use of io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method applyBuildConfig.
public void applyBuildConfig(BuildConfig entity, String sourceName) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrJenkinshift();
if (openShiftClient != null) {
String id = getName(entity);
Objects.notNull(id, "No name for " + entity + " " + sourceName);
String namespace = KubernetesHelper.getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(namespace)) {
namespace = getNamespace();
BuildConfig old = openShiftClient.buildConfigs().inNamespace(namespace).withName(id).get();
if (isRunning(old)) {
if (UserConfigurationCompare.configEqual(entity, old)) {"BuildConfig has not changed so not doing anything");
} else {
if (isRecreateMode()) {"Deleting BuildConfig: " + id);
doCreateBuildConfig(entity, namespace, sourceName);
} else {"Updating BuildConfig from " + sourceName);
try {
String resourceVersion = KubernetesHelper.getResourceVersion(old);
ObjectMeta metadata = KubernetesHelper.getOrCreateMetadata(entity);
Object answer = openShiftClient.buildConfigs().inNamespace(namespace).withName(id).replace(entity);
logGeneratedEntity("Updated BuildConfig: ", namespace, entity, answer);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to update BuildConfig from " + sourceName + ". " + e + ". " + entity, e);
} else {
if (!isAllowCreate()) {
LOG.warn("Creation disabled so not creating BuildConfig from " + sourceName + " namespace " + namespace + " name " + getName(entity));
} else {
doCreateBuildConfig(entity, namespace, sourceName);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method doCreateTemplate.
protected void doCreateTemplate(Template entity, String namespace, String sourceName) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.TEMPLATE)) {"Creating a Template from " + sourceName + " namespace " + namespace + " name " + getName(entity));
try {
Object answer = openShiftClient.templates().inNamespace(namespace).create(entity);
logGeneratedEntity("Created Template: ", namespace, entity, answer);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to Template entity from " + sourceName + ". " + e + ". " + entity, e);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method installTemplate.
* Installs the template into the namespace without processing it
public void installTemplate(Template entity, String sourceName) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient == null || !openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.TEMPLATE)) {
// lets not install the template on Kubernetes!
if (!isProcessTemplatesLocally()) {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String id = getName(entity);
Objects.notNull(id, "No name for " + entity + " " + sourceName);
Template old = openShiftClient.templates().inNamespace(namespace).withName(id).get();
if (isRunning(old)) {
if (UserConfigurationCompare.configEqual(entity, old)) {"Template has not changed so not doing anything");
} else {
boolean recreateMode = isRecreateMode();
// TODO seems you can't update templates right now
recreateMode = true;
if (recreateMode) {
doCreateTemplate(entity, namespace, sourceName);
} else {"Updating a Template from " + sourceName);
try {
Object answer = openShiftClient.templates().inNamespace(namespace).withName(id).replace(entity);"Updated Template: " + answer);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to update Template from " + sourceName + ". " + e + ". " + entity, e);
} else {
if (!isAllowCreate()) {
LOG.warn("Creation disabled so not creating a Template from " + sourceName + " namespace " + namespace + " name " + getName(entity));
} else {
doCreateTemplate(entity, namespace, sourceName);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class DeleteBuildConfig method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println("Usage nameOfBuildConfig");
try {
String name = args[0];
System.out.println("Deleting BuildConfig: " + name);
KubernetesClient kube = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
String namespace = kube.getNamespace();
System.out.println("Using namespace: " + namespace);
Controller controller = new Controller(kube);
OpenShiftClient openshift = controller.getOpenShiftClientOrJenkinshift();
if (openshift == null) {
System.err.println("Cannot connect to OpenShift or Jenkinshift!");
BuildConfig buildConfig = openshift.buildConfigs().withName(name).get();
if (buildConfig != null) {
System.out.println("Managed to load BuildConfig with resourceVersion " + KubernetesHelper.getResourceVersion(buildConfig));
} else {
System.err.println("Could not find BuildConfig called: " + name);
Boolean result = openshift.buildConfigs().withName(name).delete();
System.out.println("Deleted BuildConfig with name " + name + " result: " + result);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("FAILED: " + e);
use of io.fabric8.openshift.client.OpenShiftClient in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class SessionListener method start.
public void start(@Observes final Start event, KubernetesClient client, Controller controller, Configuration configuration) throws Exception {
Objects.requireNonNull(client, "KubernetesClient most not be null!");
Session session = event.getSession();
final Logger log = session.getLogger();
String namespace = session.getNamespace();
System.setProperty(Constants.KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE, namespace);
log.status("Using Kubernetes at: " + client.getMasterUrl());
log.status("Creating kubernetes resources inside namespace: " + namespace);"if you use OpenShift then type this switch namespaces: oc project " + namespace);"if you use kubernetes then type this to switch namespaces: kubectl namespace " + namespace);
if (configuration.isCreateNamespaceForTest()) {
createNamespace(client, controller, session);
} else {
String namespaceToUse = configuration.getNamespace();
checkNamespace(client, controller, session, configuration);
updateConfigMapStatus(client, session, Constants.RUNNING_STATUS);
namespace = namespaceToUse;
List<KubernetesList> kubeConfigs = new LinkedList<>();
shutdownHook = new ShutdownHook(client, controller, configuration, session, kubeConfigs);
try {
URL configUrl = configuration.getEnvironmentConfigUrl();
List<String> dependencies = !configuration.getEnvironmentDependencies().isEmpty() ? configuration.getEnvironmentDependencies() : resolver.resolve(session);
if (configuration.isEnvironmentInitEnabled()) {
for (String dependency : dependencies) {"Found dependency: " + dependency);
loadDependency(log, kubeConfigs, dependency, controller, configuration, namespace);
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = controller.getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (configUrl == null) {
// lets try find the default configuration generated by the new fabric8-maven-plugin
String resourceName = "kubernetes.yml";
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.IMAGE) && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.ROUTE)) {
resourceName = "openshift.yml";
configUrl = findConfigResource("/META-INF/fabric8/" + resourceName);
if (configUrl != null) {
log.status("Applying kubernetes configuration from: " + configUrl);
String configText = readAsString(configUrl);
Object dto = null;
String configPath = configUrl.getPath();
if (configPath.endsWith(".yml") || configPath.endsWith(".yaml")) {
dto = loadYaml(configText, KubernetesResource.class);
} else {
dto = loadJson(configText);
dto = expandTemplate(controller, configuration, log, namespace, configUrl.toString(), dto);
KubernetesList kubeList = KubernetesHelper.asKubernetesList(dto);
List<HasMetadata> items = kubeList.getItems();
// Lets also try to load the image stream for the project.
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.IMAGE)) {
File targetDir = new File(System.getProperty("basedir", ".") + "/target");
if (targetDir.exists() && targetDir.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = targetDir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().endsWith("-is.yml")) {
loadDependency(log, kubeConfigs, file.toURI().toURL().toString(), controller, configuration, namespace);
if (!configuration.isEnvironmentInitEnabled() || applyConfiguration(client, controller, configuration, session, kubeConfigs)) {
displaySessionStatus(client, session);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to apply kubernetes configuration.");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
cleanupSession(client, controller, configuration, session, kubeConfigs, Constants.ERROR_STATUS);
} catch (MultiException me) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (shutdownHook != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);