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Example 11 with ActionHelper

use of io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class Dept method permit.

protected void permit(String id, Map data) throws HongsException {
    String pid = null;
    if (data != null) {
        // 上级部门
        pid = (String) data.get("pid");
        if (pid == null || pid.equals("")) {
            pid = null;
        // 权限限制, 仅能赋予当前登录用户所有的权限
        if (data.containsKey("roles")) {
            data.put("rtime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            List list = Synt.asList(data.get("roles"));
            AuthKit.cleanDeptRoles(list, id);
            // if ( list.isEmpty() ) {
            // throw new HongsException(400)
            // .setLocalizedContent("master.user.dept.error")
            // .setLocalizedContext("master");
            // }
            data.put("roles", list);
    } else {
        List list;
        Table tablx = db.getTable("dept_user");
        // 删除限制, 如果部门下有部门则中止当前操作
        list = table.fetchCase().filter("pid = ? AND state > ?", id, 0).limit(1).getAll();
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            throw new HongsException(400).setLocalizedContent("master.dept.have.depts").setLocalizedContext("master");
        // 删除限制, 如果部门下有用户则中止当前操作
        list = tablx.fetchCase().filter("dept_id = ?", id).limit(1).getAll();
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            throw new HongsException(400).setLocalizedContent("master.dept.have.users").setLocalizedContext("master");
    if (id == null && pid == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("id and pid cannot be all null");
    if (id != null || pid != null) {
        // 超级管理员可操作任何部门
        ActionHelper helper = Core.getInstance(ActionHelper.class);
        String uid = (String) helper.getSessibute(Cnst.UID_SES);
        if (Cnst.ADM_UID.equals(uid)) {
        // 超级管理组可操作任何部门
        // 但禁止操作顶级部门
        Set cur = AuthKit.getUserDepts(uid);
        if (cur.contains(Cnst.ADM_GID) && !Cnst.ADM_GID.equals(id)) {
        // 仅可以操作下级部门
        for (Object gid : cur) {
            Set cld = new HashSet(this.getChildIds((String) gid, true));
            if (null != pid && (gid.equals(pid) || cld.contains(pid))) {
            if (null != id && cld.contains(id)) {
        throw new HongsException(400).setLocalizedContent("master.dept.unit.error").setLocalizedContext("master");
Also used : Table(io.github.ihongs.db.Table) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HongsException(io.github.ihongs.HongsException) ActionHelper(io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 12 with ActionHelper

use of io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class Dept method filter.

protected void filter(FetchCase caze, Map req) throws HongsException {
     * 非超级管理员或在超级管理组
     * 限制查询为当前管辖范围以内
    if (Synt.declare(req.get("bind-scope"), false)) {
        ActionHelper helper = Core.getInstance(ActionHelper.class);
        String mid = (String) helper.getSessibute(Cnst.UID_SES);
        String pid = Synt.declare(req.get("pid"), "");
        if (!Cnst.ADM_UID.equals(mid)) {
            Set set = AuthKit.getUserDepts(mid);
            if (!set.contains(Cnst.ADM_GID)) {
                if ("0".equals(pid)) {
                    set = AuthKit.getLessDepts(set);
                    req.put("id", set);
                } else {
                    set = AuthKit.getMoreDepts(set);
                    if (// 有则不必限制
                        req.put("id", set);
            } else
                caze.setOption("SCOPE", 2);
        } else
            caze.setOption("SCOPE", 1);
     * 如果有指定 user_id
     * 则关联 a_master_dept_user 来约束范围
     * 当其为横杠时表示取那些没有关联的部门
    Object uid = req.get("user_id");
    if (null != uid && !"".equals(uid)) {
        if ("-".equals(uid)) {
            caze.gotJoin("users").from("a_master_dept_user").by(FetchCase.INNER).on("`users`.`dept_id` = `dept`.`id`").filter("`users`.`user_id` IS NULL");
        } else {
            caze.gotJoin("users").from("a_master_dept_user").by(FetchCase.INNER).on("`users`.`dept_id` = `dept`.`id`").filter("`users`.`user_id` IN (?)", uid);
    super.filter(caze, req);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ActionHelper(io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper)

