class)) {
ServiceUrlCollectionBean.getBean(serviceName, serviceProtocol, servicePort, servicePath, serviceAlias, serviceEndpoint, serviceExternal, Types.LIST_OF_STRINGS);
} else if (isGenericOf(type, List.class, null)) {
// TODO: Integrate with Factories(?)
} else if (isGenericOf(type, Set.class, String.class)) {
ServiceUrlCollectionBean.getBean(serviceName, serviceProtocol, servicePort, servicePath, serviceAlias, serviceEndpoint, serviceExternal, Types.SET_OF_STRINGS);
} else if (isGenericOf(type, Set.class, null)) {
// TODO: Integrate with Factories(?)
} else if (type instanceof Class) {
ServiceBean.getBean(serviceName, serviceProtocol, servicePort, servicePath, serviceAlias, serviceEndpoint, serviceExternal, type);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(INJECTION_POINT_UNKNOWN_TYPE, injectionPoint.getBean().getBeanClass(), type));
if (protocol == null) {
if (port == null) {
if (path == null) {
if (endpoint == null) {
if (external == null) {
} else if (isConfigurationInjectionPoint(injectionPoint)) {
Annotated annotated = injectionPoint.getAnnotated();
Configuration configuration = annotated.getAnnotation(Configuration.class);
Type type = injectionPoint.getType();
String configurationId = configuration.value();
ConfigurationBean.getBean(configurationId, type);
use of io.fabric8.annotations.ServiceName in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class J4pClientProvider method lookup.
public Object lookup(ArquillianResource resource, Annotation... qualifiers) {
KubernetesClient client = this.clientInstance.get();
Session session = this.sessionInstance.get();
JolokiaClients jolokiaClients = new JolokiaClients(client);
String serviceName = getServiceName(qualifiers);
String podName = getPodName(qualifiers);
String replicationControllerName = getReplicationControllerName(qualifiers);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(serviceName)) {
Service service =;
if (service != null) {
return jolokiaClients.clientForService(service);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(podName)) {
Pod pod = client.pods().inNamespace(session.getNamespace()).withName(serviceName).get();
if (pod != null) {
return jolokiaClients.clientForPod(pod);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(replicationControllerName)) {
ReplicationController replicationController = client.replicationControllers().inNamespace(session.getNamespace()).withName(replicationControllerName).get();
if (replicationController != null) {
return jolokiaClients.clientForReplicationController(replicationController);
return null;
use of io.fabric8.annotations.ServiceName in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class KubernetesHelper method getServiceURLInCurrentNamespace.
* Returns the URL to access the service; using the environment variables, routes
* or service clusterIP address
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the URL cannot be found for the serviceName and namespace
public static String getServiceURLInCurrentNamespace(KubernetesClient client, String serviceName, String serviceProtocol, String servicePortName, boolean serviceExternal) {
Service srv = null;
String serviceHost = KubernetesServices.serviceToHostOrBlank(serviceName);
String servicePort = KubernetesServices.serviceToPortOrBlank(serviceName, servicePortName);
String serviceProto = serviceProtocol != null ? serviceProtocol : KubernetesServices.serviceToProtocol(serviceName, servicePort);
// 1. Inside Kubernetes: Services as ENV vars
if (!serviceExternal && Strings.isNotBlank(serviceHost) && Strings.isNotBlank(servicePort) && Strings.isNotBlank(serviceProtocol)) {
return serviceProtocol + "://" + serviceHost + ":" + servicePort;
// 2. Anywhere: When namespace is passed System / Env var. Mostly needed for integration tests.
} else {
srv =;
if (srv == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No kubernetes service could be found for name: " + serviceName);
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(servicePortName) && isOpenShift(client)) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = client.adapt(OpenShiftClient.class);
RouteList routeList = openShiftClient.routes().list();
for (Route route : routeList.getItems()) {
if (route.getSpec().getTo().getName().equals(serviceName)) {
return (serviceProto + "://" + route.getSpec().getHost()).toLowerCase();
ServicePort port = findServicePortByName(srv, servicePortName);
if (port == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find port: " + servicePortName + " for service:" + serviceName);
String clusterIP = srv.getSpec().getClusterIP();
if ("None".equals(clusterIP)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Service: " + serviceName + " in current namespace is head-less. Search for endpoints instead.");
return (serviceProto + "://" + clusterIP + ":" + port.getPort()).toLowerCase();
use of io.fabric8.annotations.ServiceName in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class KubernetesHelper method getServiceURL.
* Returns the URL to access the service; using the environment variables, routes
* or service clusterIP address
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the URL cannot be found for the serviceName and namespace
public static String getServiceURL(KubernetesClient client, String serviceName, String serviceNamespace, String serviceProtocol, String servicePortName, boolean serviceExternal) {
Service srv = null;
String serviceHost = KubernetesServices.serviceToHostOrBlank(serviceName);
String servicePort = KubernetesServices.serviceToPortOrBlank(serviceName, servicePortName);
String serviceProto = serviceProtocol != null ? serviceProtocol : KubernetesServices.serviceToProtocol(serviceName, servicePort);
// Use specified or fallback namespace.
