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Example 36 with HongsExemption

use of io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class ActionHelper method setCookibute.

 * 设置跟踪参数
 * 注意: 此方法总是操作真实 Cookie
 * @param name
 * @param value
 * @param life 生命周期(秒)
 * @param path 路径
 * @param host 域名
 * @param httpOnly 文档内禁读取
 * @param secuOnly 使用安全连接
public void setCookibute(String name, String value, int life, String path, String host, boolean httpOnly, boolean secuOnly) {
    if (value != null) {
        try {
            value = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new HongsExemption(e);
    Cookie ce = new Cookie(name, value);
    if (path != null) {
    if (host != null) {
    if (life >= 0) {
    if (secuOnly) {
    if (httpOnly) {
Also used : Cookie(javax.servlet.http.Cookie) UnsupportedEncodingException( HongsExemption(io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption)

Example 37 with HongsExemption

use of io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class ActionHelper method clone.

 * 克隆方法
 * 用于使用 ActionRunner 时快速构建请求对象,
 * 可用以上 setXxxxxData 在克隆之后设置参数.
 * @return
public ActionHelper clone() {
    ActionHelper helper;
    try {
        helper = (ActionHelper) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(e);
    helper.responseData = null;
    return helper;
Also used : HongsExemption(io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption)

Example 38 with HongsExemption

use of io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class ActionHelper method getRequestPart.

 * 解析 multipart/form-map 数据, 处理上传
 * @return
final Map getRequestPart() {
    CoreConfig conf = CoreConfig.getInstance();
    String x;
    Set<String> allowTypes = null;
    x = conf.getProperty("fore.upload.allow.types", null);
    if (x != null) {
        allowTypes = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(x.split(",")));
    Set<String> denyTypes = null;
    x = conf.getProperty("fore.upload.deny.types", null);
    if (x != null) {
        denyTypes = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(x.split(",")));
    Set<String> allowExtns = null;
    x = conf.getProperty("fore.upload.allow.extns", null);
    if (x != null) {
        allowExtns = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(x.split(",")));
    Set<String> denyExtns = null;
    x = conf.getProperty("fore.upload.deny.extns", null);
    if (x != null) {
        denyExtns = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(x.split(",")));
    try {
        Map rd = new HashMap();
        Map ud = new HashMap();
        for (Part part : request.getParts()) {
            long size = part.getSize();
            String name = part.getName();
            String type = part.getContentType();
            String extn = part.getSubmittedFileName();
            // 无类型的普通参数已在外部处理
            if (name == null || type == null || extn == null) {
            // 在修改的操作中表示将其置为空
            if (size == 0) {
                if (null == request.getParameter(name)) {
                    Dict.setParam(rd, null, name);
            // 检查类型
            int pos = type.indexOf(',');
            if (pos != -1) {
                type = type.substring(0, pos);
            if (allowTypes != null && !allowTypes.contains(type)) {
                throw new HongsExemption(400, "File type '" + type + "' is not allowed");
            if (denyTypes != null && denyTypes.contains(type)) {
                throw new HongsExemption(400, "File type '" + type + "' is denied");
            // 检查扩展
            pos = extn.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (pos != -1) {
                extn = extn.substring(1 + pos);
            } else {
                extn = "";
            if (allowExtns != null && !allowExtns.contains(extn)) {
                throw new HongsExemption(400, "Extension '" + extn + "' is not allowed");
            if (denyExtns != null && denyExtns.contains(extn)) {
                throw new HongsExemption(400, "Extension '" + extn + "' is denied");
             * 临时存储文件
             * 不再需要暂存
             * 可以直接利用 Part 继续向下传递
            String id = Core.getUniqueId();
            String temp = path + File.separator + id + ".tmp";
            String tenp = path + File.separator + id + ".tnp";
            subn = subn.replaceAll("[\\r\\n\\\\/]", ""); // 清理非法字符: 换行和路径分隔符
            subn = subn + "\r\n" + type + "\r\n" + size; // 拼接存储信息: 名称和类型及大小
            try (
                InputStream      xmin = part.getInputStream();
                FileOutputStream mout = new FileOutputStream(temp);
                FileOutputStream nout = new FileOutputStream(tenp);
            ) {
                byte[] nts = subn.getBytes("UTF-8");
                byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                int    cnt ;
                while((cnt = != -1) {
                    mout.write(buf, 0, cnt);
            Dict.setParam( rd , id , name );
            Dict.setValue(ud, part, name, null);
            Dict.setParam(rd, part, name);
        // 记录在应用里以便有需要时候还可读取原始值
        setAttribute(Cnst.UPLOAD_ATTR, ud);
        return rd;
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        // 上传受限, 如大小超标
        throw new HongsExemption(400, e);
    } catch (ServletException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(1113, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(1113, e);
Also used : CoreConfig(io.github.ihongs.CoreConfig) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HongsExemption(io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption) IOException( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) Part(javax.servlet.http.Part) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 39 with HongsExemption

use of io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class ActionHelper method ensue.

 * 转入目标
 * @param sc 301,302 等
 * @param url
public void ensue(int sc, String url) {
    url = ActionDriver.fixUrl(url);
    try {
         * 30X *
        this.response.setHeader("Location", url);
        this.responseData = null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(1110, "Can not send to client.", e);
Also used : HongsExemption(io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption) IOException(

Example 40 with HongsExemption

use of io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class UploadHelper method getDigestName.

private String getDigestName(File file) {
    if (digestType == null) {
        return Core.newIdentity();
    // 摘要计算
    byte[] a;
    long l = file.length();
    try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
        FileChannel fc = in.getChannel()) {
        MappedByteBuffer bb =, 0, l);
        MessageDigest m;
        m = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestType);
        a = m.digest();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(1120, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HongsExemption(1121, e);
    // 转为 16 进制
    int i = 0;
    int j = a.length;
    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(2 * j);
    for (; i < j; i++) {
        byte b = a[i];
        char y = DIGITS[b & 0xf];
        char x = DIGITS[b >>> 4 & 0xf];
    return s.toString();
Also used : FileChannel(java.nio.channels.FileChannel) HongsExemption(io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption) NoSuchAlgorithmException( IOException( FileInputStream( MappedByteBuffer(java.nio.MappedByteBuffer) MessageDigest(


HongsExemption (io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption)44 HongsException (io.github.ihongs.HongsException)15 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 Map (java.util.Map)9 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)7 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Core (io.github.ihongs.Core)5 ActionHelper (io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper)5 UnsupportedEncodingException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 File ( List (java.util.List)4 CoreConfig (io.github.ihongs.CoreConfig)3 FileInputStream ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)3 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)3 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)3