use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource in project kie-wb-common by kiegroup.
the class OpenShiftClient method addSystemGroupRole.
private void addSystemGroupRole(String prjName, String name, String role) {
Resource<PolicyBinding, DoneablePolicyBinding> bindingResource = delegate.policyBindings().inNamespace(prjName).withName(":default");
DoneablePolicyBinding binding;
if (bindingResource.get() == null) {
binding = bindingResource.createNew();
} else {
binding = bindingResource.edit();
binding.editOrNewMetadata().withName(":default").endMetadata().editOrNewPolicyRef().withName("default").endPolicyRef().addNewRoleBinding().withName(role).editOrNewRoleBinding().editOrNewMetadata().withName(role).withNamespace(prjName).endMetadata().addToGroupNames("system:serviceaccounts:" + prjName).addNewSubject().withName("default").withNamespace(prjName).withKind("SystemGroup").endSubject().withNewRoleRef().withName(role).endRoleRef().endRoleBinding().endRoleBinding().done();
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class OpenshiftContainerProvider method create.
public CreateOpenshiftContainerMetadata create(CreateOpenshiftContainerOptions options, CreationStateListener listener) throws Exception {
IUser user = getOrCreateConnection(options).getUser();
IDomain domain = getOrCreateDomain(user, options);
String cartridgeUrl = null;
Set<String> profiles = options.getProfiles();
String versionId = options.getVersion();
Map<String, String> openshiftConfigOverlay = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (profiles != null && versionId != null) {
ProfileService profileService = fabricService.get().adapt(ProfileService.class);
Version version = profileService.getVersion(versionId);
if (version != null) {
for (String profileId : profiles) {
Profile profile = version.getRequiredProfile(profileId);
if (profile != null) {
Profile overlay = profileService.getOverlayProfile(profile);
Map<String, String> openshiftConfig = overlay.getConfiguration(OpenShiftConstants.OPENSHIFT_PID);
if (openshiftConfig != null) {
cartridgeUrl = openshiftConfigOverlay.get("cartridge");
if (cartridgeUrl == null) {
cartridgeUrl = defaultCartridgeUrl;
String[] cartridgeUrls = cartridgeUrl.split(" ");"Creating cartridges: " + cartridgeUrl);
String standAloneCartridgeUrl = cartridgeUrls[0];
StandaloneCartridge cartridge;
if (standAloneCartridgeUrl.startsWith(PREFIX_CARTRIDGE_ID)) {
cartridge = new StandaloneCartridge(standAloneCartridgeUrl.substring(PREFIX_CARTRIDGE_ID.length()));
} else {
cartridge = new StandaloneCartridge(new URL(standAloneCartridgeUrl));
String zookeeperUrl = fabricService.get().getZookeeperUrl();
String zookeeperPassword = fabricService.get().getZookeeperPassword();
Map<String, String> userEnvVars = null;
if (!options.isEnsembleServer()) {
userEnvVars = new HashMap<String, String>();
userEnvVars.put("OPENSHIFT_FUSE_ZOOKEEPER_URL", zookeeperUrl);
userEnvVars.put("OPENSHIFT_FUSE_ZOOKEEPER_PASSWORD", zookeeperPassword);
String zkPasswordEncode = System.getProperty("zookeeper.password.encode", "true");
String initGitUrl = null;
int timeout = IHttpClient.NO_TIMEOUT;
ApplicationScale scale = null;
String containerName = options.getName();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
IApplication application;
try {
application = domain.createApplication(containerName, cartridge, scale, new GearProfile(options.getGearProfile()), initGitUrl, timeout, userEnvVars);
} catch (OpenShiftTimeoutException e) {
long t1;
do {
application = domain.getApplicationByName(containerName);
if (application != null) {
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
} while (t1 - t0 < TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
}"Created application " + containerName);
// now lets add all the embedded cartridges
List<IEmbeddableCartridge> list = new ArrayList<IEmbeddableCartridge>();
for (int idx = 1, size = cartridgeUrls.length; idx < size; idx++) {
String embeddedUrl = cartridgeUrls[idx];"Adding embedded cartridge: " + embeddedUrl);
if (embeddedUrl.startsWith(PREFIX_CARTRIDGE_ID)) {
list.add(new EmbeddableCartridge(embeddedUrl.substring(PREFIX_CARTRIDGE_ID.length())));
} else {
list.add(new EmbeddableCartridge(new URL(embeddedUrl)));
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
String gitUrl = application.getGitUrl();
// in case of OpenShiftTimeoutException, application resource doesn't contain getCreationLog().
// actually this method throws NPE
CreateOpenshiftContainerMetadata metadata = new CreateOpenshiftContainerMetadata(domain.getId(), application.getUUID(), application.getMessages() == null ? "" : application.getCreationLog(), gitUrl);
return metadata;
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Agent method loadResources.
