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Example 16 with BundleUpdate

use of in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class GitPatchManagementServiceIT method installNonRollupPatchWithUberJars.

public void installNonRollupPatchWithUberJars() throws IOException, GitAPIException {
    GitPatchRepository repository = patchManagement("baseline4");
    PatchManagement management = (PatchManagement) pm;
    Git fork = repository.cloneRepository(repository.findOrCreateMainGitRepository(), true);
    // no changes, but commit
    ((GitPatchManagementServiceImpl) pm).applyUserChanges(fork);
    repository.prepareCommit(fork, "artificial change, not treated as user change (could be a patch)").call();
    repository.closeRepository(fork, true);
    preparePatchZip("src/test/resources/content/patch8", "target/karaf/patches/source/", false);
    List<PatchData> patches = management.fetchPatches(new File("target/karaf/patches/source/").toURI().toURL());
    Patch patch = management.trackPatch(patches.get(0));
    String tx = management.beginInstallation(PatchKind.NON_ROLLUP);
         * bundle.0 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-romana/1.0.1
         * bundle.1 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-hellenica/1.0.1/jar
         * # for these two, bundle.getLocation() will return non-matching location
         * bundle.2 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-bohemia/1.0.1
         * bundle.3 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-pomerania/1.0.1/jar
         * # for these two, bundle.getLocation() will return matching location
         * bundle.4 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-avaria/1.0.1/jar/uber
         * bundle.5 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-mazovia/1.0.1//uber
         * # for these two, bundle.getLocation() will return non-matching location
         * bundle.6 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-novgorod/1.0.1/jar/uber
         * bundle.7 = mvn:io.fabric8/pax-castile/1.0.1//uber
    LinkedList<BundleUpdate> bundleUpdatesInThisPatch = new LinkedList<>();
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-romana", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-romana/1.0.1", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-romana/1.0.0"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-hellenica", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-hellenica/1.0.1/jar", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-hellenica/1.0.0/jar"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-bohemia", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-bohemia/1.0.1", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-bohemia/1.0.0/jar"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-pomerania", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-pomerania/1.0.1/jar", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-pomerania/1.0.0"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-avaria", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-avaria/1.0.1/jar/uber", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-avaria/1.0.0/jar/uber"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-mazovia", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-mazovia/1.0.1//uber", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-mazovia/1.0.0//uber"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-novgorod", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-novgorod/1.0.1/jar/uber", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-novgorod/1.0.0//uber"));
    bundleUpdatesInThisPatch.add(new BundleUpdate("pax-castile", "1.0.1", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-castile/1.0.1//uber", "1.0.0", "mvn:io.fabric8/pax-castile/1.0.0/jar/uber"));
    management.install(tx, patch, bundleUpdatesInThisPatch);
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Git> transactions = (Map<String, Git>) getField(management, "pendingTransactions");
    assertThat(transactions.size(), equalTo(1));
    fork = transactions.values().iterator().next();
    ObjectId since = fork.getRepository().resolve("baseline-6.2.0^{commit}");
    ObjectId to = fork.getRepository().resolve(tx);
    Iterable<RevCommit> commits = fork.log().addRange(since, to).call();
    List<String> commitList = Arrays.asList("[PATCH] Installing patch my-patch-8", "artificial change, not treated as user change (could be a patch)", "[PATCH] Apply user changes");
    int n = 0;
    for (RevCommit c : commits) {
        String msg = c.getShortMessage();
        assertThat(msg, equalTo(commitList.get(n++)));
    assertThat(n, equalTo(commitList.size()));
    assertThat(fork.tagList().call().size(), equalTo(3));
    assertTrue(repository.containsTag(fork, "patch-management"));
    assertTrue(repository.containsTag(fork, "baseline-6.2.0"));
    assertTrue(repository.containsTag(fork, "patch-my-patch-8"));
    Properties startup = new Properties();
    try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(new File(fork.getRepository().getWorkTree(), "etc/"))) {
Also used : ObjectId(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId) GitPatchRepository( Properties(java.util.Properties) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Git(org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git) GitPatchManagementServiceImpl( FileReader( File( Map(java.util.Map) RevCommit(org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with BundleUpdate

use of in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricPatchServiceImpl method install.

public PatchResult install(final Patch patch, boolean simulation, final String versionId, boolean upload, final String username, final String password, final ProfileUpdateStrategy strategy) throws IOException {
    // we start from the same state as in standalone mode - after successful patch:add
    // we have other things to do in fabric env however:
    // 1. check prerequisites
    // 2. we don't care about current state of framework - it'll be managed by fabric-agent and we don't
    // necessary install a patch for this container we're in
    // 3. we don't do patchManagement.beginInstallation / patchManagement.commitInstallation here
    // this will be done later - after updated fabric-agent is started
    // 4. we don't have to analyze bundles/features/repositories updates - these will be handled simply by
    // updating profiles in specified version
    PatchKind kind = patch.getPatchData().isRollupPatch() ? PatchKind.ROLLUP : PatchKind.NON_ROLLUP;
    if (kind == PatchKind.NON_ROLLUP) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("patch:fabric-install should be used for Rollup patches only");
    String currentContainersVersionId = fabricService.getCurrentContainer().getVersionId();
    if (!simulation && versionId.equals(currentContainersVersionId)) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't install Rollup patch in current version. Please install" + " this patch in new version and then upgrade existing container(s)");
    // just a list of new bundle locations - in fabric the updatable version depends on the moment we
    // apply the new version to existing containers.
    List<BundleUpdate> bundleUpdatesInThisPatch = bundleUpdatesInPatch(patch);
    Presentation.displayBundleUpdates(bundleUpdatesInThisPatch, true);
    PatchResult result = new PatchResult(patch.getPatchData(), simulation, System.currentTimeMillis(), bundleUpdatesInThisPatch, null);
    if (!simulation) {
        // update profile definitions stored in Git. We don't update ${karaf.home}/fabric, becuase it is used
        // only once - when importing profiles during fabric:create.
        // when fabric is already available, we have to update (Git) repository information
        GitOperation operation = new GitOperation() {

