use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ServingException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class LocalhostSkLearnServingController method startServingInstance.
* Starts a SkLearn serving instance. Executes the sklearn bash script to launch a Flask server as serving-user
* in the project's anaconda environment. It records the PID of the server for monitoring.
* @param project the project to start the serving in
* @param user the user starting the serving
* @param serving the serving instance to start (flask server)
* @throws ServingException
public void startServingInstance(Project project, Users user, Serving serving) throws ServingException {
String script = settings.getSudoersDir() + "/";
Integer port = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(40000, 59999);
Path secretDir = Paths.get(settings.getStagingDir(), SERVING_DIRS + serving.getLocalDir());
String predictorFilename = serving.getPredictor();
if (serving.getPredictor().contains("/")) {
String[] splits = serving.getPredictor().split("/");
predictorFilename = splits[splits.length - 1];
try {
ProcessDescriptor processDescriptor = new ProcessDescriptor.Builder().addCommand("/usr/bin/sudo").addCommand(script).addCommand("start").addCommand(predictorFilename).addCommand(Paths.get(serving.getPredictor()).toString()).addCommand(String.valueOf(port)).addCommand(secretDir.toString()).addCommand(project.getName() + USER_NAME_DELIMITER + user.getUsername()).addCommand(project.getName().toLowerCase()).addCommand(settings.getAnacondaProjectDir() + "/bin/python").addCommand(certificateMaterializer.getUserTransientKeystorePath(project, user)).addCommand(certificateMaterializer.getUserTransientTruststorePath(project, user)).addCommand(certificateMaterializer.getUserTransientPasswordPath(project, user)).addCommand(serving.getName()).addCommand(projectUtils.getFullDockerImageName(project, false)).setWaitTimeout(2L, TimeUnit.MINUTES).ignoreOutErrStreams(true).build();
logger.log(Level.FINE, processDescriptor.toString());
// Materialized TLS certificates so that user can read from HDFS inside python script
certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesLocal(user.getUsername(), project.getName());
ProcessResult processResult = osProcessExecutor.execute(processDescriptor);
if (processResult.getExitCode() != 0) {
// Startup process failed for some reason
servingFacade.updateDbObject(serving, project);
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERRORINT, Level.WARNING, "Could not start sklearn serving", "ut:" + processResult.getStdout() + ", err:" + processResult.getStderr());
// Read the pid for SkLearn Serving Flask server
Path pidFilePath = Paths.get(secretDir.toString(), "");
// Pid file is created by sklearn server inside the docker container.
// That means the process that started the container returned with exit code 0 but the file might not have been
// created yet. Therefore, we wait until the file is created
String pidContents = Files.readFirstLine(pidFilePath.toFile(), Charset.defaultCharset());
int pidReadCounter = 0;
while (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pidContents) && pidReadCounter < 10) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Waiting for sklearn to start...");
pidContents = Files.readFirstLine(pidFilePath.toFile(), Charset.defaultCharset());
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pidContents)) {
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERRORINT, Level.WARNING, "Could not start sklearn serving because pid file could not be read or was empty");
logger.log(Level.FINE, "sklearn pidContents:" + pidContents);
// Update the info in the db
serving.setDeployed(new Date());
servingFacade.updateDbObject(serving, project);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Startup process failed for some reason
servingFacade.updateDbObject(serving, project);
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERRORINT, Level.SEVERE, null, ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
if (settings.getHopsRpcTls()) {
certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesLocal(user.getUsername(), project.getName());
// release lock on the serving entry
servingFacade.releaseLock(project, serving.getId());
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ServingException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class LocalhostSkLearnServingController method killServingInstance.
* Stops a SKLearn serving instance by killing the process with the corresponding PID
* @param project the project where the sklearn instance is running
* @param serving the serving instance to stop
* @param releaseLock boolean flag deciding whether to release the lock afterwards.