// State support
public static Callable<Map<String, Resource>> loadResources(DownloadManager manager, Map<String, Map<VersionRange, Map<String, String>>> metadata, Set<String> uris) throws MultiException, InterruptedException, MalformedURLException {
final Map<String, Resource> resources = new HashMap<>();
final Downloader downloader = manager.createDownloader();
final MetadataBuilder builder = new MetadataBuilder(metadata);
final DownloadCallback callback = new DownloadCallback() {
public void downloaded(StreamProvider provider) throws Exception {
String uri = provider.getUrl();
Map<String, String> headers = builder.getMetadata(uri, provider.getFile());
Resource resource =, headers);
synchronized (resources) {
resources.put(uri, resource);
for (String uri : uris) {, callback);
return new Callable<Map<String, Resource>>() {
public Map<String, Resource> call() throws Exception {
return resources;
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Deployer method logDeployment.
protected void logDeployment(Deployer.Deployment overallDeployment, int verbose) {
if (overallDeployment.regions.isEmpty()) {
print("No deployment change.", verbose);
print("Changes to perform:", verbose);
for (Map.Entry<String, RegionDeployment> region : overallDeployment.regions.entrySet()) {
Deployer.RegionDeployment deployment = region.getValue();
print(" Region: " + region.getKey(), verbose);
if (!deployment.toDelete.isEmpty()) {
print(" Bundles to uninstall:", verbose);
for (Bundle bundle : deployment.toDelete) {
print(" " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), verbose);
if (!deployment.toUpdate.isEmpty()) {
print(" Bundles to update:", verbose);
for (Map.Entry<Bundle, Resource> entry : deployment.toUpdate.entrySet()) {
print(" " + entry.getKey().getSymbolicName() + " / " + entry.getKey().getVersion() + " with " + getUri(entry.getValue()), verbose);
if (!deployment.toInstall.isEmpty()) {
print(" Bundles to install:", verbose);
for (Resource resource : deployment.toInstall) {
print(" " + getUri(resource), verbose);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.Resource in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Deployer method computeDeployment.
protected Deployment computeDeployment(DeploymentState dstate, DeploymentRequest request, SubsystemResolver resolver) throws IOException {
Deployment result = new Deployment();
Map<String, Set<Resource>> bundlesPerRegions = resolver.getBundlesPerRegions();
// Gather all regions, including old ones and new ones
Set<String> regions = new HashSet<>();
for (String region : regions) {
Deployer.RegionDeployment deployment = new Deployer.RegionDeployment();
// Get the list of bundles currently assigned in the region
Set<Long> managed = dstate.state.managedBundles.get(region);
if (managed == null) {
managed = Collections.emptySet();
// Compute the list of resources to deploy in the region
Set<Resource> bundlesInRegion = bundlesPerRegions.get(region);
List<Resource> toDeploy = bundlesInRegion != null ? new ArrayList<>(bundlesInRegion) : new ArrayList<Resource>();
// as either to ignore or delete
for (long bundleId : managed) {
// Look for the installed bundle
Bundle bundle = dstate.bundles.get(bundleId);
// Bundle has been manually uninstalled ?
if (bundle != null) {
// Look for a matching resource
Resource resource = null;
for (Resource res : toDeploy) {
if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals(getSymbolicName(res)) && bundle.getVersion().equals(getVersion(res))) {
resource = res;
// We found a matching bundle
if (resource != null) {
String uri = getUri(resource);
// and flag it as to update
if (uri != null && isUpdateable(uri)) {
// Always update snapshots
if (Constants.UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS_ALWAYS.equalsIgnoreCase(request.updateSnaphots)) {
LOGGER.debug("Update snapshot for " + bundle.getLocation());
deployment.toUpdate.put(bundle, resource);
} else if (Constants.UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS_CRC.equalsIgnoreCase(request.updateSnaphots)) {
// if the checksum are different
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = getBundleInputStream(resource, resolver.getProviders());
Long bpNewCrc = null;
try {
URI resourceURI = new URI(uri);
if ("blueprint".equals(resourceURI.getScheme())) {
InputStream bis = getBlueprintInputStream(is);
// original stream is closed in either case
if (bis != null) {
bpNewCrc = ChecksumUtils.checksum(bis);
is = bis;
} else {
// rewind FileInputStream, because we failed to read blueprint
// descriptor
is = getBundleInputStream(resource, resolver.getProviders());
} catch (URISyntaxException ignored) {
long newCrc = bpNewCrc != null ? bpNewCrc : ChecksumUtils.checksum(is);
long oldCrc = dstate.state.bundleChecksums.containsKey(bundle.getBundleId()) ? dstate.state.bundleChecksums.get(bundle.getBundleId()) : 0L;
if (newCrc != oldCrc) {
LOGGER.debug("New snapshot available for " + bundle.getLocation());
deployment.toUpdate.put(bundle, resource);
result.bundleChecksums.put(bundle.getBundleId(), newCrc);
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
// We're done for this resource
result.resToBnd.put(resource, bundle);
// There's no matching resource
// If the bundle is managed, we need to delete it
} else if (managed.contains(bundle.getBundleId())) {
// Second pass on remaining resources
for (Resource resource : toDeploy) {
TreeMap<Version, Bundle> matching = new TreeMap<>();
VersionRange range = new VersionRange(Macro.transform(request.bundleUpdateRange, getVersion(resource).toString()));
for (Bundle bundle : deployment.toDelete) {
if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals(getSymbolicName(resource)) && range.contains(bundle.getVersion())) {
matching.put(bundle.getVersion(), bundle);
if (!matching.isEmpty()) {
Bundle bundle = matching.lastEntry().getValue();
deployment.toUpdate.put(bundle, resource);
result.resToBnd.put(resource, bundle);
} else {
Collections.sort(deployment.toInstall, new ResourceComparator());
// Add this region if there is something to do
if (!deployment.toDelete.isEmpty() || !deployment.toUpdate.isEmpty() || !deployment.toInstall.isEmpty()) {
result.regions.put(region, deployment);
return result;