use of io.hops.hopsworks.jwt.exception.JWTException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class JWTResource method renewServiceToken.
@ApiOperation(value = "Renew a service JWT without invalidating the previous token", response = ServiceJWTDTO.class)
public Response renewServiceToken(JsonWebTokenDTO jwt, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws HopsSecurityException {
// This token should be the one-time renewal token
String token = jWTHelper.getAuthToken(request);
Users user = jWTHelper.getUserPrincipal(request);
if (user == null) {
DecodedJWT decodedJWT = JWT.decode(token);
throw new HopsSecurityException(RESTCodes.SecurityErrorCode.NOT_RENEWABLE_TOKEN, Level.FINE, "User not found associated with that JWT", "Could not find user in the database associated with JWT " + decodedJWT.getId());
try {
ServiceJWTDTO renewedTokens = jWTHelper.renewServiceToken(jwt, token, user, request.getRemoteHost());
return Response.ok().entity(renewedTokens).build();
} catch (JWTException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new HopsSecurityException(RESTCodes.SecurityErrorCode.NOT_RENEWABLE_TOKEN, Level.WARNING, "Could not renew service JWT", "Could not renew service JWT for " + request.getRemoteHost());
use of io.hops.hopsworks.jwt.exception.JWTException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class AirflowManager method recover.
* Recover security material for Airflow after restart. Read all active material from the database.
* Check if JWT exists in the local filesystem and it is valid.
* If not try to create a new one. Finally, materialize X.509 for project specific user.
private void recover() {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Starting Airflow manager recovery");
List<MaterializedJWT> failed2recover = new ArrayList<>();
Project project = null;
Users user = null;
// Get last known state from storage
for (MaterializedJWT material : materializedJWTFacade.findAll4Airflow()) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Recovering material: " + material.getIdentifier().getProjectId() + " - " + material.getIdentifier().getUserId());
project = projectFacade.find(material.getIdentifier().getProjectId());
user = userFacade.find(material.getIdentifier().getUserId());
if (project == null || user == null) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while recovering Project with ID: " + material.getIdentifier().getProjectId() + " and User ID: " + material.getIdentifier().getUserId() + ". Project or user is null");
Path tokenFile = Paths.get(getProjectSecretsDirectory(user.getUsername()).toString(), getTokenFileName(project.getName(), user.getUsername()));
AirflowJWT airflowJWT;
String token = null;
String materialIdentifier = "Project: " + project.getName() + " - User: " + user.getUsername();
try {
// First try to read JWT from the filesystem. We expect most of the cases this will succeed.
token = FileUtils.readFileToString(tokenFile.toFile(), Charset.defaultCharset());
DecodedJWT decoded = jwtController.verifyToken(token, settings.getJWTIssuer());
airflowJWT = new AirflowJWT(user.getUsername(), project.getId(), project.getName(), DateUtils.date2LocalDateTime(decoded.getExpiresAt()), user.getUid());
airflowJWT.tokenFile = tokenFile;
airflowJWT.token = token;
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Successfully read existing JWT from local filesystem for " + materialIdentifier);
} catch (IOException | JWTException | JWTDecodeException ex) {
// JWT does not exist in the filesystem or we cannot read them or it is not valid any longer
// We will create a new one
// TODO(Antonis): Not very good that audience is hardcoded, but it is not accessible from hopsworks-common
String[] audience = new String[] { "api" };
LocalDateTime expirationDate = DateUtils.getNow().plus(settings.getJWTLifetimeMs(), ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
String[] roles = getUserRoles(user);
try {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "JWT for " + materialIdentifier + " does not exist in the local FS or it is not " + "valid any longer, creating new one...");
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>(3);
claims.put(Constants.RENEWABLE, false);
claims.put(Constants.EXPIRY_LEEWAY, settings.getJWTExpLeewaySec());
claims.put(Constants.ROLES, roles);
token = jwtController.createToken(settings.getJWTSigningKeyName(), false, settings.getJWTIssuer(), audience, DateUtils.localDateTime2Date(expirationDate), DateUtils.localDateTime2Date(DateUtils.getNow()), user.getUsername(), claims, SignatureAlgorithm.valueOf(settings.getJWTSignatureAlg()));
airflowJWT = new AirflowJWT(user.getUsername(), project.getId(), project.getName(), expirationDate, user.getUid());
airflowJWT.tokenFile = tokenFile;
airflowJWT.token = token;
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Created new JWT for " + materialIdentifier + " and flushed to local FS");
} catch (IOException ex1) {
// Managed to create token but failed to write
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not write to local FS new JWT for recovered material " + materialIdentifier + ". We will invalidate it and won't renew it.", ex1);
if (token != null) {
try {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to write JWT for " + materialIdentifier + ". Invalidating it...");
} catch (InvalidationException ex2) {
// Not much we can do about it
} catch (GeneralSecurityException | JWTException ex1) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Tried to recover JWT for " + materialIdentifier + " but we failed. Giving up... " + "JWT will not be available for Airflow DAGs", ex1);
// Initial token is invalid and could not create new. Give up
// If everything went fine with JWT, proceed with X.509
try {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "Materializing X.509 for " + materialIdentifier);
certificateMaterializer.materializeCertificatesLocalCustomDir(user.getUsername(), project.getName(), getProjectSecretsDirectory(user.getUsername()).toString());
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Materialized X.509 for " + materialIdentifier);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not materialize X.509 for " + materialIdentifier + " Invalidating JWT and deleting from FS. JWT and X.509 will not be available for Airflow DAGs.", ex);
// Could not materialize X.509
if (token != null) {
try {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Failed to materialize X.509 for " + materialIdentifier + " Invalidating JWT and deleting it from local FS.");
} catch (InvalidationException | IOException ex1) {
// Not much we can do about it
// Remove failed material from persistent storage
for (MaterializedJWT failed : failed2recover) {
use of io.hops.hopsworks.jwt.exception.JWTException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class JupyterJWTManager method materializeJWT.