* @throws ServingException
public void killServingInstance(Project project, Serving serving, boolean releaseLock) throws ServingException {
String script = settings.getSudoersDir() + "/";
Path secretDir = Paths.get(settings.getStagingDir(), SERVING_DIRS + serving.getLocalDir());
ProcessDescriptor processDescriptor = new ProcessDescriptor.Builder().addCommand("/usr/bin/sudo").addCommand(script).addCommand("kill").addCommand(serving.getCid()).addCommand(serving.getName()).addCommand(serving.getProject().getName().toLowerCase()).addCommand(secretDir.toString()).ignoreOutErrStreams(true).build();
logger.log(Level.FINE, processDescriptor.toString());
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERROR, Level.SEVERE, "serving id: " + serving.getId(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
servingFacade.updateDbObject(serving, project);
if (releaseLock) {
// During the restart the lock is needed until the serving instance is actually restarted.
// The startSkLearnServingInstance method is responsible of releasing the lock on the db entry
// During the termination phase, this method is responsible of releasing the lock
// In case of termination + deletion, we don't release the lock as the entry will be removed from the db.
servingFacade.releaseLock(project, serving.getId());
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ServingException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class LocalhostTfServingController method updateModelVersion.
* Updates the model version that is being served of an existing tfserving instance. The new model is copied to the
* secret directory where the serving instance is running and then the server will automatically pick up the new
* version.
* @param project the project of the serving instance
* @param user the user making the request
* @param serving the serving instance to update the model version for
* @throws ServingException
public void updateModelVersion(Project project, Users user, Serving serving) throws ServingException {
// TFServing polls for new version of the model in the directory
// if a new version is downloaded it starts serving it
String script = settings.getSudoersDir() + "/";
Path secretDir = Paths.get(settings.getStagingDir(), SERVING_DIRS, serving.getLocalDir());
ProcessDescriptor processDescriptor = new ProcessDescriptor.Builder().addCommand("/usr/bin/sudo").addCommand(script).addCommand("update").addCommand(serving.getName()).addCommand(Paths.get(serving.getModelPath(), serving.getModelVersion().toString()).toString()).addCommand(secretDir.toString()).addCommand(project.getName() + USER_NAME_DELIMITER + user.getUsername()).ignoreOutErrStreams(true).setWaitTimeout(2L, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
logger.log(Level.INFO, processDescriptor.toString());
// Materialized TLS certificates to be able to read the model
if (settings.getHopsRpcTls()) {
try {
certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesLocal(user.getUsername(), project.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERRORINT, Level.SEVERE, null, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
servingFacade.releaseLock(project, serving.getId());
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.UPDATEERROR, Level.SEVERE, "serving id: " + serving.getId(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
if (settings.getHopsRpcTls()) {
certificateMaterializer.removeCertificatesLocal(user.getUsername(), project.getName());
servingFacade.releaseLock(project, serving.getId());
use of io.hops.hopsworks.exceptions.ServingException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class LocalhostTfServingController method killServingInstance.
* Stops a Tensorflow serving instance by killing the process with the corresponding PID
* @param project the project where the tensorflow serving instance is running
* @param serving the serving instance to stop
* @param releaseLock boolean flag deciding whether to release the lock afterwards.
* @throws ServingException
public void killServingInstance(Project project, Serving serving, boolean releaseLock) throws ServingException {
String script = settings.getSudoersDir() + "/";
Path secretDir = Paths.get(settings.getStagingDir(), SERVING_DIRS + serving.getLocalDir());
ProcessDescriptor processDescriptor = new ProcessDescriptor.Builder().addCommand("/usr/bin/sudo").addCommand(script).addCommand("kill").addCommand(serving.getCid()).addCommand(serving.getName()).addCommand(serving.getProject().getName().toLowerCase()).addCommand(secretDir.toString()).ignoreOutErrStreams(true).build();
logger.log(Level.INFO, processDescriptor.toString());
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ServingException(RESTCodes.ServingErrorCode.LIFECYCLEERROR, Level.SEVERE, "serving id: " + serving.getId(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
servingFacade.updateDbObject(serving, project);
if (releaseLock) {
// During the restart the lock is needed until the serving instance is actually restarted.
// The startTfServingInstance method is responsible of releasing the lock on the db entry
// During the termination phase, this method is responsible of releasing the lock
// In case of termination + deletion, we don't release the lock as the entry will be removed from the db.
servingFacade.releaseLock(project, serving.getId());