Example 13 with ActionHelper

use of io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class User method filter.

protected void filter(FetchCase caze, Map req) throws HongsException {
     * 非超级管理员或在超级管理组
     * 限制查询为当前管辖范围以内
    if (Synt.declare(req.get("bind-scope"), false)) {
        ActionHelper helper = Core.getInstance(ActionHelper.class);
        String mid = (String) helper.getSessibute(Cnst.UID_SES);
        String pid = Synt.declare(req.get("dept_id"), "");
        if (!Cnst.ADM_UID.equals(mid)) {
            Set set = AuthKit.getUserDepts(mid);
            if (!set.contains(Cnst.ADM_GID)) {
                set = AuthKit.getMoreDepts(set);
                if (!set.contains(pid)) {
                    // 去重复
                    caze.gotJoin("depts").from("a_master_dept_user").by(FetchCase.INNER).on("`depts`.`user_id` = `user`.`id`").filter("`depts`.`dept_id` IN (?)", set);
            } else
                caze.setOption("SCOPE", 2);
        } else
            caze.setOption("SCOPE", 1);
     * 如果有指定 dept_id
     * 则关联 a_master_dept_user 来约束范围
     * 当其为横杠时表示取那些没有关联的用户
    Object pid = req.get("dept_id");
    if (null != pid && !"".equals(pid)) {
        if ("-".equals(pid)) {
            caze.gotJoin("depts").from("a_master_dept_user").by(FetchCase.INNER).on("`depts`.`user_id` = `user`.`id`").filter("`depts`.`dept_id` IS NULL");
        } else {
            caze.gotJoin("depts").from("a_master_dept_user").by(FetchCase.INNER).on("`depts`.`user_id` = `user`.`id`").filter("`depts`.`dept_id` IN (?)", pid);
    super.filter(caze, req);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ActionHelper(io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper)

Example 14 with ActionHelper

use of io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class User method permit.

protected void permit(String id, Map data) throws HongsException {
    if (data != null) {
        // 登录账号, 空串可能导致重复
        if (data.containsKey("username")) {
            String un = Synt.declare(data.get("username"), "");
            if (un.isEmpty()) {
                data.put("username", null);
        // 加密密码, 联动密码更新时间
        if (data.containsKey("password")) {
            String pw = Synt.declare(data.get("password"), "");
            String pc = Core.newIdentity();
            pc = AuthKit.getCrypt(pw + pc);
            pw = AuthKit.getCrypt(pw + pc);
            data.put("password", pw);
            data.put("passcode", pc);
            data.put("ptime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
        // 状态变更, 联动权限更新时间
        if (data.containsKey("state")) {
            data.put("rtime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
        // 权限限制, 仅能赋予当前登录用户所有的权限
        if (data.containsKey("roles")) {
            data.put("rtime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            List list = Synt.asList(data.get("roles"));
            AuthKit.cleanUserRoles(list, id);
            // if ( list.isEmpty() ) {
            // throw new HongsException(400)
            // .setLocalizedContent("master.user.role.error")
            // .setLocalizedContext("master");
            // }
            data.put("roles", list);
        // 部门限制, 仅能指定当前登录用户下属的部门
        if (data.containsKey("depts")) {
            data.put("rtime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
            List list = Synt.asList(data.get("depts"));
            AuthKit.cleanUserDepts(list, id);
            if (list.isEmpty()) {
                throw new HongsException(400).setLocalizedContent("master.user.dept.error").setLocalizedContext("master");
            data.put("depts", list);
    if (id != null) {
        // 超级管理员可操作任何用户
        // 但允许操作自身账号
        ActionHelper helper = Core.getInstance(ActionHelper.class);
        String uid = (String) helper.getSessibute(Cnst.UID_SES);
        if (Cnst.ADM_UID.equals(uid) || id.equals(uid)) {
        // 超级管理组可操作任何用户
        // 但不包含超级管理员
        Set cur = AuthKit.getUserDepts(uid);
        if (cur.contains(Cnst.ADM_GID) && !Cnst.ADM_UID.equals(id)) {
        // 仅可以操作下级用户
        Set tar = AuthKit.getLessDepts(id);
        Dept dept = new Dept();
        for (Object gid : cur) {
            Set cld = new HashSet(dept.getChildIds((String) gid, true));
            if (!cld.isEmpty()) {
        throw new HongsException(400).setLocalizedContent("master.user.unit.error").setLocalizedContext("master");
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HongsException(io.github.ihongs.HongsException) ActionHelper(io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 15 with ActionHelper

