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Example 46 with Container

use of io.fabric8.api.Container in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class ContainerImplTest method testRemoveMissingProfile.

// We should be able to remove a profile that doesn't exist from a container.
// A missing profile may be added to a container during startup (not possible to validate) or after an upgrade / rollback operation.
@Ignore("[FABRIC-1110] Mocked test makes invalid assumption on the implementation")
public void testRemoveMissingProfile() throws Exception {
    String v = "1.0";
    String profile1Id = "feature-camel";
    String profile2Id = "feature-cxf";
    String missing = "missing";
    // new VersionImpl(v, fabricService);
    Version version = null;
    List<String> profiles = Arrays.asList(profile1Id, profile2Id, missing);
    List<String> profilesToSet = Arrays.asList(profile1Id, profile2Id);
    expect(profileRegistry.hasProfile(v, profile1Id)).andReturn(true).anyTimes();
    expect(profileRegistry.hasProfile(v, profile2Id)).andReturn(true).anyTimes();
    expect(profileRegistry.hasProfile(v, missing)).andReturn(false).anyTimes();
    // expect(profileRegistry.getProfileAttributes(eq(v), EasyMock.<String>anyObject())).andReturn(Maps.<String, String>newHashMap()).anyTimes();
    dataStore.setContainerProfiles(eq(CONTAINER_ID), eq(profilesToSet));
Also used : Version(io.fabric8.api.Version) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 47 with Container

use of io.fabric8.api.Container in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class ContainerImplTest method setUp.

public void setUp() {
    fabricService = createMock(FabricService.class);
    dataStore = createMock(DataStore.class);
    container = new ContainerImpl(null, CONTAINER_ID, fabricService);
Also used : FabricService(io.fabric8.api.FabricService) ContainerImpl(io.fabric8.internal.ContainerImpl) DataStore(io.fabric8.api.DataStore) Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 48 with Container

use of io.fabric8.api.Container in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class AutoScalers method requirementsSatisfied.

 * Returns true if the requirements are satisfied for the given profile requirements; updating the auto scale status
 * accordingly
public static boolean requirementsSatisfied(FabricService service, String version, FabricRequirements requirements, ProfileRequirements profileRequirement, AutoScaleStatus status) {
    String profile = profileRequirement.getProfile();
    List<String> dependentProfiles = profileRequirement.getDependentProfiles();
    if (dependentProfiles != null) {
        for (String dependentProfile : dependentProfiles) {
            ProfileRequirements dependentProfileRequirements = requirements.getOrCreateProfileRequirement(dependentProfile);
            Integer minimumInstances = dependentProfileRequirements.getMinimumInstances();
            if (minimumInstances != null) {
                List<Container> containers = Containers.aliveAndSuccessfulContainersForProfile(version, dependentProfile, service);
                int dependentSize = containers.size();
                if (minimumInstances > dependentSize) {
                    status.profileStatus(profile).missingDependency(dependentProfile, dependentSize, minimumInstances);
                    return false;
    return true;
Also used : Container(io.fabric8.api.Container) ProfileRequirements(io.fabric8.api.ProfileRequirements)

Example 49 with Container

use of io.fabric8.api.Container in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class ZookeeperPortService method registerPort.

private void registerPort(Container container, String pid, String key, int port, Lease existingLease) {
    String portAsString = String.valueOf(port);
    String containerPortsPath = ZkPath.PORTS_CONTAINER_PID_KEY.getPath(container.getId(), pid, key);
    String reservedPortsPath = ZkPath.PORTS_CONTAINER_RESERVED_PORTS.getPath(container.getId());
    String ip = container.getIp();
    assertValidIp(container, ip);
    String ipPortsPath = ZkPath.PORTS_IP.getPath(ip);
    Lease lease = null;
    try {
        if (existingLease != null) {
            lease = existingLease;
        } else {
            lease = interProcessLock.acquire(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        if (lease != null) {
            createDefault(curator.get(), containerPortsPath, portAsString);
            createDefault(curator.get(), ipPortsPath, portAsString);
            setData(curator.get(), containerPortsPath, portAsString);
            String existingPorts = getStringData(curator.get(), ipPortsPath);
            if (!existingPorts.contains(portAsString)) {
                setData(curator.get(), ipPortsPath, existingPorts + " " + portAsString);
                createDefault(curator.get(), reservedPortsPath, portAsString);
                String reservedPortsPerContainer = getStringData(curator.get(), reservedPortsPath);
                if (!reservedPortsPerContainer.contains(portAsString)) {
                    setData(curator.get(), reservedPortsPath, reservedPortsPerContainer + " " + portAsString);
        } else {
            throw new FabricException("Could not acquire port lock for pid " + pid);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        throw FabricException.launderThrowable(ex);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw FabricException.launderThrowable(ex);
    } finally {
        if (existingLease == null) {
Also used : Lease( FabricException(io.fabric8.api.FabricException) FabricException(io.fabric8.api.FabricException)

Example 50 with Container

use of io.fabric8.api.Container in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class ZookeeperPortService method registerPort.

public int registerPort(Container container, String pid, String key, int fromPort, int toPort, Set<Integer> excludes) {
    Lease lease = null;
    try {
        lease = interProcessLock.acquire(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        if (lease != null) {
            int port = lookupPort(container, pid, key);
            if (port > 0 && (port >= fromPort && port <= toPort)) {
                // get one from the port range
                return port;
            Set<Integer> boundPorts = findUsedPortByHost(container, lease);
            for (port = fromPort; port <= toPort; port++) {
                if (!boundPorts.contains(port)) {
                    if (Ports.isPortFree(port)) {
                        registerPort(container, pid, key, port, lease);
                        return port;
        } else {
            throw new FabricException("Could not acquire port lock for pid " + pid);
        throw new FabricException("Could not find port within range [" + fromPort + "," + toPort + "] for pid " + pid);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        throw FabricException.launderThrowable(ex);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw FabricException.launderThrowable(ex);
    } finally {
Also used : Lease( FabricException(io.fabric8.api.FabricException) FabricException(io.fabric8.api.FabricException)


Container (io.fabric8.api.Container)139 Test (org.junit.Test)75 FabricService (io.fabric8.api.FabricService)56 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)39 Container (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Container)38 IOException ( Profile (io.fabric8.api.Profile)37 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)34 Map (java.util.Map)30 FabricException (io.fabric8.api.FabricException)27 BundleContext (org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)24 Version (io.fabric8.api.Version)23 File ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)20 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)17 PodSpec (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.PodSpec)16 ImageConfiguration (io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.ImageConfiguration)16 CreateContainerMetadata (io.fabric8.api.CreateContainerMetadata)15 Pod (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod)12 List (java.util.List)12