String actualNamespace = Strings.isNotBlank(serviceNamespace) ? serviceNamespace : client.getNamespace();
// 1. Inside Kubernetes: Services as ENV vars
if (!serviceExternal && Strings.isNotBlank(serviceHost) && Strings.isNotBlank(servicePort) && Strings.isNotBlank(serviceProtocol)) {
return serviceProtocol + "://" + serviceHost + ":" + servicePort;
// 2. Anywhere: When namespace is passed System / Env var. Mostly needed for integration tests.
} else if (Strings.isNotBlank(actualNamespace)) {
try {
srv =;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup service:" + serviceName + " in namespace:" + actualNamespace + ", due to: " + e.getMessage());
if (srv == null) {
// lets try use environment variables
String hostAndPort = Systems.getServiceHostAndPort(serviceName, "", "");
if (!hostAndPort.startsWith(":")) {
return serviceProto + "://" + hostAndPort;
if (srv == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No kubernetes service could be found for name: " + serviceName + " in namespace: " + actualNamespace);
String answer = getOrCreateAnnotations(srv).get(Annotations.Service.EXPOSE_URL);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(answer)) {
return answer;
try {
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(servicePortName) && isOpenShift(client)) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = client.adapt(OpenShiftClient.class);
Route route = openShiftClient.routes().inNamespace(actualNamespace).withName(serviceName).get();
if (route != null) {
return (serviceProto + "://" + route.getSpec().getHost()).toLowerCase();
} catch (KubernetesClientException e) {
if (e.getCode() == 403) {
LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup route:" + serviceName + " in namespace:" + actualNamespace + ", due to: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
throw e;
ServicePort port = findServicePortByName(srv, servicePortName);
if (port == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find port: " + servicePortName + " for service:" + serviceName);
String clusterIP = srv.getSpec().getClusterIP();
if ("None".equals(clusterIP)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Service: " + serviceName + " in namespace:" + serviceNamespace + "is head-less. Search for endpoints instead.");
Integer portNumber = port.getPort();
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(clusterIP)) {
IngressList ingresses = client.extensions().ingresses().inNamespace(serviceNamespace).list();
if (ingresses != null) {
List<Ingress> items = ingresses.getItems();
if (items != null) {
for (Ingress item : items) {
String ns = getNamespace(item);
if (Objects.equal(serviceNamespace, ns)) {
IngressSpec spec = item.getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
List<IngressRule> rules = spec.getRules();
List<IngressTLS> tls = spec.getTls();
if (rules != null) {
for (IngressRule rule : rules) {
HTTPIngressRuleValue http = rule.getHttp();
if (http != null) {
List<HTTPIngressPath> paths = http.getPaths();
if (paths != null) {
for (HTTPIngressPath path : paths) {
IngressBackend backend = path.getBackend();
if (backend != null) {
String backendServiceName = backend.getServiceName();
if (serviceName.equals(backendServiceName) && portsMatch(port, backend.getServicePort())) {
String pathPostfix = path.getPath();
if (tls != null) {
for (IngressTLS tlsHost : tls) {
List<String> hosts = tlsHost.getHosts();
if (hosts != null) {
for (String host : hosts) {
if (Strings.isNotBlank(host)) {
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(pathPostfix)) {
pathPostfix = "/";
return "https://" + URLUtils.pathJoin(host, pathPostfix);
answer = rule.getHost();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(answer)) {
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(pathPostfix)) {
pathPostfix = "/";
return "http://" + URLUtils.pathJoin(answer, pathPostfix);
// lets try use the status on GKE
ServiceStatus status = srv.getStatus();
if (status != null) {
LoadBalancerStatus loadBalancerStatus = status.getLoadBalancer();
if (loadBalancerStatus != null) {
List<LoadBalancerIngress> loadBalancerIngresses = loadBalancerStatus.getIngress();
if (loadBalancerIngresses != null) {
for (LoadBalancerIngress loadBalancerIngress : loadBalancerIngresses) {
String ip = loadBalancerIngress.getIp();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(ip)) {
clusterIP = ip;
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(clusterIP)) {
// on vanilla kubernetes we can use nodePort to access things externally
boolean found = false;
Integer nodePort = port.getNodePort();
if (nodePort != null) {
try {
NodeList nodeList = client.nodes().list();
if (nodeList != null) {
List<Node> items = nodeList.getItems();
if (items != null) {
for (Node item : items) {
NodeStatus status = item.getStatus();
if (!found && status != null) {
List<NodeAddress> addresses = status.getAddresses();
if (addresses != null) {
for (NodeAddress address : addresses) {
String ip = address.getAddress();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(ip)) {
clusterIP = ip;
portNumber = nodePort;
found = true;
if (!found) {
NodeSpec spec = item.getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
clusterIP = spec.getExternalID();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(clusterIP)) {
portNumber = nodePort;
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore could not find a node!
LOG.warn("Could not find a node!: " + e, e);
return (serviceProto + "://" + clusterIP + ":" + portNumber).toLowerCase();