@AccessTimeout(value = 2000)
public void materializeJWT(Users user, Project project, JupyterSettings jupyterSettings, String cid, Integer port, String[] audience) throws ServiceException {
MaterializedJWTID materialID = new MaterializedJWTID(project.getId(), user.getUid(), MaterializedJWTID.USAGE.JUPYTER);
if (!materializedJWTFacade.exists(materialID)) {
LocalDateTime expirationDate =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
JupyterJWT jupyterJWT = new JupyterJWT(project, user, expirationDate, new CidAndPort(cid, port));
try {
String[] roles = usersController.getUserRoles(user).toArray(new String[1]);
MaterializedJWT materializedJWT = new MaterializedJWT(materialID);
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>(3);
claims.put(Constants.RENEWABLE, false);
claims.put(Constants.EXPIRY_LEEWAY, settings.getJWTExpLeewaySec());
claims.put(Constants.ROLES, roles);
String token = jwtController.createToken(settings.getJWTSigningKeyName(), false, settings.getJWTIssuer(), audience, DateUtils.localDateTime2Date(expirationDate), DateUtils.localDateTime2Date(DateUtils.getNow()), user.getUsername(), claims, SignatureAlgorithm.valueOf(settings.getJWTSignatureAlg()));
jupyterJWT.tokenFile = constructTokenFilePath(jupyterSettings);
jupyterJWT.token = token;
jwtTokenWriter.writeToken(settings, jupyterJWT);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException | JWTException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error generating Jupyter JWT for " + jupyterJWT, ex);
throw new ServiceException(RESTCodes.ServiceErrorCode.JUPYTER_START_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "Could not generate Jupyter JWT", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error writing Jupyter JWT to file for " + jupyterJWT, ex);
try {
} catch (InvalidationException invEx) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Could not invalidate Jupyter JWT after failure to write to file", ex);
throw new ServiceException(RESTCodes.ServiceErrorCode.JUPYTER_START_ERROR, Level.SEVERE, "Could not write Jupyter JWT to file", ex.getMessage(), ex);
use of io.hops.hopsworks.jwt.exception.JWTException in project hopsworks by logicalclocks.
the class JWTController method renewServiceToken.
public Pair<String, String[]> renewServiceToken(String oneTimeRenewalToken, String serviceToken, Date newExpiration, Date newNotBefore, Long serviceJWTLifetimeMS, String username, List<String> userRoles, List<String> audience, String remoteHostname, String issuer, String defaultJWTSigningKeyName, boolean force) throws JWTException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>(4);
claims.put(Constants.RENEWABLE, false);
claims.put(Constants.EXPIRY_LEEWAY, 3600);
claims.put(Constants.ROLES, userRoles.toArray(new String[1]));
String renewalKeyName = getServiceOneTimeJWTSigningKeyname(username, remoteHostname);
LocalDateTime masterExpiration = newExpiration.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime();
LocalDateTime notBefore = computeNotBefore4ServiceRenewalTokens(masterExpiration);
LocalDateTime expiresAt =, ChronoUnit.MILLIS);
JsonWebToken jwtSpecs = new JsonWebToken();
try {
// Then generate the new one-time tokens
String[] renewalTokens = generateOneTimeTokens4ServiceJWTRenewal(jwtSpecs, claims, defaultJWTSigningKeyName);
String signingKeyId = getSignKeyID(renewalTokens[0]);
DecodedJWT serviceJWT = decodeToken(serviceToken);
claims.put(Constants.RENEWABLE, false);
claims.put(Constants.SERVICE_JWT_RENEWAL_KEY_ID, signingKeyId);
claims.put(Constants.EXPIRY_LEEWAY, getExpLeewayClaim(serviceJWT));
// Finally renew the service master token
String renewedServiceToken = renewToken(serviceToken, newExpiration, newNotBefore, false, claims, force);
return Pair.of(renewedServiceToken, renewalTokens);
} catch (JWTException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
if (renewalKeyName != null) {
throw ex;