            public Object call(Git git, GitContext context) throws Exception {
                // we can't pass git reference to patch-management
                // because patch-management private-packages git library
                // but we can leverage the write lock we have
                GitHelpers.checkoutBranch(git, versionId);
                // let's get back in history to the point before user changes (profile-edits), but not earlier
                // than last R patch
                String patchBranch = patchManagement.findLatestPatchRevision(git.getRepository().getDirectory(), versionId);
                // now install profiles from patch just like there were no user changes
                patchManagement.installProfiles(git.getRepository().getDirectory(), versionId, patch, strategy);
                // and finally we have to merge user and patch changes to profiles.
                patchManagement.mergeProfileChanges(patch, git.getRepository().getDirectory(), versionId, patchBranch);
                context.commitMessage("Installing rollup patch \"" + patch.getPatchData().getId() + "\"");
                return null;
        gitDataStore.gitOperation(new GitContext().requireCommit().setRequirePush(true), operation, null);
        if (upload) {
            PatchManagement.UploadCallback callback = new PatchManagement.UploadCallback() {

                public void doWithUrlConnection(URLConnection connection) throws ProtocolException {
                    if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
                        ((HttpURLConnection) connection).setRequestMethod("PUT");
                    if (username != null && password != null) {
                        connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Encoder.encode(username + ":" + password));
            patchManagement.uploadPatchArtifacts(patch.getPatchData(), fabricService.getMavenRepoUploadURI(), callback);
    return result;
Also used : PatchKind( HttpURLConnection( URLConnection( ProfileService(io.fabric8.api.ProfileService) GitOperation(io.fabric8.git.internal.GitOperation) Git(org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git) HttpURLConnection( GitContext(io.fabric8.api.GitContext) PatchManagement( PatchResult( BundleUpdate(

Example 18 with BundleUpdate

use of in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FabricPatchServiceImpl method bundleUpdatesInPatch.

 * Simpler (than in standalone scenario) method of checking what bundles are updated with currently installed
 * {@link PatchKind#ROLLUP rollup patch}.
 * We only care about core bundles updated - all other bundles are handled by fabric agent.
 * @param patch
 * @return
private List<BundleUpdate> bundleUpdatesInPatch(Patch patch) throws IOException {
    List<BundleUpdate> updatesInThisPatch = new LinkedList<>();
    for (String newLocation : patch.getPatchData().getBundles()) {
        // [symbolicName, version] of the new bundle
        String[] symbolicNameVersion = helper.getBundleIdentity(newLocation);
        if (symbolicNameVersion == null || symbolicNameVersion[0] == null) {
        String sn = stripSymbolicName(symbolicNameVersion[0]);
        String vr = symbolicNameVersion[1];
        Version newVersion = VersionTable.getVersion(vr);
        BundleUpdate update = new BundleUpdate(sn, newVersion.toString(), newLocation, null, null);
    return updatesInThisPatch;
Also used : Version(org.osgi.framework.Version) BundleUpdate( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 19 with BundleUpdate

use of in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class PatchActionSupport method display.

protected void display(PatchResult result) {
    int l1 = "[name]".length(), l2 = "[old]".length(), l3 = "[new]".length();
    for (BundleUpdate update : result.getBundleUpdates()) {
        if (update.getSymbolicName() != null && stripSymbolicName(update.getSymbolicName()).length() > l1) {
            l1 = stripSymbolicName(update.getSymbolicName()).length();
        if (update.getPreviousVersion().length() > l2) {
            l2 = update.getPreviousVersion().length();
        if (update.getNewVersion().length() > l3) {
            l3 = update.getNewVersion().length();
    System.out.println(String.format("%-" + l1 + "s   %-" + l2 + "s   %-" + l3 + "s", "[name]", "[old]", "[new]"));
    java.util.List<BundleUpdate> updates = new ArrayList<>(result.getBundleUpdates());
    Collections.sort(updates, new Comparator<BundleUpdate>() {

        public int compare(BundleUpdate o1, BundleUpdate o2) {
            return o1.getSymbolicName().compareTo(o2.getSymbolicName());
    for (BundleUpdate update : updates) {
        System.out.println(String.format("%-" + l1 + "s | %-" + l2 + "s | %-" + l3 + "s", update.getSymbolicName() == null ? "" : stripSymbolicName(update.getSymbolicName()), update.getPreviousVersion(), update.getNewVersion()));
Also used : java.util(java.util) BundleUpdate(


BundleUpdate ( File ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)11 Test (org.junit.Test)9 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 PatchResult ( Bundle (org.osgi.framework.Bundle)6 IOException ( Git (org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git)5 Patch ( PatchData ( PatchException ( GitPatchManagementServiceImpl ( Map (java.util.Map)4 Properties (java.util.Properties)4 FeatureUpdate ( GitPatchRepository ( URISyntaxException ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 Artifact (