use of io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Project in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class KubernetesHelper method findKubernetesResourcesOnClasspath.
* Returns the kubernetes resources on the classpath of the current project
public static List<HasMetadata> findKubernetesResourcesOnClasspath(Controller controller) throws IOException {
String resourceName = "kubernetes.yml";
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = controller.getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.IMAGE) && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.ROUTE)) {
resourceName = "openshift.yml";
URL configUrl = findConfigResource("/META-INF/fabric8/" + resourceName);
if (configUrl == null) {
configUrl = findConfigResource("kubernetes.json");
if (configUrl != null) {
String configText = IOHelpers.loadFully(configUrl);
Object dto = null;
String configPath = configUrl.getPath();
if (configPath.endsWith(".yml") || configPath.endsWith(".yaml")) {
dto = loadYaml(configText, KubernetesResource.class);
} else {
dto = loadJson(configText);
KubernetesList kubeList = KubernetesHelper.asKubernetesList(dto);
List<HasMetadata> items = kubeList.getItems();
return items;
} else {
return new ArrayList<>();
use of io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Project in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class DevOpsConnector method execute.
* For a given project this operation will try to update the associated DevOps resources
* @throws Exception
public void execute() throws Exception {
KubernetesClient kubernetes = getKubernetes();
String name = projectName;
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(name)) {
if (projectConfig != null) {
name = projectConfig.getBuildName();
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(name)) {
name = jenkinsJob;
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(name)) {
name = ProjectRepositories.createBuildName(username, repoName);
if (projectConfig != null) {
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(projectName)) {
projectName = name;
Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<>();
labels.put("user", username);
labels.put("repo", repoName);
getLog().info("build name " + name);
taiga = null;
taigaProject = null;
try {
taiga = createTaiga();
taigaProject = createTaigaProject(taiga);
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().error("Failed to load or lazily create the Taiga project: " + e, e);
getLog().info("taiga " + taiga);
LetsChatClient letschat = null;
try {
letschat = createLetsChat();
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().error("Failed to load or lazily create the LetsChat client: " + e, e);
getLog().info("letschat " + letschat);
* Create Gerrit Git to if isGerritReview is enabled
if (projectConfig != null && projectConfig.hasCodeReview()) {
try {
createGerritRepo(repoName, gerritUser, gerritPwd, gerritGitInitialCommit, gerritGitRepoDesription);
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().error("Failed to create GerritGit repo : " + e, e);
Map<String, String> annotations = new HashMap<>();
jenkinsJobUrl = null;
String jenkinsUrl = null;
try {
jenkinsUrl = getJenkinsServiceUrl(true);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(jenkinsUrl)) {
if (Strings.isNotBlank(jenkinsMonitorView)) {
String url = URLUtils.pathJoin(jenkinsUrl, "/view", jenkinsMonitorView);
annotationLink(annotations, "", url, "Monitor");
if (Strings.isNotBlank(jenkinsPipelineView)) {
String url = URLUtils.pathJoin(jenkinsUrl, "/view", jenkinsPipelineView);
annotationLink(annotations, "", url, "Pipeline");
if (Strings.isNotBlank(name)) {
jenkinsJobUrl = URLUtils.pathJoin(jenkinsUrl, "/job", name);
annotationLink(annotations, "", jenkinsJobUrl, "Job");
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().warn("Could not find the Jenkins URL!: " + e, e);
getLog().info("jenkins " + jenkinsUrl);
if (!annotationLink(annotations, "", issueTrackerUrl, issueTrackerLabel)) {
String taigaLink = getProjectPageLink(taiga, taigaProject, this.taigaProjectLinkPage);
annotationLink(annotations, "", taigaLink, taigaProjectLinkLabel);
if (!annotationLink(annotations, "", teamUrl, teamLabel)) {
String taigaTeamLink = getProjectPageLink(taiga, taigaProject, this.taigaTeamLinkPage);
annotationLink(annotations, "", taigaTeamLink, taigaTeamLinkLabel);
annotationLink(annotations, "", releasesUrl, releasesLabel);
String chatRoomLink = getChatRoomLink(letschat);
annotationLink(annotations, "", chatRoomLink, letschatRoomLinkLabel);
annotationLink(annotations, "", repositoryBrowseLink, repositoryBrowseLabel);
ProjectConfigs.defaultEnvironments(projectConfig, namespace);
String consoleUrl = getServiceUrl(ServiceNames.FABRIC8_CONSOLE, namespace, fabric8ConsoleNamespace);
if (projectConfig != null) {
Map<String, String> environments = projectConfig.getEnvironments();
updateEnvironmentConfigMap(environments, kubernetes, annotations, consoleUrl);
addLink("Git", getGitUrl());
Controller controller = createController();
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = controller.getOpenShiftClientOrJenkinshift();
BuildConfig buildConfig = null;
if (openShiftClient != null) {
try {
buildConfig = openShiftClient.buildConfigs().withName(projectName).get();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to load build config for " + namespace + "/" + projectName + ". " + e, e);
}"Loaded build config for " + namespace + "/" + projectName + " " + buildConfig);
// if we have loaded a build config then lets assume its correct!