use of io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper in project HongsCORE by ihongs.

the class IsFork method verify.

public Object verify(Value watch) throws Wrong {
    // 跳过空值和空串
    Object value = watch.get();
    if (value == null) {
        return STAND;
    if (value.equals("")) {
        return STAND;
    // 也可用 rule 设置其他的校验规则来跳过
    if (Synt.declare(getParam("pass-id"), false)) {
        String sv = value.toString();
        if (sv.matches("^[\\w\\-]+$")) {
            return value;
    String at = (String) getParam("data-at");
    String vk = (String) getParam("data-vk");
    String fk = (String) getParam("__name__");
    String ck = (String) getParam("__conf__");
    String fl = (String) getParam("form");
    String cl = (String) getParam("conf");
    if (cl == null || cl.isEmpty()) {
        cl = ck;
    if (fl == null || fl.isEmpty()) {
        fl = fk.replaceFirst("_id$", "");
    if (at == null || at.isEmpty()) {
        at = cl + "/" + fl + "/search";
    // 请求数据
    Map cd = new HashMap();
    Map rd = new HashMap();
    Set rb = new HashSet();
    Set id = new HashSet();
    rd.put(Cnst.ID_KEY, id);
    rd.put(Cnst.RB_KEY, rb);
    rd.put(Cnst.RN_KEY, 0);
    rd.put(Cnst.PN_KEY, 1);
    // 执行动作
    ActionHelper ah = ActionHelper.newInstance();
    try {
        ActionRunner.newInstance(ah, at).doInvoke();
    } catch (HongsException ex) {
        throw ex.toExemption();
    // 对比结果
    Map sd = ah.getResponseData();
    if (sd != null) {
        Map nf = (Map) sd.get("info");
        if (nf != null && !nf.isEmpty()) {
            return value;
        List ls = (List) sd.get("list");
        if (ls != null && !ls.isEmpty()) {
            return value;
    throw new Wrong("");
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HongsException(io.github.ihongs.HongsException) ActionHelper(io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


ActionHelper (io.github.ihongs.action.ActionHelper)21 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 Set (java.util.Set)8 HongsException (io.github.ihongs.HongsException)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 Core (io.github.ihongs.Core)6 List (java.util.List)5 HongsExemption (io.github.ihongs.HongsExemption)4 Table (io.github.ihongs.db.Table)4 NaviMap (io.github.ihongs.action.NaviMap)3 ActionRunner (io.github.ihongs.action.ActionRunner)2 PrintWriter ( CoreConfig (io.github.ihongs.CoreConfig)1 CoreSerial (io.github.ihongs.CoreSerial)1 FormSet (io.github.ihongs.action.FormSet)1 Action (io.github.ihongs.action.anno.Action)1 Cmdlet (io.github.ihongs.cmdlet.anno.Cmdlet)1 DB (io.github.ihongs.db.DB)1 FetchCase (io.github.ihongs.db.util.FetchCase)1