use of io.grpc.InternalChannelz.SocketStats in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class NettyServerTest method channelzListenSocket.
public void channelzListenSocket() throws Exception {
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(0);
NettyServer ns = new NettyServer(Arrays.asList(addr), new ReflectiveChannelFactory<>(NioServerSocketChannel.class), new HashMap<ChannelOption<?>, Object>(), new HashMap<ChannelOption<?>, Object>(), new FixedObjectPool<>(eventLoop), new FixedObjectPool<>(eventLoop), false, ProtocolNegotiators.plaintext(), Collections.<ServerStreamTracer.Factory>emptyList(), TransportTracer.getDefaultFactory(), // ignore
1, // ignore
false, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
1, // ignore
true, // ignore
0, Attributes.EMPTY, channelz);
final SettableFuture<Void> shutdownCompleted = SettableFuture.create();
ns.start(new ServerListener() {
public ServerTransportListener transportCreated(ServerTransport transport) {
return new NoopServerTransportListener();
public void serverShutdown() {
assertThat(((InetSocketAddress) ns.getListenSocketAddress()).getPort()).isGreaterThan(0);
// SocketStats won't be available until the event loop task of adding SocketStats created by
// ns.start() complete. So submit a noop task and await until it's drained.
eventLoop.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}).await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
InternalInstrumented<SocketStats> listenSocket = ns.getListenSocketStats();
assertSame(listenSocket, channelz.getSocket(id(listenSocket)));
// very basic sanity check of the contents
SocketStats socketStats = listenSocket.getStats().get();
assertEquals(ns.getListenSocketAddress(), socketStats.local);
// by default, there are some socket options set on the listen socket
// Cleanup
// listen socket is removed