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Example 76 with FabricService

use of io.fabric8.api.FabricService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricEnsembleTest method addToEnsemble.

public void addToEnsemble(FabricService fabricService, Container... containers) throws Exception {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("fabric:ensemble-add --force --migration-timeout 240000 ");
    for (Container c : containers) {
        sb.append(c.getId()).append(" ");
    doWithEnsemble(fabricService, sb.toString());
Also used : Container(io.fabric8.api.Container)

Example 77 with FabricService

use of io.fabric8.api.FabricService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricFeaturesTest method assertProvisionedFeature.

 * Adds a feature to the profile and tests it on the container.
 * <p>Note:</p> Before and after the test the container moves to default profile.
protected void assertProvisionedFeature(FabricService fabricService, CuratorFramework curator, Set<? extends Container> containers, String featureNames, String profileName, final String expectedSymbolicNames) throws Exception {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("[ ");
    for (Container container : containers) {
        sb.append(container.getId()).append(" ");
    System.out.println("Testing profile:" + profileName + " on container:" + sb.toString() + " by adding feature:" + featureNames);
    Version version = fabricService.getRequiredDefaultVersion();
    Profile defaultProfile = version.getRequiredProfile("default");
    Profile targetProfile = version.getRequiredProfile(profileName);
    for (Container container : containers) {
        // We set container to default to clean the container up.
        container.setProfiles(new Profile[] { defaultProfile });
    Provision.containerStatus(containers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
    for (String featureName : featureNames.split(" ")) {
        System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-edit --feature " + featureName + " " + targetProfile.getId()));
    System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-display " + profileName));
    for (Container container : containers) {
        // Test the modified profile.
        setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(container.getId()), "switching profile");
        container.setProfiles(new Profile[] { targetProfile });
    Provision.containerStatus(containers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
    Assert.assertTrue(Provision.waitForCondition(containers, new ContainerCondition() {

        public Boolean checkConditionOnContainer(Container c) {
            for (String symbolicName : expectedSymbolicNames.split(" ")) {
                String bundles = executeCommand("container-connect -u admin -p admin " + c.getId() + " osgi:list -s -t 0 | grep " + symbolicName);
                if (bundles != null) {
                    return bundles.contains(symbolicName);
            return false;
    for (Container container : containers) {
        // We set the container to default to clean up the profile.
        if (!defaultProfile.equals(targetProfile)) {
            setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(container.getId()), "switching profile");
        container.setProfiles(new Profile[] { defaultProfile });
    Provision.containerStatus(containers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
    for (String featureName : featureNames.split(" ")) {
        System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-edit --delete --feature " + featureName + " " + targetProfile.getId()));
Also used : Container(io.fabric8.api.Container) Version(io.fabric8.api.Version) Profile(io.fabric8.api.Profile)

Example 78 with FabricService

use of io.fabric8.api.FabricService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricTestSupport method destroyChildContainer.

private void destroyChildContainer(FabricService fabricService, CuratorFramework curator, String name) throws InterruptedException {
    try {
        // Wait for zookeeper service to become available.
        // We need this because getContainer will create a container object if container doesn't exists.
        if (ZooKeeperUtils.exists(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER.getPath(name)) != null) {
            Container container = fabricService.getContainer(name);
            // We want to go through container destroy method so that cleanup methods are properly invoked.
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Also used : Container(io.fabric8.api.Container)

Example 79 with FabricService

use of io.fabric8.api.FabricService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricTestSupport method containerSetProfile.

 * Cleans a containers profile by switching to default profile and resetting the profile.
private boolean containerSetProfile(FabricService fabricService, CuratorFramework curator, String containerName, String profileName, Boolean waitForProvision) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Switching profile: " + profileName + " on container:" + containerName);
    Container container = fabricService.getContainer(containerName);
    Version version = container.getVersion();
    Profile[] profiles = new Profile[] { version.getRequiredProfile(profileName) };
    Profile[] currentProfiles = container.getProfiles();
    boolean same = true;
    if (profiles.length != currentProfiles.length) {
        same = false;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < currentProfiles.length; i++) {
            if (!currentProfiles[i].equals(profiles[i])) {
                same = false;
    if (!same && waitForProvision) {
        // This is required so that waitForProvisionSuccess doesn't retrun before the deployment agent kicks in.
        ZooKeeperUtils.setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(containerName), "switching profile");
        Provision.containersStatus(Arrays.asList(container), "success", PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
    return same;
Also used : Container(io.fabric8.api.Container) Version(io.fabric8.api.Version) Profile(io.fabric8.api.Profile)

Example 80 with FabricService

use of io.fabric8.api.FabricService in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class SshContainerBuilder method build.

 * Create the containers.
public Set<ContainerProxy> build() {
    BundleContext bundleContext = ContainerBuilder.getBundleContext();
    if (getOptionsBuilder().getHost() == null || getOptionsBuilder().getHost().isEmpty()) {
        FabricService fabricService = ServiceLocator.awaitService(bundleContext, FabricService.class);
        String hostProperty = System.getProperty(SSH_HOSTS_PROPERTY);
        String userProperty = System.getProperty(SSH_USERS_PROPERTY);
        String passwordProperty = System.getProperty(SSH_PASSWORD_PROPERTY);
        String resolverProperty = System.getProperty(SSH_RESOLVER_PROPERTY, ZkDefs.DEFAULT_RESOLVER);
        if (resolverProperty.isEmpty()) {
            resolverProperty = ZkDefs.DEFAULT_RESOLVER;
        String numberOfContainersProperty = System.getProperty(CONTAINER_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "1");
        int numberOfContainers = Integer.parseInt(numberOfContainersProperty);
        String[] hosts = null;
        String[] usernames = null;
        String[] passwords = null;
        if (hostProperty != null && !hostProperty.isEmpty()) {
            hosts = hostProperty.replaceAll(" ", "").split(",");
        if (userProperty != null && !userProperty.isEmpty()) {
            usernames = userProperty.replaceAll(" ", "").split(",");
        if (passwordProperty != null && !passwordProperty.isEmpty()) {
            passwords = passwordProperty.replaceAll(" ", "").split(",");
        int numberOfHosts = hosts.length;
        int containersPerHost = numberOfContainers > 1 ? numberOfContainers / numberOfHosts : 1;
        List<CreateSshContainerOptions.Builder> optionsList = new ArrayList<CreateSshContainerOptions.Builder>();
        for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) {
            try {
                CreateSshContainerOptions.Builder hostOpts = getOptionsBuilder().clone();
                if (hostOpts.getNumber() > 1) {
           + "-" + i + "-");
                } else {
           + i);
                if (usernames.length > i) {
                if (passwords.length > i) {
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw FabricException.launderThrowable(e);
    } else {
Also used : FabricService(io.fabric8.api.FabricService) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CreateSshContainerOptions(io.fabric8.service.ssh.CreateSshContainerOptions) BundleContext(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)


FabricService (io.fabric8.api.FabricService)80 Container (io.fabric8.api.Container)76 Test (org.junit.Test)52 Profile (io.fabric8.api.Profile)50 BundleContext (org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)29 Version (io.fabric8.api.Version)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 ProfileService (io.fabric8.api.ProfileService)19 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)16 CuratorFramework (org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework)16 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)14 Map (java.util.Map)13 FabricException (io.fabric8.api.FabricException)12 IOException ( ContainerProxy ( Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)10 File ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)9 Path ( FabricRequirements (io.fabric8.api.FabricRequirements)7