boolean foundExistingGitUrl = false;
if (buildConfig != null) {
BuildConfigSpec spec = buildConfig.getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
BuildSource source = spec.getSource();
if (source != null) {
GitBuildSource git = source.getGit();
if (git != null) {
gitUrl = git.getUri();"Loaded existing BuildConfig git url: " + gitUrl);
foundExistingGitUrl = true;
LocalObjectReference sourceSecret = source.getSourceSecret();
if (sourceSecret != null) {
gitSourceSecretName = sourceSecret.getName();
if (!foundExistingGitUrl) {
log.warn("Could not find a git url in the loaded BuildConfig: " + buildConfig);
}"Loaded gitSourceSecretName: " + gitSourceSecretName);
}"gitUrl is: " + gitUrl);
if (buildConfig == null) {
buildConfig = new BuildConfig();
ObjectMeta metadata = getOrCreateMetadata(buildConfig);
putAnnotations(metadata, annotations);
Map<String, String> currentAnnotations = metadata.getAnnotations();
if (!currentAnnotations.containsKey(Annotations.Builds.GIT_CLONE_URL)) {
currentAnnotations.put(Annotations.Builds.GIT_CLONE_URL, gitUrl);
String localGitUrl = getLocalGitUrl();
if (!currentAnnotations.containsKey(Annotations.Builds.LOCAL_GIT_CLONE_URL) && Strings.isNotBlank(localGitUrl)) {
currentAnnotations.put(Annotations.Builds.LOCAL_GIT_CLONE_URL, localGitUrl);
// lets switch to the local git URL to avoid DNS issues in forge or jenkins
if (Strings.isNotBlank(localGitUrl)) {
gitUrl = localGitUrl;
Builds.configureDefaultBuildConfig(buildConfig, name, gitUrl, foundExistingGitUrl, buildImageStream, buildImageTag, s2iCustomBuilderImage, secret, jenkinsUrl);
try {
getLog().info("About to apply build config: " + new JSONObject(KubernetesHelper.toJson(buildConfig)).toString(4));
controller.applyBuildConfig(buildConfig, "maven");
getLog().info("Created build configuration for " + name + " in namespace: " + controller.getNamespace() + " at " + kubernetes.getMasterUrl());
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().error("Failed to create BuildConfig for " + KubernetesHelper.toJson(buildConfig) + ". " + e, e);
this.jenkinsJobName = name;
if (isRegisterWebHooks()) {
getLog().info("webhooks done");
if (modifiedConfig) {
if (basedir == null) {
getLog().error("Could not save updated " + ProjectConfigs.FILE_NAME + " due to missing basedir");
} else {
try {
ProjectConfigs.saveToFolder(basedir, projectConfig, true);
getLog().info("Updated " + ProjectConfigs.FILE_NAME);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLog().error("Could not save updated " + ProjectConfigs.FILE_NAME + ": " + e, e);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Project in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class DevOpsConnector method createTaigaWebhook.
protected void createTaigaWebhook(TaigaClient taiga, ProjectDTO project) {
if (taiga != null && project != null) {
Long projectId = project.getId();
ModuleDTO module = taiga.moduleForProject(projectId, TaigaModule.GOGS);
if (module != null) {
String webhookSecret = module.getSecret();
String webhook = taiga.getPublicWebhookUrl(module);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(webhookSecret) && Strings.isNotBlank(webhook)) {
createWebhook(webhook, webhookSecret);
} else {
getLog().warn("Could not create webhook for Taiga. Missing module data for url: " + webhook + " secret: " + webhookSecret);
} else {
getLog().warn("No module for gogs so cannot create Taiga webhook");
use of io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Project in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class SourceMojo method executeInternal.
protected void executeInternal(ServiceHub hub) throws DockerAccessException, MojoExecutionException {
MojoParameters params = createMojoParameters();
List<ImageConfiguration> imageConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
for (ImageConfiguration imageConfig : getResolvedImages()) {
BuildImageConfiguration buildConfig = imageConfig.getBuildConfiguration();
if (buildConfig != null) {
if (buildConfig.skip()) {"%s: Skipped creating source", imageConfig.getDescription());
} else {
if (sourceMode == BuildImageSelectMode.first && imageConfigs.size() > 0) {
ImageConfiguration imageConfig = imageConfigs.get(0);
File dockerTar = hub.getArchiveService().createDockerBuildArchive(imageConfig, params);
projectHelper.attachArtifact(project, getArchiveType(imageConfig), getClassifier(null), dockerTar);
} else {
for (ImageConfiguration imageConfig : imageConfigs) {
File dockerTar = hub.getArchiveService().createDockerBuildArchive(imageConfig, params);
String alias = imageConfig.getAlias();
if (alias == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Image " + imageConfig.getDescription() + " must have an 'alias' configured to be " + "used as a classifier for attaching a docker build tar as source to the maven build");
projectHelper.attachArtifact(project, getArchiveType(imageConfig), getClassifier(alias), dockerTar);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.api.model.Project in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class StartMojo method exposeContainerProps.
// Expose ports as project properties
private void exposeContainerProps(QueryService queryService, StartedContainer startedContainer) throws DockerAccessException {
String propKey = getExposedPropertyKeyPart(startedContainer.imageConfig);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(exposeContainerProps) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propKey)) {
Container container = queryService.getMandatoryContainer(startedContainer.containerId);
Properties props = project.getProperties();
String prefix = addDot(exposeContainerProps) + addDot(propKey);
props.put(prefix + "id", startedContainer.containerId);
String ip = container.getIPAddress();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ip)) {
props.put(prefix + "ip", ip);
Map<String, String> nets = container.getCustomNetworkIpAddresses();
if (nets != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nets.entrySet()) {
props.put(prefix + addDot("net") + addDot(entry.getKey()) + "ip", entry.getValue());