use of io.fabric8.docker.api.model.AuthConfig in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class AuthConfigTest method mapConstructor.
public void mapConstructor() {
AuthConfig config = new AuthConfig("roland", "secret", "", null);
use of io.fabric8.docker.api.model.AuthConfig in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class AuthConfigFactory method createStandardAuthConfig.
* Create an authentication config object which can be used for communication with a Docker registry
* The authentication information is looked up at various places (in this order):
* <ul>
* <li>From system properties</li>
* <li>From the provided map which can contain key-value pairs</li>
* <li>From the openshift settings in ~/.config/kube</li>
* <li>From the Maven settings stored typically in ~/.m2/settings.xml</li>
* </ul>
* The following properties (prefix with 'docker.') and config key are evaluated:
* <ul>
* <li>username: User to authenticate</li>
* <li>password: Password to authenticate. Can be encrypted</li>
* <li>email: Optional EMail address which is send to the registry, too</li>
* </ul>
* @param isPush if true this AuthConfig is created for a push, if false it's for a pull
* @param authConfigMap String-String Map holding configuration info from the plugin's configuration. Can be <code>null</code> in
* which case the settings are consulted.
* @param settings the global Maven settings object
* @param user user to check for
* @param registry registry to use, might be null in which case a default registry is checked,
* @return the authentication configuration or <code>null</code> if none could be found
* @throws MojoFailureException
private AuthConfig createStandardAuthConfig(boolean isPush, Map authConfigMap, Settings settings, String user, String registry) throws MojoExecutionException {
AuthConfig ret;
// Check first for specific configuration based on direction (pull or push), then for a default value
for (LookupMode lookupMode : new LookupMode[] { getLookupMode(isPush), LookupMode.DEFAULT }) {
// System properties docker.username and docker.password always take precedence
ret = getAuthConfigFromSystemProperties(lookupMode);
if (ret != null) {
log.debug("AuthConfig: credentials from system properties");
return ret;
// Check for openshift authentication either from the plugin config or from system props
ret = getAuthConfigFromOpenShiftConfig(lookupMode, authConfigMap);
if (ret != null) {
log.debug("AuthConfig: OpenShift credentials");
return ret;
// Get configuration from global plugin config
ret = getAuthConfigFromPluginConfiguration(lookupMode, authConfigMap);
if (ret != null) {
log.debug("AuthConfig: credentials from plugin config");
return ret;
// ===================================================================
// These are lookups based on registry only, so the direction (push or pull) doesn't matter:
// Now lets lookup the registry & user from ~/.m2/setting.xml
ret = getAuthConfigFromSettings(settings, user, registry);
if (ret != null) {
log.debug("AuthConfig: credentials from ~/.m2/setting.xml");
return ret;
// No authentication found
return null;
use of io.fabric8.docker.api.model.AuthConfig in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class AuthConfigFactory method getAuthConfigFromOpenShiftConfig.
private AuthConfig getAuthConfigFromOpenShiftConfig(LookupMode lookupMode, Map authConfigMap) throws MojoExecutionException {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
String useOpenAuthModeProp = lookupMode.asSysProperty(AUTH_USE_OPENSHIFT_AUTH);
// Check for system property
if (props.containsKey(useOpenAuthModeProp)) {
boolean useOpenShift = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty(useOpenAuthModeProp));
if (useOpenShift) {
AuthConfig ret = parseOpenShiftConfig();
if (ret == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("System property " + useOpenAuthModeProp + " " + "set, but not active user and/or token found in ~/.config/kube. " + "Please use 'oc login' for connecting to OpenShift.");
return ret;
} else {
return null;
// Check plugin config
Map mapToCheck = getAuthConfigMapToCheck(lookupMode, authConfigMap);
if (mapToCheck != null && mapToCheck.containsKey(AUTH_USE_OPENSHIFT_AUTH) && Boolean.valueOf((String) mapToCheck.get(AUTH_USE_OPENSHIFT_AUTH))) {
AuthConfig ret = parseOpenShiftConfig();
if (ret == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Authentication configured for OpenShift, but no active user and/or " + "token found in ~/.config/kube. Please use 'oc login' for " + "connecting to OpenShift.");
return ret;
} else {
return null;
use of io.fabric8.docker.api.model.AuthConfig in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class AuthConfigFactory method getAuthConfigFromPluginConfiguration.
private AuthConfig getAuthConfigFromPluginConfiguration(LookupMode lookupMode, Map authConfig) throws MojoExecutionException {
Map mapToCheck = getAuthConfigMapToCheck(lookupMode, authConfig);
if (mapToCheck != null && mapToCheck.containsKey(AUTH_USERNAME)) {
if (!mapToCheck.containsKey(AUTH_PASSWORD)) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("No 'password' given while using <authConfig> in configuration for mode " + lookupMode);
Map<String, String> cloneConfig = new HashMap<>(mapToCheck);
cloneConfig.put(AUTH_PASSWORD, decrypt(cloneConfig.get(AUTH_PASSWORD)));
return new AuthConfig(cloneConfig);
} else {
return null;
use of io.fabric8.docker.api.model.AuthConfig in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class AuthConfigFactory method extractAuthConfigFromAuths.
private AuthConfig extractAuthConfigFromAuths(String registryToLookup, JSONObject auths) {
JSONObject credentials = getCredentialsNode(auths, registryToLookup);
if (credentials == null || !credentials.has("auth")) {
return null;
String auth = credentials.getString("auth");
String email = credentials.has("email") ? credentials.getString("email") : null;
return new AuthConfig(auth, email);